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Thursday, November 17, 2011

SAPP Youth to launch Campaign on QEH

SAPP Youth to launch Campaign: Building Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Kota Kinabalu: SAPP Youth Kota Kinabalu will be launching a 1110th day without Queen Elizabeth Hospital, an important state referral medical centre, on the 20th November 2011 which is this Sunday.

Organizing Chairman, Freddy Bycan said that the campaign’s objective is to urge the relevant authorities to complete the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital on time.

150 youth members of SAPP will be donning fancy clothing and holding props along with the QEH logo while moving around the whole Kota Kinabalu City and Penampang. The campaign will start from 10.30 am to 12 pm scheduled to end in a gathering at the SAPP headquarters for a group photography session.

Public are urged to join the campaign and encouraged to wear yellow clothing including hats or scarf. Special commemorative badges are available and can be purchased from SAPP HQ for RM3.

When asked about the requirement to join the campaign, Freddy who is also the Youth Chief of CLC Moyog said that all are welcomed to join the campaign irrespective of age and political affiliation, including other NGOs and political parties.

The QEH building which was built on the year 1981 was announced unsafe on the 24th October 2008 by the Minister of Health due to visible cracks on the building’s main structure at the main surgery and forensic rooms.

The current building project was to replace the old hospital. The project was announced to take 30 months to finish, ie starting on the 7th June 2010 with the date of completion by the 7th December 2012.

It is with this in mind that the Campaign is organized, as a reminder that the new hospital building project should not experience unnecessary delays, not unlike most of the projects in Sabah found nowadays. Hospitals are not like other projects, hospitals involve lives.

Also present at the meeting were SAPP’s KK Zone Youth Chief Chester Pang, Luyang Youth Chief Yong Yit Yoong, Likas Youth Chief Voo Choon Vun, Api-Api Youth Chief Conan Teo, Karambunai Youth Chief, Suffian Saprin, Tg. Aru Youth Chief Lum Kong Fui and other KK Zone Youth committee members.


  1. Pasti sukong Sunrise SAPP dan Freddy.
    Jumpa nanti di QEH je.
    SAPP Boleh x3 Sabahan Boleh!

    YTL ada sideburns tapi ChesPang dan Freddy simpan jangut kah? Hahaha....boleh tahan ni.

  2. Campaign against corruption bila?

  3. "Campaign against corruption bila?"
    Wait...let me check with Putrajaya ok !!!

  4. The hospital building is on its way, have some patience.

  5. Hope that the hospital will be completed soon for the people's convenience.

  6. hospital itu akan siap tak lama lagi.

  7. setelah ia siap, pasti kemudahan perubatan akan bertambah baik.

  8. bersabarlah...tidak lama lagi siap la hospital itu..kan sekarang dalam pembinaan..

  9. hope for the yg baru ini akan pasti mempuyai peralatan yg cukup dan semua akan berpuas hati..

  10. harap rakyat Sabah dapat menikmati kemudahan yang terbaik setelah hospital tu siap.

  11. Harap2 tu semua tidak bikin sesak jalan raya.

  12. Pasti akan selesai pembinaan ini dalam masa yang terdekat.

  13. SAPP tidak perlulah bersusah payah kerana tidak fund pun tidak banyak diberikan kepada rakyat.

  14. A good reminder from the public and I believe the project will finish in good time.

  15. Semoga projek dijalan dengan lancar dan kualiti juga harus memenuhi syarat.

  16. "The QEH building which was built on the year 1981 was announced unsafe on the 24th October 2008 by the Minister of Health due to visible cracks on the building’s main structure at the main surgery and forensic rooms."

    Kenapa ini berlaku? Banyak kes ditedahkan bahawa pembangunan tidak berkualiti selepas jangka masa yang pendek. Harus kerajaan memantau dan memastikan projek memenuhi syarat kualiti yang ditetapkan.

  17. "It is with this in mind that the Campaign is organized, as a reminder that the new hospital building project should not experience unnecessary delays, not unlike most of the projects in Sabah found nowadays. Hospitals are not like other projects, hospitals involve lives."

    Agree to him, hospital involve life and needed to comply to all safety requirement. The project has needed to finish within the time frame.

  18. Pastikan kelengkapan hospital mencukupi dan berteknologi yang baik, golongan masyarakat memerlukan bantuan perubatan yang baik.

  19. Semoga golongan ramai menyertai kempen tersebut.

  20. Berharap projek pembangunan hospital dijalan dengan lancar agar dapat memberi perkhidmatan dan perubatan yang lebih wajar kepada mereka yang memerlukannya.

  21. "The QEH building which was built on the year 1981 was announced unsafe on the 24th October 2008 by the Minister of Health due to visible cracks on the building’s main structure at the main surgery and forensic rooms."

    Ini akibat kontraktor yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan memberi pembangunan yang tidak memenuhi kualiti. Jika kerajaan gagal memperbaiki masalah ini, ini akan menyebabkan lebih banyak kerugian di masa akan datang.

  22. Macam mana dengan kelengkapan perubatan?

  23. "It is with this in mind that the Campaign is organized, as a reminder that the new hospital building project should not experience unnecessary delays, not unlike most of the projects in Sabah found nowadays. Hospitals are not like other projects, hospitals involve lives."

    Jika berlakunya kegagalan atau kelewatan, seharus pihak kontraktor membawa ganti rugi keranan gagal melaksanakan projek dan syarat kontrak yang ditangani.

  24. Hoping no more excuses for the delay. No more reason for the low quality construction.

  25. betul tu roslan, kontraktor yg tidak dapat menyiapkan kerja pada masa yg di tetapkan perlu di beri penalti di sebabkn kegagalan mereka..

  26. Harap segalanya berjalan dengan lancar untuk kebaikan rakyat.

  27. Kontractor dari umno rosnah punya kroni.

    Biasalah kerja orang umno tidak pernah siap ikut jadual. Walaupun lambat siap, kualiti pun buruk sebab Rasuah.

  28. It seems that this problem has yet to be resolved.

  29. Nampaknya SAPP memang aktif dalam perkara sebegini.

  30. anu said...

    Nampaknya SAPP memang aktif dalam perkara sebegini.

    Well, SAPP the only who sees actually.Hurm.

  31. mungkin tidak lama lagi ianya akan siap. harap semuanya berjalan lancar.

  32. kenapa perlu tekankan soal lambat atau cepat projek itu siap? cepat atau lambat, kalau hasilnya tidak mengikut piawaian atau tidak berkualiti, sama juga ba..

  33. Biarlah SAPP buat apa yang mereka mahu. Kita lihat saja apa pandangan penduduk nanti.

  34. Itulah pasal kalau cepat siap tapi kualiti tidak ok buat apa. Biarlah perlahan lahan pembinaan yang penting tetap dilaksanakan projek tersebut.

  35. Kempen macam ini bukan juga boleh mempercepatkan pembinaan hospital ini.

  36. Kita tunggulah dan lihat bagaimana nanti.

  37. 19hb lalu sudah nampak orang2 yang pakai baju kuning ni di jalan Tuaran diiringi oleh pihak polis. tidak tahulah jika mereka ni yang mahu berkempen untuk QEH.

  38. Bangunan baru QEH perlu siap tepat pada waktunya dan dengan kualiti yang terbaik. jangan dilengah2kan.

  39. Projek lambat2 siap inilah yang bikin banyak rugi. Sudah pun lambat, kualiti pun rendah. Jangan dijadikan kebiasaan. Perlu anjakan paradigma untuk ubah ini semua.

  40. Hopefully to see positive changes through this campaign. Otherwise, it ends up for nothing.

  41. Harap ini adalah niat ikhlas dri SAPP, bukan kerana Politik dan pru nak dekan baru mau buat..
