The lack of 'political will' to resolve the cabotage policy will see Sabahans plunge deeper into poverty.
“This is a long overdue issue. The state government has done nothing to alleviate the sky-rocketing prices of food items in Sabah,” said Patrick Sindu.
“Yesterday, during the State Legislative Assembly sitting, the Sabah government told the house that it was still awaiting the report from Federal Maritime Institute on how to deal with the cabotage policy in reducing the costs of goods in Sabah,” he said.
He said the exorbitant costs of foods and other items in Sabah was an “old story” that has been deliberately kept off the agenda of national leaders because of the lack of will on the part of Sabah state leaders and Sabahans who are ministers in Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s Cabinet.
According to Sindu, Najib could put a stop to escalating prices in Sabah.
“Actually, Chief Minister (Musa Aman) can make a representation to Najib, but our problem is here we have a government which for some reason is reluctant to fight for Sabahan consumers.
“The state government doesn’t have the guts to pass any resolution about this (high prices) in the state assembly; similarly, it doesn’t support the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants and fake ICs in Sabah,” he said.
Sindu singled out the two issues – spiralling prices and illegal immigrants – as among the most obvious failings of the Barisan Nasional government, which, despite insisting it enjoys close ties with the federal government, is unable to solve such basic problems.
“Sabahans have suffered; it is time (the state government) shaped up or shipped out…” he said.
No solution
Sindu, once the president of the now-deregistered Consumer Association of Sabah, said numerous calls have been made for import-export liberalisation to satisfy the needs of the two Borneo states (Sabah and Sarawak).

The cabotage policy was enforced in January 1980 to protect the local shipping industry.
The downside of the policy, which the government failed to foresee, was that consumers in Sabah and Sarawak would be “subsidising” the already subsidised Malaysian shipping industry.
Under the policy, all goods imported into the state can only be transported by local shipping companies, most of whom operate out of the main port of Klang, which also receives the bulk of the federal allocations each year.
But government leaders could not see a way through the problem they had created, Sindu said.
Earlier this week, the World Bank in its most recent report said that Sabahans were the hardest hit by the rising food prices in Malaysia and that they spent more of their income on food than consumers in the peninsula and even Sarawak.
According to the report, Sabahans spent 27.5% of their income on food items, compared with 23.2% for Sarawakians and 19.2% for those in the peninsula.
According to Sindu, this problem is compounded by the fact that Sabah, though having one of the most fertile lands in the country and readily available water for irrigation, can only meet 30 percent of its domestic demand for rice compared to the Peninsula, which has 70 percent sufficiency.
During the tabling of the state budget for next year, Musa aimed to address the state food shortage by allocating RM336 million for agriculture.
However, sceptics see this as another “wastage” that would never reach the target to raise food production in the state.
eVERY big project involved Musa and his pockets...the most corrupt CM
ReplyDeletePrices of everything under the sun are exorbitantly high in Sabah.I must agree that I find it so wayward and awkward that the government is not addressing this problem seriously and instantly.High prices that left unchecked and allowed to flow freely into the market will be like a 'wind that can turned into a tornado'and therefore need to be checked.
ReplyDeleteLet the government be reminded that its success in governance is not reflected in building roads and drains or high rise buildings.Its success for most must be reflected in the ability to improve the standared of living of the people.One of the ingredients of such success in improving the standard of living of the people is the ability for the government to deliver the daily neccesities and essentials for human survivals to every homes.This is no longer possible if every households have limited access to the goods and services due to the constraints of their expenses due to the high and spiralling prices.In short they cannot afford them any longer and tightening of the belts by the people will bring adverse effects to the economy.
The government must realise that for the economy to generate a healthy growth the people must be willing to spend.Government spending and pumping money into the economy will not have the desired effect if at the end of the day people just save it in the bank and refuse to spend apart from their daily essentials.
The government therefore must act to check the high prices before they go into a free flow and hyper-inflation sets in which if happens will be detrimental to the government.In many countries it could lead to their downfalls.
Anyway who is our minister in charge of prices in Sabah?If it is Datuk Azizah Mohd Dun then I am not hearing anything from her on this subject.Perhaps too busy organising festivals after festivals in Beaufort eh?
Cabotage Policy ini wajar dimansuhkan kerana tidak mambawa kebaikan kepada rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletePolisi-polisi yang sudah tidak lagi relevan perlulah dikaji semula.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous November 25, 2011 5:32 PM,
ReplyDeleteIf u want the most corrupted cm, its Taib.
ReplyDeleteKEHADIRAN 600 Perwakilan dan lebih 2,000 pemerhati UMNO Sabah di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putera akan memberi impak yang cukup besar kepada Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd Shafie Haji Apdal yang menjadi fokus utama perwakilan sejak Ketua Audit Negara membentangkan laporannya di Parlimen pada 24 November 2011.
Walaupun laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010 hanya menimbulkan isu remeh dan kecuaian akauntabiliti banyak Kementerian dan Jabatan, namun isu MARA dan Kementerian Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah (KKLW), terutama dalam Projek NKRA Bekalan Elektrik Luar Bandar (BELB) menjadi isu prima yang dicanang begitu hebat, bukan sahaja oleh Wakil Pembangkang, malah oleh pemimpin UMNO.
When you compare the speed that Musa amassed huge wealth with Taib...Musa should be the winner.
ReplyDeleteAs long as Musa is getting richer, he will not be bothered of you getting poorer...a well-known vacuum cleaner.
ReplyDeleteMUSA is known for his giving contracts to his family and Cronies.
ReplyDeleteMUSA=Taib Sarawak Kawin muda.
"Sabah government for lacking the courage to strike a deal with the federal government to bring down the prices of goods, especially food item"
ReplyDeleteSistem kabotaj harus dimansuhkan demi rakyat di Sabah. Sistem ini tidak adil buat orang Sabahan. Semoga kerajaan negeri membuat tindakan yang bijak.
Jumlah pendapatan orang Sabah susah menampung perbelanjaan harian yang semakin meningkat.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan negeri harus memahami keadaan susah rakyat Sabah, kenapa masih berdiam diri untuk menentang inflasi dan sistem yang tiada manfaat untuk rakyat Sabah juga harus dimansuhkan.
ReplyDeleteDuring the tabling of the state budget for next year, Musa aimed to address the state food shortage by allocating RM336 million for agriculture.
ReplyDeleteIm sure Musa will do the best for the people of Sabah.
Under the policy, all goods imported into the state can only be transported by local shipping companies, most of whom operate out of the main port of Klang, which also receives the bulk of the federal allocations each year.
ReplyDeleteSistem ini cuma memanfaatkan syarikat shipping, apa pula rakyat di Sabah? Kenapa kami perlu membiayai kos yang begitu tinggi berbanding dengan semenanjung? Harus kerajaan mempertimbangkan sistem yang tidak relevan lagi.
Musa will RIP in this coming GE13! GOD is watching this cunning man.
ReplyDeleteWe should enjoy the same like peninsular. Why we need to pay more?
ReplyDeleteGovernment should be more competent to control high inflation in Sabah too.
ReplyDeleteCabotage seems not suitable for today environment. Should be a great idea to abolish it. Hope state government make good decision for the people.
ReplyDeleteCabotage burden the people but benefit only the minority.
ReplyDelete"During the tabling of the state budget for next year, Musa aimed to address the state food shortage by allocating RM336 million for agriculture."
ReplyDeleteJika sektor pertanian dirancang dan dijalan dengan wajar, penanaman negeri cukup menampung keperluan seluruh negeri dan boleh juga diekspot.
Tidak bagus bah cabotage policy ni.. Tengok ramai yang tak suka:( huhu
ReplyDeleteSamada MA tidak faight for Sabahan atau sebaliknya, susah nak komen kerana masing2 ada pandangan tersendiri.
ReplyDeleteSaya cuma harap kerajaan negeri akan mempertimbangkan keluhan rakyat dan memastikan perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.
ReplyDeleteSaya yakin hal ini dapat diselesaikan dengan sempurna demi kebaikan bersama asalkan ada usaha.
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman pasti ada cara untuk selesaikan perkara ini. Takkanlah dia nak berdiam diri saja.
ReplyDeleteBN UMNO = PATI + MALAYA - Pakatan
ReplyDeleteNajib+ROSMAH = HANTU Wassatiah + 1 Malaysia?
spiralling prices and illegal immigrants really makes Sabah worst.
ReplyDeleteTons of rubbish.
ReplyDeleteHope our leader will not ignore this and take this for granted.
ReplyDeleteIt's his job to fight for us.
ReplyDeleteMesti membantu rakyat meringankan beban mereka, jangan membiarkan mereka hidup dalam keadaan yang susah ini.
ReplyDeleteInflation is getting higher and higher, better find a way to decrease it.
ReplyDeleteMusa adalah pengerusi Projek IC Mahataik!
ReplyDeleteTolak2! Tolak Musa.
Musang2! Jual Sabah!
Balik Musang! Balik ke Pakistan!
I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteSiapa cakap?
ReplyDeleteCM has done a lot for Sabah.
ReplyDeleteWorld Bank report cakap musang adalah yang paling RASUAH dan BODOH punya KM Sabah selama 9 tahun yang menybebkan Sabah menjadi TERMISKIN di Malaysia. Ini semua adalah fakta dan ALLAHku tahu.
ReplyDeleteUMNO dan musang mesti dihancurkan di Sabah dalam PRU13.
apa2 polisi yang menyusahkan rakyat Sabah harus dimansuhkan.
ReplyDeletebantulah rakyat dalam meringankan beban mereka.
ReplyDeleteusaha untuk meningkatkan pertanian negeri sememangnya baik untuk keperluan di negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeletemasing-masing ada pandangan sendiri. apa pun usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat perlu sentiasa dilakukan.
ReplyDeletesemakin banyak sumbangan, semakin banyak juga penafian dan spekulasi buruk.. sebab ada pihak yang beriya2 mahu mendapatkan jawatan kabinet..
ReplyDeleteApabila parti malaya UMNO dihancurkan di Sabah, aku yakin 99.9% masalah2 di Sabah akan selesai.
ReplyDeleteKenapa PENDATANG HARAM sekong Shamsudin yahya boleh jadi YB dan dapat pribumi di Sabah yang datang dari pilipin? Sebab UMNO!!!
Insaflah kerja dosa UMNO. Allahku tahu!
Cabotage system should be abolished. Enough is enough.
ReplyDeletemusa hanya perjuang untuk bank account dia. Dimana dia peduli rakyat Sabah miskin. Kalau bukan, Sabah tidak akan jadi termiskin di Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIni bukan aku cakap, ini adalah fakta dari BANK DUNIA!
UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah dan Sabah diperintah oleh parti tempatan!
Undang-undang di USA seorang itu tidak boleh jadi wakil rakyat kalau di lahirkan di luar negara mereka walaupun dia sudah menjadi warganegara Amerika.
ReplyDeleteThe cabotage system needs to be abolished as it is one of the reasons that has been causing the price hike in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteOur local leaders should do their best to fight for Sabahan's rights.
ReplyDeleteSabah memang banyak sekali perbezaan dengan negeri2 lain di Malaysia. semuanya serba kekurangan.
ReplyDeletesemoga para pemimpin akan terus berjuang membela hak orang Sabah. kepentingan dan kebajikan rakyat perlu diutamakan.
ReplyDeleteMusa dan umno mesti dihancurkan di Sabah yang menyebabkan kebanjiran PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJika barangan datang terus ke Sabah dan Sarawak rasanya harga pasti lebih murah. Apa pun harap 1 Malaysia maka barang pun perlulah sama rata harganya.
ReplyDeletePemimpin BN sabah masih relevan jika kita lihat sendiri. Bajet2012 sudah menampakan usaha kerajaan untuk memastikan Sabah menjadi negeri yang membangun.
ReplyDeleteharga barangan di sabah sangat mahal berbanding di semenanjung..polisi kabotaj ini harus dihapuskan kerana menyusahkan rakyat sabah khasnya yang berpendapatan rendah..
ReplyDeletejika najib benar2 mahu lakukan transformasi maka, polisi kabotaj ini perlu dihapuskan..
ReplyDelete1Malaysia, 1harga...
ReplyDeletecabotage policy should be abolished...
ReplyDelete"The cabotage policy was enforced in January 1980 to protect the local shipping industry."
ReplyDeletewhat about the consumers rights? who to protect them?
In Sabah there are few fighters remain. One of them is YTL.....That is why BN trying to condemn him and the rest. So that there will be no more people to fight for us. As Sabahans lets support our fighters.!!!