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Monday, July 23, 2012

Newly enacted law should protect seafront up to KKIA – SAPP

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee has urged the state government to extend the newly enacted law protecting the State Capital’s seafront all the way to the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA).

This was because there were areas not protected by the law, Yong said at the Public Forum on Land Use: What Have You To Say organised by the GBBM at Grand Port View here yesterday.

1,550 hectares seafront selectively protected
Yong said that while SAPP supported the Land (Amendment) Enactment 2012 which saw 1,550 hectares of seafront protected from being alienated, the party wanted to know why there are “pocket” areas not protected as well as those in front of areas popularly known as first, second and third beach in Tanjung Aru not covered by the law.

He pointed out that there was also the pocket area of 300 acres of seafront in Jesselton Point, which was also not included in the new law.

He said that since the protected areas only reached the seafront of Shangri-La’s Tanjung Aru Resort and Spa it also raised question about the status of two parcels of land adjacent to the resort.

The two parcels of land in the sea and the pocket area in front of Jesselton Point were also visible in the map provided by the state government when the Enactment Bill was tabled.

To a question from the floor, he said that there should not be any doubt that the 1,550 hectares of seafront would be protected because in order to degazette it requires the approval of the State Legislative Assembly.

But, the same cannot be said about the status of the pocket area and the two parcels of land in Tanjung Aru in future, he opined.

“For now nothing happens but we don’t know in future (if it is not included in the protection area),” he said.
Yong also said that SAPP was worried about the status of the land, which currently housed the Courthouse and State Library as well as the maternity clinic in the city centre.

He said under the Kota Kinabalu Draft Local Plan 2012-2020 the land zone had already been changed to commercial compared to previously when it was marked as government land.

“It is called a draft local plan but actually everything being done is based on this plan already,” he said, adding that the draft local plan book is available at the City Hall at RM250.

He said the High Court building should not be demolished and it would be perfect to be turned into a City Museum to make it as an attraction for the State Capital once the courthouse is shifted.

“Now people come here they only talk about our seafood and that’s it,” said Yong.

According to him, there is a new system in place in Kota Kinabalu where the newer generation wants more greenery and environmentally-conscious.

“This I call the hierarchy of needs and we have now reached a higher hierarchy,” he said.

Another speaker, Datuk Chau Tet On said he was sad to know that the railway station in Tanjung Aru was being transformed into a mixed-commercial development without the knowledge of the public.

Being a resident of Tanjung Aru, he said he had a fond memory of the railway services because his father worked there in 1890 and helped to build up the railway.

Two other speakers, namely Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai and Kota Kinabalu MP Hiew King Cheu did not turn up at the forum.

Dr Yee through his political secretary had said that the minister had already committed himself to an earlier appointment that he could not postpone while Hiew in a statement said that although the forum would be discussing a very important subject, he claimed he was not informed about it. It was reliably learnt that he was invited but he turn down on knowing that other speakers included Yong will be present.

Furthermore, the Sabah DAP adviser said it would not be possible for him to attend since DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang was on a three-day roadshow in Sabah and on Sunday they were in Tenom and Penampang.


  1. Musa aman mahu rampas tanah di KK, mimpilah kamu.

    1. beliau tdak berniat begitu bah, janganlah cakap begitu

    2. Sejak bila Datuk Musa Aman ingin merampak tanah di KK?

    3. Ini lagi ni, bukan Musa mau merampas tanah di KK, beliau mau memajukan Sabah untuk kita juga.

  2. Whether this forum on Kota Kinabalu "City Land Use:What have U to say?" is politically or non-politically monitored is not so important to many concern specially kkians or sabahan.
    Most important we can see is the awareness of GBBM group to start such a forum timely for at least KK as one of many cities in Sabah to remind every planners or authorithy involve to make appropriate use of our lands for benefits of our future generation instead of having some unhealthy agenda or so.
    We sense the responsive attitude and participation of SAPP and its suporters though some may take it as politically inclined for any purpose but at least they had shown responsibilities as sabahan in action.

    Hopefully,as a visionary request a future forum like this could be worked out or may be by 1215 group or other NGO in a bigger scale by a must inviting speakers which could be present day MP of KK,adun of KK and some other key persons to be speakers.Also those in local authority right up to city mayor and prominent planners,architects etc should be called to attend possibly to hear their commendable vision!

    Politically or non-politically,if you think is a challenge to lead people in Kota Kinabalu your responsibility so take up such a challenge without other excuse or because of your busy schedule.

    It's good to prove to people but not merely say much of yourself with nothing in action before your next nomination to justify your stand in the coming election.

    This may help to realize another hierachy with expectation of our future generation to seek a better place they want to be in Sabah!

    Tunggu apa lagi?

    1. Syabas,this is at best to use a forum for more viable issues of day to develop public lands in city!

      If you love your city nothing to hide away but bravely and firmly to stand your position to be good responsible leaders like the two honorable speakers at such a forum,Datuk Yong Teck Lee and Datuk Chau Tet Onn who had made available for their people as good example of a leader.

      Good leader must be "completely bare" with action to justify his opinion so that people will be guided and in return appreciate his truthful contribution ready to serve.

      So say to put "People First"!

  3. This forum is a fruitful forum for we people in KK to know what is happening to our home. I went to this forum and it is very enlightening and telling us about the facts, the happenings around us...which the government is trying to deceive us..Unite and fight against corruption of BN.

  4. Wow sound very interesting. I am looking forward to attend the forum if there is any in the future.

    1. This is not a good news. it will be complicated.

    2. It's up to the people whether they want to join this sort of forums or not?

    3. Baik juga untuk berkongsi maklumat dan pengalaman. Berilah sokongan.

    4. Jika perkara yang baik, tidak ada masalah untuk berkongsi.Jangan saja keluar dari tajuk.

  5. May something good can be done and make the best for all Sabahans.

  6. Sabah and more with many places just like KK have all good things include talented people back home here.

    Only we lack wise mind to choose those who care for us but always unwise to pick those who are not at right job!So often we are not even respected or repeatedly discarded by their mistakes as excuse.

    SO CHANGE....tunggu apa lagi?

    1. SAPP cannot be trusted. Let the people decide what is best for them.

    2. SAPP is just another opportunist from a mosquito party.

    3. SAPP mau jadi hero sahaja.

  7. In today's news reply - Sea reserved as open space? space to be sold later for commercial?

  8. Nothing wrong if this area is protected. Would be better.

  9. Law making takes time, we cannot say we want then we can have it.

    1. Itu apa yang SAPP ingat, senang saja nak janji tapi bukan senang untuk melaksanakannya.

  10. We just hope that the law will protect our rights.

  11. Diharapkan kerajaan Sabah akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk melindungi tanah-tanah Sabah.

    1. Kerajaan Sabah pasti akan menjaga dan melindungi tanah-tanah Sabah. YTL jangan risau.

  12. tanah2 di Sabah harus dilindungi. ia adalah khazanah kita.

  13. Undang-undang harus berfungsi untuk mempertahankan hak milik penduduk.

    1. Undang2 baru pasti dapat menjaga hak milik Sabah.

  14. Apa la SAPP ni, memang pun akta tu untuk menjaga persisiran pantai. Tidak perlu la heboh.

    1. Biasa lah SAPP... sengaja cari isu untuk memperbesarkan hal ini, sedangkan memang sudah sedia ada akta untuk menjaga persisiran pantai.

  15. Sedang usaha seperti ini sebenarnya akan membawa kebaikkan kepada sesetengah pihak. Tapi kita tunggu saja apa yang akan dilaksanakan seterusnya mengenai persisiran pantai ini.

  16. Mengenai Tanah yang menjadi isu SAPP sebenarnya bukan serius sangat. Tambahan lagi kerajaan sedang dalam perancangan yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah seperti ini. Jadi SAPP tidak perlulah mahu menarik sokongan dengan memutar seluma isu yang lama-lama.
