Sabah opposition STAR has refused to endorse Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister if the opposition prevailed in the coming 13th General Election.
RANAU: State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chairman, Jeffrey Kitingan, has again called for all Peninsula-based political parties to get out of Sabah.
The maverick politician urged the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties – PKR, DAP and PAS – and the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition members – Umno, MCA MIC and Gerakan – to fold up their tents and leave Sabah to Sabahans.
He advised the Peninsula-based opposition parties to instead focus their strength on wresting all the 165 parliamentary seats at stake in the Peninsula and let the opposition here battle it out for the 25 parliamentary seats in Sabah.
“Leave Sabah and Sarawak political parties to stand in the rest 57 (parliamentary seats) in both states and in Labuan. We will know what is best to do for Sabah and help form a federal government when the right time comes,” Jeffrey said when he launched Paginatan Ranau near here Saturday.
“We don’t want to consider Pakatan as our enemy, but we plead to its leaders to consider the fact that it already has ave 165 out of 222 parliamentary seats to contest.
“Why should they still come here and take our Sabah and Sarawak seats?
“Let Sabah and Sarawak political parties contest in the two states and we will support you to get Putrajaya,” he told the more than 400 supporters who attended the function in Kampung Tagudon Baru, Ranau.
Jeffrey singled out PKR in his plea when he said: “If PKR wants to take Sabah and Sarawak seats, it would expose itself to the danger of being labelled as another Umno or even worse than Umno because it wants to take more seats than what Umno already has in Sabah.”
However, the younger brother of Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan, the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) supremo, refused to endorse Pakatan de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister if the opposition prevailed in the coming 13th general election.
Observers note that Jeffrey has left the door open to STAR helping the BN form the next government if it could wrangle a better deal for Sabah from them unlike other opposition parties in the state.
Anwar has Yong’s backing
This is in contrast to another Sabah opposition leader, Yong Teck Lee, who helms the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), and has said his party would support Anwar as prime minister if the opposition wins.
Yong and his party have also rejected the all-or-nothing stand by Jeffrey and have indicated that they are willing to let Pakatan contest in two-thirds of the parliamentary seats in Sabah in return for Pakatan’s support for it to contest in two-thirds of the 60 state seats.
STAR’s Ranau division chief, Jalibin Paidi, said while he supports Pakatan to take on the BN in the whole of Peninsula, they were not welcome to do so in Sabah.
“It is not that we are against them but we do not want to be just a stepping-stone for Pakatan to wrest power in Putrajaya, and then forgotten.
“We are not satisfied being treated as mere assistants for them to get into Putrajaya… we want to be the decider on who should be the rightful government,” he said, adding that STAR wants to raise the voice of Sabah and Sarawak in an incoming federal government.
Jalibin, a teacher who recently resigned from his post, is believed poised to be STAR candidate, either in Keranaan state constituency or Ranau parliamentary seat.
Another potential candidate for the party in the Paginatan state constituency is Feddrin Tuliang another teacher who recently resigned.
Local businessman, Kong Soon Choi, hosted the function in the compound of his Sabindo business premises in Tagudon Baru.
Luke Rintod
Semakin ketara yang si jeffrey ini agen penghalang kemaraan PR kepada BN.
ReplyDeleteBN dah masuk SABAH dan masih kuat jadi seruan parti semenanjung keluar Sabah memang tiada kesan kepada BN. Jadi seruan ini sememangnya ditujukan kepada PR. Kepada semua pengundi pembangkang sedarlah bahawa raja katak ini masih lagi tak boleh dipercayai. Di buat kerja untuk BN dan Abangnya saja bah!!!!!
Star claimed they will contest all 60 seats by themselves without cooperation from other opposition parties, this means they planned to push all the other parties out of the pictures and fight one on one with BN. And yet they ask all Sabah opposition to unite.
DeleteLebih baik PR beri tumpuan di Malaya, buat apa sibuk2 di Sabah/Sarawak. Kita punya culture & history beza dgn Malaya. Let Borneo people decide their destiny
Deletekalau semua parti dari SM balik ke SM sudah pasti saingan akan berkurangan. mungkin itulah yang difikirkan oleh STAR. besar peluang untuk menang nanti.
DeleteKalau Star rasa begitu kuat sudah...apa mahu bising2....teriklah sekuat2nya......INI KALI LAH....siapa yang larang.....ini siko2 kah...supaya orang mahu berunding....tidak payah siko2 nanti kedapadatan seluar dlm pun jatuh....bagus TANDING SAJALAH....
DeleteLike in biological lab,any order of postmortem autopsy or dissection to be carried out on this?
ReplyDeleteBetter do for the good of Sabah future!
Its a no brainer, opposition should unite, it's that simple. But if they couldn't do that, then they are doomed to fail this GE-13.
DeleteMalaya parties should all leave Sabah and Sarawak but this will not happen without a proper strategy from Star.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Star does not want to cooperate with any other opposition party neither SAPP nor Pakatan Rakyat parties.
DeleteLook impossible for all the Malaya based parties to leave Sabah.
DeleteSTAR wants to be a one man show.
DeleteDo you JK mean those sabahan in PKR,DAP should be left out too?
ReplyDeleteSurely many would like to hear opinion from those like Christina Liew and other too!
SAPP is also one of the parties who told Sabahans to reject Malayan parties like Pakatan Rakyat. They are in the same boat.
DeleteThat boat is called UBA.
DeleteJK ni kaki 'TIBAI' bah!
ReplyDeleteStar is just like SAPP. They said they wanted to cooperate with Pakatan Rakyat but turn around and said they should get out of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBetter if they don't want to cooperate, just say 'don't want to cooperate'. not when the GE is just around the corner.
DeleteCome on Jk..be realistic. You must be kidding to ask all peninsular based political parties to leave Sabah. They will do anything to remain here.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, you still have to cooperate them for federal matters.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, Sabah will form its own Federal Government.
DeleteJangan mimpi lah mamai.....itu rayat barau lebih banyak dri Kdm...
DeleteJeffrey sebelum ini nak kerjasama dan parti semenanjung, tiba2 halau mereka keluar pula.. Jeffrey tetap sama, tiada pendirian.
ReplyDeletemana ubf bila di bersama dengan PKR...bila ubf dilahirkan.....kenapa masuk PKR.....mungkin stratgy racesit nya mahu buat PKR jadi padi kadazan kedapatan dan cuba tubuh pati cinta sabah....gagal juga....sekarang dengan sang planet sang STAR....supaya ada alasan nanti DAN SENANG2 bah.... mahu masuk bn....ini jepari gila no satu saja...
DeleteStar pun bukan parti dari Sabah, ia dari Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteThen STAR should leave Sabah too.
DeleteSTAR can stay in Sabah since it is a Borneo-based party.
DeleteMalaya-based parties should leave.
Let see how Jeffrey & STAR grow in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteI think better Star focus in Sarawak 13th GE
DeleteKenapa nak mempertikaikan sama ada parti ini dari Semenanjung ke tidak, yang penting, usaha dan misi masing-masing mengutamakan rakyat, memanfaatkan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteStar mahu tanding 60 kerusi, mampukah? good luck saja la
ReplyDeleteStar is new in sabah, i doubt they could win in this coming election.
DeleteStar jadi tuping UBF saja....semua parti pembangkang mesti jadi ali baba UBF....masuk akal kah? Kenapa? SUPAYA JAPARI JADI KETUA MENTERI......raja katak akan bawa kerusi Star masuk BN melalui PBS.....YAKIN lah.....ahahah ini kali lah....angan2 berliur......
Since star is from Sarawak, star should go back to sarawak and focus winning. let the local party such as SAPP to handle Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBerani juga JK menyuruh Parti pembangkang dari Semenanjung untuk meninggalkan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah parti pembangkang untuk berjuang dan mengambil kerusi di Sabah atau tidak nanti. Itu semua ada ditangan Pembangkang dan bukannya ditangan STAR.
ReplyDeleteKelantangan Jeffery ini yang akan membawa padah kepada diri sendiri. Kita tunggu saja nanti PRU13 ini.
ReplyDeleteUntuk pengetahuan semua. Kita yang tahu tidak apalah. Yang tidak tahu mari saya beritahu. STAR ini parti tempatan Sabah atau bukan?? Maka kalau macam itu rasanya STAR juga perlu keluar dari Sabah dan tidak patut bertanding di Sabah. Cuma SAPP saja yang layak menjadi pembangkang di Sabah yang benar-benar parti tempatan.
ReplyDeletehow about Sarawak based political party like STAR?? STAR also need to leave Sabah.. let SAPP have one on one fight against BN..
ReplyDeleteI doubt STAR can matched with what the present government has provided for the people of Sabah. Barisan Nasional (BN) Government will never break its promises: Barisan would also never disregard the people's requests.
ReplyDeleteWith 50 years of experience running the country, only the BN Government is capable of developing the country and its people.
ReplyDeleteThe development enjoyed by the people such as electricity, water, roads, schools and institutes of higher learning such as Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), were made possible because of the Barisan Nasional.
ReplyDeleteThis is because of the leaders who place the people foremost in their minds when planning for the country.
ReplyDeleteTo this, the people to continue supporting the government especially Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
ReplyDeleteBN has already proven itself and this is evidenced with its vision and mission aimed at enhancing the people's lives irrespective of their race, religion and locality. The BN Government is indeed a government that fulfils its promises.
ReplyDeleteWhen Najib was appointed the sixth Prime Minister, he planned various strategies so as to help people with low income.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Budget 2012 is one example where it is geared towards improving the people's lives. In education, aid is provided to the pupils including secondary students and also students at institutes of higher learning.
ReplyDeleteThere is also a special fund to repair schools, purchasing of equipment and construction of additional blocks.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, the government also conducts various programmes to spur the people's economy from time to time.
ReplyDeleteTo top it up, the government also distributes aid directly to the people via its transformation programmes such as the First House Scheme, 1Malaysia Housing Scheme, Fishermen Housing Scheme and People's Friendly Housing Scheme.
ReplyDeleteThe government recently distributed RM500 to each family that earns less than RM3,000 a month. In Sabah, almost 356,000 people have received the Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) scheme.