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Friday, October 4, 2013

Harris living in a state of extreme denial, says BOPIM

Judging from his front page statement in the local media today, former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Mohd Salleh, like other apologists for Malaya and Putrajaya, continues to live in a state of extreme denial on the plight of Sabah (Sarawak too) since 16 Sept, 1963 when it was robbed of its sovereignty of 31 Aug, 1963.

Hardly sixteen days after it obtained independence, Sabah and Sarawak were rushed into the Malayan Federation by the British colonialists in cahoots with Malaya while the UN looked the other way. Even the Conference of Malaya Rulers and the States in Malaya were not consulted.

What more proof does Harris want of Malaya and Putrajaya being in colonial occupation of Sabah and Sarawak when the proof is all around us in the Master--Slave relationship, the sick ideology of ketuanan Melayu, and the slave mentality and dependency syndrome foisted on us.

What better proof of colonialism can there be when Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest in Malaysia and will definitely be much better off on their own? The World Bank, using Government figures from Putrajaya, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, announced in Kota Kinabalu in Dec 2010 that Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest states in Malaysia. Forty per cent of the poor in Malaysia, according to the World Bank, were in Sabah.

The fact that Sabah and Sarawak are not being allowed to declare that they are not in Malaysia because it does not exist -- see Article 160 in the Federal Constitution which defines Federation as Malaya under the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1957 -- and that they were not allowed to exit the Federation with Malaya along with Singapore in 1965 is "further proof" of colonization which began in 1963 with the departure of the British and the marching in of Malayan troops which remain to this day as the Occupation continues with no end in sight. Malaya has never observed Malaysia Day, 16 Sept, even once in the last 50 years because they know it marks Occupation Day.

Wither the Malaysia Agreement 1963 in Article 160!

There's no indication in the Federal Constitution that the name Malaya was changed to Malaysia.

The Malayan Government has become the Malaysian Government and we have no share of it. The Malayan flag and national anthems have become Malaysian. The Malayan King is the Malaysian King.

Malaya has stolen our seats in Parliament and Malayan parties are stealing even more seats in Borneo.

No Sabahan or Sarawakian will ever become Prime Minister or even Deputy Prime Minister under Ketuanan Melayuism.

There's no Malaysia as originally envisaged.

Article 160 of the Federal Constitution makes that clear.

Sabah and Sarawak were dragged into the Federation on Malaya as the 12th and 13th states to facilitate the merger of Singapore and Malaya.

The Federation of Malaya is masquerading as the Federation of Malaysia and the Constitution of Malaya is being passed off as the Constitution of Malaysia.

The words "masquerading" and "passing off" -- Malaya as Malaysia and the Malayan Constitution as the Malaysian Constitution -- have entered the debate along with "theft" of oil and gas resources and the demand for "punitive compensation".

The facts speak for themselves.

No more Malayan lies in history books to cover up the truth.

Malaya should shed the burden of Empire in Borneo.

The British told Sabahans and Sarawakians that Malaysia will be an equal partnership. They told the UN that Sabah and Sarawak will be joining the existing Federation of Malaya and that there was no need for Referendum.

Harris has also been claiming at every opportunity that the 20 Points -- a constitutional document on Malaysia -- are no longer relevant.

If there had been a Referendum on Malaysia, the 20/18 Points along with the Malaysia Agreement would have provided the two additional basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia.

What's the basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Federation with Malaya if there's also non-compliance on the Malaysia Agreement and the 20/18 Points? Recently declassified colonial documents in London reveal that the British were convinced that Malaya would colonize Sabah and Sarawak after they left.

Sabah has not only been colonized by Malaya as there was no Referendum on Malaysia in 1963, and Putrajaya keeps screaming ketuanan Melayu, the people are being marginalized and disenfranchised especially through the illegal immigrants entering the electoral rolls. In rooting for the Filipino and Indonesian illegal immigrants, Mahathir Mohamad from Kerala doesn't seem to care that Sabah belongs to the Orang Asal and other Sabahans.

To add insult to injury, Putrajaya's proxies, stooges and rogue elements are pushing for ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide by shrieking hysterically that Muslim Natives still refuse to identify themselves as Malays in line with the colonialist ketuanan Melayu policy.

The revenue non-sharing picture, besides the grinding poverty and theft of the oil and gas resources also tell the story of colonization.

The Sabah and Sarawak Governments are helpless. The political structure in Sabah and Sarawak is a colonialist one dominated by co-opted local traitors made up of proxies, stooges and rogue elements -- read handing out MyKads to illegal immigrants -- of Malaya.

Harris blames poor leadership in Kota Kinabalu and Kuching without realizing that in pointing a finger at them, he’s pointing four fingers at himself. Puterajaya cannot use their local proxies, stooges and rogue elements to do a number on the people of Sabah and Sarawak and go on to justify their imperialist and colonialist actions in Borneo as sanctioned by Parliament and law.

We can't even breathe in Borneo without Putrajaya's permission.

Look at where Singapore are Brunei are today!

Singapore was kicked out of its merger with Malaya in 1965 and today has an economy, in GDP terms, which is almost as large as that of Malaysia. Singapore’s runaway success since 1965 merely reflects the failure of Malaysia especially in Borneo.

Brunei is in control of its considerable oil and gas reserves unlike Sabah and Sarawak whose resources are being stolen by Petronas in cahoots with Putrajaya since 1976 in defiance of the Federal Constitution and based on a one-sided Oil Agreement which is worse than useless in international law. The onus is on Malaya to disprove theft, failing which the issue of punitive compensation enters the picture.

Harris must apologize to Sabahans for signing the Oil Agreement and giving away Labuan free to Putrajaya.he did not consult them on both issues.

We are not saying that he should have sold Labuan for money.

We are saying that he should not have given away Labuan to Malaya and had no business, law or no law, in doing so. He will lose in the Court of Public Opinion.

By Daniel John Jambun, Chairman of Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland



    1. jika sokong Fuckatan, separuh daripada bumi sabah akan diserahkan kepada sultan Kiram.. itu janji anwar kepada pengganas sulu..

    2. I say BN, Pakatan, SAPP, PAS, etc, semua boleh long as Sabah is for Sabahans.

    3. All opposition must give up and join BN

  2. harris harus bertaubat dari terus mempertahankan ketuanan malaya di sabah...
    setuju dengan daniel, harris perlu minta maaf dengan rakyat sabah kerana menandatangani perjanjian minyak yang ternayata merugikan rakyat sabah..
    serta pemberian labuan secara percuma (termasuk minyak dan gas) yang berada di perairan labuan...sehingga kini labuan jauh ketinggalan dari segi kemajuan jika dibandingkan dengan dua lagi wilayah persekutuan-KL dan PUTRAJAYA..
    harris makin banyak kau mempertahankan malaya makiin besar bodoh kau terserlah...taubatlah...taubat...tolonglah...

    1. minta maaf saja tidak cukup.. suruh dia cancel balik semua perjanjian yang dia buat.. atau suruh dia bayar ganti rugi..

    2. Tidak perlu sibuk pasal semua ni

  3. Discard the broken record. It's grating already. Want a new record, pool our resources to make a new one. There are so many options these days. It doesn't have to be that plastic thingy anymore. Waste not the grey matter unnecessarily. Work on resolutions and how to espouse them. Time to raise the bar and take it to a new level.

    1. Have the people got the message yet for the bar to be raised?

      Otherwise the record has to be played until they do?

      Any ideas to contribute since you raise this issue?

    2. 'Keyboarded' ideas some moons ago. And I guess that's a trick in itself. No Outreach. Thinking that obstacles will always be there somehow. The question is : overcoming them. Start with Visualization. Where do we want to be? Begin with the end in mind? What is the new realm?

  4. Hassnar testimony had implicated Harris in the indiscriminate issuance of identity cards to illegal immigrants in Sabah in return for their votes.

    1. tangkap Harris. Lebih baik dipenjara.

  5. Is this the same Harris Salleh who was implicated in Project IC which benefitted mostly illegal Suluk immigrants from the Philippines?

    1. dia la ni.. bagus suruh semua keturunan dia bayar ganti rugi kepada sabah sabah seumur hidup.. itupun belum cukup lagi itu jika dihitung jumlah kerugian sabah hasil dari perjanjian yang si harris buat..

  6. Harris Salleh who was once quoted as planning to overwhelm the demography of Sabah in favour of Muslims?

  7. Harris salleh who after the killings and brutal murder of eight security personnel, suggested Malaysia pay the defunct Sulu sultanate RM200 million to "settle" the matter? I strongly recommend that the Special Branch investigate Harris Salleh.

    1. Harris as president of Yayasan Islam Sabah, an organisation set up to look after the welfare of 'imported Muslims', he should have known the large presence of Suluks, numbering 800,000, on our shores does present serious security threats to the state. Surely, he was aware of the 'IC scam' all along despite his pretences at the RCI.

  8. We should start looking into the role of Harris Salleh in the IC scam. It was launched during the time he was ousted as Sabah chief minister after the loss in the election.

  9. Harris, your sympathy should be more for our fallen dead heroes who died defending our shores.

  10. We do have some idea on who betrayed our nation by giving illegal ICs to immigrants, some of them could be very terrorists who are shooting and killing our cops and soldiers.

    1. mereka yang menjual maruah Sabah harus disiasat dengan lebih lanjut.

  11. Against all civilised laws? How about the giving of blue ICs to these illegals. Not against civilised laws? Yes, I agree. These are treacherous acts against the nation.

    1. Negara ada undang-undang. tiada siapa yang boleh lari.

  12. Harris, you were also completely involved in letting in the hundreds of thousands of illegal Muslim Filipinos during your tenure as Sabah CM and you were totally complicit in mass conversion of Christian Kadazandusuns to Islam by giving those converting a small plot of jungle/hill land.

  13. Correct me if I am wrong, but former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad already blurted out too many things, so anybody can judge those comments until the matter is set for trial in a court, subject to the conclusion of the RCI.

    1. Of course, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad will deny it but can the rakyat still believe in him? In the minds of Sabahans, he had collaborated with former Sabah chief minister Harris Salleh and has been instrumental in bringing the state to its present predicament.

    2. siapa yang pernah merasa zaman pemerintahan Mahathir mungkin boleh menjawab.

  14. Yet, the RCI is not empowered to adjudicate or render decision on any matter, and its findings and recommendations are not even binding on the government. So, what exactly is sub judice?

    1. keadilan perlu ada. jangan abaikan undang-undang.

  15. Harris pada tahun 1985 telah mengarahkannya untuk bertemu dengan bekas Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub untuk meningkatkan pemberian kad pengenalan biru kepada warga asing Islam.

    1. pemberian IC tu harus disiasat sebaik mungkin.

  16. Harris Salleh had signed the five per cent oil royalty agreement between the State government and Petronas after he was sworn in as the Chief Minister following the death of his predecessor and following the advice of the then state Attorney-General that the agreement was proper.

    1. Nobody should be surprised if he is playing the same 'tune' again in the peninsula now. That's why to many Sabahans, the state has been given a 'rotten deal' by the federal government.

    2. Harris Salleh adalah pemimpin yang sangat teruk

  17. It is premature for former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh to preempt on the Federal Cabinet decision on whether to establish or not a RCI to Investigate the existence of Illegal Immigrants holding dubious identity cards obtained by way of “Project IC”

    1. If Anwar is implicated in the RCI proceedings and if it is true that Anwar was involved, or at least had knowledge of "the operations", I expect him to speak the truth and expose everything and everyone who was involved in it. I will respect him for that.

    2. Anwar pasti akan menuduh orang lain

  18. Harris is the man of denials like Mahathir

  19. Given a proper perspective to this particular ‘national problem’

    1. masalah yang berpanjangan dari dulu lagi. bila la mahu settle.

  20. This matter is no longer a mere issue for a public debate, rather this is a matter of public interest affecting sovereignty that merit resolutions at the highest level

    1. semua orang pun akan tahu juga ni. tetap menjadi tatapan umum.

  21. Bah suda2 la kamurang bergaduh ba

  22. Living in the hell

  23. Harris oh harris, macam2 ada la ko ni

    1. Harris tu semakin tua semakin banyak auta.

  24. Hancur la dunia mcm ni

    1. Kalau pembangkang yang merajui Sabah memang bakal hancur.

    2. kehancuran bakal disediakan oleh pembangkang

  25. The dysfunctional moment of them

  26. Living in an extreme denial ?

    1. beliau raja menafikan sesuatu perkara. salah bertukar ke betul.

    2. Living in publicity and controversy

    3. Sampai bila dia nak nafikan segala salah laku dia ni.bangkai gajah tidak akan dapat ditutup dengan nyiru.

  27. Takkan main saman2 lagi?

    1. saman saja la. banyak duit mana takut bayar saman.

    2. jangan dikasi lama.saman terus

  28. Another way of losing

    1. Kesian mereka sudah kehabisan modal

  29. si daniel jadi meroyan macam ni sebab dia frust bila pembangkang gagal merampas kerajaan sehingga ke hari ini.. dia sendiri tidak henti2 menafikan pembangunan yang di nikmati oleh sabah sepanjang berada dalam Malaysia.. fakta yang dia guna untuk menyokong pandangannya juga adalah fakta expired tahun 2010..

    1. apa boleh buat la kalau orang tengah meroyan. macam-macam hal boleh jadi.

    2. jangan dilayan si Jambun ni

  30. Angkatan Perubahan Saba in Sepanggar ended in a total embarrassment for the movement.

    1. kesian. APS tidak mendapat sambutan

    2. Tidak lama lagi tiada fungsi la itu.ketuanya sertai lagi parti baru..

  31. sangat malang Sabah dapat pemimpin macam Harris Salleh

  32. it is time for so many hidden things to be hidden. i guess we would all learn from them and this will make our economy a better place if only we amend their ways.

  33. there have been so many allegations from harris and we dont know what other thing might come up very soon

  34. the deal has been sealed already but i still believe that this is not the end. we can begin a new plan now that will benefit everyone

  35. with all these that he said, does he not know that he has to apologize to the state and everyone?

  36. it is high time the oppositions wake up cos it is impossible for the to gain power

  37. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:26 AM

    A local businessman has filed a suit against former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh over the "surrender" of Labuan to the Federal Government 28 years ago, which resulted in the island becoming a Federal Territory.

  38. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:37 AM

    James Albanus @ Richard, 59, of Kg Biau, Papar, filed the suit through counsel Marcel Jude Joseph on Wednesday.

    Albanus, part of whose business is undertaking research on social and political issues in Sabah and Malaysia, is seeking a declaration that Harris, who was the sixth Chief Minister from 1976 to 1985, on his part had acted unlawfully in the surrender of Labuan in 1984, damages, injunctive relief, costs and interest.

  39. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    In his statement of claim, Albanus claimed that during Harris' (the defendant) tenure as the Chief Minister of Sabah, the territory of Sabah was drastically reduced by the surrender of Labuan to the Federal Government.

    In 1984, as a resulted of an action taken by the defendant, Labuan became a Federal Territory on April 16, 1984, the second after Kuala Lumpur.

  40. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:54 AM

    Albanus claimed that the creation of the Labuan Federal Territory was undertaken by the defendant in an extremely hasty and hurried manner without seeking any public opinion or consultation, especially from the citizenry of the State of Sabah and/or the citizenry of Labuan island.

  41. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    Albanus also claimed that in researching the creation of Labuan as a Federal Territory in 1984, he had discovered from one Tan Sri Simon Sipaun, at that juncture the acting State Secretary of Sabah, that the defendant had not sought the opinions, feeling and concerns of Sabah citizens including himself (plaintiff), that the defendant had not undertaken a referendum in respect of the Labuan decision either among the populace and citizenry of both Sabah and Labuan;

  42. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:57 AM

    Also that the defendant had acted unilaterally and individually without compliance with the relevant constitutional safeguards and also the well being of Sabah citizenry.

  43. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    As a result of the defendant's rash and unconstitutional action, the Sabah State Government and the citizenry of Sabah suffered unquantifiable financial and social loss at the material time and for generations to come, he claimed.

  44. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 9:59 AM

    Albanus said he would among others rely on the information obtained as a result of his research and interviews with Sipaun through e-mail, recently.

  45. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 10:02 AM

    Meanwhile, Albanus told the media after filing the suit that he believed one of the main reasons why Sabah is not financially well off as a State was because of the surrender of Labuan, which was undertaken by the defendant.

  46. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 10:03 AM

    "In undertaking the transfer of this territory, he did not make a proper study and obtain the views of the people of Sabah including myself.

  47. Harris is the one who sold LABUAN!October 16, 2013 at 10:04 AM

    I have come across of information provided by a very important person which has confirmed what I had suspected but unable to prove all along i.e. the transfer was done rashly and there are many unanswered questions.

    "It is for this reason and for the people of Sabah that I am taking up this suit against Tan Sri Harris Mohd Salleh," said Albanus.

  48. Kerjasama pembangkang khususnya membabitkan sayap pemuda Pakatan Rakyat dilihat goyah dan tidak sehaluan hingga boleh menjejaskan hubungan parti komponennya.

  49. Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Pusat, Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi berkata, hubungan dalaman membabitkan komponen PAS-PKR-DAP perlu dimantapkan bagi menangani pelbagai isu secara kolektif.

  50. "Sehingga setakat hari ini, pemuda Pakatan Rakyat masih belum dilihat sederap dan selangkah walaupun menghayun kaki dan tangan bergerak ke arah yang sama," katanya.

  51. Penegasan Nasrudin itu dilihat sebagai signal yang jelas kepada sekutu mereka dalam pakatan pembangkang khususnya membabitkan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) mengenai kepentingan untuk menjaga keharmonian antara ketiga-tiga parti komponen.

  52. Selepas Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13) Mei lalu, wujud perbalahan antara Dewan Pemuda PAS dan Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) berhubung isu pertindihan kerusi yang ditandingi kedua-dua parti tersebut.

  53. Konflik timbul apabila Ketua AMK, Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akim secara lantang menegur pimpinan PAS terutama Presidennya, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang yang dianggap jadi punca pembangkang kalah di kerusi yang terlibat dengan isu pertindihan calon.

  54. Mengulas lanjut mengenai perkara tersebut, Nasrudin yang tidak akan mempertahankan kedudukannya pada pemilihan sayap parti itu berkata, pemuda Pakatan Rakyat seharusnya mengambil jalan tengah dengan mempejuangkan isu-isu rakyat yang demi kepentingan generasi muda.

  55. "Pemuda pakatan harus keluar daripada bayangan pemimpin senior Pakatan Rakyat dan tangkas mengambil posisi tengah dalam memperjuangkan isu-isu rakyat khususnya membabitkan anak muda," katanya.
