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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bersih: EC's 'no tax, no vote' proposal unconstitutional

Election reforms pressure group Bersih 2.0 said the Election Commission’s (EC) proposal to bar non-tax paying Malaysian expatriates from voting was unconstitutional.

In a statement today, the Bersih 2.0 steering committee said the EC’s proposal ignored provisions in the federal constitution which clearly states that every citizen has the right to vote in any election.

“Many Malaysians who live in Malaysia do not pay tax as well... Many retirees do not pay income tax and those who earn less than RM2,500 do not pay any income tax.

“Are we going to exclude them as voters as well?” read the statement.

The steering committee also pointed to the Income Tax Act 1967, which stipulates that income derived from sources outside of Malaysia are exempted from income tax.

In view of these two legal arguments, Bersih 2.0 said that the EC was mounting an unconstitutional attempt to disenfranchise those eligible to vote.

EC keen on only ‘two-and-a-half proposals’

On Monday, EC chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof told said the United States had a similar system which only allowed its expatriates to vote should they be taxpayers.

He explained that voting rights should only be accorded to Malaysians who contribute to the country and return home periodically.

These were among the EC’s proposals to the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reforms.

The EC is currently hammering out details for a set of reforms following the PSC’s preliminary report on possible electoral reforms. Abdul Aziz said the reforms should be ready by March.

The PSC was established by the Najib Abdul Razak administration soon after the Bersih 2.0 rally in July last year. The PSC has been holding a series of public hearings throughout the country to source for feedback.

Meanwhile, Bersih 2.0 said that the EC has thus far only accepted “two and a half out of eight” of its demands, which it said was an indication of the commission’s lack of will.

Its steering committee said the EC must act independently and fulfil its constitutional duties to ensure free and fair elections if it truly intends to gain the confidence of all Malaysians.

“Bersih 2.0 reminds the EC that it is not answerable to any political master but to ALL citizens of Malaysia,” read the statement.


  1. Apa cerita pasal ramai orang malaysia tidak bayar cukai yang tinggal di Malaysia?

  2. Undi adalag HAK setiap orang malaysia tidak dibezakan dia bayar cukai atau tidak.

    EC ini selalu tiada kerja lain dan menimpulkan soalan yang bodoh.

    Mereka sepatutnya periksa kenapa ramai PENDATANG HARAM boleh undi di Sabah disebabkan UMNO?

  3. cadangan saya ialah lebih baik beri pekerjaan kepada semua pengundi berdaftar

    dengan gaji minima RM2500 seorang dan bayar cukai balik kepada kerajaan dan

    semua pembayar cukai dapat mengundi dalam pilihanraya. ok kah Tan Sri.....???

    dan semua undi BN.....? pembangkang pun tak ujud lagi.....

    1. kalau pembangkang tidak wujud bgs juga.. tidak juga timbul huru hara.

    2. Nanti tiada yang mahu tegur kerajaan kalau pembangkang tiada. Ada pro dan kon juga.

    3. tiada "pembangkang" tidak dapat tegurkah? kita semua adalah penyokong kerajaan mahu tidak mahu kita tetap bersama membangunkan negara.

      itulah, kalau di Amerika hanya ada kumpulan Demokratik dan Republikan.

      mana kumpulan yang lebih menonjol dan hebat akan dapat menguasai pentadbiran dan itulah juga kerajaan pilihan rakyatnya bukan untuk selamanya tapi selang-seli, paling lama 8 tahun (2 terms). rakyatlah yang berkuasa menegur mana-mana kerajaan.

    4. kerajaan dan pembangkang sebenarnya diperlukan oleh sesebuah negara. tanpa pembangkang boleh dikatakan negara 'cacat'. yang buat negara huru hara tu sebab mereka amalkan politik kotor.

  4. Non Tax Paying Malaysians was not entitled to vote? PATAI's who does not pay taxes at all shouldn't be allowed to vote either.

    1. The irony of it all. Pure bred malaysian that has move out of the country that does not pay their tax are being barred from performing their civic duty aas voter, where as these 'aliens' from God knows where are entitled. let's LOL it.

    2. Well said! Fix the main problem first! Get rid PATAI/phantom voters

  5. setiap rakyat ada hak untuk mengundi. jgnlah halang hak mereka.

    1. I believe the people know how to evaluate between the good and bad

  6. These expatriates should have the right (as dictated within our constitution), unless they have change their nationality

  7. hoped the people of Sabah would not be easily duped by the opposition’s promises. Opposition good at talking and making empty promises but not in following up and acting on those promises.

    1. bear in mind!we shouldn't fooled easily by sweet promises.

  8. SPR=No Brain.
    Pengundi fix deposit BNUMNO=PATAI yg sebahagiannya buruh. Mereka bayar cukaikah BONGOK!

    Pengerusi SPR=Bodoh
    SPR=party komponen UMNOBN

  9. Too free semua

  10. Kalau sudah pendapatan bersih RM2500 keatas seharusnya tunaikan tanggungjawab membayar cukai pendapatan.

  11. itu ka yang dicadangkan oleh PSC? atau cadangan spontan dari pihak EC?
