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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The shame of being called a Thief, a Liar and a Corrupt Politician

Do you not see how stupid is Perkasa ?  They say that the Malays (I suppose referring to Perkasa Malays) will not come out to vote during the upcoming general elections if the Election Commission proceeds with the use of the indelible ink.

I challenge Perkasa to do so, and let's see who is going to lose this election.

If Perkasa does not know who is going to lose, then let me tell them that it will be UMNO that is going to lose. And if that were to happen,  I can tell you that many will be dragged to the courts to answer for their 54 years of wrong doing.

And if ever I were to see so many politicians being dragged to the courts after a new government is formed,  then I will say that these politicians deserve the wrath of Allah SWT on earth, and what awaits them in the hereafter will only be known to them when they go six feet down under.

Now, the Shahrizat's family lembu fiasco is not over yet.    Having 'stolen' NFC's money to buy themselves the luxuries that we the ordinary people could not possibly acquire in our lifetime,   another explosive story of Shahrizat's family greed and thievery acquisition of another luxury condo costing RM10 million in Singapore has now surfaced.  

No wonder they say that NFC was making a loss, but that loss is actually Shahrizat family's gain.     Now with this latest exposure,  let's hear what PM Najib,  DPM Muhyiddin,  Khairy Jamaluddin and Noh Omar have got to say.  

I bet all will be acting dumb and mute like the three monkeys ;  see no evil,  hear no evil and  speak no evil.

Please forgive me for using such hush words on our leaders, but this old soldier is sick and tired of listening and reading about the many exposures of wrong doings by UMNO politicians.     What saddens me most is that all the perpetrators are Malays and claiming themselves Muslims - and yet UMNO and Perkasa have the audacity to talk about 'ketuanan Melayu' and defending the Malay rights and Islam.  

What rights are they talking about when they have shown themselves to be thieves and liars ?  

What defence are they talking about when they are the ones to deliberately breach and to consecrate the religion of Islam ?     Do they not know what awaits them in hell for being thieves, corrupt and liars ?

I can now say that Shahrizat has been lying to us since day one, claiming that she does not know anything about the NFC affairs.    What a bluff she is, and yet Wanita UMNO gave her a standing ovation for all the denials and lies.

I think she is a poor example of a wife and a mother, and definitely she isn't the kind of leader that we Malaysians would want to have.  

Why doesn't PM Najib ask Shahrizat to swear in the name of Allah SWT;  just like what PM Najib himself had done before, or Saiful Bokhari, or even the porn CD distributor ?

Now speaking about corruption, I read about these two secretaries serving the two most powerful politicians of the country  i.e. PM Najib and DPM Muhyiddin, are alleged to be corrupt (view Whistleblower711 for details).

For this to happen right under the very nose of our two powerful leaders is unbelievable and unacceptable.    Whistleblower711 also alleged that a senator Deputy Minister is also on the take from a contractor since January this year, and that contractor is also an UMNO member.

So you see how corrupt the people in UMNO are,  and one cannot be wrong to say that UMNO is corrupt to the core. I    have my sympathies for those who are not corrupt,   but coming from the same mould, they will have to face the wrath of the people and bear the shame for being associated with a group of corruptors.

I believe the recent exposure of corrupt practices and wrong doings by UMNO politicians is the will of Allah SWT.  

If UMNO leaders do not see this, than they deserve to be kicked out during the upcoming GE.     I do not wish to see this country of ours go to ruins, being led by leaders that are dishonest, lacking in integrity, corrupt and bleeds this country for their own self interest.  

We have seen far too many of such leaders and I personally can no longer bear to be led by leaders of this kind.  

If UMNO cannot change its bad leaders, than it will be the rakyat that will change them.


By Mohd Arshad Raji


  1. Perkasa is not relevant for Malaysians.

  2. PERKASA byk timbulkan kontroversi dgn timbulkan isu2 yang sensitif.

  3. PERKASA diketuaioleh Raja RACIST Malaysia iaitu Ibrahim Ali yang rupanya macam katak buhangkut!

    Setiapkali dia buka mulut pasti lidahnya yang berbentuk ular itu terjelir!

    Berlagak Suci dan HERO tapi sebenarnyaitu semua dilakukan demi menutup kelemahan dan kejahatan serta kebusukan hatinya!

  4. Perkasa always talk nonsense.

  5. Hahaha! Perkasa = badut in the making. Or they are actually?

  6. perkasa ni selalu saja menimbulkan kontroversi.

  7. sebaiknya semua pihak berusaha untuk memberikan fokus terhadap isu-isu yang lebih dekat dengan rakyat.

  8. memang betul2 macam badut la ni Perkasa..

  9. Aiyaa, tu Perkasa memang bodoh tidak dinafikan lagi. Baik jangan ikut cakap tu Ibrahim Ali. Siapa yang ikut cakap dia lagi la double bodoh.

  10. Semua mahu penggunaan ink kekal sebagai salah satu kaedah penambahbaikan PRU akan datang.

  11. terpulang dengan Perkasa sendiri untuk tidak keluar atau tidak. Itu pilihan mereka denga Ibrahim ali. Tidak ada yang rugi rasanya.

  12. Parlimen sudah luluskan penggunaan dakwat kekal, masih ada yang membantah tidak puas hati. RCI pun sudah diluluskan oleh Parlimen, sama juga ada yang membantah. kesimpulannya, apa2 saja keputusan dan pilihan yang dibuat, tetap ada yang tidak puas hati.

  13. IA jangan berkata2 ikut sedap mulut@rasa hati sendiri ja.

  14. Orang2 yang percaya dan ikut cakap PERKASA adalah orang2 yang lebih bodoh daripada Ibrahim Ali...

    Ahmad Alliuddin

  15. nasib baik tidak ramai pemimpin yang 'serasis' seperti Ibrahim Ali. kalau tidak, hancurlah negara.
