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Sunday, July 15, 2012

MP: New traffic fines will encourage corruption

Faced with the choice of having to shell out a minimum RM300 for infringing the law or paying say RM50 to overlook the offence, the smart money would be on the unwritten "escape clause".

TAWAU: The Road Transport (Amendment) Bill 2012 which proposes higher fines for traffic offences from a “no fixed amount” to a minimum of RM300 is guaranteed to have drivers reaching for the wallets in Sabah when they are stopped on the road.

Traffic offenders in the country have already made it a habit to pay off traffic police who are ready to turn a blind eye for some inducement.

Faced with the choice of having to shell out a minimum RM300 for infringing the law or paying say RM50 to overlook the offence, the smart money would be on the unwritten “escape clause”.

Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui is among those who believe that while the intention is good, the conditions in the country do not permit such ill-thought plans to bring down the high incidence of traffic accidents.

The blanket RM300 fine covers such offences as unapproved number plates (RM300-RM3,000), invalid driving licence (RM300-RM2,000), speeding (RM300-RM2,000), expired or no Puspakom permit (RM300-RM2,000), illegal import of foreign cars (RM300-RM5,000), and those who disobey traffic police instructions (RM300-RM2,000).

The amended bill also requires electric bicycle cyclist to obtain driving licences before using them on public roads. The minimum age to use these cycles is 17-year-old and the electric bicycle engines are limited to 0.25 kW or a maximum speed of 25 kilometer per hour.

Chua said the implementation of the minimum fine would have a far-reaching detrimental impact on motorists and transportation operators in Sabah where the average income for the lower income families is around RM500.

“How can the traffic offenders afford to pay such a steep fine. Is the government prepared to send all these offenders to jail when they can’t afford to pay the fine?” she asked.

She said while she condemned reckless drivers and agreed that those who caused fatal accidents should be heavily penalised under the law, the implementation of a minimum fine of RM300 was not going to decrease the incidences of accidents.

Chua who is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) vice president noted that many Sabahans had described it as yet another shrewd ‘money-making’ approach by the government to squeeze money out of the people in the guise of reducing road accidents.

She said instead of ‘victimising’ and burdening the people further, the government should strive to find out the root causes of the prevailing road accidents and seek public consultations to prevent and to minimize them.

While urging the ministry concerned to instill civic consiousness among road users and drivers, especially the young, Chua also said the Works Ministry should provide better and safer roads with lanes for cyclists and motorcyclists.

She also urged traffic authorities to put up more signs warning motorists of cameras noting their speed as studies had shown that such measures were more effective in getting drivers to slow down rather than catching them using the hand-held speed detectors.

“Many countries also implement the notification system to warn the drivers of cameras ahead,” she said.

Azman Habu


  1. Government think they can raise more money from this after spending soooooooooo much rakyat money to bribe for votes.

    Now, give police more chance to earn more for raya time... so government dont have to give them allowance.. so ask from public la.......

    1. Who say anything bout government wanting to raise more money from this. Such fines are imposed so that the drivers would not break the road rules.

    2. Government must find a way to stop this unethical act.

    3. Wang saman bukan disimpan dalam poket sendiri. kadang2 ada juga polis trafic ni yang rasuah.

    4. Ikut peraturan jalan raya jika tidak mau di saman.

    5. Saman juga dikenakan untuk mengelakkan mereka menjalankan aktiviti yang kurang baik. Tetapi saman harus ikut cara yang baik.

  2. Government is encouraging the police to ask for bribes... Thats what BN is good for... Make sure election time, change them and the new government should listen to rakyat and use common sense when deciding anything...

    1. jadi kepada pengguna jalan raya, ikut peraturan lalu lintas yang telah ditetapkan...

    2. Sebab itulah pengguna jalan raya harus patuhi peraturan. Tak rugi pun kerana ia untuk keselamatan diri juga.

    3. Its always better to be safe than sorry.

    4. semuanya berasal dari diri sendiri.

    5. Apa nak takut jika ikut undang-undang?

  3. kalau 300, susah mahu bayar..

    1. Tak payah keluar duit pun kalau patuhi undang-undang jalan raya. Barulah jimat:P

    2. then follow the road rules to avoid being fine.

    3. oleh itu, kedua-dua pihak pun menjalankan win-win situation.

    4. Itulah kena berhati2 dan jangan buat jalanraya tu seolah2 milik sendiri.

    5. Jika tak nak duit keluar, jangan langgar peraturan, kalau dahh kena saman, nanti salahkan kerajaan lagi.

  4. denda yang sangat mahal ni akan mengalakkan rasuah...harus dikaji semula...

    1. betul tue. denda tersebut harus dikaji semula.

    2. betul tue. denda tersebut harus dikaji semula.

    3. Tapi jika tidak mahal, rakyat akan melakukan kesalahan yang sama lagi.

    4. kalau denda tidak tinggi, makin ramai pula yang langgar peraturan.

    5. Denda mahal ataupun tidak, rasuah akan tetap muncul sebab bukan semua ada kesedaran.

    6. Mereka yang tidak sanggup bayar, pasti akan merasuah. Yang harus disiasat, adalah polis yang makan rasuah.

  5. makin bertambah-tambah lah banduan mat rempit nanti..

    1. Our police traffic is efficient with their job. I doubt the mata rempirts dare to break the rule.

  6. It seems rather too expensive.

    1. Government has no choice but to have the fines imposed to that price. That is why we should always follow the road rules.

    2. Expensive or not, we have to be responsibility for our own wrong doings.

    3. Sesuailah dengan kesalahan yang dibuat. Sudah buat kesilapan.. bayar sajalah.

  7. I would encourage a review on this.

  8. Does the government have to really do this?

    1. Money is a good motivator. Since the people is not willing to pay that high fines, then they will automatically follow the road rules in order to avoid paying such fines.

    2. Dulu ramai yang tidak suka pakai safety belt tapi bila saman RM300 akan diadakan, ramai yang start pakai sudah.

    3. Bagus lah bagi saman mahal2.. nanti semua pun akan rajin ikut peraturan.

    4. Jika rasa mahal, ikutilah undang-undang jalanraya.

  9. I suggest we follow the rules and regulations as proposed by the road authority.

  10. Respect and abide to the rules given to the public lah.

  11. Mahal tapi kalau sudah tahu mahal, nah pandai-pandailah ikut peraturan.

    1. some drivers may not purposely want to break the rules.

  12. The traffic fines are expensive. so its no wonder that the people would do anything which include paying rm50 to the traffic police to overlook the offence.

    1. The police should be educated on not getting under table money from people. They will spoil their images and reputations.

    2. Banyak juga polis trafik yang didapati merasuah, harus juga pihak berkuasa mengambil tindakan kedua-dua yang merasuah dan ambil rasuah.

  13. The price seems rather unreasonable, i hope the government could review it to reduce the fines.

  14. Saya hairan kenapa orang mahu marah? Bukankah cara ini dapat mengingatkan pemilik kenderaan untuk extra hati-hati ketika berada di jalan raya dan juga berusaha mematuhi undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan???

    1. Yang marah mungkin mereka yang suka langgar peraturan la tu.

    2. mereka tak nak mengambil tanggungjawab itu.

    3. Ramai yang suka jump queue, tidak menggunakan signal, suka potong sini, potong sana. Bagus saman mereka semua.

    4. Yang suka marah2 tu, orang yang memang suka kena saman, bila kena saman, macam2 cakap.. ada yang salah kan kerajaan, sedangkan itu memang salah mereka.

  15. Jadi jangan asyik tunding jari saja, lebih baik ikut saja peraturan kalau tak nak kena fine.

    1. setuju, baik ikut peraturan, jadi tidak menyusahkan sesiapa.

    2. Mereka yang lekat cermin hitam atau mengubah lampu, bagus jangan keluar rumah buat masa ini.

  16. Jangan banyak komplen, ikut saja peraturan jalan raya. Senang cerita.

    1. Anda tidak perlu bayar saman dan anda juga tidak perlu buat rasuah.

    2. Jangan buat salah, tak payah bayar.

  17. Every decision has its advantage and disadvantage.

  18. "Jadi, macam mana kita mahu kasi selesai ni?. Tolong sama tolong atau mahu bayar saman?"

    Ayat kebiasaan didengari.

    1. Jadi apa tindakan anda? Tolong sama tolong atupun bayar saman?

  19. Both sides have to be responsible and not take the easy way out.

  20. kalau tidak mahu di saman ikutlah peraturan jalanraya yang ditetapkan.

  21. siapa yang buat salah wajar dikenakan tindakan.

  22. bagi mereka yang tidak mahu di saman, sila lah ikut peraturan.

    1. Betul, janganlah melanggar peraturan. Polis trafik cuma hendak memastikan keselamatan jalan raya.

  23. Stop corruption starting with us, don't give in to corruption.

  24. The police should not misleading their power, they should know that corruption is bad.

  25. The people should also know that should not give something to the police.

  26. jika kita patuhi undang2, tak jg kena saman.

  27. Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) Sabah Chapter chief Lo Su Yin said multi-storey car parks are essential short and medium term solutions, but they are not the final solution to the traffic congestion in the city. The medium and long term solution must be a well planned public transport system. The DBKK is grateful to PAM Sabah Chapter for its very comprehensive submission and interest in the planning of Kota Kinabalu City and in particular the Draft Kota Kibabalu Local Plan 2020.

  28. After the traffic congestion call, City Hall’s next task is to hold hearings on the objections to the Draft KK Local Plan 2020 and to deal with objections before submitting the amended Draft KK Local Plan 2020 to the Central Board for its adoption.

  29. Go ahead and execute it like Singapore. No corruption for all traffic police.

  30. Makin tinggi juga bayaran saman sekarang ini.

  31. bukan soal rasuah yang perlu difikirkan disini.. kalau tidak mahu kena saman, jangan la buat kesalahan lalu lintas.. ikut la peraturan yang sedia ada..

  32. saya juga boleh buat kesimpulan saya bahawa pandangan dalam artikel ini sengaja mahu rakyat memandu secara merbahaya dan tidak berhemah.. malah menggalakkan kemalangan jalanraya meningkat di negeri ini..

  33. apa pula cadangan pemimpin2 SAPP untuk pesalah2 lalulintas?? hapuskan saman?? dangerous betul la ni parti..
