By Daniel John
The recent report made by Rozza Rothman against people from the Peninsula insulting Sabah in Facebook postings reminds us again of the long and unceasing attitude of Malayans looking down on Sabah and Sabahans.
This is due mainly to the misconception created by the failure of the efforts of national integration and national unity made under the National Unity and Integration Department (NUID) which has been operating since 1969 (after the May 13 riots), spending hundreds of millions of ringgits trying to Malaysians in the Peninsula and those in Borneo.
The Malaysian blog reported in July 2006 that “Probably 99% of Malaysians have not even heard of the very existence of the national unity and integration department. Ironically, as its name suggests, it is the one entrusted to 'integrate' and 'unite' the people and therefore should have been very familiar to the public!” the writer even commented, “"What the devil have you been doing all these years except collect your monthly pay?" The biggest problem with the NUID is plain ineptness, lack of creativy and drive, as well as the over-dominance of Peninsular officers who have the attitude that in the whole process, it is the Borneons that need to be rehabilitated from the wild, to be civilized so they can be on par with the more civilized Malayans. There is less thought about rehabilitating the Peninsular Malaysians into learning about Borneo which to them is unimportant and not even part of the real Malaysia.
Ever since the beginning people in the Peninsula had always looked upon Sabah and Sarawak as the nation’s wild side, areas covered with trees occupied by monkeys, pythons, crocodiles and even wild men living on treetops. The Facebook insults reported by Rozza included comments saying Sabahans still live on trees. In the past Peninsular teachers coming to teach in Sabah used to shop for Panadols and toothpastes in large amounts in their hometowns before they boarded the planes to Kota Kinabalu because they believed those items can’t be found here. In one TV live interview Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili was called by a girl from Penang who asked what monetary currency was used in Sabah. Sabahans coming to KL are asked, “Bila sampai Malaysia?” or worse, “When is Sabah going to join Malaysia?” I have friends who had been asked to please go ahead and enjoy the fish-head curry because “You people don’t have this in Sabah”. The list of blatant ignorance runs long and wide, proving how ignorant people are in the Peninsula. Even in the age of the Internet when surfers can easily see tens of thousands of pictures of Sabah online, they still really, really believe we live on trees.
Other the 43-year failure of the NUID, this intolerable ignorance is also caused by the timidity and cowardice of our Members of Parliament who act like wet mice in Kuala Lumpur, bowing and smiling to the Malayans as if to admit they are actually less civilized. They allow themselves to be looked down upon to curry favours. They forget that one of their duties as the representatives of Sabahans is to educate the ignorant people of the Peninsular that Sabah is a beautiful and a more peaceful place where Peninsular teachers and civil servants come to get married and settle down because of the beauty of the state.
They need to shout in parliament every now and then to remind the people there that they owe Sabah and Sarawak for the wealth and prosperity being enjoyed by them. The fine highways, airports and buildings (including the Petronas Towers) are there because of oil from the Borneo states! This is so ironic because Sabah, the producer of this precious black gold is mired in poverty, having terribly bad roads while they have four-lane highways even to gambling haven, Genting Highlands. Our MPs need to shout in Parliament, “Jangan lupa orang Sabah yang kasi makan kamu!” to shame them into recognising our contribution to their prosperity there which is like 20 years ahead of us.
I urge the police to take serious action on Rozza’s report and inform us of their progress. Soon, someone need to make a police report on the gigantic failure of the NUD, even to sue it, or at least to audit its performance and penalize it for decades of failure to unite Malaysians. It needs to explain why Malaysians today are more polarized than ever before and why it is not taking any action against those causing racial and religious disunity, especially people like Ibrahim Ali who is record for threatening to kill Christians and calling for a ban on Christians from teaching in schools. If they can’t do the job the NUID should be closed down to save precious money.
Advisor, UK-Based Human Rights Foundation Malaysia
It doesn't implicate the grey matter much.. The brains can be sharpened . It has a lot to do with facilities. Religion is definitely not something to compete in. Independence will enable one to exhaust possibilities and will build confidence. Think about dropping some baggage. Think light . Imagine our doppelgangers enjoying independence . Intensify
DeleteThe article only serves to emphasise the Pakistan Bangladeshi situation.
Sabah and Sarawak are physically cultural and geographically SEPARATE from Malaya by the South China Sea.
However, we are politically and economically already "integrated" under the thumb of the Malayan apartheid colonial regime.
The Bangladeshi broke loose from the exploitative grip of the Pakistan when they realised that their country was being used as not more than a colony financing the welfare of the dominator.
For Sabah and Sarawak our new colonisation situation was brought about by another British colonial decision to assist Malaya to annex our countries as part of Malaya with their Malaysia Plan and the UNEQUAL Malaysia Treaty.
This un-equalness is seen in the past 49 years of successfully integrating our resources and wealth into development of Malayan and enriching all those like Mahathir and puppets Rahman Yakub, Taib, Harris Salleh Musa Aman. They reduced Sabah and Sarawak to the state of dire and crippling poverty they are in today.
So at least they succeeded in integrating that part of "US". The Malayans and their Sabah Sarawak cronies enjoyed all the fruits of independence.
That is as far as the integration goes.
The rest mentioned in the above article applies.
Furthermore, the imposition of the unequal Malaysia union has brought drastic changes to better than 1963 (quote Simon Sipaun) life style and is causing a disastrous disintegrating to the traditional communal culture and the agricultural base. This has been brought about by land grabs and massive deforestation and Malayan style rural development all legitimised by the word "development".
The practice of democracy has been bastardised and abused by the crooks who are in power solely to promote their own interests.
After 49 years, the people in both colonies have finally seen clearly that Malaysia was indeed a plan by British to use Malaya to colonise our countries under its cold war strategy of securing its economic interest. But this slipped from their grasp as the UMNO regime took control of everything and became the new colonial masters.
The new colonial masters turned out to be even worse than the last one who was only in power for less than 18 years from 1945, if one can make such a comparison. They installed a new UMNO Malay supremacist apartheid system under the NEP and used in an uncontrolled looting of Sabah and Sarawak resources especially oil and gas.
All these we are repeatedly reminded by many concerned compatriots.
So the question is why ask for more "integration" which Pakatan "vows" and promises to bring about?
Without meaning to cause offence, are we S.T.U.P.I.D?
We should not be party to criminally prolonging the sufferings of the people who bear the brunt of Malayan burn and loot integration for another 50 years.
We must all work together to take our countries Sabah and Sarawak OUT of Malaysia.
We do not want any more Malayan "integration". It will only bring us destruction!
We want separation and independence!
You comment with such finesse. Capitalize on that. Are you moulded by the local facilities? I mean, are you reflecting the purported 'world standard' local education?
DeleteI checked out some books used in one international school just for a duration of one semester and I ended up just humming an undue scripted tune. Practice, practice, more practice , no? My subconscious keeps triggering 'independence'. A mismatched-twain is an imprisonment. Independence equals conduits for talents
“Finesse” whatever your intended meaning- borne out of outrage over the colonisation and looting of our country.
DeleteHighly motivated by deeply felt sorrow and anger for what has happened to the dispossessed ordinary rural people and their debauched environment- for they are the wretched of the earth!
Inspired by the heroes and martyrs of independence and revolution such as Congolese Patrice Lumumba (murdered by the brutal Belgians in cahoots with the western imperialists) and Filpino national hero Jose Rizal (executed by the Spanish colonialists) for their daring to sacrifice themselves for their cause, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen for his persistence in pushing his ideas, heroes of the Irish independence struggle, the Vietnam war of Independence, many more... even the Kinabalu Guerrillas who laid down their lives symbolically for Sabah...
The Last Letter of Patrice Lumumba
"My dear wife,
I am writing these words not knowing whether they will reach you, when they will reach you, and whether I shall still be alive when you read them. All through my struggle for the independence of my country, I have never doubted for a single instant the final triumph of the sacred cause to which my companions and I have devoted all our lives. But what we wished for our country, its right to an honourable life, to unstained dignity, to independence without restrictions, was never desired by the Belgian imperialists and the Western allies, who found direct and indirect support, both deliberate and unintentional, amongst certain high officials of the United Nations, that organization in which we placed all our trust when we called on its assistance.
They have corrupted some of our compatriots and bribed others. They have helped to distort the truth and bring our independence into dishonour. How could I speak otherwise?
Dead or alive, free or in prison by order of the imperialists, it is not myself who counts. It is the Congo, it is our poor people for whom independence has been transformed into a cage from whose confines the outside world looks on us, sometimes with kindly sympathy, but at other times with joy and pleasure. But my faith will remain unshakeable. I know and I feel in my heart that sooner or later my people will rid themselves of all their enemies, both internal and external, and that they will rise as one man to say No to the degradation and shame of colonialism, and regain their dignity in the clear light of the sun.
We are not alone. Africa, Asia and the free liberated people from all corners of the world will always be found at the side of the millions of Congolese who will not abandon the struggle until the day when there are no longer any colonialists and their mercenaries in our country. As to my children whom I leave and whom I may never see again, I should like them to be told that it is for them, as it is for every Congolese, to accomplish the sacred task of reconstructing our independence and our sovereignty: for without dignity there is no liberty, without justice there is no dignity, and without independence there are no free men.
Neither brutality, nor cruelty nor torture will ever bring me to ask for mercy, for I prefer to die with my head unbowed, my faith unshakable and with profound trust in the destiny of my country, rather than live under subjection and disregarding sacred principles. History will one day have its say, but it will not be the history that is taught in Brussels, Paris, Washington or in the United Nations, but the history which will be taught in the countries freed from imperialism and its puppets. Africa will write its own history, and to the north and south of the Sahara, it will be a glorious and dignified history.
Do not weep for me, my dear wife. I know that my country, which is suffering so much, will know how to defend its independence and its liberty.
Long live the Congo! Long live Africa!
Patrice Lumumba
Thank you. Even if I had pored through every semblance of history book that came my way I doubt I would have come across Patrice Lumumba's heart wrenching last letter to his wife. What an inspiring piece!
DeleteBeing focused can induce pithy thoughts. I pray that more of us would find it in our hearts to unearth the kindred and fighting spirit and translate it to our greater good. Take a lesson, people. Lest saying more I would maim the powerful message.
Lumumba was hysterically demonised by the West before they killed him.
DeleteHis only crime was to love his country and desire to free it from colonial slavery.
Belgium apologised for the Killing of Lumumba in 2002.
His letter is a moving testimony of his patriotism and show up the cruelty of the colonial regime at the time.
What happened Iraq Libya and now Syria have similarities. While we should glorify dictators in those countries, the West has the same modus operandi for 300 years of imperialism. They will create a disaster situation to give them an excuse to move into those countries.
Malaysia was just such a situation. On Dec 8 1962 the people of Brunei rose up in opposition to the British/Malayan Malaysia Plan to fight for independence. This gave Malaya the excuse to send in its troops with the British army ostensibly to put down the uprising. The uprising led to the Sarawak anti-Malaysia guerrilla independence war.
The people opposed Malaysia but the British ignored their wishes for real independence and used their resistance as a reason to declare emergency thus making it a situation where they could pour in over 60,000 troops into Northern Borneo or North Kalimantan.
That is how Malaya came to have its occupation army in Sabah and Sarawak.
For all older Sabahans and Sarawakians who have never given up their aspiration for independence and the new generation who now see by experience the need for independence they must continue to pursue their objective until they win freedom and independence from Malayan colonial rule.
More reasons why we need to follow in the direction of Singapore.
ReplyDeleteKesian si DJJ ini tidak pintar asyik diperkudakan oleh penulis yg hilang modal dan hilang tampat menulis. Kesian juga penulis yg macam menangis merayu dan mencari peluang menulis.
ReplyDeleteSebab, malaya tahu sabah masih negeri yang termiskin antara semua negeri malaysia. Pengertian miskin bagi masyarakat malaya sama seperti masyarakat kaum asli di semenanjung. Bagi saya jika sabah sama taraf dengan negeri2 di negeri2 semenanjung, pasti masyarakat malaya tidak akan berfikiran seperti penulis katakan. Tetapi dlm situasi ini siapa yang harus dipersalahkan? Masyarakat malaya? penduduk sabah atau kerajaan pemerintah?
ReplyDeleteSalah individu itu sendiri sebab tidak buat kajian terlebih dahulu. Tidak rajin membaca dan hanya terima 'fakta' yang dicakap-cakap.
Deletekerana mulut badan binasa, kerana facebook boleh masuk penjara. hati2 dengan penulisan, kata2 dan tingkahlaku tu.
DeleteWalaupun Sabah adalah antara negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia, tapi rakyat kita mempunyai sesuatu yang jauh lebih berharga dan tidak didapati di Negeri Semenanjung yang membangun, kita ada perpaduan antara rakyat pelbagai kaum. Kita ada penerimaan terhadap agama berlainan. Rakyat kita boleh duduk makan di satu meja tidak kira Melayu, Cina, KDM ataupun India!
DeleteSudah tiba masanya buat dokumentari tentang perkembangan di Sabah dan bukannya hanya fokus kepada program kebudayaan saja.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. biar tiada yang begitu naif tentang keadaan sebenar di Sabah ni.
Deletethe west malaysians are rather ignorant about the real situation that is happening in sabah. A documentary would be a good idea to educate them.
DeleteSabah berpotensi untuk menjadi pusat ekonomi yang pesat.
DeleteTidak mustahil ada yang cuba melaga-lagakan orang Sabah Sarawak dengan orang Semenanjung. Sebagai manusia yang berakal, kita kena tahu bezakan keadaan. Bila orang buat yang negatif, janganlah kita pun ikut. Ia hanyalah permainan mereka untuk cetuskan rasa kebencian antara satu sama lain.
ReplyDeleteI suggest those who likes to make sensitive remarks that can cause chaos, should get punished.
DeleteIni bukan 1Malaysia namanya. dia agung2kan tempatnya sendiri dan memandang rendah rakyat di negeri lain.
DeleteSabah dan Sarawak sentiasa mengamalkan semangat 1 Malaysia, oleh itu rakyat kita boleh hidup aman dan harmoni bersama. Bukan macam Semenanjung yang sering berlakunya masalah perkauman dan agama.
Deletekita harus bertindak bijak dan jangan ikut emosi.
DeleteI'm wondering why no action has been taken on Ibrahim Ali and Hassan Ali until now for making sensitive statement on racial/religion issues. Are they above the law??
ReplyDeleteNobody is above the law. kalau buat salah sepatutnya nasib mereka juga boleh disamakan dengan orang lain yang tiada jawatan dan orang yang menghina Sabah melalui laman facebook tu.
DeleteTidak perlu peduli si Ibrahim Ali dan Hassan Ali, jangan kita membenarkan kenyataan mereka itu mempengaruhi perpaduan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.
DeleteKerajaan harus mengambil tindakan terhadap mana-mana pihak yang mengeluarkan statement yang merosakkan keharmonian negara khas antara bangsa.
DeleteThe problem is they don't have any intention to know about Sabah & Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteJangan suka menghina rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak jika tidak tahu apapa tentang negeri kita.
Deletekesedaran harus ada pada setiap individu agar tidak memandang rendah kepada yang lain.
DeleteLeave Sabah & Sarawak and go back to where YOU came from. We Sabahans & Sarawakians don't need you MALAYANS here in the Land Of Borneo.
DeleteOther more they are living with the racial sentiment for a decade, so they seems not to change it.
ReplyDeleteThere are many possibility, but if they willing to know more about sabah and Sarawak, i am sure they won't throw bad words to Sabahans and Sarawakian.
ReplyDeleteThose who had bad perception about sabah clearly has never been to sabah.
DeleteOrang Semenanjung memang selalu memandang rendah dan menghina rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak. Rakyat Sabah akan mempertahankan maruah Sabah!
ReplyDeletesabah is a part of malaysia, therefore they should be treated as one.
Deletekita semua harus saling menghormati antara satu sama lain.
DeleteThis is something no correct, I don't think such statement represent the entire peninsular.
DeleteKalau tidak dipandang rendah, usahakan lah.
Delete"Malaya mudah lupa"
ReplyDelete"melayu mudah lupa"
"mereka mudah lupa"...................etc,...dll.....
This is normallah as Melayu at peninsula OOooiii ... They think they smart maa ... but the reality 2 x 5 juga ... I see they not respect our people sabahan and sarawakien because they can buli us ... nevermind ... the important is we sabahan and sarawakien must learn from our foult to relise their ego ... time to 'rock and roll' gang ! ... ini kalilah !!! ... PRU 13 is our chance ... think about it ... if not we must waiting for another 5 years ... aduhhh !!! lamanya tu ... so KALAU BUKAN KITA ? SIAPA LAGI ! .... KALAU BUKAN SEKARANG ? BILA LAGI ! ..... INI KALILAH !...
ReplyDeleteThe malayans should stop treating sabah with disrespect.
DeleteDaniel,, you are totally wrong.. all of this happen because of freedom of speech..
ReplyDeletetoo much freedom of speech also not good. People tend to cross the line and thus it will cause disturbance to our harmony.
Deletekebebasan bersuara yang tidak terkawal tidak baik juga.
DeleteBeliau harus bertanggung jawab ke atas hujah yang beliau keluarkan.
DeleteAt least they should aware what should say and what should not.
Deletejika ada individu yang menghina Sabah melalaui facebook atau twitwer, tindakan harus dikenakan.
ReplyDeletesetiap orang harus profesional dan jangan bertindak secara emosional.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan pasti menghormati kesemua golongan termasuk warga di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNot everybody have same thoughts. All equal.
ReplyDeleteItulah kita harus membaiki diri dan taraf agar tidak pandang hina.
ReplyDeleteDengan sumber yang ada, Sabah tidak harus sebegini sahaja.
ReplyDeleteSabah adalah negeri yang kaya dgn sumber alamnya.. seharusnya sabah boleh maju dan kaya.
ReplyDeleteUsaha berterusan dan pengurusan yang baik, pasti Sabah akan maju.
DeleteOrang2 Semenanjung yang memandang rendah Sabah adalah orang yang belum pernah datang ke Sabah.
ReplyDeleteThe state and federal governments have a common task in that both are working together to make Malaysia a progressive nation. As such, leaders at both levels must be able to see eye to eye.
ReplyDeleteThe state and federal level leadership must be able to work together in partnership and to think as a nation. Apart from that, development came from both the state and federal governments.
So at the state level, the government must have good plans which the federal government will complement. This will ensure the wealth distribution between the states in Peninsula and Sabah and Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteAll development projects took time and to unite the 14 states in Malaysia was not easy, especially with its diverse ethnic groups, religions and background.
ReplyDeleteWe should be proud of our achievement because we are somewhere compared to the old days in terms of development, with poverty reduced significantly.
The people should be thankful to their forefathers because with the merger the state had been able to experience rapid development.
ReplyDeleteIt is not healthy to express sensitive issues especially concerning a particular state especially when it is inaccurate. We should express it from the national stand, one big picture and to say some states still don’t achieve development is not right.
ReplyDeleteThe ministry level there are programmes outlined but there are many factors contributing to the delay of development such as land issue, certain planning, logistics and others.