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Monday, July 23, 2012

Shafie luring Lajim to PKR?

Selvaraja Somiah

Finally Deputy Federal Minister and United Malays National Organisation Supreme Council Member cum Beaufort Divisional Chief, Lajim Hj Ukim is saying bye bye to UMNO/Barisan Nasional.

In not so many words but in front of a crowd of about 500 people at Kampung Bukit Kallam on July 18 Lajim has openly stated that he intends to join the opposition Pakatan Rakyat headed by Anwar Ibrahim.

“I will sacrifice my RM20,000 monthly pay and perks as a minister for my struggle to uphold Sabah’s rights and fight corruption and cronyism,” he said.

He also said that he is expected to be sacked from UMNO and that he did not expect to be re-nominated by BN-Umno to defend his seat in this coming 13th General Election which must be held before April 2013.

Lajim was speaking in the house of former Kuala Penyu independent candidate, John Ghani the former strongman from USNO, now PKR.

So, its no more rumour, this is final. Lajim wants out from UMNO and is hoping to be sacked so that he could get some sympathy votes and earn brownie points from his supporters.

By obtaining a sack, Sabah’s famous party hopper the Deputy Federal Minister of Housing and Local Government, is hoping to project himself as the sole champion of Sabahans who is oppressed by Putrajaya, as someone who is able to push and prod the Barisan National government at the Centre into working for the greater common good and struggle to uphold Sabah’s rights.

Lajim will do anything to enhance his political image, even if this means humiliating his senior colleagues in the party including Chief Minister Musa Aman, who heads UMNO and the BN in Sabah.

Remember in 1987 he did the same, in-front of the press and dignitaries, in the Istana, he humiliated his boss Party President Pairin Kitingan during the swearing in ceremony because he was not appointed as Deputy Chief Minister.

Instead Pairin appointed Baharum Titingan who lost his state seat as Deputy Chief Minister. Lajim was so frustrated then, he couldn’t control his emotions and was screaming profanity and vulgarity and used words like 'menteri kalah menteri tewas'.

Then in 1994 he defected from the opposition Parti Bersatu Sabah which won the Sabah election. His action opened a floodgate of defections from PBS and saw the collapse of Pairin’s PBS government.

Now, Lajim has got an axe to grind with Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman. He thinks Musa Aman did not nominate him to defend the Beaufort Klias seat for BN in the last 2008 general election.

This is not true because its Musa who actually pleaded to the BN chief the former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that Lajim be included in the BN candidate list. In fact Lajim’s own division didn’t want him as a candidate in Klias then.

Musa Aman is obviously not taken aback by the developments; if Lajim had only indicated what his grouses were, Musa would have presumably found a way to oblige Lajim.

Musa Aman is a very fair man and always accommodating. But what Lajim wanted was not just development funds for his Klias constituency or BN cutting off his MP development fund allocation as he says, but one he could first criticise and then re-mould into his very own dream i.e to become chief minister of Sabah.

Lajim is working hand in glove with Shafie Apdal to pull down Musa Aman. Shafie Apdal too dreams to become Chief Minister of Sabah. Shafie Apdal is even rumoured to have given Lajim Ukim RM150 million road project from his Rural Ministry.

The strategy is, if Lajim continues with his tantrums, Najib, sooner or later, might come to believe there is no future in Musa Aman continuing as Chief Minister. And given this fractious relationship, any political development could serve as the trigger for a major upheaval.

The moment Lajim withdraws support from UMNO, others inside and outside the alliance will begin to exercise their leverage. So he thinks. Lajim and Shafie wants the Prime Minister to intervene in Sabah’s affairs but that’s the last thing Najib would want to do because Musa Aman is doing a great job as Chief Minister of Sabah and his governance is par excellence. So, why should Najib rock the boat?

Anyway, 'Little Bird' has told me that Lajim Ukim will join join Anwar Ibrahim’s opposition Parti Keadilan Rakyat once he officially leaves via a sack from UMNO which would happen pretty soon.

It seems Anwar Ibrahim has agreed to make Lajim the No 1 man for PKR in Sabah. Anwar has even promised Lajim that if Pakatan wins the Sabah elections and if PKR gets the most number of seats Lajim would be Chief Minister, something Lajim has been dreaming since 1994.


  1. Cerita ini sah kah atau masih donggeng lagi? Pasal susah mau percaya sama Lajim ini.Tapi kalau betul alhamdullillah,UMNO akhirnya dapat memutuskan hubungan dengan YB kaparat ini.

    1. Lajim ada dalam UMNO atau tidak, tidak beri kesan juga.

    2. Si Lajim tu tidak boleh dipercayai, Lajim akan melompat parti yang akan memberi manfaat pada dia.

    3. Biarlah Lajim lompat parti, di parti BN poun tidak ada fungsi juga, bikin buruk nama parti sahaja.

  2. So Lajim no more as a UMNO member. He finally made up his mind.

    1. apa keputusan Lajim, jika lajim nak sertai pembangkang rasanya UMNO tiada masalah..

    2. niat Lajim memang mahu keluar UMNO. agaknya Lajim akan sertai PKR.

    3. kalau Lajim mahu menyertai PKR, terpulang lah..tapi dengar PAS dan Star pun mahu si lajim...SAPP?

    4. Jadi, betul lah sudah ini, Lajim tidak bersama UMNO lagi, kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja, mana parti yang beliau lompat.

  3. I hope he made the best decision. All the best to him.

    1. Melepas peluang Lajim mahu jadi KM. Haha

  4. biarlah Lajim dgn keputusannya.. tiada yang menghalang.

    1. Itu hak dia untuk memilih. lagipun, Malaysia tiada peraturan untuk menghalang seseorang ahli mahupun pemimpin untuk keluar parti.

    2. Jumping to other party is normal. Look what he did in 1994.

    3. lajim dengan keputusannya...sendiri mahu fikirlah...

    4. tiada yang halang Lajim untuk buat keputusan sendiri.

    5. Terpulanglah kepada beliau buat keputusan, mana yang terbaik beliau rasa.Kalau bersara teruspun bagus juga.

  5. Memang benarlah khabar angin sebelum ni yang berulang kali Lajim nafikan.

    1. tapi dia tidka juga keluar2 sampai sekarang...mahu tunggu dipecat konon..mahu tagih simpati pengundi barangkali bah...kalau dia mahu quit, boleh quit sekarang juga...tidak payah lagi mahu tunggu2..

    2. tempoh hari dia bersungguh-sungguh nafikan pekara ini. tapi rupanya khabar angin ini benar.

    3. Lajim tu meraih simpati saja. Bagus juga dia keluar.

    4. tu la... sudah nampak penipu dia... Sudah tua,.. diam2 la di rumah.. Sudah kaya pun... banyak sudah kau makan... pencen la... sampai bila lagi kau mau bermain politik ni... tinggal tunggu mati saja kau ni...

    5. Rakyat yang keliru, tidak tau mana cerita yang boleh di percayai, macam main tarik tali saja Lajim ini.

  6. I'm not sure if Lajim is still relevant to the Sabahans or not.

    1. ada baiknya juga jika lajim terus bersara dari politik...sudah kaya juga...bagi peluang kepada pemimpin muda untuk berkhidmat kepada rakyat.

    2. Lajim should just make way for the younger candidate.

  7. lajim kemaruk mahu jadi KM sabah...lama sudah dia tunggu...

    1. Lajim tidak sabar untuk menjadi KM.

    2. Mau jadi KM? layak kh beliau jadi KM Sabah.

  8. kalau lajim masuk PKR, dan dijadikan orang PKR no 1 di sabah, marah lah si ansari barangkali...orang baru dapat terus duduk di atas, orang lama disisihkan...

    1. kalau Lajim jadi orang no 1 PKR Sabah, banyaklah orang lama PKR yang tidak puas hati nanti.

    2. Kalau betul lajim akan masuk PKR, kemungkinan besar Ansari tidak akan berpuasa hati dan dia akan lompat ke parti lain.

  9. tunggu dan lihat lepas ini Lajim akan sertai parti mana.

    1. Its either PKR or PAS.

    2. Lajim Ukin dilaporkan menjumpai ketua PAS untuk membincangkan sesuatu, mungkinkah lajim Ukin akan mengikuti PAS selepas ini?

    3. All opposition hunger to get Lajim?

  10. semua parti pembangkang kini mahukan Lajim, walau pun dulu mereka memusuhi Lajim. ini lah politik.

    1. Sebelum Lajim Ukin membuat pengumuman untuk keluar daripada BN, pembangkang sudah membuka pintu besar mereka untuk menerima Lajim. Nampaknya PKR sudah terdesak.

  11. Lajim has the influence towards the people. They think by getting Lajim into their party would increase their supporters.

    1. Pihak pembangkang begitu terdesak sehingga sanggup menerima sesiapa saja, walaupun pemimpin kitar semula daripada BN mereka pun mahu.

    2. Its all depends whether Lajim will accept their offer.

  12. Shafie kini semakin hampir kepada matlamatnya untuk menggulingkan penguasaan Musa Aman..kini hanya satu saja lagi taktik terakhir dan paling memberikan kesan negatif kepada Musa adalah membisikkan sesuatu ke telinga PM kita yang tercinta..
    go Shafie...kami menyokong segala tindakan anda...

    1. Bukan mudah menggulingkan Datuk Musa Aman, Perdana Menteri kita pun semakin hilang keyakinan dengan si Shafie Apdal, tidak mungkin Shafie boleh mempengaruhi PM kita.

  13. Anwar Ibrahim menjanjikan jawatan Ketua Menteri kepada Lajim Ukin sebagai umpan untuk mengikuti PKR. Adakah Lajim akan menerima?

    1. Pasti ada agenda antara PKR & Lajim. Kami mengikut perkembangan selanjutnya.

  14. Apakah kesan jika benarnya Lajim keluar dari UMNO?

  15. Lajim & BN pasti sudah tidak sehaluan. Itulah Lajim letak jawatan.

  16. Isu datuk Lajim ini semakin hari berita yang kurang baik kita dengar. Apa pun kita tunggu saja apa yang akan dimaklumkan seterusnya.

  17. Betullah kamu ini tidak dapat "sembunyikan" hal sebenar yang kamu ini Penyokong kuat UMNO BN.Ini jelas dengan kenyataan kamu.Jangan terlalu kutuk Lajim,sebab Lajim inilah UMNO BN hidup diSabah.Masih ingat lagi?

    Kalau Melayu Malaya mudah lupa,jangan pula kamu Bumiputera Sabah terjangkit penyakit Mudah Lupa ini.Kamu ini secara terang terang mengkhinati hak hak Sabah.

    Kamu ini tidak payah di SUMPA sebab kamu lama lamu akan pupus juga.

