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Friday, January 27, 2012

Tambatuon folks demand letter to scrap dam project

By Agnes Liewpin
KOTA BELUD, Jan 27, 2012: The Tambatuon Villagers' Action Committee headed by Jahim Singkui demanded a letter from the government to scrap the proposed half a billion Ringgit dam project if they (the government) is sincere to stop the project once and for all, instead of just saying that the people can sit down and talk properly through the proper channel.

Jahim said their committee had from the beginning objected to the proposed dam by going through the proper channel in writing to the Kadamaian assemblyman, the Kota Belud Member of Parliament and also forwarded a memorandum against the proposed dam to the Chief Minister's department but unfortunately till today, there is no reply to their letters.

In response to the statement by the Village Chief Amin Goling urging the people in Tambatuon to continue supporting the present government, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Kadamaian Chairperson Agnes Liewpin who visited the village folks this afternoon, obtained confirmation from the Tambatuon Villagers'Action Committee that there will be no further negotiations allowed as stated in Dato Rahman statement last week. The villagers' stand to reject the proposed dam is clear and firm.

Jahim who forwarded their letter to Dato Rahman urging him to scrap the project on his last visit, also extended a copy to Agnes. Dato Rahman told the people during his speech that he will ask Noh Omar not to list the dam project in the 2012 budget. However he also told them to be ready to sacrifice for the sake of development which was confusing the people of Tambatuon.

"His statement is vague and unclear, so will he be going to list the dam project in 2013's budget?" Jahim questioned.

Agnes assured the Tambatuon folks that SAPP Kadamaian will continue working together with them and fight for the rights of the people till the end. She further said that the state BN leaders are like puppets and parrots who just follow what their KL bosses tell them.

"These leaders lack courage and the guts to defend the very people who put them where they are today," she said.

Agnes Liewpin is Chairperson of SAPP CLC N7 Kadamaian


  1. Hope that the government will present a letter to scrap the Tambatuon dam project once and for all.

  2. The people's representatives must fulfill their responsibility towards the people who voted them in the past.

    1. the people's representatives must fight for the people's rights. Whats the point of voting them in the first place if they are not brave enough to stand up for the people.

    2. And what's the point to contest and become people's representative if one is not responsible with his duty?

    3. if they don't, i think they know what will happen in the next GE.

  3. isu empangan tambatuan ni belum selesai lagi, kerajaan takkan membinanya jika penduduk tak setuju.

    1. The government will need to listen to the people especially when election is coming.

    2. Tambatuon, RCI, NCR..these hot issues can shake the govt if they don't handle them wisely..voters are getting well informed and smarter nowadays.

    3. the people will never agree with the proposal to build a dam in Tamabatuon.

    4. ya..jika penduduk tidak bersetuju kerajaan tidak akan membinanya.

    5. jadi kerajaan harus memberi jaminan bahawa empangan tambutuon tidak akan dibina selama-lamanya.

  4. apapun, harap kerajaan akan mendengar pemintaan penduduk.

    1. pandangan atau pendapat daripada semua pihak harus diambilkira.

    2. kerajaan harus menerima keputusan penduduk...

  5. Dui kesian ba penduduk KB ni. Masih lagi tak habis2 kes dorang. huhu

    1. isu ini sudah agak lama. penyelesaian perlu dicari dengan segera.

  6. Haraplah samanda. Kalau tak susah lah kan kalau rakyat dan kerajaan tak sehaluan. huuhuyu

  7. Semoga kerajaan akan dengar permintaan rakyat dan menanggani hal ini dengan baik.

  8. Saya yakin semua pihak pasti akan gembira kalau royalti dinaikkan namun utk mengubah suatu perjanjian rasanya bukan semudah yang difikirkan.

    1. Sama ada perjanjian itu mudah diubah atau sengaja tidak mahu diubah untuk kepentingan tertentu..

    2. royalti ni janganlah jadikan isu untuk dipolitikkan. kerajaan pasti tau apa yang perlu dilakukan.

  9. Apapun tak salah untuk mencuba. Selebihnya kita lihat sajalah nanti.

  10. Harap kerajaan dengarlah suara hati penduduk di KB ni. Macam balik2 dah hal ni kena highlight tapi belum juga ada perubahan.

    1. penyelesaian segera harus dilakukan.

  11. Pastikan empangan tak dibina tanpa persetujuan penduduk.

  12. Its is the duty of the government to develop sabah but at the same time the government must also hear out the people's voice when there are matter such as this they disapprove. The government suppose to be working for the people. So its important for the government to prioritize the people's voice before continue on implementing the project.

    1. They are aware with that but they need to take the right step in order to get a win-win situation.

  13. The people have spoken and demand a letter to scrap the dam project. THe government out to reply the letter and give a clear answer.

  14. Till now this matter is still not resolve. Its about time to solve this matter once and for all.

    1. sebarang isu yang berlaku pasti ada penyelesaiannya.

  15. Kota Belud: People in Kampung Tambatuon are thankful to the Government for listening to them on the issue of the Tambatuon Dam.

    Kampung Tambatuon head Amin Goling, who represented the villagers, said the statement by MP Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan was a relief to them.

    Last week, Abdul Rahman said the proposed Tambatuon Dam would not be implemented without the consent of the affected villagers.

    According to Amin, the people in Kampung Tambatuon thanked Abdul Rahman for always being sensitive to the people's voice.

    He said the Government would listen to whatever objection raised by the people but the kampung people need to do so through the proper channel.

    "I urge the people of Kampung Tambatuon to continue supporting the present government because it is clear that it listens to every grouse of the rakyat and look into these fairly," he said.

    Abdul Rahman, in his previous statement, had appealed for cooperation from the kampung folk, especially the action committee leaders opposing the project, to be open minded and to discuss with the Government.

    "If the Government wants to sit down and talk with the kampung people on the matter, then they need to discuss properly but we will ensure that the dam will not be built as long as they still disagree to it," he said.

    1. "If the Government wants to sit down and talk with the kampung people on the matter, then they need to discuss properly but we will ensure that the dam will not be built as long as they still disagree to it," he said.

      Mungkin perkara ni perlu. Rahman Dahlan harus bertemu dengan penduduk setempat untuk meminta kebenaran dan penjelasan terperinci mengenai jaminan kebaikan yang akan diberi dan diterima oleh penduduk setempat.

  16. It is normal for the opposition to promise the moon and the stars because they know they cannot rule and they are not in government. The promises they have made are all empty promises

  17. Hopefully this matter will be look into once the letter has been submitted to the government.

  18. Good job for those The Tambatuon Villagers' Action Committee headed by Jahim Singkui for taking the initiative.

  19. Hope there will be a response to the people there.

  20. This is an awful matter to the authorized party i'm sure.

  21. Is it really impossible to make this matter right again?

  22. semoga penyelesaian terbaik akan dapat dibuat. saya yakin isu ini boleh diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya.

  23. Utamakan kepentingan penduduk yang ada dikawasan tersebut.

  24. Berikan sebab kenapa empangan ini begitu penting untuk mereka. Kerana pasti sebelum ini mereka diracun oleh pembangkang dengan pelbagai khabar angin.

  25. DARD sudah berkata yang kerajaan tidak akan melaksanakan kerja ini selagi penduduk tidak memberikan kebenaran.

    1. penyelesaian harus dilakukan terhadap isu ini..

  26. Bayangkan betapa kuatnya kata-kata politik dari pembangkang yang memainkan isu ini untuk menentang kerajaan. Sedangkan kerajaan tidak akan melakukan apa-apa selagi belum membuat perbincangan dengan penduduk.

  27. Empangan ini sebenarnya ada kebaikan dan juga keburukannya. Namun perlu diberikan penjelasan kepada penduduk Kampung itu sendiri. Bagi memudahkan mereka memahami semua ini.

    1. penduduk kampung sudah membuat keputusan dan keputusan tersebut harus diterima dan dihormati.

  28. Seharus mendapat keseimbangan antara kedua-duanya.

  29. Harus juga mendapat kebenaran rakyat juga supaya mereka bersedia untuk berpindah dan berubah dari segi kehidupan.

  30. Im sure DARD will only start his work after the approval from all parties.

  31. Penduduk harus juga bersikap positif dimana empangan adalah harus dibina untuk kegunaan masa depan. Sabah perlu maju maka perubahan juga harus dibuat.

  32. Not easy to fulfill everyone as for development plan. Hope government smart to resolve the conflicts.

  33. DARD sudah cakap tidak akan dilaksanakan selagi ada bantahan..

  34. pemintaan penduduk tempatan tidak harus diketepikan

  35. jika tidak, tidak mustahil wakil rakyat dari kawasan itu akan disingkir pada PRU nanti

  36. jika majoriti memihak kepada penolakan pembentukan dam ini, kerajaan tidak harus membantah kehendak mereka

  37. setidak-tidaknya, kerajaan atau wakil rakyat kawasan itu patut berprihatin terhadap kehendak penduduk

  38. walau apa pun, kuasa ada pada rakyat untuk menentukan nasib Sabah

  39. Wakil Rakyat sepatutnya sendiri datang ke Kg Tambatuon jika dia Yb masih mau teruskan jawatan di Kadamaian...

  40. Saya tingok YB akan di lawan oleh orang bawahan nya sendiri...kegagalan YB sekarang untuk melaksana tanggungjawab beliau di kawasan Kadamaian adalah faktor utama... kedua PBS tidak lagi bermaya untuk meneruskan agenda asal perjuangan PBS>>> kerna PBS seperti kerbau dicucuk hidung oleh BN...
