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Friday, February 3, 2012

EPF funds used as BN pocket money

PKR has bashed a move to use RM1.5 billion from the Employee's Provident Fund (EPF) to help finance those unable to obtain bank loans to buy low-cost public housing units.

"Even banks are not prepared to give the loans. What is the EPF's investment panel doing?

"Why is EPF money being used as BN's pocket money?" asked party vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar (right) at a press conference today.

At least four banks were brought in to help draft the financing agreement, Nurul Izzah said, and asked why EPF's funds were being used if commercial banks did not deem the scheme financially sound.

"We don't want a situation like the subprime mortgage crisis in the US, where borrowers could not service their loans, but with the EPF instead of banks (in trouble)," she said, adding that EPF funds were also used to finance the light rail transit (LRT) project.

"The government can't go vote-buying on a whim simply because elections are around the corner.

"You (the government) can help the Public Housing Project (PPR) community, but don't use EPF funds for that purpose," the MP for Lembah Pantai added.

On Monday, Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin had reportedly announced an "easy financing scheme" for 20,000 eligible PPR tenants and potential buyers who could not obtain bank loans.

DAP's publicity chief Tony Pua has also objected the move, saying that EPF's role is to ensure the financial security of the retirement funds of its contributors.

Both Pua and Nurul Izzah suggested turning to Bank Rakyat and Malaysia Building Society Bhd for the purpose instead.

Koh Jun Lin Msiakini


  1. memang duit kwsp dalam bahaya kalau di salahgunakan. memang saya tak setuju kalau duit simpanan saya diganggu tapi kalau pulangannya baik dan hebat serta 100% menguntungkan dan ada jaminan penuh... why not.

  2. bila saya ada peluang keluarkan duit epf, cepat2 saya buat. memang tidaka ada jaminan. memanglah untung kalau pelaburan berjaya, kalau tidak, siapa tanggung.kembali kpd asas penubuhan epf, wang ini adalah utk pesara.asal pesara dapat duit balik, cukuplah.

    1. jika kalau kerajaan nak laburkan wang KWSP, pastikan wang pekerja tidak tergugat. wang KWSP adalah wang untuk masa depan pekerja.

    2. Betul, KWSP adalah jaminan kewangan untuk pekerja bila bersara nanti. Harap kepentingan pekerja dilindungi.

    3. kerajaan akan memastikan pelaburan yang dibuat akan berjaya. saya tak fikir kerajaan akan merugikan rakyat dengan meletakkan wang KWSP rakyat di suatu keadaan yang berisiko.

    4. diharap duit dalam KWSP tu tidak terjejas. kerajaan harus menjamin duit tu adalah untuk hari tua rakyat

    5. Ya bah. Bila keluar lagi cerita macam ni, bikin risau juga. Penat-penat kerja, takkan percuma duit yang disimpan hilang. Kalau betul pun kerajaan guna, at least diurang explain macam mana boleh kasi pusing balik tu duit.

  3. jika nak lakukan apa2 pada wang KWSP, dgr dahulu pandangan dari pihak pekerja.

  4. Harap kerajaan akan membuat keputusan yang betul semasa melaburkan wang KWSP.

  5. Is it true that EPF fund used as BN pocket money? we need explanation from government.

    1. Mungkin kerajaan perlu menjelaskan perkara tu.

  6. Bikin takut ni tau. Confirm ka ni?

  7. Its my money, not the government. Stop mismanage public savings. Its the contributors money and you stupid, crook government is taking it for a ride.. whatever it is STOP... There should be another rally to stop them from gambling off our money...

  8. Benarkah duit itu digunakan oleh Kerajaan. Perkara ini mungkin perlu diberikan penjelasan. Itu simpanan pekerja untuk masa hadapan.

  9. dimana letaknya risiko yang kononnya akan dihadapi oleh pencarum kwsp jika nilai rumah itu jauh lebih tinggi di pasaran berbanding harga rumah itu dijual kepada pembeli? kalaupun pembeli tidak mampu membayar rumah itu, rumah itu masih boleh dijual dipasaran dengan harga yang lebih tinggi..

  10. bukankah Skim Pembiayaan Khas bagi perumahan awam itu untuk golongan berpendapatan rendah? bagimana pula boleh dikatakan masuk ke poket pemimpin2 BN..
