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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sabah: Land of the poor, soon to be auctioned

By: Joseph Wilfred Lakai

Chief Minister (CM), Datuk Musa Aman is still in a state of denial with regard to poverty in Sabah. He had set a date of the end of 2010 for “Zero poverty”. This is sadly not attainable.

From the state richest in natural resources and opportunity before forming Malaysia, today after almost 50 years later we have the dubious honor of being the poorest state followed by Sarawak.

Musa, announced that the government had managed to reduce the number of people in poverty in Sabah from the figure of 16,944 during March this year to now at 16,696 on 19th of May, 2010, a decrease of 248 persons.

In this 2 months period the government reduced poverty by 248 persons. Which means 128 persons per month. So given that no more persons become poor, to reduce 16,696 persons to “Zero poverty” will take another 10 years? It is not something to be proud of.

The state government also stated that “Officially” poverty had reduced to 16 percent from 23 percent in 2004. Compared to Sarawak’s poverty level of 8.0 percent and a National poverty level of 5.9 percent in 2004 (UNDP figures).

Musa said the hardcore poor rate had gone down to 3.7 percent in 2007 from 6.5 percent in 2004.

UNDP study also notes about 23 percent of households in the state are still living below the national poverty line income, while child poverty rates stand at 42 percent. More than one fifth of the population aged six and over has never been to school.

In 2006, former Housing and Local Government Minister Ong Kah Ting had said that Sabah’s higher cost of living was the reason that its poverty level was the highest in the country.

Sabah holds the dubious distinction of having the highest poverty income line in urban areas, which is RM886 per household. Ong had said Sarawak fared better at RM777 a month per household while Johor (RM624), Kedah (RM625), Pahang (RM583) and Perak (RM584).

Former Women, Family and Community Development Minister, Sharizat Abdul Jalil noted on 29th April 2010 that “Sabah had 34.26 percent of the (total) hardcore poor families in the country, ie. 15,293 families”.

Besides 44,643 hardcore poor families in the country, another 55,957 families are categorized as “poor” and a further 86,399 families are categorised as “mudah miskin” (borderline poor).

This official figure of 34.26 percent hardcore poor in Sabah selectively disregards urban poverty and must be much higher.

In 1990, the incidence of poverty in Sabah was given as 34 percent, with rural levels reaching 39 percent and urban 15 percent. Figures for Sarawak were a much more moderate 21 per cent overall, with rural poverty 25 percent and urban 5 percent.

When examined by ethnic group (or at least Bumiputera against Chinese), Bumiputera were seen to be still experiencing higher levels of poverty – 41 percent in Sabah and 29 percent in Sarawak.

Musa’s figure of 16 percent poor is still much higher than in Sarawak or the National levels. Let us take Musa’s figure of 16 percent out of Sabah’s population of 3.25 million, which means that 520,000 persons are below the poverty line.

In my independent study with Datuk Frankie Chong, SAPP Vice President cum Chairman of SAPP Pedalaman, we found that Sabah’s poor actually number 1.2 million (37.0 percent). Who is fooling whom here?

The rakyat is being fooled of course as poverty and its eradication is a political timebomb and it benefits the government to keep the actual poverty numbers under-reported and under-wraps.

Despite the government’s claim that hundreds of millions have been spent on poor eradication programmes, and they only manage to reduce the poverty of 248 persons.

Sabah’s true poverty level is far higher than the figures given by the Federal Government, due to the large numbers of stateless locals as well as the continued and unchecked influx of illegal immigrants who cannot be tracked because they do not possess a MyKad.

As these people live outside the legal framework, they are not included in the official poverty figures, which is as a result much higher and worse than the government wants us to believe.

Only when the government admits the true scope of our poverty problem, tackle the illegal problem especially the issuance of MyKads to illegal immigrants, and stop the cronyism/ Corruption/ Nepotism that includes the encroachment of big well connected companies on the Native Customary Lands (NCR) of the locals, only then can we make proper poverty eradication programmes that would work.

Joseph Wilfred Lakai is Vice Chairman of N34 Liawan CLC Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP)



    1. No. We should get out the sooner the better.

    2. I'm sure the Philippine government will be very happy about this news, once Sabah has seceded from Malaya, they will recapture Sabah as their own. Not a difficult thing to do since there are many PATI from Philippine already in Sabah.

    3. It is better to attached with Malaysia or it is better to be an independent?

    4. independent is the best...

    5. 20 Points should be fulfill. This is include the autonomy for Sabah.

    6. what does the majority people think about it?

    7. Apa suara majoriti ya??? hhmm...

    8. Adakah Sabah & Sarawak akan menjadi maju jika keluar dari Malaysia? Susah untuk diramal.

    9. Betul itu..Suara majoritilah yang menentukan semua ini. Tapi mengenai tanah ini rasanya kerajaan sedang mencari jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik. Maka kita harap usaha itu adalah yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  2. What figuring you are talking about Mr CM !!!!ask yourself which comfort zone you are heading to ??


    250,OOO Sabahans,Sarawakians and Malayans signed petition for review of "M'sia Agreement"- an Unequal Treaty.

    If we want a review- it should be asking for an independence referendum not more "autonomy" which means more plunder, more of the same we got for almost 50 years?

    If we only want "autonomy" there is no point for a review.

    We should just take the opportunity vote with our feet and take Sabah and Sarawak out of Malaysia!

    1. Hope that the Malaysia agreement will be respected and fulfilled by the Federal Government so that Sarawak and Sabah rights will be protected.

  4. Eradicating poverty requires long term plan and continuous efforts, it cannot be resolved in a fortnight. Sabah is a large state and it take a long time to penetrate into many rural areas.

    1. mungkin SAPP masih tidak faham atau buat2 tidak faham...SAPP juga pernah dalam kerajaan dan tentu mereka sudah sedia maklum bahawa usaha membasmi kemiskinan bukannya mudah..

    2. sebab itulah kata2 SAPP ni tidak boleh dipercayai sangat...dan tidak hairanlah Yong kalah teruk pada PRK batu sapi atas sebab yang jelas iaitu rakyat sudah tidak mempercayai Yong...

    3. yong mmg tidak dipercayai rakyat lagi. Yong harus sedar.

    4. 70% Sabah merupakan kawasan luar bandar. memang sukar untuk dimajukan sekaligus.

    5. Poverty started due to Umno BN policy of self-interest and greed. Remove Umno BN from power then we will see poverty reduction.

    6. Poverty issue doesn't go away just like that. It takes time. Unfortunately for MA, he has to work harder in eradicating the poverty in sabah due to the past CM who didn't manage to decrease the poverty rate.

    7. Indeed true but some people are being ignorant and expect Sabah will be a land without any problems. They better go to Lala land.

    8. Biasalah SAPP sengaja memperbesarkan isu ini untuk mengelirukan rakyat.Sedangkan semua tau isu kemiskinan bukan boleh selesai dalam masah singkat.

    9. Rakyat sendiri juga harus usaha bersama kerajaan.

  5. The Sabah State government have introduced all sort of programs from agriculture, aquaculture, entrepreneurship, oil and gas as well as many other industries. The people should also work hard when they are given these opportunities.

    1. rakyat juga harus berusaha keras untuk keluar dari kepompong kemiskinan..bukannya mengharapkan bantuan kerajaan sahaja..

    2. the people need to take the initiative to get involve with the programs that the government implemented in order to reduce the poverty rate in sabah.

    3. Sokong dengan Austin, jangan terlalu mengharapkan kerajaan, rakyat sendiri harus berusaha juga.

  6. There are also many monetary aids such as the Bantuan E-Kasih, BR1M and PPRT for the hard core poor, senior citizens, disabled and single mothers.

    1. ini bukti kerajaan sentiasa membantu rakyat...pembangkang saj yang tidak pernah bantu rakyat bahkan menggunakan rakyat untuk mencapai cita2 politik mereka..

    2. kerajaan byk usaha dalam membasmi kemiskinan, walaupun ia tk dpt dibasmi sepenuhnya, tapi kadar kemiskinan dpt dikurangkan, Sabah bukan lagi negeri termiskin.

    3. patut bersyukur sebab banyak bantuan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan.

    4. those aids are meant for those who fulfil the requirements.

    5. Banyak bantuan dan program yang di buat oleh kerajaan untuk menbantu rakyat, kalau SAPP yang jadi pemerintah, apa yang rakyat dapat??

    6. Rakyat Sabah sekarang adalah paling miskin di Malaysia.

      Rakyat akan jadi lebih maju dan berpendapatan tinggi di bawah Kerajaan SAPP.

    7. Kerajaan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat. Bantuan sering diberi oleh kerajaan kepada golongan yang kurang berkemampuan.

    8. Bantuan? Bapa saya apply rumah bantuan kerajaan, maklumlah gaji masa itu baru RM360 saja di JKR pada tahun '80an. Dengan 9 orang anak cukup2 makan lah masa itu. Sampai dia jatuh sakit dan meninggal tiada rumah bantuan kerajaan. Bantuan kerajaan?! Bantuan sebab takut kalah pilihan raya lah. Kami sudah mengaus. Bapa saya sudah mati tidak dapat rasa pun ada rumah sendiri. Terima kasih kerajaan BN. SEMOGA BILA KAMU TUA NANTI KAMU SAKIT TAPI TIDAK MATI TERUS. PLAN PLAN BA. KASI HABIS DULU DUIT KAMU HASIL DARI KERJA PENIPUAN. amin

  7. What is wrong actually? We need to identified the major problem and try to find solutions.

  8. joseph, bagus kau ganti si Yong teck Lee...

  9. kerajaan sentiasa berusaha membasmi kemiskinan...

    1. ...dan juga kuat menipu rakyat sehingga tiada penyelesaian.

    2. hahahhaha... Itu namanya, manusia. Takkan ada yang sempurna dan sebab itu jugalah pentingnya rakyat berfikir matang dan bijak memainkan peranan masing-masing:)

    3. Susah mau kasih senang hati semua pihak ni..ada sahaja yang tidak puas hati, bantuan telah di beri, tapi masih lagi komplan tidak cukup.

  10. Macam Musa sajalah yang jahat... Rasanya masa YTL jadi CM dulu pun entah apa saja yang dia buat untuk Sabah.

    1. masa YTL jadi CM dulu macam tiada pun sumbangan dia.

    2. YTL hanya buang masa time jadi CM dulu.

  11. Bagi saya Musa setakat ini adalah CM yang banyak membantu Sabah untuk terus membangun.

    1. Sabah semakin membangun dan usaha harus terus dibuat.

  12. Sukar nak ramal apa yang akan berlaku dihadapan kita. Namun kita boleh berusaha memastikan apa yang berlaku itu nanti masih dalam landasan yang kita inginkan.

    1. Segala perancangan harus sedaya-upaya memastikan semua yang dirancang berjalan sebaik mungkin.

  13. Kemiskinan masih ada lagi, kerajaan berusaha mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah.

    1. Tidak mungkin Inda,Tidak mungkin To, Itu PATI Polipin banyak lagi men ungu mau kasih sanang bah.Kasi ruma, kasih KP. mana boli kasih kurang itu kemiskinan. Kerajaan UMNO sudah impot itu polipin lagi banyak-banyak PATI mau kasi naik tongkang basar dari pulau-pulau. Tetap**

    2. usaha berterusan perlu untuk membasmi kemiskinan.

  14. masa sapp dalam kerajaan dulu mereka gagal membasmi kemiskinan.

  15. sapp hanya mengkritik tapi mereka tidak buat apa-apa pun.

  16. SDC would be a great to reduce unemployment and poverty.

  17. Kemiskinan boleh disebabkan banyak unsur, rakyat sendiri juga tidak harus menyalahkan kerajaan sahaja, sendiri juga harus berusaha.

    1. Usaha semua pihak amat diperlukan untuk mengurangkan kemiskinan.

  18. Program membasmi kemiskinan sering dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan, terbukti kerajaan usaha untuk mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan.

  19. kemiskinan seboleh dikurangkan dengan tambahan program SDC, perkembangan industri kecil-kecilan dan besar-besaran.

  20. Jika tidak mahu terus miskin, buatlah perubahan dari segi undian.

  21. Sikap teramat bergantung kepada kerajaan, tidak mungkin menyelesaikan kemiskinan tetapi memburukkan lagi keadaan.

  22. Please protect people land. Find the way to make sure people get their right.

  23. Kerajaan harus bijak mencari jalan yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah kemiskinan yang terdapat di Negara kita ini. Terutama sekali di pendalaman Sabah.

  24. Sabah will stand firm behind Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who is a caring leader. And the State is thankful to the Prime Minister who has the interest of Sabahans at heart. “He cares and whatever we request, he will not hesitate to approve so long as it benefits the people,” Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said at the breaking of fast with the people.

  25. Also present were the Prime Minister and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur, the Chief Minister’s wife Datin Seri Hajah Faridah Haji Tussin, Parliament Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Haji Mulia, Kimanis MP-cum-Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, State Assembly Speaker Datuk Salleh Tun Said and Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin as well as State Umno and BN component party leaders.

  26. “We will give our full backing to the Prime Minister,” he added. Musa also said the BN was a government whose objective was to safeguard the interest of the people.“It is a government that brings progress and development across the State and ensures a good future for the people,” he said.Musa who is also Sabah BN and Umno chief told the opposition not to waste time coming to Sabah to make empty promises and hurl accusations against BN leaders.

  27. “It is as if Sabah is very backward and poor and the people never got help from the government.“I want to tell Pakatan Rakyat not to waste their time in Sabah because the people are now able to evaluate… they can differentiate between a stone and a gem.“We are not talking big but the fact remains that the progress and development in Sabah is far better than that in the states under opposition rule,” the Chief Minister pointed out.

  28. And according to Musa, billions of ringgit had been allocated to Sabah by the Federal government to implement development programmes.He said the people could see the rapid development currently taking place in Sabah.“For example in Kimanis we have the oil and gas project, the Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal which has a Petronas Training Centre to provide the locals with training.

  29. “And in Sipitang, there is the Sabah Ammonia & Urea (Samur) project. All these projects will provide jobs for the local people apart from boosting the economy in the west coast area,” he added.Musa said the Integrated Livestock Centre has also been set up in Keningau and in Tenom the Integrated Agriculture Centre.

  30. In Sandakan, an Education Hub is being developed and in Lahad Datu the gas-fired power plant to supply electricity to the east coast districts.The Chief Minister also said the road linking Kota Kinabalu with Papar, Kimanis, Bongawan, Beaufort, Sipitang, Sindumin and Lawas in Sarawak, would also be upgraded soon.”The BN is doing all this for the benefit of the people,” he added.

  31. Musa also said Sabah’s development was being carried out in a holistic manner without neglecting any district in the State.“We are able to implement all these projects because we preserve the good relations between the State and Federal governments and we also ensure there is political stability to boost economic growth,” Musa added.He said the State government would maintain this growth momentum so that the people of Sabah would continue to enjoy long-term progress and prosperity.

  32. Musa also said through the forestry policy, Sabah has begun to replant high quality tree species where one hectare of land would be replanted with 300 to 400 trees.In 30 to 40 years, he said these trees would be a great source of State revenue – for our kids and grandchildren. “Again I wish to assure the Prime Minister that Sabah Umno and BN will work hard to realise our struggle for the people.

  33. “We will not be afraid to face any challenge… we are on the right track and we are committed to helping to strengthen Umno and BN at the national level,” Musa said. Meanwhile, Musa also revealed there were certain individuals who attempted to undermine the BN’s noble efforts by spreading lies and working with the opposition.“They only care about their personal interest and not the party’s. They gave all kinds of reason why they need to change course after having been with the government for so long.

  34. “The question is why oppose now and not earlier? They do this when the election is drawing near… surely there is a hidden agenda,” Musa said.The people of Sabah, he said lived in peace and harmony.“Nobody can deny… and this is achieved during the BN rule. The people realise this and they are happy with the development and progress which we have brought to them,” he said.

  35. Till today, he said Umno and BN were still very strong and united.“What happened in Tuaran and Beaufort does not mean this peaceful State is now having a major problem.”Musa also thanked the Prime Minister and his wife for breaking fast with the people here.
