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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

SAPP: ‘Stop sending civil servants to Sabah’

Queville To

There are 85,498 civil service staff from Peninsular Malaysia who are attached to government agencies in Sabah.

KOTA KINABALU: The federal government must review the practice of sending Peninsular Malaysians to assume posts in the civil services in Sabah.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) vice president Japiril Suhaimin said the government is currently wasting millions of ringgit every year to send West Malaysians to work in the state when there are capable local officers who can do the job just as well.

“The government could save a huge amount of money if the practice is changed by hiring Sabahans to fill up those jobs because our people are very much qualified. And, it would be a win-win for the government and our people,” he said.

He said the government is not required to pay transfer allowance and monthly housing allowance, as well as other allowances, once the staff are Sabahans.

He added that such allowances are enormous based on the number of West Malaysians currently working here, and the number of them arriving every year.

Japiril was especially referring to the recent revelation by Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department, Radin Malleh that between 7,500 to 8,500 civil servants from the peninsula were sent to Sabah each year for the last five years.

Radin also revealed that as many as 15,390 public service officers and staff from Peninsular Malaysia are currently working in 94 federal departments and 42 statutory bodies in the state.

The total number of staff of the federal civil services in Sabah is 85,498, according to official figures and the department and the Sabah Education Department has the highest number with 8,152 in 2011.

Income disparity

Japiril also highlighted the huge income disparity between local teachers and those sent over from the peninsula.
Dewan Rakyat Deputy Speaker Ronald Kiandee revealed recently that Sabah teachers are given allowances of up to RM350 while West Malaysian teachers received RM830 because they were not from the state.

“This imbalance has been going on for so many years. I don’t see why local teachers are not deserving of an increment,” he said, adding that it is “clearly unfair and a double-standard practice by the government”.

He said allowance increments would encourage local teachers to stay on rather than seek jobs elsewhere.

He reiterated SAPP’s stand that Borneonisation must be fulfilled as enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement and the Federal Constitution.

The nation’s founding documents state that the governments of the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo and Sarawak must take legislative, executive or other action as may be required to implement the assurances, undertakings and recommendations contained in Chapter 3 of, and Annexes A and B to, the Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee signed on 27th February, 1963.


  1. Local Sabahans also have the potential to take up civil servant post in Sabah, our people should be given priority.

    1. rakyat sabah harus diberikan keutamaan untuk mengisi jawatan2 persekutuan di sabah..

    2. Betul..Saya sokong itu..haha berikan lagi orang Sabah peluang ini.

  2. The income disparity between Local and West Malaysia civil servants should also be taken into consideration. Hopefully this gap can be reduced.

    1. kurangkan atau tambah...jurang tersebut harus dikurangkan atau dihilangkan..

    2. memang banyak perbezaan antara Sabah dan SM. harga barang pun ada perbezaan yang ketara.

    3. harap ini akan diberikan perhatian yang sewajarnya.

    4. Kerajaan negeri harus seimbangkan jumlahnya.

  3. Yup, the Sabahans should be given the opportunity to take up the government's post in Sabah.

    1. peluang yang lebih besar harus diberikan...rakyat sabah ramai yang berkelayakan dan berkemahiran..

    2. ramai rakyat sabah yang berkemahiran dan berkebolehan. mereka harus diberi keutamaan menjawat jawatan di Sabah.

    3. kadar upah antara Sabah dan semenanjung jg harus diselaraskan.

    4. Jangan pula berlaku brain drain sebab kebelakangan ni ramai yang berhijrah ke luar negara untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. malah seorang menteri di Australia sendiri berasal dari Sabah.

    5. Mungkin perlu beri lebih banyak peluang kepada rakyat tempatan.

    6. Jika memberi peluang, pasti penduduk di Sabah dapat berkhidmat dan membuktikan kebolehannya.

    7. pasti ada yang berbakat yang menantikan peluang.

  4. I think we should have enough qualified Sabahans who can take up the challenge.

    1. ada ramai...ramai anak2 muda sabah yang berkelayakan sarjana muda dan ke atas...mereka harus diberikan peluang...

    2. Tidak perlu mengambil penjawat awam dari SM sehingga boleh menutup peluang orang Sabah sendiri.

    3. Ramai yang layak, cuma takda peluang. Jadi peluang itu harus diberi dan Sabahan pula harus berusa rebut peluang yang ada.

    4. mereka yang berkelayakan harus diberikan peluang yang sewajarnya.

    5. Ramai anak tempatan yang layak untuk mendapat pekerjaan di sektor awam.

    6. Chances should be given to those who really qualify.

  5. Kalau penjawat awam yang berkhidmat di SM pula berapa ramai?sama juga dengan penjawat awam SM yang berada di Sabah?

    1. Kalau smaa, tak apa lah... Klaau tak, kesianlah sabahan... Entah di manalah mereka berkhidmat. huhu

  6. Bukan tidak boleh hantar di Sabah cuma lebih baik kalau peluang yang ada diberikan untuk orang Sabah.

    1. Betul, tidak salah hantar orang luar, tapi mingkin peluang erlu lebih di berikan kepada penduduk tempatan.

  7. Sekurang-kurangnya dapat juga Sabahan memnunjukkan kemampuan yang ada dan paling penting Sabahan lebih mengetahui budaya di temnpat sendiri berbanding orang lain.

  8. Sabahan patut diberi keutamaan untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan yang ada di negeri ini sebelum dibuka kepada orang luar.

    1. apa pun, pastikan mereka yang mengisi sesuatu jawatan adalah berkelayakan.

  9. sabahans is just as qualified and competent as the Peninsular Malaysia. SO why waste money for peninsular malaysia.

    1. sabahans should be given a chance to fill in the posts in the civil services in Sabah. Its better to have a local then a "stranger" to fill in the post.

  10. Qualifications based on merits, not by race and religion.

  11. Sabahans go to WM seeking for works, the WMsians come to Sabah because they are given jobs here. See the difference?

    1. Betul juga, orang Sabah pun banyak bekerja di semenanjung.

  12. Jawatan yang tinggi pun dimonopoli orang Malaya. Orang Sabah tidak layak ka?

  13. Jawatan yang ada di Sabah harus diberikan keutamaan kepada Sabahan.

    1. Sabah pasti ada banyak yang berkebolehan cuma tiada peluang sahaja.

  14. yang penting, pastikan mereka yang benar-benar berkelayakan dilantik.

    1. JIka benar2 berkelayakan, rasanya tidak salah juga mereka bekerja di sini.

  15. Tidakkah orang Sabah juga ada yang berkebolehan? Mereka sering menantikan peluang diberi.

  16. We need right people for right position.

  17. Peluang harus diberi kepada mereka yang layak dan mampu berkhidmat dengan baik.

  18. Where originally the people come from as long as he/she is Malaysian, should give equal chances also.

  19. Pasti ada sebab membawa masuk calon-calon dari semenanjung, mungkin pihka bekuasa boleh menjelaskannya.

    1. Borneonisasi perlu diteruskan di sabah

    2. Diharapkan kerajaan akan melaksanakan Borneonisasi di Sabah, rakyat Sabah perlulah diutamakan dalam negeri sendiri.

  20. 82% are Sabahans working as civil servants in Sabah

    1. Betulkah statistik kamu ini bahawa 82% rakyat tempatan bekerja di Sabah?

  21. Give Sabahans priority now be the civil servants in own state.

    1. Sabahan patut diberikan peluang untuk berkhidmat di Sabah, tidak perlulah nak import penjawat awam sememanjung untuk bekerjas di sini.

    2. Kita mahu melaksanakan Borneonisasi, maka rakyat Sabah perlulah diberikan keutamaan memegang jawatan di sektor awam.

  22. Tidak perlulah hantar sini sana, biarlah penjawat awam kerja di negeri sendiri.

  23. The federal government always provide opportunities for locals to helm its departments and agencies in the states, Chief Secretary to the Government Datuk Seri Dr Ali Hamsa said.


  24. In Sabah, he said, almost all federal departments and agencies, like the Health Department, Customs Department, Immigration Department and the Education department were headed by locals.

  25. “There are many more federal departments and agencies which are headed by locals. Hence, the issue of locals being sidelined does not arise,” he told reporters after visiting the Queen Elizabeth 1 Hospital.

  26. Ali was responding to demands made by the opposition in Sabah for more civil servants from Sabah be appointed to head federal departments and agencies in the state in tandem with the concept of “Borneonisation” that was agreed to during the formation of Malaysia.

  27. On the progress of the construction of a new building for the Queen Elizabeth 1 Hospital, Ali said he satisfied with the work progress and hoped it would be completed according to schedule.

  28. Earlier, in his speech at the breaking of fast function with civil servants here, Ali said efforts would be made to bring the civil service closer to the people to improve its image.


  29. He advised civil servants to go to the ground to meet the people and be more people-friendly.

  30. As for department heads, he said, they should also look into the welfare of their staff, especially on promotion for the long-serving employees
