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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

People's welfare takes backseat to party politics

Michael Kaung

Sabah Umno seems bent on purging its westcoast warlord Lajim Ukin from local politics by blocking much needed funds to his flood-prone constituency in Beaufort.

KOTA KINABALU: Veteran Sabah Umno politician Lajim Ukin is feeling the heat ahead of the 13th general election.

Ominously for the ruling Barisan Nasional government, Lajim who the opposition Pakatan Rakyat is eyeing to help them topple BN, is fuming that the funds to develop his constituency have been blocked by his political partners in the state.

Without his MP allocation, Lajim has been unable to implement various development projects in Beaufort, a flood-prone quiet provincial town about 90 kilometres south of Kota Kinabalu with a population of around 76,000.

While all signs point to the Beaufort MP being out-manoeuvred in Sabah Umno and his exit from the forefront of state BN politics being imminent, he is not about to go quietly.

His special officer Ibrahim Salim recently said that Lajim’s constituents were annoyed that party politics had disrupted urgent development projects for their area.

Ibrahim, a Beaufort Umno committee member himself, claimed that Lajim’s (MP) service centre had been besieged by complaints over delays in completing even small projects and people were not happy.

“We listed down several minor projects that need to be given priority for the sake of the rakyat but until now we have not received the funds (to start them),” he told reporters recently.

He said that people were stunned that even though Lajim is a Deputy Federal Minister of Housing and Local Government and holds a high post in the party, the funds for his constituency could be blocked.

“If such culture is the practice, then it would not only create problems for the leaders but also for the constituents who have always been supporting the BN,” said Ibrahim.

Can BN afford to lose Lajim?

Talk of Lajim’s name being on the chopping block has gone on for months. Waiting in line to be nominated for Lajim’s Beaufort parliamentary seat include those who had deserted the Parti Bersatu Sabah government in 1994 to join Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s camp.

Also potential candidates are Musa’s eldest son Hafez Musa, Beaufort Umno Puteri chief Saridah Mohd Dun, former state police chief who became the city’s first mayor, Elias Ibrahim and former Beaufort MP Nurnikman Abdullah.

But Lajim has a trump card up his sleeve that he could pull out if he is dropped from the BN election line-up in the state.

Sources here claim that Lajim is not on Musa’s list of candidates.

Lajim won the seat comfortably taking 76% of the 18,000 ballots cast in the last election in 2008.

He still commands a lot of clout within the Bisaya community that is concentrated in his constituency which encompasses the state seats of Klias, Kuala Penyu, Lumadan, Bongawan and Membakut.

All these are seats the opposition are confident of winning with Lajim as their frontman.

Bordering his constituency is the parliamentary constituency of Kimanis. This is held by Musa’s brother, Foreign Minister Anifah Aman whose win in the last general election was partly attributed to support by the Bisaya community which is headed by Lajim.

If the state BN drops Lajim, he could pursue his own way and sign on with opposition party, Sabah People’s Front (SPF) which is said to be waiting to grant him leadership of the party.

“Lajim has two choices and both are win-win positions for him,” said an observer.

“If BN drops him he can align himself with Pakatan … make no mistakes, he has a lot of supporters in Beaufort and Kuala Penyu.

“SPF enjoys strong support in this area (Beaufort and Kuala Penyu) so BN’s loss (by dropping Lajim) would be the opposition’s gain,” said the observer.


  1. If it comes to the reality that Lajim is 'ousted' as a candidate for BN then its the best news we are waiting for.For one reason in politics one must have a stand and the principles of fighting in what he believes in.It is not a mere kind of representation of the people and trying to hoodwink them into accepting his struggles that never was and at the end of it using the strength of such representation to pawn the people in order to enrich himself.

    Parochial politics as practised by Lajim should be condemned and has no place in the political struggles of UMNO/BN where its existence is larger than life and its struggles is for all races irrespective of colour,creed and ethnicity.This is the way of heading forward to an era of a new millenium of its political endeavour to ensure that the new generations will have a better life and future in all aspects.

    UMNO/BN is pure,earnest,dedicated and sincere in its political struggles and governance.All doubts should be discarded by the people about the party and leaders.They work to see a vision fulfil in its entirety,promises kept and people benefit to see themselves and their children safe and secured to live in a land of the free.

    1. Lajim is a bad icon to the younger generation. His history in politic is only an embarrassment and well said by Anak Petagas. A lot of potential and new leaders in jeopardy because of his irresponsible acts with his brilliant idea of the newly formed SPF. Now everything is vaporizing as it is only his tactical move to be as his leverage in his bid to be nominated as candidate.It is flabbergasted and most disgusting by someone with such status. Yet some foolish Sabahans elated and fall into his trap. It shows how gullible and greedy they are in their bid to be YBs although through unethical means. Sabah will be doomed and forever colonized.

  2. Lajim has been the Parliament Member of Beaufort since 2008, there are plenty of time for Lajim to resolve the flood problems, why wait till now to find that there is no funds?

    1. he aim to become candidate again

  3. Regardless of whether BN drop Lajim or retain him, it will not make much impact towards the party.

    1. yup,, just like when PAS drop Hassan Ali and DAP drop senator post held by Tengku Aziz..

  4. masalah banjir sejak dulu membelenggu Beaufort, seharusnya ia dpt diselesaikan sekarang.

  5. Selagi BN berkuasa, masalah yang dihadapi orang Sabah sekarang akan bertambah banyak.

    1. Masalah akan sentiasa ada. Apa yang penting cara atau strategi bagaimana mahu atasinya.

    2. Betul, masalah sentiasa ada, BN sudah buat yang terbaik untuk membantu rakyat.

  6. Apa punca sebenar peruntukan tersebut lambat disalurkan?

  7. Blogger ini ketinggal maklumat politik tidak up to date SPF sudah di beli oleh seorang Datuk daripada Sarawak sejak awal bulan April 2012 di tukar nama kepada Sarawak Worker Party !!!

  8. Harus mencari punca kenapa peruntukan tidak sampai ke tangan.

  9. Semoga tiada pihak yang mengambil kesempatan.

    1. Harap peruntukan yang di beri tidak disalah gunakan.

  10. Jika lajim tidak sehaluan, biarlah beliau keluar dan mencari nasibnya.

  11. Bn masih boleh hidup dan kekal kuat tanpa Lajim.

  12. Budaya lompat parti satu kebiasaan di duni apolitik.

    1. Betul, budaya lompat parti ini sentiasa ada, harap Lajim tidak akan berbuat demikian.

  13. Lajim harus memberi peluang kepada generasi muda. Usaha beliau di Sabah akan dikenang.

    1. takpa, bukan beliau yang tentukan samada perlu untuk beliau kekal dicalonkan atau tidak..

  14. Not sure whether Lajim will bring any impact to BN without him? I think the replacement also a strong political man too.

    1. if opposition face the problem, they will say no negative impact at all instead of make they party more stronger than before..

  15. BN will do anything to retain Lajim.

    1. till now there is no action taken by top BN leader..

  16. if only Lajim in any Pakatan parties, he would definitely dropped by this undemocratic parties..

  17. Sekiranya bantuan sampai lewat atau tidak sampai haruslah diketahui sebab, tapi kenapa sehingga kini baru bersuara..

    1. Mungkin ada masalah tertentu kenapa bantuan lewat di berikan.penjelasan perlu di beri.

  18. Lajim telah banyak memberi sumbangan kepada Sabah.

  19. Semoga Datuk Lajim akan dapat meneruskan usaha beliau berjuang dibawah parti BN.

  20. Datuk Lajim adalah pemimpin yang mendapat sokongan majoriti di tempat beliau. Ini menandakan ada pihak yang tidak senang dengan kejayaan yang Datuk Lajim perolehi.

  21. Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) will adopt seven people-oriented principles to counter and ward off allegations as well as empty promises by the opposition. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman stressed that every member within the BN component; from the top leadership to the grassroot leaders must work very hard to explain to the people the various programmes that the government has implemented for them.

  22. The Chief minister retaliated that this is the primary reason that he always emphasise on the need to go down to the people and inform them of the BN government’s track record which has been proven to be the best with its caring and responsible leadership. In outlining the seven principles, he said the first shows the people that the BN leadership can be trusted to help them as proven by the fact that BN has brought tremendous development to the country, especially to Sabah.

  23. Secondly, he stated, the BN government brings hope for the people now and in the future as its economic and development programmes are geared for the present and future generations. Musa, who is also the Chairman of the Sabah Foundation Board of Trustees, said the third principle guaranteed that BN would ensure and preserve the existing peace, harmony and unity of all races in the country.

  24. The fourth and fifth principles involve the Halatuju and efficient management of the nation and state’s economy in order to generate more income for the people. Sixth and seventh principles focus on the leaders’ work ethics as they need to make the people understand the government’s sincere intent to fulfil all their promises.

  25. The Chief Minister stressed that less talk and efforts to work harder to convince the people of our pure intent to bring Malaysia, in particular Sabah to greater heights and demostrated tahat only BN can deliver these results. “As Chief Minister of Sabah, I can tell you that Sabah, as the second biggest state, needs a very big allocation from the federal government to develop the state and the allocation in billions of ringgit have been given to us,” he remarked.

  26. BN has been proven to be responsible and accountable unlike the opposition that is only out to mislead and hoodwink the people with empty promises. The leaders in BN have always been working and thinking what is best for the people in terms of development for Sabah, alleviating the hardships of the low-income groups and addressing issues that concern the people.

  27. He cited the Mesej mini estate projects that were implemented in the rural impoverished areas and the development of the Kota Belud Rice Bowl which had utilised funds amounting to some RM136million to date as evidence. “This show that the government is very committed to bring changes to the socio-economic status of the rural people by providing job opportunities and increasing their income,” he stated.

  28. “We have to admit that although BN has done a lot for the people in the country and Sabah, that is not enough as we still need to continue planning and implementing many more holistic development programmes,” he added. “I am confident that with the federal government and people’s support, we will continue to bring changes and development, especially in rural impoverished areas,” he added.

  29. Musa again reiterated his call for all community leaders and elected representatives to go down to the grassroots to explain the programmes and projects that the government had planned and implemented for their benefit.“We must always remember that the mandate given to us is not a privilege but a responsibility towards the people. If the leader is good the people will appreciate his services and when election comes, the people will not forget to vote for Barisan Nasional candidates,” said Musa.

  30. Later during a press conference, Musa said that BN leaders are far different from the opposition who only know how to “offer lip service and make empty promises” to the people.

  31. In contrast, the BN continues to plan and implement more development agenda for the people.
