“By right, the parti parti Malaya have no business operating in Sabah and Sarawak if we interpret the Malaysia Agreement in letter and spirit”
Daniel John Jambun
The State Reform Party (Star) has called on local voters to rise to the challenge and reject the “parti parti Malaya operating illegally” in Sabah and Sarawak with the Election Commission (EC) and the Registrar of Societies (RoS) turning a blind eye to the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
The Borneo-based national party, at the same time, urged all local members of the parti parti Malaya “to come back to the right path lest they be accused of being willing to be proxies and stooges of people on the other side of the South China Sea”.
These parties, according to Star in a press statement, “want to steal our seats in the respective state assemblies and Parliament to strengthen their political position while at the same time weakening us as a people”.
“By right, the parti parti Malaya have no business operating in Sabah and Sarawak if we interpret the Malaysia Agreement in letter and spirit,” said Star deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun. “If they want to operate in Sabah and Sarawak, they must incorporate locally and the state chapters must have full autonomy.”
He expressed grave doubts, alternatively, whether the parti parti Malaya in Sabah and Sarawak were in the two states with the knowledge of the RoS while disputing its power to grant any such approval.
He was responding to a statement by the Dewan Pemuda Pas Malaysia on Wed in the local media criticizing Star Chief Jeffrey Kitingan for demanding that the parti parti Malaya leave Sabah and Sarawak and stay out.
Pas wants Jeffrey to let the voters decide and “not take matters into his own hands”.
Daniel while conceding that Pas may have a point on voters deciding accused the parti parti Malaya of taking advantage of the ignorance of people in Sabah and Sarawak on “the true history of Malaysia”. They are slowly waking up to the fact that we have been internally colonised by Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia), he said. “Our history books don’t tell the real story and is full of blatant distortions reflecting the cheap politics of Peninsular Malaysia.”
He reiterated that the EC and RoS were “continuing to condone an illegality” and urged both authorities to bar the parti parti Malaya from Sabah and Sarawak.
Furthermore, he wants the EC to remove the names of Peninsular Malaysian voters from the electoral rolls of the two states “unless they are married to locals, have children, are not members of parti parti Malaya and have permanent residence status”.
The thrust of the argument, stressed Daniel, was that Peninsular Malaysia should have at the most one seat less than two-thirds in Parliament while Sabah and Sarawak collectively should not have less than one seat more than a third in Parliament.
The Malaysia Agreement, continued Daniel, makes this balance of power crystal clear.
Asked what his party could do to rectify the situation and restore the balance of power in Parliament, Daniel said it had many options.
“As a first step, we can take up the matter with the EC and RoS to have a basis for pursuing further action,” said Daniel. “This can be followed by seeking a Judicial Review, if necessary, in Court.”
The Star deputy chief also vowed that his party would bar Peninsular Malaysian politicians from Sabah and Sarawak when they eventually take power.
At the same time, he ventured, “we can place travel restrictions for political purposes on locals who are members of the parti parti Malaya operating illegally in Sabah and Sarawak”.
One final step, he proposed, would be to instruct the local authorities not to issue any licence to the parti parti Malaya to operate premises in Sabah and Sarawak.
All these steps, if pursued, would eliminate the problem of the parti parti Malaya placing illegal immigrants on the electoral rolls in Sabah and Sarawak, assured Daniel. “We have had enough of these people – illegal immigrants – trying to steal our country from us right under our noses.”
"Say No to Foreign Interference"
Our countries Sabah & Sarawak were already stolen by UMNO Malaya and we were re-colonized from 1963.
The above news article shows the great difference between Sabah and Sarawak politics. Sabahans love their country by standing up to defend their rights from being encroached on by Malayan political parties.
In Sarawak 4 Malayan parties dominate our lives- PBB BN (UMNO puppet) DAP, PAS and PKR. Sarawak politicians how do you serve your country by being led by foreign Malayan politicians???
Where is our pride of having been an independent country from 1842 to 1942?
Why do we agree to be ruled and re-colonized by Malaya in the Malaysia neo-colonial political structure?
Lets get back to the time before the formation. Sabahan will need not have to get into the issues of fighting with unmo-BN on the many issues which they strongly safeguard. That's federation of malaya's problem!!
DeleteUntil you invented the time machine, it is impossible to go back to the past.
DeleteWhatever it is, we can't hold on to the past. What we need is a pair of new shoes and move forward. That's more realistic.
DeleteNanti kita minta ini menteri di Parlimen..minta buat satu pengagihan kerusi..di mana semau parti biarlah bertanding di wilayah sendiri..dengan format yang sama rata dan sama taraf...
ReplyDeleteboleh kah tu?
DeleteKita harus menolak parti malaya.
DeleteIni tidak mungkin sama sekali.Kamu menggugat Ketuanan Taming Sari Melayu.Derhaka pada Raja Raja Melayu.Ini Kuasa Mutlak Raja Raja Melayu.
ReplyDeleteRaja Raja Melalu ini bukannya cerdik pintar.Mereka selalu diputarbelit UMNO BN.Raja Raya dari pada ketua Lanun dan Perompak ini tiada AKHLAK.Senang dengan kata puji pujian dan sembah.Itu saja tidak lebih/
Raja macam katak bawah tempurung,tiada akai.Bebal bonar.
Jadi ini bermaksud Star tidak akan bekerjaama dengan Pakatan Rakyat lagi?
ReplyDeletestar nak bertanding 60 kerusi, ini menunjukkan Star mmg tiada niat nak bekerjasama dgn parti lain.
Deletetiada..Star akan berdiri sendiri..tanding 60/26..
DeleteStar tidak mungkin mahu bekerjasama dengan parti lain. kalau boleh semua kawasan dia mau sapu.
DeleteI don't think Jeff will call on PKR again.
DeletePusing2, akhirnya terpaksa juga bekerjasama parti malaya. No man is an island.
DeleteJeffrey minta semua parti pembangkang untuk bekerjasama tetapi sekarang pula meminta rakyat menolak parti Malaya seperti Pakatan Rakyat?
ReplyDeleteMacam cakap tak serupa bikin sahaja, sama dengan SAPP. Saya tidak tahu sama ada pertandingan satu ke satu akan berjaya ataupun tidak?
DeleteJefferey kan mmg tiada pendirian, sebab itu kejap kata itu, kejap ini.
DeleteStar mahu makan sendiri...
Deleteba, baliklah semua parti2 Malaya di tempat asal.tidak payah tanding di Sabah.
DeleteI think he just want to have local parties to venture the rights of the people.
DeleteJK kena realistik. Perjuangan beliau tidak akan berjaya jika beliaub terlalu ego.
DeletePakatan patut berhati-hati dengan pembangkang Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKenapa pula?
Deleterasanya BN sabah akan menang pada pru13 nanti..
ReplyDeletepembangkang masing2 mahu jadi hero...undi pembangkang akan pecah..
ReplyDeletemaka senanglah BN mau menang kalau macam ni.
DeleteDari dulu sampai sekarang, memang mereka mahu jadi hero. Boleh..tapi hero to zero la.
DeleteJK in Sabah politics via the Star is only aimed at dividing the opposition. JK might have a hidden agenda. JK was a very strong figure in the opposition but suddenly joined Star, a local-based party from Sarawak
ReplyDeleteDi Sarawak tiada apa2 pencapaian membanggakan. kita lihat pula macam mana di Sabah ni.
DeleteSyukurlah STAR kalau mampu menang 1 2 kerusi saja.
DeleteDatuk Musa Aman stressed on the importance of the community leaders who needed to disseminate correct information concerning government policies so that the people would not be swayed by allegations and issues manipulated by the opposition.
ReplyDeleteWe should be careful with what we are feed with by the media, press or anyone.
DeleteCould it be possible to go back to time and start all over again?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if that would be a waste of time or bring about the awaiting change as expected by the people.
DeleteI believe the people have answer to this question as decision makers for themselves.
DeleteLet’s all vote wisely to materialize what we all desire.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah yang mempunyai semngat patriotisme, mari kita lakukan perubahan. KIta tolak parti malaya yang selama ini menindas kita terutama dari segi ekonomi. mereka mencabuli perjanjian kemasukan Sabah dalam pakatan Malaysia. 'INI KALI LAH'
ReplyDeleteSampai hati STAR reject PR di Sabah. STAR menghasut penduduk Sabah supaya menolak parti dari semenanjung. Parti yang dimaksudkan itu termasuklah Pakatan Rakyat iaitu parti sahabat STAR.
ReplyDeleteKita tengok saja nanti adakah mereka menolak parti dari semenanjung atau tidak nanti.
ReplyDeleteSTAR Tidak perlu bermimpi akan menang dengan mudah daripada BN. Ini kerana STAR tidak ada yang terbaik untuk diperjuangkan dan pasti apa yang dijanjikan itu semata-mata untuk kepentingan sendiri dan janji kosong selepas PRU13 nanti.
ReplyDeletehow about Star?? even Star is not local based political party.. Sabah only have SAPP as local opposition political party..
ReplyDeletealang2 mahu reject parti luar, reject juga la STAR.. silap2 kalau Star berjaya rampas kerajaan Sabah, semua kekayaan Sabah akan mengalir ke Sarawak..