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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sabah duo on the run?

By Lourdes Charles

KUALA LUMPUR: A 41-year-old Sabah politician, who is a Datuk and an Umno division assistant chief, has fled the state after learning that his office was raided over false claims involving a RM43mil contract for mechanical and electrical maintenance work with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

A department director at the university is also being investigated and his office was raided as well by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers.

He is also said to have fled the state.

Sources said the two men had allegedly made false claims amounting to millions of ringgit although no work was done since the contract was awarded 36 months ago.

MACC investigations revealed that false claims were also uncovered involving the UMS campus in Labuan.

They said the commission had recorded statements from several witnesses in the case, including the university staff.

“There are more witnesses whose statements will be recorded.

“The Datuk is said to have been interfering in the management of the university and allegedly benefited from it,” added the sources.

They said the MACC hoped to arrest the two men soon.

They also said the authorities knew the men's whereabouts and wanted them to give themselves up or face arrest.



    1. jika benar bersalah, pasti takkan terlepas.

    2. Tidak semua juga terlepas..Tengok sendiri kes khir toyo yang didapati bersalah dengan kes rasuah.

    3. kalau memang salah, lari pun tidak guna...kena dapat juga tu..

    4. tunggu dan lihat sajalah..yang salah pasti akan diketahui juga.

  2. UMNO makan duit. UMNO jahanam! UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah!

  3. Crooks,cheaters,fraudsters and so forth must be condemned by the people in the strongest of terms.They must be diminished,demeaned,prosecuted,brought to public ridicule and put behind bars.All their assets must be confiscated,their accounts frozen so much so that they end up sitting and begging on the streets.This includes their families too.

    Its high time that the people stand up to this kind of criminal acts because not only they are morally wrong but they are too rampant.The people have more than enough of them.Imagine one wakes up in the morning,look at the papers and there appeared the crooks and scoundrels cheating and looting the peoples money by easy means.The authority must act firm and without mercy.

    More often than not the scoundrels are politicians.It makes me think that perhaps their involvement in politics is for a nasty and foul reason but beliefs in the peoples struggles and ideologies are very much far and distant.Worst still they use their position,influence and honour to enrich themselves albeit in despicable ways.Money is so much everything to them that they are even prepared to trade-in their own mothers and fathers to the devils.

    A false claim of $43 million is not by any standard a small amount.Its more than meets the eye.It just cannot pass through a single door.I hope the MACC can open the pandora box and satisfy the curiosity of the rakyat for much too often they have been short-changed with regards to issues similar or closely linked to stories like this.

    When it involves public money it is the rakyat money.Investigations should not leave any stones unturned.It should be thorough and holistic.The MACC while applauded for making the initial move should not stop midway but continue without fear or favour and without sweeping any information under the carpet.I applaud the MACC and this is their time to regain the loss of any honour and trust from the public.

    UMNO should not be made a party of gold mines.Members and office-bearers should not think that UMNO is the means for them to make lots of money and enriching themselves by selling their influence and positions to the leaders.It is akin to 'prostituting' to get returns where one sells and the other buys for wants of popularity,influence and prolong leadership and support.

    On the other hand it may not be fair to say that all is not well in any party that practises such revolting act.Its not all bad apples perhaps just a few and they won't spoil all the good apples in the basket.But this is a reminder,a lesson for all leaders to guide their members well and ensure that these people will not use whatever positions in the party or government to tarnish the establishment that have put so much faith in them.

    Being a party member of UMNO I deplore such act as reported in this article.

    1. they may as well end up committing suicide before end up begging on the streets because of fear and shame they brought upon themselves and their family members ...

  4. Not surprising at all as this is a well-known UMNO culture and practice.

    MACC will only catch small fish. Big fish goes off scot-free as expected.

    1. biarkan MACC buat kerja mereka..

    2. setuju dengan alex..biarkan pihak yang berkaitan melakukan tugas mereka.

  5. The MACC had better look into this matter and investigate the duo who is involved in the false claims and fraud.

  6. The two better surrender like law abiding citizens are be prepared to face arrest like a criminal.

    1. ya.. lebih baik menyerah dan memberi kerjasama dalam siasatan kes ini.

    2. kalau menyerah pasti diringankan sedikit hukuman tu.

    3. mungkin MACC perlu dedahkan identiti mereka agar masyarakat dapat memberikan kerjasama untuk mengesan mereka..

  7. Politicians all over the world, especially countries with democratic institutions and conventions, are the targets of criticisms - some correctly but many are mostly unfair criticisms.

    1. That's the price of being a politician.

  8. Sabah Umno will not hesitate to refer any rouge members or leaders to the party's disciplinary committee so that appropriate actions can be taken against them.

  9. one begs to asks the question: Since this is a false claim, why did this duo fled?

    1. Their actions definitely suggested that this is merely the tip of the iceberg.

    2. hopefully the MACC will continue their investigation on these two individuals

    3. Nothing to be scared if you are not guilty from the beginning.

  10. Tidak boleh dipercayai lagi UMNO ini lebih-lebih lagi menerusi pemacunya iaitu BN. Kalau dulu, mcm BN boleh memberi nafas baru buat kita semua The Sabahan akan tetapi, ketahuan permainan mereka(Byk KRONI). Habis rakyat Sabah mcm pelarian, pengemis di negeri sendiri. Drg yg berkuasa dalam kerajaan negeri tidak apa-apa sebab duit masuk, tapi rakyat Sabah? Harap-harap, akan ada perubahan pada PRU-13 yg akan dtg.

    1. kita tunggu dan lihat apa keputusan PRU13 nanti..

    2. biar rakyat yang membuat pilihan mereka dalam PRU..rakyat tahu mana yang terbaik.

  11. Saya dengar nama orang ini Datuk Peter Anthony dari Syt.Asli Jati.

  12. peter.... bah apalagi... kita bagi-bagilah tu duit kerajaan bah. kita grup UMNO kan....!! banyak lagi tu duit UMNO...

  13. saya ahli UMNO sejak 1994... belum dapat apa-apa lagi...

    buat apa mau join member UMNO...makin lama makin miskin. join BN ada duit kah?

  14. Buatlah duit secara halal dan bukan cara menipu wang rakyat dan rasuah.Tidak kekal dan akan memudaratkan diri sendiri.Tengok Khir Toyo,Tun Ling Liong Sik dan lain pemimpin rakyat dan kakitangan kerajaan yang sudah sabit kesalahan kerana menipu wang rakyat dan rasuah.The long arms of the law will get to you someday kerana rasuah itu adalah penyakit yang susah sembuh.Lebih banyak dapat lebih banyak lagi mahu,akhirnya jadi tamak haluba dan hilang hormat dan perhatian kepada kesalahan di sisi undang-undang dunia dan akhirat.

    1. Agree, just be steady on your feet, don't go for easy wealth as they wouldn't last long.

  15. Harap SPRM akan memastikan kes ini akan dapat diselesaikan sepenuhnya.

    1. serahkan saja kepada SPRM untuk melakukan apa yang patut.

  16. AnonymousFeb 6, 2012 11:00 PM

    cuba kau bagi tau mana parti yang boleh bagi kekayaan kalau join itu parti.. saya pun mau join juga ni..

  17. tunggu dan lihat sajalah perkembangan pekara ini.

  18. yes, hopefully the MACC will arrest the two men soon.

  19. "They also said the authorities knew the men's whereabouts and wanted them to give themselves up or face arrest." - jangan lagi memberi masa yang lama kepada mereka, jika memang benar kedua-duanya bersalah di sisi undang-undang, tangkap dan beri hukuman yang setimpal.

  20. kes rasuah memang sudah lama berleluasa dan bertambah menjadi-jadi...harap ianya dapat dikurangkan mengikut masa atau secara berperingkat-peringkat

    1. To resolve the corruption problem, it would take one step at a time. It is not possible to curb corruption in one move.

  21. berani buat, berani tanggung akibatnya...jangan melarikan diri, ini hanya akan memalukan diri sendiri!

  22. harap tiada penglibatan pihak kerajaan dalam kes ini

  23. It was said that this two is not really on the run, but they are in KL during the time the police went for them.
