Joseph Lakai
Bangsa Eropah, Amerika, Korea dan Jepun menjadi bangsa yang maju kerana mereka menyedari erti pentingnya Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) dalam bidang kejuruteraan, sains dan teknologi.
Kita sebagai bangsa yang mempunyai keinginan untuk maju, juga harus menyedari betapa pentingnya ilmu pengetahuan tersebut untuk memperoleh kemajuan tersebut.
Mulai dari sekarang kita harus bangun dari terlelapnya mimpi yang berpanjangan ini. Bangkit dan bergerak maju demi kehidupan bangsa yang kita harapkan sejajar dengan bangsa-bangsa lain yang telah maju terlebih dahulu.
Sabah adalah negeri yang besar. Besar penduduknya, luas wilayahnya, dan kaya akan hasil alamnya.
Kita harus malu kepada bangsa lain yang kecil dengan kekayaan alam yang amat sedikit tapi mereka boleh maju berbanding kita.
Luasnya wilayah Sabah dan Sarawak serta kekayaannya yang lebih melimpah dari Jepun yang kecil akan tetapi Jepun berjaya menguasai Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) dalam bidang kejuruteraan, sains dan teknologi sehingga dapat duduk sejajar dengan bangsa Eropah dan Amerika.
Seandainya ilmu pengetahuan rakyat kita lebih maju, Indonesia dan Filipina takkan berani menceroboh wilayah kita. nelayan-nelayan asing takkan berani mengaut kekayaan sumber laut kita. Dengan menguasai Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) dalam bidang kejuruteraan, sains dan teknologi, kita takkan guna freeport di Malaya. Demikian, tiadalah dasar kabotaj yang menindas rakyat Sabah.
Kerana lemahnya IPTEK kita maka kekayaan kita telah dikelola oleh bangsa asing dan mereka mencerobohnya untuk memperkayakan negeri/ negara mereka. Karena ceteknya IPTEK kita, kedaulatan sabah ini diceroboh oleh campur tangan asing. Kerana ceteknya IPTEK kita maka dasar kabotaj menyekat pertumbuhan ekonomi kita.
Apakah kita akan membiarkan pulau-pulau kita yang lain terlepas setelah Labuan dan Block L & M kita lepaskan begitu saja?
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahawa Labuan adalah salah satu pulau terkaya. Lombong minyak dan gasnya nombor satu di dunia.
Karena kurangnya penguasaan IPTEK oleh rakyat kita, maka dengan relanya kita menyerahkan pulau itu kepada Malaya. Pekerja kita hanya sekadar buruh kasar di sana kerana memang Malaya sudah menguasai IPTEK.
Kita hanya dapat segelintir saja dari kekayaan minyak Labuan. Pun rakyat labuan memberontak karena kekayaan bumi mereka tidak dapat mereka nikmati sendiri. UMNO-BN terus saja menjadi provokator agar Labuan kita lepaskan. Apakah ini bukan menceroboh kedaulatan bangsa?
Marilah bersama-sama kita bangunkan bangsa ini. Kuasai IPTEK demi kemajuan bangsa ini. Kita harus yakin suatu saat kita pasti menjadi bangsa yang besar dan maju bahkan menjadi bangsa superpower dan perkara ini bukan mustahil.
Semoga saja anggaran pendidikan 20% yang dijanjikan pemerintah baru-baru ini boleh direalisasikan. Kita bangunkan bangsa ini dengan kegigihan, ketekunan, kerja keras dan kejujuran. Kuasai Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (IPTEK) dalam bidang kejuruteraan, sains dan teknologi agar kita menjadi mulia setaraf dengan bangsa asing.
Harus diingat, negara yang berasakan kejuruteraan sahaja yang akan dapat berkuasa dan mengawal ekonomi. Lihat contoh seperti Amerika dalam teknologi angkasa dan perisian komputer, Jepun dalam teknologi elektronik, mekanikal dan automotif, Perancis dalam teknologi penerbangan dan teknologi pemakanan, German dalam industri mekanikal dan perubatan, Korea dalam teknologi perkapalan dan nuklear, Singapura dalam teknologi perkapalan, Australia dalam teknologi perlombongan,
Taiwan dalam teknologi pembuatan dan sebagainya, malah China yang suatu ketika dahulu termiskin sudah menguasai industri pembuatan dan pembinaan sejak rakyatnya mengambil sikap PERUBAHAN.
Sabah dan Malaysia amnya BILA LAGI?
Joseph Wilfred Lakai ialah Naib Pengerusi Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP) N34 CLC Liawan
kerajaan sentiasa menitik beratkan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan..
ReplyDeleteEducation is the answer to escape from poverty. That is why the government has been trying hard to get the people understand how important is education to life.
DeleteThis article addresses the issue of Sabah nationhood.
Most of us are a long way from reaching the maturity of ideas displayed by Joseph.
We can have elections- where does it get us? We remain under the rule of a foreign government within the colonial Malaysia political framework.
Better education?- But who education. Our children are being brainwashed with UMNO Malay supremacist apartheid ideas
More development? Again this does not solve anything as Sabah serves as a colonial milking cow for Malaya sucked dry of it soil and natural resources.
Sabahans have awakened to all these which is why many political leaders have spoken out bravely against Malayan colonialism. This is far far in advance of Sarawak where most politicians are controlled by Malayan parties.
At least in Sabah there are has political parties independent of Malayan control and this is a healthy sign.
Agree that education is vital for ur to progress- but what sort of education?
Our Sabah or Sarawak fishing village technology have not developed further than processing belacan. China has put man and woman in space.
We need to understand the methodology of how to make advances both socially and economically. This can only be firstly resolved by a political change to a more equitable system to replace the feudal capitalist system we have.
These are links to independent foreign news reports and video clips on how socio economic development in a village in China becomes a world wide eye opener.
We need to put aside our prejudices explore new horizons.
We need to honestly ask ourselves how is it possible for 2000 villagers to build a multi-million dollar skyscraper and provide housing food and clothing for all their members in just 30 odd years (20 years shorter than independence in Malaysia)?
Foreign reports on the miracle of Hauxi Village- Income= $US6 Billion
"Huaxi Village is known as the "No.1 village under the sky". It was founded in 1961.[2] All the inhabitants have a wealth of at least one hundred thousand Euros or more, according to the local authorities. This is a substantial amount by Chinese standards. The village has a multi-sector industry company that is listed on the stock exchange, has bought airplanes and plans to buy ships. The villagers are shareholders and are paid one fifth of the company's annual profits. In 2011 the company's turnover is expected to grow by about 6.5 billion Euros.
In addition to two thousand villagers, there also live in the area about 20 000 migrant workers and 30 000 nearby villagers. "My father was wealthy. Now I want that the villagers will also be that and healthy and happy," says the village chief, Wu XiƩen. His father, a former village chief, Wu Renbao once invested money in raw materials such as aluminum.[3]
A new landmark skyscraper in Huaxi Village[4], the 328-meter Longxi International Hotel was opened when the village celebrated its 50th anniversary."
VIDEO CLIPs (follow the links from there)
China’s ‘richest village’, Huaxi has its own 7 Wonders of the World
Sabah is not anywhere near to achieving what 2000 villages have in 30 years.
We had nearly 50 years in Malaysia under UMNO colonial rule and we got nowhere except having the undesirable distinction of being the poorest State under UMNO rule.
We have nothing to lose brothers and sisters. We already lost 50 GOOD years of wasting time in Malaysia under FOREIGN Malayan rule? Why ask for more?
We can only change our destiny by taking Sabah out of Malaysia!
Not interested in being compared to china. Sabah is not china. I don't like certain implications. Sabah needs her own benchmarking.
DeleteThat's right. Sabah is just a state and China is a country and we also know that Sabah still not get its autonomy.
Deletehanya pendidikan yang wajar yang boleh melahirkan generasi yang berkeupayaan untuk membawa perubahan dan perkembangan yang berterusan.
Deletecuma mungkin kesedaran yang masih kurang di kalangan rakyat akan peri pentingnya IPTEK melambatkan kita untuk maju...
ReplyDeleteSistem pendidikan di negara ini perlu diperbaiki dari masa ke masa. Mana kedudukan Malaysia dari segi pendidikan jika dibandingkan dengan negara2 ASEAN?
DeleteThailand dan Singapura masing2 sudah mempunyai ranking untuk universiti terbaik mereka.
DeleteSistem pendidikan di Sabah sudah banyak berubah.
DeleteBanyak masih perlu diusahakan lagi sistem pendidikan di Sabah.
Deletekita sedang berusaha untuk maju...wujud banyak IPTA dan IPTS untuk melatih dan melahirkan graduan2 yang celik ilmu sains dan teknologi...ini adalah antara usaha kerajaan..
ReplyDeleteSabah is in the verge of developing rapidly. Government has provided all sorts of program to help the people. Take advantage of the programs.
DeleteSilap siapa bila peluang sudah ada tapi masih mensia-siakannya? Kadang2 sikap malas segelintir rakyat Sabah yang buat diri mereka jauh ke belakang.
DeleteThe government has given us lots of opportunities to strive for the better so we need to make sure we're catching up the pace.
DeleteYang kurang berkemampuan, telah diberikan kemudahan pinjaman dan ada juga yang dapat biasiswa untuk melanjutkan pelajaran.
DeleteKerajaan banyak menyediakan peluang untuk rakyat sabah,banyak program yang di anjurkan secara percuma untuk anak muda.
DeleteSyabas usaha kerajaan untuk memupuk generasi yang lebih berkeupayaan dalam sains and teknologi.
Deleterakyat khasnya golongan muda harus merebut peluang yang ada untuk meningkatkan kemahiran diri..
ReplyDeleteYoung generations are the future of sabah.
DeletePersaingan terutamanya dalam aspek pekerjaan semakin tinggi. Generasi muda harus ada daya saing yang tinggi.
DeleteJadi jangan bazirkan masa melepak, kan dah banyak kursus percuma yang ditawarkan. Ambilah peluang untuk menjadi lebih baik.
DeleteBetul tu..sekarang ni banyak kursus2 percuma ditawarkan. tak perlu keluarkan wang untuk mendapatkan kemahiran.
Deleteilmu pengetahuan adalah kuasa...siapa yang lebih berpegetahuan maka dia lah yang berkuasa..
ReplyDeletea good lesson to everyone here. that is why education is very important.
DeleteBut never abuse the knowledge to the extent of badmouthing about other people.
DeleteBut we were never thought that knowledge is necessary power.
DeleteTapi kalau ada pengetahuan tapi tak pandai mengguna dan memanfaatkannya, sia-sia saja.
DeleteIlmu pengetahuan harus diguna dalam bidang secara positif, jangan pula salah menggunakan ilmu yang diberi untuk aktiviti haram.
Deleterakyat harus melakukan perubahan...sekadar cukup saja tidak relevan pada masa sekarang...
ReplyDeleteChanges can only be made through voting. So vote for the best party.
DeleteRakyat Sabah perlu lebih agresif. Jangan terlalu 'santai'.
DeletePositive changes should have to ensure we are at par with other developed countries. Learned couple of good things from them and I'm sure we can make a difference.
DeleteOur resources should be wisely used
DeleteI believe the people knows what is best for them.
ReplyDeletePendrive dicipta oleh rakyat Malaysia tetapi dimajukan di Taiwan. If not mistaken.
ReplyDeleteBanyak yang akan dipopularkan oleh tempat lain, baru M'sia ikut.
Deletekenalah menyedarkan betapa nasib baik orang sabah ada banyak resources.
Deletejika kita berusaha pasti boleh menghasilkan kejayaan.
DeleteJust an advice from me here, make good use of IT and be the master of all.
ReplyDeleteIT not necessary the answer.
DeleteI'm curious, if IT is not necessary the answer, what is?
DeleteKerajaan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat. Jangan la sokong parti yang baru tumbuh di Sabah.
ReplyDeleterakyat pasti dapat menilai parti mana yang berkhidmat untuk mereka.
DeleteSemoga rakyat akan membuat pengundian yang bijaksana semasa PRU-13.
DeleteSabah memang mesti berubah dan menjadi maju, kita harus bersatu padu.
ReplyDeleteBersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh.
DeletePerubahan sudah banyak di Sabah. Pasti akan lebih banyak lagi selepas ini.Dengan bantuan kerajaan yang ada sekarang.
DeleteWith kindest regards Captain
ReplyDeleteIn the short term you have successfully created a struggle that truly dynamic for the beloved Sabah. Your writing is very progressive. Continue your struggle with the Sabah Progressive Party. Good luck
Toh Puan Hajah Rahimah Stephen
Kuala Lumpur
Sabah kini sudah semakin maju dan ekonomi pun makin baik berbanding dulu.
ReplyDeleteSabah Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology sponsored ICT course for Sabahans to improve their skills and knowledge in IT.
DeleteComparing other state, Sabah indeed still need more effort to develop and expand.
DeleteIlmu pengetahuan dan teknologi adalah penting untuk rakyat kita mencapai kemajuan.
ReplyDeleteilmu amat penting, jadi kita harus luaskan ilmu dan pengetahuan kita.
DeleteTanpa ilmu, kita tidak akan dapat maju ke hadapan..jadi utamakan pelajaran.
DeleteJIka kita pandai dan berilmu sekalipun jika peluang kita ditutup dan tidak sekali2 diberi peluang, bagaimana untuk kita memperlihatkan kemajuan kita?
ReplyDeleteJika ingin maju dan berjaya semua aspek kita kena lihat dan pastikan peluang itu ada.
ReplyDeleteSabah berpontesi untuk maju dan berjaya, jadi kita harus manfaatkan potensi yagn ada.
ReplyDeleteSabah semakin bergerak ke hadapan..harap Sabah akan jadi leih maju lagi.
Deleteperlaksanaan SDC dijangka akan dapt menyumbang kepada pembangunan Sabah.
ReplyDeletetukar kerajaan yang ada sekarang, supaya kita lebih dapat menentukan acuan dan hala tuju system pembelajaran yang lebih efective untuk kemajuaan yang lebih dynamic didalam negeri ini. kerajaan yang ada sekarang adalah kerjaan yang BONGOK!!
ReplyDeleteBuat apa mau tukar kerajaan sekarang, apa yang ada sekarang sudah cukup bagus, semua kemudahan di sediakan. Pembangkang boleh buat apa??
DeleteJadi contohi dengan negara-negara yang berjaya seperti Jepun.
ReplyDeletenegara Jepun maju sebab rakyatnya berusaha memajukan diri.. majoriti rakyatnya memiliki pengetahuan dan kemahiran.. tidak seperti di negara ini..
Deleteperubahan yang diperlukan bukan dari segi politik.. bukan politik yang menentukan masa depan rakyat.. apa yang saya lihat di negeri ini, masih ramai rakyatnya yang belum mampu berdikari.. asyik mengharapkan bantuan..
ReplyDeletesokong SAPP, jangan harap la negeri ini akan jadi negeri yang berasaskan kejuruteraan..
ReplyDeleteThe government is moving forward with one of its flagship projects, an initiative that aims to make the information and communications technology (ICT) sector – already a major contributor to the Malaysian economy – one of its largest components. However, if the state was to achieve its goals there were several issues to be addressed.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, the industry represents around 10 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), a figure the government was keen to increase as it pushed to achieve developed nation status by 2020. That plan was given a boost in early July, when one of the government’s lead agencies in its drive to develop the sector unveiled the first major projects in the Digital Malaysia programme, which was initiated by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, last October.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Datuk Badlisham Ghazali, chief executive officer (CEO) of Multimedia Development Corporation Bhd (MDeC), eight of the scheme’s projects have already been approved and will be rolled out in stages.
ReplyDeleteThese and other initiatives will generate US$10 billion in investment value based on a public-private partnership model and will increase ICT’s input to GDP to 17 per cent – US$94 billion – by 2020, Badlisham announced on July 5.
ReplyDelete“The investments will be used to create 160,000 jobs, besides providing an additional US$2,300 in annual income for 350,000 citizens via digital income by 2020.
ReplyDeleteAmong the projects that cleared the approval stage are an ‘Asian e-fulfilment hub’, which seeks to develop Malaysia into a regional centre for servicing cross-border e-commerce shipments and e-payment services for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises.
ReplyDeleteThese thrusts include initiating more demand-focused activities to leverage on the supply, encouraging internet users to come up with products or services while they consume from digital technologies, and increasing the development of local talent in key industries.“Previously, our focus was just to drive the industry.Today, our role has evolved to empowering citizens and businesses to use digital technology to enhance their lives and businesses.
ReplyDeleteThough the government and its agencies would need to provide more detail on many of the programmes that were in the pipeline, and on how it intended to attract private investment to those initiatives, moving to flesh out Digital Malaysia should encourage the ICT sector.
ReplyDeleteAccording to a statement issued by MDeC on July 2, the outlook for that industry should remain positive for the rest of the year, driven by strong domestic demand and higher consumer spending.
This prognosis was supported by a recent forecast by the National ICT Association of Malaysia, which predicted growth of eight to 10 per cent for the sector in 2012.
ReplyDeleteOne cloud on the horizon was the weakening health of the global economy, exacerbated by the ongoing crisis in the eurozone and the slowdown in China.
ReplyDeleteWhile domestic demand is expected to remain strong in the near term, Malaysia’s overseas markets for ICT goods and services could experience a contraction in the latter half of this year and into 2013.
ReplyDeleteDepending on how severe this reduction in demand was, the ICT sector’s growth rate might slow, perhaps significantly.
Another possible pothole was the shortage of skilled engineers and entrepreneurs, many of whom chose to live and work overseas, according to Pua Khein Seng, the chairman and CEO of Taiwan-based Phison Electronics.
ReplyDelete“There is potential in the IT industry in Malaysia; we have talents but many of them are overseas,” Pua said in an interview with the Borneo Post in July.
“In Taiwan, we often hear stories of our seniors becoming successful entrepreneurs after graduating, and these instil the belief that ‘I might stand a chance to succeed if I choose to be an entrepreneur.’In Malaysia, we don’t have these kinds of success stories.”
ReplyDeleteIf the government could attract the sort of investment it was expecting and was able to do more to facilitate entrepreneurial endeavours, the ICT sector might yet be able to write a few stories of its own in the years ahead.