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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Teacher from Sabah is among 3 M’sians joins race for one-way Mars trip

The three are among 200,000 people from 140 countries who have applied to go on a one-way trip to the Red Planet in 2023.

KUALA LUMPUR: At a time when many people are applying to emigrate to other countries, three Malaysians, including a woman, have taken a giant step to leave the world and settle in Mars.

The three are among 200,000 people from 140 countries who have applied to go on a one-way trip to the Red Planet in 2023.

What was going on in the minds of these three people to arrive at this decision knowing that there is no option of returning? They will be leaving behind all the comforts of life on Earth.

They should also have known the adverse condition of Mars or are they fed-up with life on Earth or are they seeking the ultimate in human adventure?

A non-profit organisation, Mars One, plans to establish a permanent human colony on Mars by 2023.

The team hopes to finance the huge cost of the operation in part through advertisement fees on a 24-hour reality TV show following the astronaut-selection process and the mission planning and training procedures.

A new documentary, “One Way Astronaut” has already documented the application process for the ambitious Martian mission. The deadline for applications ended on Aug 31.

The Malaysian applicants

History teacher Wellmexly, 27, from Sabah, has a deep fascination about space exploration since he was a child.

“The curiosity to know what is beyond Earth pushed me to fulfil the dream to be a astronaut to Mars,” he said.

Wellmexly’s interest is in astronomy, space exploration, science fiction, history, geography, movies and music. He loves to read and write and do research.

Not much is known about Xin Tong, 26, but she has interest in plants, places and people.

She also likes ecology, exploration, adventure, science, mathematics as well as yoga and meditation.

The third applicant, Jan, 34, said he had always been fascinated about space.

“My interest was later focused on Mars. Reading Kim Stanley Robinson, I realised that Mars was more than just a fantasy.

“It is an opportunity that only requires commitment and follow-through. This will be humanity’s greatest achievement and I would be honoured to participate.

“I have wide interests ranging from sports, such as rock-climbing and surfing, to art, such as drawing and writing.

Jan said he had always been fascinated by natural sciences, biology and physics, anthropology and sociology.

The private space project is led by Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp, who announced official plans for the Mars One mission in May 2012.

Mars One colonisation

In 2022, four selected applicants will then be launched in a Mars-bound space flight to become the first residents on the planet. Every step of the crew’s journey will be documented for a reality television programme that will broadcast all year round 24 hours a day.

January 2016 will mark the start of the Mars One colonisation effort when a supply mission, carrying 2,500kg in spare parts, solar panels and other supplies will be launched and scheduled to land in October 2016.

In 2018, a settlement rover will explore the terrain of Mars in search of the ideal location for humans to reside.

In 2021, the rovers will prepare to assemble the landing of six separate units to sustain human life. Two living units, two life-support units, another supply unit, and a third rover will all arrive in the same year.

By 2022 the first Mars One team of four selected applicants, will be launched where they will become the first expected residents of the Red Planet in 2023.

By 2025, a new four-person Mars One crew will be sent. The organisation’s goal is to send people to the Red Planet every two years after the landing of the initial crew.

The United States has the most number of applications at 37,852 followed by China, Brazil, India, Russia, Britain, Mexico, Canada, Spain and the Philippines.

By Ramasegar


  1. This is beyond imagination

    1. haha..i don't think human can live longer in Mars

  2. The government is not being pressured by any party to sign the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) as claimed by certain quarters, the Dewan Negara was told today.

  3. Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Hamim Samuri said the government would ensure that the nation's and the people's interests were not compromised in the ongoing negotiations of the trade pact.

  4. The TPPA is still being negotiated. Malaysia's negotiators have been mandated to continue the negotiations, taking into account the nation's interests, government policies and Malaysia's constitution.

  5. The decision to ink the TPPA hinges on the overall analysis on whether the agreement will yield benefits or will be detrimental to the country

  6. Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has called on all candidates contesting in the party election to obey the rules to safeguard party unity.

    1. Jangan ambil jalan mudah yang melanggar landas perjuangan parti

  7. only through unity could Umno continue to enjoy success in its struggle to protect the race, religion and country.

  8. contesting candidates need to put party interests ahead of self-interest and struggle.

  9. struggles should not be seen solely from the personal aspect as they demanded sacrifice to achieve the overall objective.

  10. Replies
    1. pasti seronok. pengalaman yang sangat bernilai

    2. Berapa lama perjalanan baru sampai Mars?tidak perlulah berangan-angan nak migrate kat sana

  11. bolehkah manusia hidup dan tinggal di marikh??

    1. Alien saja yang hidup di planet tu

    2. bersyukurlah hidup di bumi yang sudah diciptakan untuk manusia.Marikh itu bukan tempat untuk manusia

  12. siapa2 yang terpilih tu, saya ucapkan semoga berjaya saja la.. bukan mudah untuk menyesuaikan diri atau survive di kawasan yang belum pernah dihuni oleh sebarang makhluk..

    1. bukan senang untuk dipilih pergi ke planet.

    2. memang semakin majulah manusia ni tapi ikut logiklah.jangan menentang ketentuan Tuhan

  13. Tahniah diucapkan pada mereka yang bertuah

  14. we all know that we all have our liberty of movement in the state

  15. the government will not restrain anyone from making any decision of such

    1. Go with your own risk..nothing to do with government

  16. to me people just want to explore and its a good thing to be in a new planet

    1. Tinggal lama di Marikh tidak mungkin buat manusia.bumi sudah disediakan untuk menempatkan manusia

  17. we do not need to condemn those who have volunteered to make the trip

    1. Itu hak mereka dan risiko diorang yang tanggung sendiri.terserahlah

  18. if anyone feels like going to the mars, lets not hide behind the shell anymore

    1. How to apply:-)it must be a great experience in a lifetime.
