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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

SAPP supports Anwar as next PM

By Hj Amdee Sidik

KOTA KINABALU:  Its sigh of relief now that there is clear at the end of the tunnel. The verdict by the High Court today signifies positive improvement whereby not judges can be bought and controlled by those in power. At the same time it also shows the government is losing integrity of poor judgment when this case shouldn't even be brought to High Court at the first place.

SAPP in full support of Anwar as Pakatan Rakyat leader to become the next Prime Minister.

SAPP has a good relationship with PR. The top leaders  as well as local leaders in Sabah have always been in constant contact  whilst, at the Federal level our two MPs have been discussing of how to make  our relationship  effective to topple BN government in  Sabah.

Datuk Anwar himself had made it clear  sometime ago that there is no issue with SAPP being not  under Pakatan fold as our enemy is BN in particular UMNO.

So far,  based of our MP Datuk Eric Majimbun with YB Azmin Ali and YB Tian Chua of Keadilan,  SAPP may take  two third of DUNs Sabah while  PR takes one third, while In the case of MPs PR would like to have  two third and SAPP may take one third and that is the kind of discussion SAPP leaders have with PR from time to time.


  1. whatever it is, lets topple the umno/bn gomen first. the ruling bn coalition has been in power for too long, making unforgivable mistakes, which resulting this country suffer unimaginable future. bankruptcy are unavoidable under bn gomen. debt at almost more than half trillion, illicit flow more than 1 trillion, abusing power and money, race relations down to negative, land grabbing, so on and so fourth...

  2. SAPP this time don't split the vote again by coming out against BN and PR like we have seen in Batu Sapi by election last year. Team up with PR for god sake would you. You have to understand we are going against BN our common enemy but this is no ordinary enemy as we know. The playing is not level to put it simply.

  3. No doubt power hungry SAPP wanted to regain the KM seat in Sabah, but let the people decide if they still trust YTL.

  4. SAPP is not the only Sabah based opposition party now.

  5. Of course la they support Anwar because he is the king of protesters.

  6. If not Anwar who else they want to support? YTL?

  7. Sabah based SAPP should be given the chance in most of the state seats so as to maintain the power balance between federal and state.

  8. Anwar sudah di bebaskan mahkamah baru cakap sokong.Real opportunist!Talk from the arsehole.

  9. If BN wins in GE13 this fella will 'sokong' Najib as the PM lah.Lalang Oh Lalang!

  10. Bukan tu tapi SAPP cuba kata bukan semua Melayu atau mungkin Ex-UMNO dari Malaya jahat!!!

    Pasti mahu ingat ni satu negara tanpa kira bangsa lagipon ramai guru,polis atau pon yg lain-lian dari semnanjung tu biarpon melayu atau muslim tak mesti UMNO.

    Hj. Amde patut buat penjelasan dalaman kepada SAPP atau belia mereka tu!Melayu bukan semua nakal atau jahat,tahu kah anda di Sabah?

  11. Its all in the hands of the people to decide on Sabah's future.

  12. SAPP is an opportunist.. We don't want a party like that to lead sabah. When anwar is found not guilty,only then they dare to make such!

  13. there are many parties in sabah, evaluate each party wisely people. election is just around the corner.

  14. Debate lah all you can, undermining your opponents with low class and childish argument. Just ask around any place & anybody in Sabah you will find no body trust UMNO or respect BN anymore.The Ministers, the YBs have lost their integrity, their honour for not doing anything to protect Sabah from furthering eroding.

  15. belum tentu pembangkang akan menang pru13 nanti..

  16. kenapa mesti anwar? kenapa bukan pemimpin dari sabah atau sarawak jadi PM?

  17. UBA di mana SAPP mahu buang kalau SAPP mahu 2/3 kerusi DUN sabah pada PRU13 nanti?

  18. rasanya BN akan menang di sabah sekiranya tiada sepakatan di antara pembangkang..

  19. we wait and see..13th GE is just around the corner.

  20. Banyak betul orang mahu bersuara pasal Anwar tapi tak mengapa. Biarkan saja suara2 tu. Yang penting no harm then Ok la.

  21. Cuma harus diingat hanya calon yang terbaik saja akan jadi pilihan rakyat. So biar rakyat tentukan.

  22. Walaupun politik sukar diramal namun saya yakin rakyat tahu apa yang patut dilakukan. Jadi buatlah keputusan yang bijak.

  23. Terpulanglah pada rakyat utk menilai dan membuat pilihan.

  24. Kita punya kebebasan memili, tambahan pula banyak parti di Sabah. So buatlah pilihan yang bijak.

  25. Tidak lama lagi pembangkang ni tumbuk sesama sendiri lah pasal rebut kerusi untuk tanding.Orang bodoh saja mau sokong.Buang masa.

  26. It is also in the hands of the people to cast their votes.

  27. The best choice is in the hands of the people.

  28. We all must decide for what is good for the state.

  29. There is need for us to evaluate these parties wisely.

  30. The people should make wise choice for the future.

  31. Once Anwar was released, SAPP could not wait to shine PKR's shoes. Opportunist will always be opportunist.

  32. Hope that the voters will know which party are most suited to run the state.

  33. Mestikah Anwar menjadi PM, yang lain tidak boleh jadi PM? Takkan tiada calon lain yang lebih sesuai?

  34. PM will be Anwar if Pakatan Rakyat wins election. I believe this was the consensus among the party leaders of PKR/DAP/PAS.

    Kalau ada calon lain pun, it will be a Malay. Anwar was asked this question during one of his speech. His answer was quite realistic. It had to do with history of Malaysia and how drastic change is not simply made overnight. Basically, its not whether the party accept it, its whether Malaysian accept it. I believe this is the video

    In case of SAPP.. opportunist.

  35. SAPP 'kipas-kipas' Anwar?

  36. Kalau pembangkang yang tawan Putrajaya kali ini, memang boleh jangka Anwar yang akan jadi PM. Ahli2 lain telan air liur sambil senyum2 kambing. Haha.

  37. Anwar tak layak untuk jadi PM.

  38. SAPP kini dah mula nak mengampu Anwar, mentanglah Anwar didapati tidak bersalah.

  39. SAPP support pasal SAPP tidak ada yang mahu menyokong mereka. Maka terpaksalah meminta simpati dari Anwar.

  40. Tidak layak untuk Anwar menjadi PM. Rasanya kenapa Anwar ingin menjadi PM kerana hasrat yang dulu tidak tercapai.

  41. Harap para rakyat Malaysia janganlah tertipu dengan Anwar. Jika dia yang menjadi PM maka akan membimbangkan pengurusan ekonomi dan kewangan negara nanti.

  42. Saya tidak tahu apa motif SAPP menyokong Anwar menjadi PM? Apa pun semua itu bukan SAPP yang tentukan tapi rakyat yang menentukan siapa yang akan bakal menjadi PM pada akan datang.

  43. Only SAPP support it but they have ask the other members party in SAPP. Maybe not all will agree Anwar be the PM.

  44. bukankah penyokong sapp tidak menyokong parti dari Malaya? tapi mau sokong Anwar pula?

  45. sokong Anwar tapi nanti gaduh dengan DAP pula.

  46. apa pun, tunggu dan lihat sajalah, politik sukar diramalkan.

  47. Hj ni pandai juga tenguk 'feng-shui'.
    SAPP pasti ada harapan bah!
    Bukan semua melayu atau dari Malaya tu jahat kan?

  48. SAPP supports Anwar with a new hope for Sabah's promised autonomy and ABU

  49. I don't think opposition can take over Putrajaya. its still early to decide who will be the next PM.

  50. I don't think opposition can take over Putrajaya. its still early to decide who will be the next PM.

  51. effort and sacrifice will make your dreams come true.

  52. whatever..just wait and see what will happen in next GE.

  53. Macam mana SAPP boleh menang dengan barisan pemimpin palui-palui dan bahlul.

  54. Tidak tau apa motif sapp kali ini..

  55. Anwar tidak boleh jadi pemimpin..

  56. Semuanya terletak di tanagan rakyat..kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja.

  57. sekejap anwar sekejap autonomy

  58. SAPP Ketua pun tak boleh menang HJ Ansari mahu lawan MUSA. POODAH!!!!amde kau mahu lawan dimana. minta anwar jadi PM dia kasi u YB pulau daat.

  59. ssso which way is the wind blowing? SAPP with Anwar?? really ?

  60. aikkk??? belum apa2 lagi sudah bodek Anwar. SAPP mahu jadi parti pemerintah di Sabah. Cepatnya bodek Anwar

  61. PM bukan perkerjaan yang mudah, kalau teringin sangat jadi PM kena menang dulu la

  62. kalau betul mempunyai hubungan yang baik, kenapa sapp tidak bagi laluan saja dengan PKR untuk lawan PBS masa PRK Batu Sapi??

  63. Ada saja SAPP ne.. sekarang sokong Anwar lagi..

  64. Sapp tidak boleh memerintah sabah.. tidak tau apa jadi kalau mereka yang memerintah.

  65. Depends on everyone's votes. I don't support Anwar, he is too much trouble.

  66. SAPP siapa pun menyokong, mereka sokong ja siapa yg akan menyokong mereka. Janganlah kena tipu.

  67. Semoga PRU dijalan lancar, siapa yang menjadi PM tiada masalah, yang penting rakyat diutamakan.

  68. Adakah YTL & SAPP masih boleh dipercayai?

  69. Not a bad idea to linked this YTL & Anwar, may be resulting good too.

  70. Suddenly YTL support Anwar, something going on I guess.

  71. Kalau berjaya menambat hati rakyat dan pembangkang mencapai kemenangan, pasti Anwar akan menjadi PM. Semoga PM baru akan membawa lebih pembangunan di Sabah juga.

  72. May be a great choice to SAPP to support Anwar.

  73. Mungkin Anwar offerkan CM kepada YTL jika menang.

  74. What if SAPP & PR resulting good at the end, nobody can judge also.

  75. YTL memerlukan kuasa parti lain untuk menaik.

  76. Parti pembangkang makin kuat, bukan tiada peluang untuk mengambil alih Sabah.
