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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mazu statue left to rot

Mazu statute in Kudat halted by Umno Musa was left rotting for 5 years now

KUDAT - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Vice President Datuk Wong Yit Ming said the BN government is not practising what it preaches as regards to freedom of worship and  religion.

He cited an example like the Mazu statue project which was halted by Chief Minister Musa Aman, was now left to rot under the sun and rain for five years now.

"It is a shame and a slap to the people of Kudat and the whole nation in general that our freedom of religion was not adhered to," Wong said during the Kudat CLC Sunshine Program held at a restaurant in Kudat.


  1. musang bin tidak aman will get punished by MAZU!

    1. get punished for what?

    2. Good question venny.. get punished for what/?

    3. Anon above must be a predictor of the future! So who will win the GE??

    4. Punish the contractor hehhee

    5. Entah pasal apa pula Datuk Musa di salahkan dalam hal ini, anon buat komen tak tentu pasal.

  2. Asking John Lim he will say:"patung tu belum pasang buka mata.Tuan jangan khuatir je"!

    Money lying on the ground merely by donation....tak susah!

  3. The Sabah government should just quietly complete it, it is a momument of shame as it is.

  4. aik, bukan sudah selesai kah ni isu mazu ni?

  5. apa pula janji SAPP berkenaan dengan isu ini? kan SAPP sibuk menabur janji sekarang..

    1. SAPP mahu berjanji apa pasal isu Mazu??putar belit saja tu..

    2. SAPP janji terang bulan. Sekarang ni sengaja mau cari isu yang tidak logik untuk menjatuhkan UMNO.

    3. sapp cuma mahu mainkan isu ini saja.

  6. dengar2 SAPP ada secret talks sama DAP sabah...

    1. nampaknya SAPP sedar bahawa SAPP tiada peluang untuk menang maka perlukan bantuan luar...ini menunjukkan bahawa SAPP itu sendiri adalah lemah...mungkin Star jauh lebih kuat dari SAPP..

    2. SAPP ni macam lalang. Ikut saja mana arah angin tu pergi.

    3. SAPP kelihatan tiada pendirian. sekejap dengan PKR, kejap lagi dengan pihak lain..

    4. SAPP dan Star sama saja tidak boleh pakai.

    5. SAPP memang macam lalang.tiada pendirian.

    6. apa hasilnya? sapp dan dap ni kejap ngam pas tu gaduh balik.

  7. I thought it would have been completed by now.

  8. When there is nothing left to promise, SAPP decided to use the mazu issue to get votes. Good one sapp!

    1. Well, this is nothing new about SAPP tactic.

    2. Seingat saya isu ni sudah ada penyelesaian. kenapa SAPP mau bangkitkan semula??

    3. Memang taktik baru SAPP mau meraih undi.Isu ini sudah selesai, tapi SAPP mau kasih bangkit lagi balik.

  9. There are more what SAPP can promise and executive...Mazu is just one of the issues...SAPP can do very much more for the people of Sabah, not for these corrupt BN people who rob you of your wealth, the wealth that we should legitimately deserve. Vote for Sabah, vote for SAPP!

    1. In this Mazu case, only Chong Kah Kiat can solve the problem. The only thing SAPP can do about it is to persuade Chong Kah Kiat to accept the Sabah CM's offer to allow the Mazu Statue to be build in Bak Bak Beach, Kudat. This is not really an issue anymore, only waiting for Chong Kah Kiat.

  10. isu ini dah lama, nak dibangkitkan lagi semula, SAPP dah kehabisan isu ke?

    1. sapp cuba mahu jadi hero, jadi mainkan lah isu yang lama-lama.

  11. SAPP is known to 'bark' on very issues under the sun.So you guys should not wonder too much on what they are doing and capable of doing.Their leaders just want to show they are occupied with something and funny thing is most of the time they tend to pick issues that are considered a non-issue by the people.Their naivity and weak leadership skills had been the reason for the non-responsiveness of the people towards their cause and struggles.We know their plans are just good on the drawing board but not on the ground and you guys know why?It is because SAPP leaders are never sincere in what they say and promise.Its all about trying to win one or two seats which is much more remote than the distance from earth to Mars.Did they realise it?I wonder.

    1. All these Wayang Kulit are only to distract the people's attention from the truly crucial issues. This Mazu Statue issue is already done, the CM has agreed to allow the statue to be built and even allocated a piece of land for it, but Chong Kah Kiat refuses this olive branch, end of story. The solution is offered but rejected. SAPP should stop taking advantages on every little issues for their political benefits.

  12. CM Musa Aman already agreed to allow the Mazu to be build on the condition that it was relocated to the Bum Bum Island, however Chong Kah Kiat is too selfish that he refused to accept. If Chong Kah Kiat sincerely wanted the Mazu statue for the people, does it matter where it was built? Its obvious Chong only wanted the Mazu statue for his own reason.

    1. Correction: Bak-bak Beach, not Bum Bum Island.

    2. Kenapa perlu bangkitkan isu ini kembali, sedangkan ia sudah selesai.Apa agenda SAPP lagi kali ini.

    3. sapp cuba gunakan isu ini untuk menarik perhatian.

    4. Opposition only talk about Mazu and did nothing. Federation of Hainan Association Sabah and Labuan and Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman did everything to give Mazu a good home in Kudat.

  13. The Federation of Sabah and Federal Territory Labuan Hainan Association was hoping that the Mazu Statue will be built, and was thankful that the Sabah CM has alienated the piece of land at Bak Bak for this statue. However as long as Chong Kah Kiat cannot let go of his ego, this statue will continue sleep. We should ask Chong Kah Kiat, is this Mazu for the people? Or for his own political interests?

  14. Mengenai kes Mazu ini. Kerajaan telah memberikan tempat yang sangat sesuai untuk dibina. Namun yang masalah sekarang adalah ada pihak yang membantah tempat itu. Dikira bagus sudah kerajaan menyediakan tempat khas itu.

    1. Opposition only talk about Mazu and did nothing. Federation of Hainan Association Sabah and Labuan and Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman did everything to give Mazu a good home in Kudat.

  15. isu ini mungkin sengaja ditimbulkan semula, mungkin untuk kepentingan politik.

  16. SAPP kekeringan isu sudah ka?? sampai isu lama yang sudah senyap pun dia bangkitkan balik bila dekat2 pilihanraya..

  17. dulu dia bangkitkan isu double six, lepas kena saman dia bangkitkan pula isu Mazu.. nanti kalau kena saman lagi entah apa lagi isu yang dia mahu bangkitkan..

  18. Opposition only talk about Mazu and did nothing. Federation of Hainan Association Sabah and Labuan and Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman did everything to give Mazu a good home in Kudat.

  19. Musa Aman, a Muslim Chief Minister, allocated land for a Chinese temple. Did DAP even try to raise funds to build the temple? No. They are more concerned with raising funds for the party and using Mazu as political capital.

  20. Did the Opposition raise funds to restore Mazu? No. Yet they attempt to use Mazu as political capital.
