By Mr Pinus Gondili
TELUPID : Recently there was one "Karnivel Siok" organised for youths in Telupid by the office of Beluran's member of parliament and the sub-district State Youth and Sport Department.
The three-day carnival on Apr 27-29 was badly organised using public money, poorly attended and is now being questioned by the public and that a related police report had been lodged. I ask the Beluran MP to clarify on this issue as it involves peoples' money.
From the reports that we received, we never knew how much was spent for this three-day Karnivel Siok but we were informed that it was an idea hatched to so-called pave for the MP to allocate RM4,000 for each of the 12 youth associations around Telupid.
We were told that however, an officer from the Beluran MP office by the name of Melton Martin, who is believed to be UMNO liaison officer in Beluran, managed to convince 10 out of the 12 associations to deduct RM1,000 each from their RM4,000 to be reverted back to him for the purpose of organising the carnival.
Now according to reports from those in the know, the carnival's organiser was LabukDotFM (we don't know what it is) of which Melton on behalf of the organiser promised several things. They were: the organisers would provide foods for the participants for three days; provide t-shirts, canopy; and exhibition booths. We understood none of these were provided by the so-called organiser !
We understood that foods for participants were in the end provided for by the Telupid Youth and Sport Officer ! The officer stood in to do the booth as well as the UMNO guy never delivered on his pledge. We don't know if it is true that the officer even used his own money to buy foods as claimed by some reports but if this is true then the MP must explain to the rakyat.
Heated arguments of course were exchanged between parties in such situation. The common UMNO-style manipulations poked its head, and even the permanent secretary of the State Youth and Sport Ministry, Datuk Suzannah Liaw was dragged in in the Telupid fiasco.
This Telupid case was just but a tip of the iceberg. And this is not the first time we heard of such a mess in spending public money on useless programme by this government especially by our MPs.
Star also heard similar things going on in other districts whereby small allocations from MP and ADUN were distributed through cronies for allegedly non-existent projects or programmes or at best useless programmes. My colleagues shall expose them in due time.
The one in Telupid, Karnivel Siok, even its objective is never properly explained.
By Mr Pinus Gondili is Star Beluran Divisional Head
Itu dia punya sukalah.Nasib lagi Beluran dia tidak jual,kalau jual nah pindah bah semua rakyat.
ReplyDeleteLupa kan lah kisah ini,bikin sakit kepala saja.Biarkan si Kiandee main layang layang ditanah lapang.Dialah yang SIOK.
Lagipun dikatakan karnival ini diadakan untuk mengagihkan peruntukan kepada kira-kira 12 persatuan pemuda di situ.
DeleteKarnival ini juga boleh membantu mempromosikan Telupid kepada orang luar.
DeleteBaguslah kalau objektif karnival ni tercapai.
DeleteBaguslah ada karnival seperti ini. Ini pun mau kritik juga.
DeleteMungkin pemuda-pemudi di Telupid enjoy hari itu. Bukan selalu ada karnival seperti ini.
ReplyDeleteadakah karnival pn salah ke? karnival tersebut dpt mempromosikan Telupid.
DeleteBergantunglah bagaimana orang melihat tujuan karnival ini, ada yang suka ada yang tidak suka.
DeleteAda karnival salah, tiada karnival lagilah salah kali kan...
DeleteYang penting penganjur sudah mencapai objektif mereka.
DeleteBetul yang penting penganjur sudah mencapai objektif mereka.kenapa mau komen banyak lagi.
DeleteGood luck and I wish more people know where is "Telupid".
Deletetak salah juga mereka adakan karnival, ada manfaat juga dari karnival tersebut.
ReplyDeletememang tidak salah tapi kenapa membazir kan wang dan menggunakan peruntukan guna kan lah duit sendiri untuk buat karnival
DeleteDiharapkan MP Beluran akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai Karnival ini.
DeleteSekiranya niat baik pasti semuanya pun positif
DeleteYang penting ini karnival ini untuk rakyat, bukan untuk kepentingan sendiri.
DeleteMimang ini kerja membangkang, cari kesalahan sahaja.
Deleteprogram ini adalah baik dan rasanya mereka yang hadir turut gembira.
Deletekebaikan kalu ada karnivel ni buli jmpa bakal-bakal suami dan isteri bah...klu yg sdh beristeri buli jmpa yg bakal numbur dua atau numbur tiga kiiiiiiiiiiiihooooiii boh
ReplyDeletePok silap saja tu..
Deleteaik..karnival lain sudah kalau begitu tu.
DeleteKarnival yang bagus untuk mengeratkan hubungan sesama. Wakil rakyat pun boleh turun padang melawat rakyat
ReplyDeleteHarap MP Beluran segera memberi penjelasan, kasih faham tu parti Star yang tau mengkritik sahaja.
ReplyDeleteya, sebaiknya penjelasan diberikan berhubung isu ini.
DeleteA carnival is a good way to promote Telupid. Star should really stop having negative perception in everything the government do.
ReplyDeleteya..karnival ini baik untuk mempromosikan Telupid.
DeleteThis shouldn't be made into an issue in the first place. There are other issues that need more concern on.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan harus kepada projek yang memanfaatkan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteGovernment should prioritised their expenses.
ReplyDeleteWhy these carnival for?
ReplyDeletelebih baik jika menumpu kepada masalah yang lebih serious seperti kemiskinan, prkembangan ekonomi yang lembab dll.
ReplyDeletekarnival seperti ini sebenarnya adalah baik dan wajar diadakan pada masa akan datang.
ReplyDeleteSekurangnya tempat itu dapat juga merasa karnival. Bukannya selalu karnival ini dilakukan.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya STAR dengki saja itu yang mana takut penduduk dikawasan tersebut menyokong kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteuseless bila sambutannya menaggalakkan di kalangan belia2 muda.. macam2 la tohmahan dilemparkan.. bagus tanya sendiri belia yang hadir di karnival itu..