SIPITANG -There has been a kind of land selling mania going on in area surrounding the RM4.6 billion Ammonia and Urea Project –SAMUR, especially in Kampong Banting, Hj Amde Sidik, the Deputy President of SAPP, said when meet the people in Kg Luagan, Sindumin last night (24/06/2012)
He feels something must be done like, giving advice to kampong people in order not to make a harsh decision selling their land to people who are there to exploit the situation.
Amde Sidik who is also Chairman for Southern Zone and Constituency Liaison N28 advised the people not to get too excited just because now the price of land is highly lucrative; the price of land is ever increasing unlike the price of a car, which is ever depreciating every minute. Sell only if you think it’s a must or otherwise leave the idea alone for a while for the good your next generation.
“I’ve been approached by many asking for economic as well as legal advice, many of them are young people some not even married who said, they are in fact worried because their parents are selling their land which they don’t see any prospect of getting new land elsewhere, while not getting the share from the sale from their parents is another.
Later that night Amde handled a small of collection of cash from SAPP members to Ali Bin Diris of kampong Luagan whose house was burnt down by fire recently.
Present with him were Kamis Daming from Sindumin his SAPP Deputy CLC Chairman, Sarudin Maidin, Treasurer, and the committee members
Amdee handed donation to fire victim in Kg Luagan, Ali Bin Diris
keep it up the good jobs SAPP Sipitang!
ReplyDeleteumno is finished this time. We do not need a corrupted umno running by a bunch of crooks!
SAPP tidak akan mendapat peluang lagi, setelah apa yang berlaku semasa SAPP menjadi kerajaan dulu, kamu ingat rakyat akan terpedaya kali kedua?
Deletebaru nasihat begitu sudah kau puji sampai kelangit.. pemimpin2 BN pun ada buat nasihat begitu juga ba.. kalau mau cakap BN rampas tanah, SAPP rampas lagi besar tanah untuk dibahagikan kepada syarikat2 pembalakan..
DeleteRakyat sendiri perlulah membuat penilaian sendiri sama ada mahu menjual tanah mereka sendiri ataupun tidak?
ReplyDeleteI personally think that some of the villagers are indeed selling their lands to get quick cash.
DeleteJangan pula sudah jual lepas tu baru mahu menyesal.
DeleteTanah tersebut harus diusahakan untuk menjana pendapatan yang berterusan.
DeleteDiharapkan situasi menang-menang dapat dicapai dalam isu penjualan tanah ini.
ReplyDeleteMasalah timbul apabila ada pihak yang sengaja mengapi-apikan keadaan.
DeleteMasalah timbul apabila ada pihak yang sengaja mengapi apikan keadaan.
Deletepihak yang sengaja provoke itu hanya mahu ambil kesempatan.
DeleteThe youngsters must advice their parents about the rationale of selling off the lands, make sure that they are doing it for the right reason and was not pressured to sell their lands.
ReplyDeleteMoney issue still is the main reason for this thing to happen.
DeletePenduduk perlu berfikir panjang. tanah tu mungkin boleh bagi wang yang banyak sekali dijual apa lagi bila berada di kawasan projek SAMUR tapi kalau tanah tu tidak dijual hasilnya lagi banyak dari tu.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah kepada penilaian penduduk sendiri sama ada mahu jual ataupun tidak, tiada sesiapa yang boleh memaksa mereka membuat keputusan.
DeleteKalau semua tanah sudah dimiliki orang luar, jangan salahkan pihak lain. salahkan diri sendiri sebab jual tanah untuk keuntungan yang cepat.
ReplyDeletePenilaian yang matang perlu dibuat.
DeleteJangan cepat terpedaya dengan janji manis mereka2 itu.
DeleteProjek SAMUR pasti memberi manfaat kepada penduduk Sipitang dan sekitar.
ReplyDeleteRakyat tempatan sendiri kena rajin cari peluang.
Deleteprojek Samur yang dijalankan di KG Banting pasti akan melonjakkan nilai tanah di kawasan tersebut, tapi penduduk Kampung harus berfikir sebaiknya jika ingin menjual tanah mereka, kerana jika mereka usahakan tanah tersebut pasti lebih bermanfaat.
ReplyDeletelagipun pada masa kini, amat rugi jika kita menjual tanah. tanah amat penting.
DeleteThere is a Sarawak made documentary on the independence struggle in Sarawak called Red Rain on the Equator at You Tube.
New Vision ini baru pandai kaki empat dan cakap jadi apa dia cakap dia sendiri tidak tau.Dia ingat sebut 'Independence' macam minta ais krim.jangan percaya.
ReplyDeleteSome people out there are selling their lands for quick money.
ReplyDeleteProtect the people’s land and stop been naïve.
ReplyDeleteThe elders need to be educated about the implications behind selling the lands without substantial reasons besides money.
ReplyDeleteDo not be deluded by mere promises, thus carry out proper investigations and assessments.
ReplyDeleteBe wise people of Sabah, both old and young.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan harus set kan tempoh supaya tanah tersebut tidak ditukar milik.
ReplyDeleteKawasan yang akan menjadi tumpuan itu pasti akan menyebabkan permintaan terhadap kawasan yang tinggi.
ReplyDeletejika penjualan tanah itu adalah sebagai pelaburan awal untuk membuka perniagaan selain perladangan, bukankah itu baik?? perlu tahu juga kenapa penduduk2 kampung ini menjual tanah mereka..