KOTA KINABALU, Sabah: It was announced over the weekend that Malaysia would set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to look into the issue of illegal immigrants in Sabah.
The people of Sabah have wanted this for a long time, but they are now worried that the issue is being politicised ahead of upcoming elections.
For the longest time, native Sabahans have been asking for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the staggering increase of foreign immigrants in the state that's been blamed for rising social economic and security problems.
But now that Prime Minister Najib Razak has finally announced it, many are skeptical.
They say the government's efforts may be too little, too late.
Dr Oh Ei Sun, Senior Visiting Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, said: "I think it's fair to say most people think it's rather late at this point in time. Because the call for this RCI has been around for at least 10 years. And it has never been heeded for various reasons. Only now when elections come, suddenly this becomes rather exigent."
While some see it as election ploy, a former Barisan Nasional lawmaker who has since quit the ruling party to join the opposition said the RCI is intrinsically flawed because the terms of reference were designed to protect the parties responsible for the influx.
Mr Wilfred Bumburing, Member of Parliament, Tuaran, said: "Now here in Sabah, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people. And the terms of reference is six months. Nobody believes that RCI can do the work."
The BN government under former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was accused of awarding them citizenship illegally to secure votes for the BN in order to cling on to power under the so-called "Project M".
Dr Mahathir has since denied the charge.
He said the immigrants were given the citizenship because they have stayed here for more than 10 years and speak the Malay language fluently.
As investigation begins, the RCI has been tasked to deliver its report in six months. Amid a looming election, it remains to be seen whether Sabah will remain a stronghold for BN.
- CNA/de Melissa Goh
Apa macam RCI buat siasatan pun tidak mencukupi dan tidak akan berhasil kerana skop siasatan terhad.
ReplyDeleteMau selesai isu IC palsu senang saja. Suruh Jab. Pendaftaran Negara mengemukakan semua rekod IC yang dikeluarkan untuk Sabah daripada 16 Sept 1963 sehingga hari ini. Semak satu demi satu, pasti akan mengenalpasti siapa orang asal Sabah dan siapa PTI.
Lepas itu buat Jab. Pendaftaran Negara Sabah tersendiri tanpa campurtangan Malaya. Luluskan undang-undang semua pengundi diSabah perlu diluluskan oleh Parlimen Sabah bukan oleh SPR.
Dengan ini Sabah kekal bumi rakyat orang asal bukan kawasan jajahan orang politik dari Malaya yang dibantu oleh pengkhianat dari Sabah.
Lets just hope that RCI investigation would solve the PTI issue.
DeleteDon't even dream.
DeleteIf a crook ask his ex-staff to investigate the crook's crime, what will happen?
Apa pun yang pasti kita (Sabahan) dan Kerajaan negeri Sabah sememangnya dengan hati terbukan menyambut baik penubuhan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja bagi menyiasat masalah pendatang asing yang terdapat di Sabah ini.
DeleteKelewatan yang berlaku adalah disebabkan oleh terma rujukan(TOR) belum muktamad kerana Kabinet mahukan input lebih daripada parti BN di Sabah dan kerajaan negeri. Perkara ini mengambil masa untuk meneliti dan mengkajinya.
Yang kita ketahui sebelum ini pun pelbagai usaha telah dilakukan oleh kerajaan. Seperti menubuhkan beberapa badan penyiasatan seperti Makmal PTI, Parlimentary Select Committee, pelancaran konsep 5P dan 6P.
Tetapi malangnya tidak ada tindakan lanjut dan keputusan muktamat dilaksanakan demi untuk menyelesaikan masalah PTI yang sudah berlarutan sekian lama di negeri ini. Jadi dengan kehadiran RCI ini rasanya memberikan wajah dan hadiah kepada penduduk Sabah daripada Perdana Menteri Datuk Najib. Semoga dengan penubuhan RCI ini akan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang sudah berlaku sekian lama ini. Mari kita sama-sama memberikan kerjasama kepada pihak yang diamanahkan ini.
Gam tu tapi kadang kadang mereka ni biar naik RON97 masih hendak naik kerbau ke Tuaran.
ReplyDeleteNi cara pulitik mereka suka suka terbang juga kapalterbang dan kapallayar kalo mau tapi suka suka berhenti juga.
Ni juga cara pilih KM Sabah kalo mau ganti ganti kasi siok kamudian tdak mau lagi ganti ganti tu..ba!!!
Nasib baik saya tidak guna RON 97 lagi.
DeleteUrang tua otak "M" sja.
ReplyDeleteKalo korang pandai "M" sinang dapat kerakyatan kata urang tua tu :-D.
Better late than never. I don't know about you, but i cannot understand how people can feel skeptical to the RCI but at the same time feel angry with Tun M's statement. Its either you support the formation of the RCI or not.
ReplyDeleteSo what is the opposition front think about RCI? do they support it or not? Just state your ground without spinning the whole issues..
Belum cuba belum tahu, bagaimana kita boleh tahu sama ada RCI ini berkesan ataupun tidak sebelum ia dilaksanakan. Panel RCI sudahpun disediakan, cuma tunggu pengumuman daripada PM untuk melaksanakan penyiasatan secara rasmi.
Deletelewat bukan satu isu, RCI perlu dilaksanakan bagi selesaikan isu PATI, usaha kena diteruskan jg.
DeleteKalau lewat pun tidak perlu salahkan Najib seorang sebab pemimpin2 sebelum ni pun sebenarnya bertanggungjawab untuk laksanakan RCI tapi mereka tidak usahakan.
DeleteSiapa yang lewatkan RCI kalau bukan Mahathir sendiri? Sekrang beliau gembira la cakap RCI pointless.
DeleteYang penting RCI akan di tubuhkan.. apa yang di harapkan oleh rakyat Sabah sudah di tunaikan.Lambat atau cepat bukan persoalannya.
DeleteSudah cukup baik RCI ditubuhkan. Kalau tak, entah sampai bila kita ternanti-nanti penubuhannya.
ReplyDeleteHarap-harap panel RCI berjaya menyiasat kebenaran mengenai isu Projek IC dalam masa 6 bulan. Kita tunggulah dan lihat.
Deletemoga masa 6 bulan mencukupi untuk memastikan RCI dilaksanakan dgn baik.
DeleteMungkin adalah lebih baik kalau pandangan2 dari beberapa pihak sebelum ni tentang RCI dapat dipertimbangkan.
DeleteKita beri peluang lihat bagaimana siasatan ini dijalankan. Jika ia berakhir macam kes TBH, memang akan undang kemarahan Sabahan saja la. Kerajaann mesti ambil hati Sabahan ma..
DeleteKita tunggu sama ada dengan penubuhan RCI ini dapat selesaikan masalah projek ic atau tidak.
Deletebetter late than never.
ReplyDeleteTiada percubaan tubuhkan RCI lagi sandi.
DeleteThe call for this RCI has been around for at least 10 years. Who was the Prime Minister during that tenure? Tun Mahathir Mohamad’s statement defending the granting of Malaysian citizenship to migrants has riled many Sabahans and caused dismay among some Barisan Nasional leaders.
ReplyDeleteIt is morally and politically wrong to grant citizenship to foreigners who entered the country through illegal means, and legally wrong to grant citizenship to foreigners with refugees status.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim rejected PBS proposal to conduct RCI on IC Project Sabah in 1994. Now, he has changed his tune by pledging to form such an RCI if the opposition came into power. He got his chance last time but he wasted it.
The decision to set up the RCI showed that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was prepared to “take the bull by the horns” to resolve the longstanding illegal immigrant problem in Sabah. The composition of the panel was also a balance of reputable and experienced professionals and statesmen.
Therefore, people in the country not to start undermining the credibility of the RCI that will investigate problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah.
Tun Mahathir Mohamad's rejection of the RCI is not relevant, Datuk Najib Razak must set up the RCI to investigate the Project IC issue in the state. The RCI panel has been set up, we shall wait and see.
DeleteKenapa beriya-iya Mahathir labelkan RCI seperti suatu yang negatif? Asal tahu cakap Melayu, boleh jadi warganegara?? Logik ka? Nyanyuk sudah bah dia ni!
DeleteThe government already set up an RCI panel which will be lead by Former High Court judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim. Now all we need to do is wait for PM Najib to officially begin this inquiry.
ReplyDeleteLet us see 1st first hows the progress, we won't able to see how its goes before we make it happen.
ReplyDeleteBut i believe that the RCI can solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteGive full support to the RCI, hope to get a good news from them soon.
ReplyDeleteApa sebenarnya yang dikhuatiri oleh pembangkang berkenaan dengan RCI Sabah? Bukankah mereka juga yang mahu RCI ditubuhkan? Jika mereka katakan bahawa penubuhan RCI sudah lewat, bermakna desakan mereka supaya kerajaan menubuhkan RCI sebelum ini juga sudah terlewat.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya, tidak ada istilah terlewat, terdesak, wayang, undi atau sebagainya berkenaan dengan penubuhan RCI ketika usia pentadbiran Najib belumpun sampai 5 tahun. Malah beliau berjaya laksanakan banyak perubahan sepanjang tempoh 4 tahun sejak 2008 yang mana gagal dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin sebelum beliau. Antaranya ialah, pemansuhan ISA, penggunaan dakwat kekal, penubuhan PSC untuk pilihanraya bersih dan adil, program-program bantuan rakyat, memberikan peluang kepada rakyat untuk membuat keputusan berkenaan dengan belanjawan tahunan Negara dan sebagainya.
Kini RCI bakal ditubuhkan, bukan kerana keluarnya Lajim dan Bumburing dari BN, sebaliknya ia bermula selepas laporan PSC dibentangkan. Hanya dekat-dekat pilihanraya umum, barulah desakan menuntut RCI bertambah kuat hinggakan setiap lawatan Najib ke negeri ini “diiringi” dengan bunyi RCI. Setelah diumumkan, pembangkang minta pula supaya dipercepatkan prosesnya. Hari ini, bila Najib umumkan terma-terma dan anggota panel, pembangkang ajak pula rakyat supaya tidak menyokong RCI… Nampak bercelaru sangat pembangkang Negara ini…
Dijangkakan RCI bakal penentu masa depan BN.. Kalau betulpun RCI ini adalah penentu masa depan kerajaan BN, kenapa tidak tunggu sahaja sehingga suruhanjaya ini selesai membuat siasatan? Adilkah jika penghakiman dibuat ketika proses perbicaraan belumpun sampai separuh jalan? Menghukum BN ketika RCI belum selesai menjalankan tugas, menunjukkan pembangkang cuba “mematikan” RCI kerana takut ianya benar-benar berjaya menyelesaikan masalah PATI dan kerakyatan songsang di Sabah... takut tidak ada isu untuk dimainkan??
Kita tunggu dululah.. Bagi peluang dulu. Jangan terlalu cepat buat kesimpulan.
ReplyDeleteSepatutnya kita happy kerana apa yang kita mahu akhirnya tercapai. Tinggal tunggu pelaksanaan sepenuhnya saja lagi:)
ReplyDeleteBelum ada kelegaan selagi RCI belum menunjukkan hasil yang positif..
Deletedulu beria-ria pembangkang nak RCI ditubuhkan. bila dah ditubuhkan mereka membidas pula, mengatakan ia dah terlewat. lewat bukan masalah, yang pasti RCI dah ditubuhkan. tapi kenyataan seperti ini dari pembangkang mmg dah dijangka, kerana pembangkang pasti akan berusaha untuk memanipulasi segala usaha kerajaan.
ReplyDeletekepimpinan Najib berusaha membuat perubahan dan berusaha menyelesaikan masalah PATI di Sabah. RCI ditubuhkan ini pun kerana beliau mendengar suara hati rakyat Sabah.
kita seharusnya menyokong dan memberi kerjasama akan pelaksanan RCI ini, ia penting bagi memastikan RCI dpt dilaksanakan dgn baik dan jayanya.
Memang membosankan, pembangkang beriya-iya laungkan RCI, tapi sekarang mengutuk pula. Hairan2.
Deletepembangkang hanya tahu mengkritik saja. mahu popular kali.
DeleteSemuanya salah di mata pembangkang, tapi usaha kerajaan perlu disokong.
ReplyDeletepenubuhhan RCI oleh pembangkang memang patut disokong.
DeleteIt is too late to judge RCI. Hopefully all goes smoothly as in plan.
DeleteKeperluan dan inisiatif secara konsisten telah dibangkitkan oleh parti BN Sabah, dan sering digunakan oleh pembangkang untuk melemahkan usaha-usaha kerajaan untuk menangani isu PATI dan mendapat sokongan ramai. Rakyat Sabah ingin tahu sama ada ia adalah benar bahawa berjuta warga asing telah menjadi warganegara Malaysia melalui pintu belakang. Pengumuman Najib mengenai terma rujukan RCI yang telah disambut dengan pelbagai respon oleh rakyat Sabah. Kerajaan Persekutuan telah mendengar suara rakyat Sabah dan komited untuk menyelesaikan isu itu, walaupun pada risiko yang membabitkan pegawai-pegawai kerajaan pada masa yang berkenaan.Dengan membentuk RCI, BN telah meningkatkan imejnya di mata rakyat Sabah yang mahu masalah PATI diselesaikan dengan secepat yang mungkin. Ramai juga mahu RCI finding didedahkan kepada umum sebelum PRU13 disebabkan bahawa ada PATI telah masuk ke dalam daftar pemilih. Pembentukan RCI dengan jelas memberi kemenangan untuk rakyat Sabah, dan pastinya, detik bersejarah, yang akan menentukan nasib negara, terutamanya sejarah masa depan Sabah
ReplyDeletePemimpin BN Sabah layak mendapat kredit. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman harus dipuji dengan menubuhkan jawatankuasa Sabah BN mengenai kewarganegaraan, yang berkhidmat sebagai pemangkin untuk RCI. Jawatankuasa itu, yang diketuai oleh PBS presiden Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, telah dimaktubkan dan digubal draf terma rujukan untuk RCI, kebanyakan yang diterima pakai oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan. PBS berkata semua pihak BN Sabah politik perlu dikreditkan atas kerja keras mereka, buat kali pertama dalam sejarah politik negeri, semua pihak BN Sabah termasuk kepimpinan di Sabah Umno bersama-sama berusaha menadapatkan RCI. Semua parti komponen BN Sabah perlu bekerjasama memastikan siasatan itu berjaya. Kerajaan tidak merasa tergugat oleh usaha terdesak pembangkang untuk memperlekehkan pengumuman RCI dan akan menentang sebarang agenda pembangkang untuk mensabotaj pelaksanaannya. Kerajaan tidak terkejut dengan kenyataan tertentu yang dikaitkan dengan pemimpin pembangkang.
Anwar Ibrahim sebenarnya menentang RCI semasa beliau menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, dia tidak ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan masalah PATI di Sabah. Anwar kononnya menyokong pembentukan RCI, tetapi pada masa yang sama, dalam buku Jingga Pakatan semua PATI akan diberikan status Pemastautin tetap. Ini adalah amat berbahaya, kerana di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, seorang warga asing yang telah diberikan status Pemastautin tetap dan hidup secara berterusan dalam mana-mana bahagian Malaysia selama lebih daripada 5 tahun, layak memohon untuk kewarganegaraan.
Kita tidak harusnya menafi kredibiliti RCI yang akan menyiasat masalah yang berkaitan dengan PATI di Sabah. Jika tidak, permintaan kita untuk RCI akan menjadi usaha sia-sia. Apa yang penting ialah undang-undang mesti dihormati dan peruntukan-peruntukan undang-undang dipatuhi sepenuhnya dalam pemberian kewarganegaraan.
Lepas 5 tahun PATI dalam status PR boleh la apply jadi warganegara M'sia. Memang 'bagus' idea Pakatan, lepas tu durang bawa lagi anggota durang masuk Sabah. Dapat la status PR. Genap 5 tahun apply kewarganegaraan. COnfirm daftar sebagai pengundi. PR akan dapat undi. PR planning for future. Bijak2.
Deletedalam pakatan pun ada pemimpinnya yang bukan penduduk tempatan negara ini.. antara Azizah, Azmin dan Saifuddin..
DeleteSebelum mempertikaikan penubuhan RCI ni, lebih baik pembangkang bertanya dulu dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kenapa beliau menolak cadangan PBS untuk wujudkan RCI masa tahun 1994? Jika Anwar terima cadangan pada masa tu, pasti RCI sudah dilaksanakan dan sekarang mungkin masalah mengenai PATI tidak lagi menjadi isu kritikal di negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeletePembangkang sepatutnya tidak mempolitikkan isu penubuhan RCI ni semata-mata untuk meluaskan pengaruh politik. Berilah kerjasama kepada pelaksanaan RCI untuk kebaikan bersama semua pihak terutama rakyat di Sabah.
seperti biasa, Anwar akan nafi sekeras2nya.. kalau ada bukti sekalipun, dia tetap akan nafi.. kalau penafian beliau masih tidak berkesan, barulah dia arahkan penyokong2nya untuk buat demonstrasi jalanan khas untuk mempertahankan beliau..
DeletePembangkang suka putar belitkan keyataan..bikin heran, dulu beriya-iya mau suruh kerajaan tubuhkan RCI, sekarang bila sudah di umumkan, lain lagi cerita mereka.
ReplyDeletepembangkang akan sentiasa mencari isu untuk dimainkan oleh mereka.
DeleteAnggap pembangkang memainkan peranan untuk memantau perkembangan dan kelemahan yang kerajaan lakukan.
Deletepenubuhan RCI memang dinantikan oleh rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSemoga RCI memainkan peranan untuk mencari kesan dan punca isu PATI.
Deleteharap panel yang dilantik mampu untuk memberikan yang terbaik untuk rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletemacam mana sekalipun pembangkang mempertikaikan penubuhan RCI ini, saya tetap dengan pendirian saya bahawa RCI ini adalah pilihan terbaik buat masa ini.. kalau tidak puas hati dengan hasil siasatannya kelak, barulah ambil tindakan samada mahu tukar kerajaan atau lancarkan lagi desakan untuk RCI ke-2..
ReplyDeleteMasih tidak terlambat, sekurang-kurangnya kerajaan mencari cara untuk menanggani isu PATI.
ReplyDeleteRCI cuma percubaan, tidak semestinya boleh menanggani isu PATI.
ReplyDeleteJust do anything that could benefit to reduce the PATI issue.
DeleteThose who suspect to involve in project ic should be investigated.
ReplyDeleteThat is what the government can do now to fulfill the request from the people. Better than no action even a bit late.
ReplyDeleteYang penting, RCI diumumkan, dan semua panel yang dilantik benar berkebolehan dan berkeupayaan menyelesaikan isu PATI.
ReplyDeleteRakyat Sabah menantikan saat dimana RCI dapat diumum dan menjalankan tugas untuk membuat siasatan.
ReplyDeleteyang penting RCI ditubuhkan...bagi peluang dulu kepada ahli panel untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab ini..
ReplyDeleteselepas keputusan siasatan RCI dikeluarkan, barulah kita nilai..
ReplyDelete" It's better late than never ". Don't we think this is the best answer we have? What we have ask years ago has finally come to fruition. It was a good thing for us and for the whole Sabah. Illegals are crawling back and forth, and the setting up of RCI has been politicized all over again?!
ReplyDeleteAnwar is well known for his divided political views of point. What he says way back, would be forgotten. Yes, Chua said he was the one who first rejected it, like what he proposed back then-PTPTN. Look what had happened today? He said PTPTN should be provided freely, and should be abolished somemore. Never he thought, this was his idea. What an idiot, so called a " leader ", who wants to take over Sabah.
RCI is made of several local leaders as panels, and I don't see it as a wrong thing. Just like what Dompok and Pairin have been proposing it back then, we should be grateful and appreciative for their non stop of commitment in pursuing that.
Don't waste so much time in making Sabah as another port of lies and empty promises. We have get what we wanted for so long.You're never be needed in Sabah, Sarawak and any part of the world. Thank you!
Umno Penampang is confident that the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants will be able to resolve the problem that has been affecting the people of Sabah for so long.
ReplyDeleteIts Chief, Datuk John Ambrose, said it was unbecoming of the opposition to jump on the wagon of the Barisan Nasional (BN) initiative.
ReplyDelete"Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) was the first to call for the RCI and as pointed out by MCA President Datuk Chua Soi Lek, it was Datuk Anwar Ibrahim who is now the opposition leader who had objected to it.
ReplyDelete"None of the opposition leaders now has denied this," he said when met at the Raya open house hosted by his sister, Datin Aminah Ambrose, and brother-in-law, Datuk Amir Kahar Tun Mustapha, at the Sutera Residency
Towards this end, he said Umno Penampang welcomed the formation of the RCI.
ReplyDeleteOn the departure of Datuk Lajim Ukin and Datuk Wilfred Bumburing from the Barisan Nasional, Ambrose said it would have minimum effect as Umno and BN's strength does not lie with any individual but its members and supporters who are committed to the struggle.
ReplyDelete"Every party is like this, meaning the departure of Bumburing also has minimal impact on Upko and BN as a whole," he said, adding that Umno had changed its president many times but it emerged stronger after each transition of leadership.
ReplyDelete"Umno is the longest surviving ruling government and is committed to serve the people.
The people can judge the transformation programmes Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's has initiated," he said.
ReplyDeleteAs for Umno Penampang, he assured that it would continue to be loyal and support the leadership of Najib as well as Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
ReplyDelete"We are not lobbying for candidacy. Whoever is the candidate for BN we will support," he said.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Aminah, who is also Kudat Umno Wanita Chief, said the Raya open house provided a good opportunity for the multi-racial Malaysians, especially in Sabah, to strengthen ties.
Among those who came to the open house was Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Peter Pang.
ReplyDeleteEverybody talks about the RCI nowadays. What exactly we want from the implemented of the RCI? Its very obvious that we want the illegals issue to be solved. Seems like everyone excited to have the RCI to get started the investigation.
ReplyDeleteStatement by Henrynus(PBS)
"But the long pursuit of the RCI has brought all Sabah BN component political parties closer to each other and especially to Sabah Umno which has decisively thrown their weight behind its formation"
Lets us together support the implemented of RCI. We need to gather our effort to make our wish come true. The investigation will be took place for 6 month. Hope all the best and wait for the result.
Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman ought to be commended for his foresight to set up the Sabah BN committee on citizenship. The comittee itself was chaired by Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan who has been as the catalyst in the formation of the RCI. This committee have discussed and articulated the popular demand for RCI: Taking all factors into consideration to formulate the terms of reference most of which were adopted by the Federal government.
ReplyDeleteBehind the backdrop of decades of relentless efforts or rather frustration, the formation of the RCI reflects the Prime Minister's serious commitment to resolve the perennial problems related to the huge presence of illegal immigrants in Sabah. According to recent statistic which was presented in Parliament last year, Sabah’s populace numbered 651,304 in 1970 and grew to 929,299 a decade later. But in the two decades following 1980, the state’s population rose significantly by a staggering 1.5 million people, reaching 2,468,246 by 2000.
Recent times have witnessed how the opposition have made certain critical remarks in order to capitalize the issue of RCI as well as illegal immigrant for their political mileage: to some extent can be seen as an agenda to sabotage its (RCI) implementation. Among these act of desperation was the attempt to belittle the RCI announcement. However some of these opposition figure failed to see or decided to look past the fact that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was in fact against the RCI when he was Deputy Prime Minister. Again history have not only proven but also confirmed a long lingering suspicion that he is not sincere in resolving the problem of illegal immigrants.
In view of these sceptical 'noises' made by teh opposition, Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun has called on the people in the country not to start undermining the credibility of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) that will investigate problems related to illegal immigrants in Sabah. But instead gave the advise that the RCI the benefit of the doubt. Indeed he was spot-on: Once we the people to start undermining the credibility of the RCI, the request for a RCI will be "an exercise in futility".
In spite of these negative rhethorics amade by the oppositions, there have been a lot of positive response made by many. The Sabah Youth Council (SYC) has lauded the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI)on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah saying it will boost the people's confidence in the Barisan Nasional (BN) government. Its president Kevin Lim said it showed that the government really listened to the people. The RCI is significant as it is something that the people have been requesting for. The findings by the panel will finally answer questions that had been playing on the people's minds. "For this, the people will regard the government as truly sincere in wanting to find a solution to the illegal immigrant dilemma in Sabah.
Not only that, professionals in Sabah view the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah as proof of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak's sincerity to resolve the problem. A law graduate from Universiti Malaya, Salman Nurillah, said the setting up of the RCI would eliminate the perception on the presence of phantom voters in elections in Sabah. It also proves that the government led by Najib has never ignored the people's desire to see the government doing something to resolve the problems on phantom voters and illegal immigrants.
Bottom line: This clearly showed that the State Government have been concerned with the illegal immigrant issues and have worked tiredlessly in formulating the TOR in anticipation of the RCI. Now that the RCI, TOR and panel menbers had been announced, It is a fact that it will have a significant impact on the sosio-politics not only in Sabah, but the entire nation as well.