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Friday, February 3, 2012

Who’s behind the demos against Anifah?

The protests against Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, seeking his removal from Kimanis, are clearly an act by frustrated people, claims his division.

KOTA KINABALU: Is Umno’s influential east coast strongman Lajim Ukin behind the sudden unexpected calls for Foreign Minister Anifah Aman to quit his seat in Kimanis constituency?

Anifah has been a Member of Parliament since 1999 – first in Beaufort, and now in Kimanis.

A series of least expected demonstrations brought to light views that he may have overstayed his welcome.

The dissenting group’s main grievance against Anifah, who is Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s brother, is that he has been the MP for Kimanis for too long and that he is not “native” to the area.

The protests are “clearly an act by frustrated people” who have little knowledge of the development Anifah has brought to the constituency, claims Kimanis Umno division deputy chief Karim Bujang.

But Karim’s comment in a local daily here has little to do with the “development” in Kimanis.

According to reports, the organisers of the three demonstrations held in Dewan Kampung Pimping, Dewan Lama Pekan Bongawan and in Dindong, Kampung Bambangan, Membakut last week had had enough with an “outsider” representing their constituency.

“We want him replaced. We are not very particular about what racial identity of our next MP will be as long as he or she is from Kimanis, ” said Asno Amat Muda, one of the organisers.

Interestingly enough, the demonstrations were reportedly held by members of Anifah’s own division Youth wing and they are threatening to hold more.

‘Kimanis still strong’

But Karim denies that the constituency is divided. It’s a “strong” division, he said, and has a “close rapport with the member of parliament and assemblymen, as well as the grassroots.”

“They are just taking advantage of the current situation when we are all busy preparing for the coming general election. Their claims are baseless.

“Maybe these people who want the incumbent MP replaced are those who do not know and understand about the background of Umno. Besides, they do not get the majority support from the grassroots. Such confrontation should not have happened,” he reportedly said.

But grasssroots members in Kimanis and nearby Beaufort see more of Lajim than they do of Anifah.

While Anifah is urbane and aloof, Lajim is humble and well-liked and considered a “winnable” candidate much to the consternation of Musa’s men.

Lajim is rumoured to be linked to Musa’s arch rival and federal minister Shafie Apdal.

Lajim has reportedly fallen out with Musa and Anifah and is likely to be dropped as a candidate in the coming general election.

The past weeks have been filled with rumours that Lajim would quit Umno and join Sabah Peoples’ Front (SPF).

SPF officials had earlier picked Jan 31 as a “auspicious date” and urged political observers to expect an important announcement linked to Lajim.

‘It’s all about timing’

But Jan 31 has come and gone with no news of Lajim announcing his exit from Umno.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and Umno vice-presidents Hishammuddin Hussein and Shafie paid a visit to Sabah.

Talk is that the visit was aimed at showing off Shafie’s federal links and to consolidate his “clout” here.

Yesterday, FMT was informed that Lajim was busy in Kuala Lumpur, presumably involved in some political “negotiations”.

Earlier this week, opposition Sabah Progressive People’s Party (SAPP) deputy president Amdee Sidek suggested that Lajim was unlikely to quit Umno.

He claimed that Umno leaders at the top had a stack of “files” on Lajim and would “open” them when the time came.

While the Jan 31 dateline has passed, it has not quelled the rumours.

“Patience… in politics it’s all about timing,” said a political insider here.

FMT Staff


  1. Are the people only concerned that whether their MP is from Kimanis not not about the candidates capabilities and credibility?

    1. Their statements are baseless as the Kimanis constituency is considered as a strong division

    2. alasan tersebut tidak kukuh...mesti ada sebab lain..

    3. yang penting pemimpin mampu menjalankan tugas dengan sebaiknya.

  2. Will the people be happy with just any Tom, Dick or Harry as their candidates as long as he comes from Kimanis?

    1. Mugkin lebih baik jika mereka boleh cadangkan nama2 yang dirasakan sesuai untuk menggantikan Anifah.

    2. kalau mereka fikir ada calon yang lebih baik dari Anifah, teruskan..

    3. Setuju, kenalah cadangankan nama yang dianggap sesuai untuk mewakili Kimanis, bukan melantik sebarang orang untuk menjadi calon.

    4. Kalau ada calon yang lebih baik dari Anifah, bagilah nama, dan harap orang itu betul2 tahu buat kerja.

    5. kalau ada calon yang layak, mereka perlu kemukakannya kepada pucuk pimpinan parti..

    6. tidak kisah dari mana dan siapa, yang penting tugas dijalankan dengan baik.

  3. pasti ada dalang yang menghasut penduduk agar menentang Anifah, selama ini tak timbul isu ini.

    1. Anifah as “a leader with big heart” who has been working hard to bring change to Kimanis.

    2. pihak tersebut perlu dikenalpasti. mungkin ini hasutan dari pihak pembangkang yang tak suka dengan Anifah.

    3. mungkin juga ada..tapi biasalah dalam politik..

    4. tiba-tiba pula isu macam ini timbul..mungkin juga ada dalang di sebalik pekara ini..

  4. Kinamis bertambah baik sepanjang Anifah menjadi wakil rakyat di Sana. dan kini Kinamis bakal menjadi bandar industri minyak.

    1. Pembangunan tetap akan berjalan seperti yang dirancang.

    2. surely there must be someone mastermind this protest.

    3. pasti penduduk Kimanis mahukan pembangunan berterusan. jadi, kalau keupayaan pemimpin sudah terbukti, kenapa perlu ditukar lagi?

    4. Kimanis semakin menbangun..itu yang boleh di katakan. Anifah telah membuktikanya.

    5. dengn adanya projek mega dilaksanakan di Kimanis, pasti kimanis menjadi lebih membangun.

  5. not an issue for Datuk Seri Anifah Aman not being a local from Kimanis as the member of parliament has proved to be a good leader by bringing development to the constituents.

    1. anifah menjalankan tanggungjawabnya sebagai MP dengan baik.

  6. UMNO must be reformed and party practises must be in line with the new age of time and in compliance with a true democratic principles that put people above self.

    In this new age of advanced technology people have access to all political happenings around the world.They learn and pick-up their knowledge and will try to apply them in their own way in their country.So long as it is within the democratic norms they must be listened to.The party must be sensitive otherwise it may be aggravated to become a more sensationalise issue where the repercussions to the party can be devastating.

    In the US a President has 2 terms with each term lasting for 4 years.No matter how good a President is,no matter how much loved he is by his people,no matter how adorable he is,the President must bid farewell after his 2 terms are over.To vye on becoming a party candidate for the Presidency,one must go down to the grassroots,the American people to choose him/her.The party leaderships can only endorse but the ultimate decision lies with the people.The aspiring candidates must therefore able to 'sell' themselves to the American people just to be on the platform of being the party nominee.From here we can see real democracy at work.The people on the streets are empowered to choose their party candidate to stand for high office and not the leaders.

    In politics we come across so many phrases and adage.'Absolute power corrupts absolutely,Rome was not built in one day,Its not that I don't love Caesar but I love Rome more,I came,I saw,I conquer,Money is not evil,its the politicians who crave for it,You have overstayed your welcome,' and many many more.All these give meanings to the struggles of present politicians and hopefully they will change their attitudes as not being selfish in the pursuit of their political career but giving others an opportunity to serve just as much as they do.Patriotism should not be the monopoly of the few but shared amongst all rakyat in order to bring greatness and glory to the state.

    If the time for you to go is now then go you must.Greatness does not wait for one too long for it can be forever shadowed by the greater evils that may come and linger till end of life.

    1. As of now there are no news or statement from the supporters of anifah regarding this matter.

    2. pasti masih ramai yang menyokong Anifah.

    3. Politik pun ada pasang surutnya. Jangan hanya pentingkan diri. Kaalu sudah masanya untuk beri laluan kepada muka baru, why not?

  7. The same can be said regarding lajim's exit from UMNO to join SPF

  8. Suara majoriti atau minoriti yang berdemo ni?

    1. if its majority, then it means the people has spoken. THey are not satisfied with his leadership.

    2. kena pastikan berapa ramai penduduk di sana yang menentang Anifah. kalau hanya minoriti, adalah tidak adil untuk majoriti yang menyokong.

    3. Ya, pertama sekali kenalah mengenal pasti sama ada itu suara majoriti ataupun minoriti yang menyokong terlebih dulu.

    4. Rasanya lebih banyak menyokong Anifah.Hanya sebilangan saja yang tidak puas hati.

    5. suara sebilangan kecil pengundi saja bah ni...ada motif tersembunyi barangkali...saja cari publisiti di media..

  9. Inilah akibatnya kalau turun temurun adik beradik membolot peluang orang lain. Dulu Ayub AMAN, kemudian Musa Aman dan Anifah.

    Tapi yg orang paling muak dgn keluarga ini ialah, terlalu tamak dalam pengumpulan harta.

    Tanah=ribuan ekar
    Konsesi balak dan kontrak jalan raya=12 tahun
    Anak2 dan ana2 buah serta ipar duai semuanya pegang saham dalam banyak syarikat
    SASS=Anifah telah bersekongkol dgn beberapa orang tokoh untuk merompak wang rakyat.

    So-+X=Anifah dan Musa mesti RETIRE! Retire seara terhormat. Kali ini saya setuju dgn Anak Petagas untuk kali yg pertama!

    1. Kita sibus siapa dalang disebalik fiasco SAS kan? Minta saja White Paper - dengan sendirinya nama Anifa Aman akan timbul.DiKimanis tiada lagi calon berkeliber ke? Main segala IMPORT.MADE IN BINGKUL BENGGALI BEAUFORT.Ini Benggali Bingkul berapa ekor saya mahu control dari Sandakan,Beaufort dan Kimanis?

      Alahai Kimanis.Dulu ada Bekal DO Semporna kan.Dia kalah dengan Anifah tapi tidak Hilang Wang Pertaruhan.Orang Berunai juga.


    2. LOL.... sikit2 bila rakyat buat permintaan tukar calon atau kepimpinan kena kaitkan dengan haustan pembangkang.. Ingat pengundi ni buta mehh? selama ni orang still pilih anifah pasal mengenangkan kerajaan dan parti la.. alahaii.. nda payah anifah kalo org lain pon kimanis tetap maju jugak pasal ada hasil bumi... Cuba check syarikat2 besar macam Kekal Mewah bla bla bla.. sapa punya nama ada di dalam?? tu LE Meridean hotel agak2 nama sepa yg keluar? pikir2 la.. ni yg menyokong ni smua mesti takut ilang jawatan.. Jadi semua mengampu.. bodek.. teruskan ja jadi ekor.. last2 apa yg yg dapat? tepalit taik!! time tu pemerhati tukang ketawa...

  10. "setinggi-tinggi tupai melompat akan turun juga ke tanah mencari makan."

    "setinggi-tinggi kapalterbang terbang diatas awan akan turun juga ke airport"

  11. UMNO mesti dihancurkan di Sabah. UMNO yang kasih PTI IC untuk menindas hak2 pribumi Sabah. Sedarlah

  12. Eleh! Yg mengagung2kan si Aman punya keluarga itu tentu yg PTI keturunan Pakistan pengundi yg ada KHAN2 semua ini!

    Kena bagi IC oleh keluarga AMAN tamak ini. Banyak anak sebab banyak bini terus merompak keterlaluan hak rakyat Sabah. Cubalah si Anifah pigi bertanding sini Keningau tpt mama dia kalo ada orang mahu sokong dia.

    Saya rasa dia menang di kimanis atas ehsanorang2 Dusun dan Berunai yg berhati mulia. Sedangkan keluarga ini kaya raya dan nombor satu penipu!
    Akhbar NST Ayub punya, kontraktor2 jln raya di beberapa daerah di Sabah semua ahli keluarga Aman punya.

    Di Kgau Ayub dan keluarganya ada beberapa buah kedai dan rumah belum kira yg di KK dan luar negara.

    Kalau si Anifah dan si Musang lagilah hebat!

    Jadi buat apa lagi mahu undi si Anifah!

    Ramai lagi bah lokal di Kimanis yg terpelajar, berkaliber dan berhati mulia. Tidak kira Bajau, Dusun atau Berunai. Bukan ini Bangaladesh tersesat!

    Tamaha! Bagi2 bah rezeki, bukan kau satu orang saja yg pandai memimpin! Bongok!

  13. If not Anifah, then who is best for Kimanis?

    1. biar pucuk pimpinan parti yang tentukan..kita tunggu dan lihat siapa yang bakal dicalonkan.

  14. Terpulanglah kepada parti UMNO sama ada akan melantik seorang wakil dari Kimanis dalam PRU-13 nanti.

    1. Betul tu, terpulang kepada BN untuk menentukan siapa yanga layak bertanding di Kimanis.Bagi saya Anifah masih calon yang terbaik.

    2. kita tunggu dan lihat..

    3. kita tunggu dan lihat..

  15. Pasti ada dalang di sebalik semua cerita ini dan menghasut penduduk di Kimanis.rasanya Anifah telah buat yang terbaik untuk penduduk Kimanis.

  16. Mestilah tu purpel. Kalau takda dalang takkanlah hal ni berlaku kan:P

  17. Entah apa yang dorang tak puas hati sedangkan banyak juga yang Anifah buat utk Kimanis.

  18. Takkan gara2 dia bukan orang Kimanis, penduduk sana tolak dia pula. hhmmm, susah juga kalau mcm ni.

  19. Apapun, biarkan saja penduduk sana membuat penilaian dan pilihan sendiri. Negara kita ni demokrasi jadi takda paksaan dalam membuat keputusan.

  20. Terlalu lama memegang MP Kimanis pun x ble juga. Tiba masanya untuk org lain pula yg ambil alih, baru transform namanya.

    1. jadi kita tengok siapa yang akan dicalonkan nanti..

  21. Betul2!

    Transform budaya BNUMNO yg sdh lapok. Inikan sdh tahun 2012! Lagi 8 tahun 2020!

    Restlah dulu anak2 si Aman ini termasuk para pemimpin KDM seperti Pairin Talou,Kurup sial, Maksimusial, Rubin sial, Radin sial, Sairin kutuk, dan lain2 pemimpin asal PTI yang sial!

    Semuanya pembawa kutuk kepada rakyat Sabah.

  22. Patience? We are lack of time...

  23. Hope there is a proper solution for this.

  24. Mau kasi kalah ini Anifah Aman dan Musa Aman mesti main aman-aman....,sampai masanya PRU 13 baru bongkar kudis diorang ! awal awal bongkar diorang pandai ubat! pasal banyak $$$$$$$ hasil rompakan daripada rakyat Sabah ! macam Ayub Aman buang berjuta-juta $ di Bingkor,Keningau, Kalah juga !

  25. kudis to berbau juga macam mana pun mau tapuk.

  26. Time to find out the root of the problem and rectify it. Listen to the people if you want to win.

  27. Lets the CM & thecommitte of BN to decide who is the best candidate to stand for Kimanis. He/she must be "like" by the people there.

  28. UMNO must not create the impression that the party belongs to 1 or 2 exclusive families.The people must reject this notion as it is disgraceful to the founding fathers of UMNO.UMNO belongs to the people and any attempt to create a dynasty within UMNO must be overwhelmingly opposed by the members.

  29. Siapa calon yang terbaik lagi selain Datuk Anifah. Cuba berikan nama mereka mana tahu PM dapat buat pemilihan.

  30. Yang penting semua itu akan dinilai oleh penduduk Kimanis sendiri. Jika kita lihat pun yang mahukan calon kawasan sendiri tidak ramai mana pun.

  31. Ada pihak yang ambil kesempatan untuk meminta orang ramai mengantikan Anifah. Biar apa pun jika pemimpin itu masih yang terbaik dan relevan untuk Kimanis kenapa perlu ditukar. Biarkan dia meneruskan usaha untuk membantu penduduk.

  32. Kasi malu Kimanis saja kerana tidak ada orang tempatan yang berkebolehan.Susah sangat kah jadi wakil rakyat?Susah lagi masak maggie mee.

  33. I'm sure there are someone who behind this scene..

  34. teruskan melaksanakan tanggungjwab kepada rakyat dengan sebaiknya..itu yang penting.

  35. Jika Anifah betul berbakat, apa salahnya jika berterusan.

  36. Calonkan nama yang berbakat, biar rakyat yang menentukannya.

  37. Kimanis people know who the right candidate to them.

  38. Semoga muka baru diberi peluang untuk bertanding juga. Mereka harus mengambil pengalaman.

  39. Let the right people for right position.

  40. Anifah mendapat banyak sokongan dari pendudk di Kimanis.

  41. Kalau ada orang tempatan yang berkebolehan dan berbakat, calonkan, pasti orang Kimanis akan memberi sokongan.

  42. Pasti ada yang tidak suka Anifah dan ada yang suka. Susah unuk mempertikaikan sama ada Anifah masih relevan. Biarlah oragn Kimanis yang tentukan siapa yang mereka perlukan.

  43. UMNO will decide the right candidate.

  44. Im sure Anifah contribute a lot to the local development.
