Athi Shankar
The party plans to take over MB posts by fielding Malay candidates, says a former aide of Ronnie Liu.
GEORGE TOWN: A former employee in Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu’s office alleged today that DAP had launched covert operations to sideline PAS and PKR, dominate Pakatan Rakyat and take control of state governments by appointing its Malay members as menteri besar.
Jafrei Nordin, who quit his job today, told newsmen that DAP aimed to field many Malay candidates across the country, especially in Perak and Selangor, in the coming general election in order to achieve this agenda.
He claimed that Liu was among the DAP “big boys” pushing for the election candidacy of capable and liberal-minded Malays.
“I know where the secret meetings are held to identify and shortlist candidates to contest in Selangor and Perak,” he said at a press conference where he was accompanied by independent Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng.
Jafrei’s allegation echoed a claim by former DAP vice-president Tunku Abdul Aziz that the party had had been courting a son of the Negeri Sembilan Yang di-Pertuan Besar.
Tunku Aziz recently said that DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke had asked him to persuade Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin to contest a state seat to enable the party to have a menteri besar candidate if Pakatan were to win Negeri Sembilan.
Jafrei claimed to know that certain hidden hands were at work in Malaysiakini and other Pakatan-friendly media organisations to undermine the credibility of PAS and Umno leaders, the aim being to foil efforts to forge Malay leadership solidarity.
He said former PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa was a victim of such an operation.
He also said DAP believed that Barisan Nasional would be defeated in the coming polls and Umno would subsequently lose its relevance in Malay politics, to be replaced by PAS.
“The DAP has now mobilised its election specialists to shift target and zero in on PAS leaders deemed as threats to its agenda.”
He said DAP had unlimited resources to pursue its agenda and capitalise on PAS’ weaknesses to control state governments in the peninsula and Sarawak.
“I call on my PAS friends to stop being DAP pimps,” he said. “Enough is enough.”
‘Malay jokers’
He also alleged that Liu and other top DAP leaders had privately dismissed PKR as a “party of jokers” and mocked Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali as two “Malay jokers” and Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim as “Khalid Gagap” (Khalid the Stutterer).
He said some DAP leaders were convinced that Anwar was the man in the China Doll sex video and Azmin the man in the “ice-cream” video.
He said Liu had laughed at Malays for thronging Azmin’s rallies even after the PKR deputy president’s alleged “toilet exploits” had been exposed.
“Ronnie Liu has even cynically asked me how Malays could support PKR, helmed as it is by jokers.”
Jafrei claimed that he had been a DAP activist, although not a member, since 2004 because he believed that the party cared for the people and was multi-racial.
Jafrei joined Liu’s staff on July 1, 2008.
He said he had decided to quit and spill the beans on DAP because he realised that the party’s leaders were racist, greedy, power-crazy and did not care for the people.
“They don’t walk their talk,” he added.
He claimed it was out of fear for his safety that he had decided to have his press conference in Penang instead of Selangor.
“I am prepared to make a statutory declaration and testify in court to substantiate my statement,” he said.
The attempt by DAP to entice a young Malay prince into its fold is a worrying new development in Pakatan Rakyat's no-holds-barred campaign to grab power.
ReplyDeleteTak sangka DAP sanggup membuat demikian demi merampas kuasa.
DeleteDespite the media coverage this has received, it is not important whether former DAP vice-president Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim exposed the party's secret conversation with a Negeri Sembilan prince or whether this was done by DAP's Anthony Loke himself.
ReplyDeleteHanya mereka sendiri saja yang tahu apa tujuan mereka mendedahkan maklumat itu kepada orang ramai.
DeleteWhat is important rather is that the Chinese-dominated party chose to court Tunku Zain Al-'Abidin ibni Tuanku Muhriz to convince him to contest in GE13 as a DAP candidate in a state constituency. The DAP allegedly even offered to make him Menteri Besar if Pakatan managed to win the state.
ReplyDeleteAdakah keputusan DAP untuk menjadikan Muhriz sebagai MB dipersetujui oleh parti komponen yang lain?
Delete"And when the highly intelligent young prince rejected the utterly mindless offer, they (DAP) raised the stake (by offering a federal seat)," Tunku Aziz said
ReplyDeleteNasib baik tawaran tersebut sudah ditolak.
Delete"The offer was unprecedented in the political history of our country. Imagine the scenario in which the Royalty's father is the Ruler, and his younger son, a DAP member, is his Menteri Besar," he pointed out.
ReplyDeleteTak dapat nak fikirkan apa yang akan terjadi jika ia berlaku.
DeleteThere have been a few precedents of royals joining political parties, such as Tengku Paduka Sri Raja Tengku Ibrahim ibni Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah, son of the late Sultan of Terengganu, who joined PAS last year, and Tengku Datuk Sri Azlan ibni Sultan Abu Bakar who joined Umno.
ReplyDeleteBut never has a political party blatantly offered inducements of the nature that DAP allegedly placed before Tunku Zain. Tunku Aziz said the offer was unprecedented in Malaysian politics.
ReplyDeleteDAP is increasingly desperate to portray itself as a multiracial party, despite it being dominated by Chinese leaders. Tunku Aziz himself was the senior-most Malay leader of the DAP – joining in 2008 as a vice-chairman and an appointment to the Dewan Negara – till he was forced to leave last year by the Lim dynasty for speaking his mind against Bersih 3.0.
ReplyDeleteBereft of a senior Malay face, the DAP has struggled to attract voters from the majority community. In the lead-up to GE13, the party naturally felt having a Malay prince as a candidate would help to convince sceptical Malay voters that the party could move beyond its traditional Chinese-first policies.
ReplyDeleteImagine its shock when Tunku Aziz revealed last weekend that DAP had allegedly offered the position of Menteri Besar to Tunku Zain, and that Loke had approached Tunku Aziz to convince the prince to sign up.
ReplyDeleteAfter the exposé, Loke, who is also DAP's Negeri Sembilan chief, criticised Tunku Aziz for revealing his party's plan. He tried to claim that the meeting with the prince had been an informal and closed-door affair, not to be "hebah-hebahkan" (spread around).
ReplyDeleteBut Tunku Aziz made it clear that letting voters know of DAP's new political move was in the public interest.
ReplyDelete"I am not unused in the jobs I have done to respecting privacy, but in this case what had been attempted is of national interest and has every potential for fomenting a constitutional crisis," he said in an email to Tunku Zain.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Tunku Zain confirmed this week that he had an "informal conversation" with the DAP "some months ago".
ReplyDelete"It should be noted that I have been invited to similar informal and private conversations with representatives of other political parties as well," Tunku Zain said in a statement.
ReplyDeleteThe focus clearly remains on DAP's rather crude attempt to convince Tunku Zain to sign up as its Malay face. The fact that it failed and the matter is now public knowledge may be deeply embarrassing for the Chinese-dominated party, but it is good for the nation that a spotlight has been turned on such "constitutionally dangerous" proposals.
ReplyDeletehinking big, BN did the outrageous and brought in PSY
DeleteIT was as if a starter gun had been fired. The South Korean pop sensation Gangnam-ing in Penang seemed to signal the start of the much-anticipated 13th general election.
Penang must surely be one of prime minister's last major stops before the polls. Elections must be in a matter of weeks now, and in Penang, at the Chinese New Year event, was one of the more significant events before Parliament is dissolved.
DAP mmg tak boleh dipercayai
ReplyDeleteKetua Pergerakan Puteri UMNO Malaysia, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin berkata, tindakan DAP merekrut ahli-ahli berbangsa melayu kononnya mahu mengamalkan kesamarataan sebenarnya mempunyai satu agenda jahat yang tersembunyi.
ReplyDeleteKatanya, DAP melahirkan hasrat untuk meletakkan wakil melayu sebagai calon parti tersebut semasa Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang merupakan satu tindakan yang menunjukkan betapa mereka ini sebenarnya merancang secara halus untuk menguasai negara ini tanpa memerlukan PAS ataupun PKR untuk membantu mereka menubuhkan kerajaan.
ReplyDelete“Ini kerana DAP adalah sebuah parti paling rasis di seluruh dunia. Pendirian politik, tindakan dan kenyataan pemimpin mereka menunjukkan mereka bukan sahaja parti yang rasis tetapi mempunyai satu pendekatan atau cita-cita di mana mereka ingin menukar lanskap politik negara ini kepada satu situasi kononnya wujud kesamarataan dalam semua pihak di mana ianya adalah satu perkara yang amat mustahil. Malah pada peringkat BN dan UMNO ianya tidak mampu untuk dilaksanakan.
ReplyDelete“Jika dilihat dari segi sejarah negara dan struktur serta pentadbiran dari segi ekonomi dan politik, adalah amat mustahil untuk mengamalkan kesamarataan. Kita mempunyai lebih daripada 80 golongan etnik yang bukan semuanya berjaya menguasai ekonomi negara ini.
ReplyDelete“Kaum-kaum lain ini perlu dibantu untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan dan keamanan dalam negara ini. Kita perlu melihat kepada pembelaan kepada kaum-kaum yang tidak mempunyai kekutan ekonomi dan apabila DAP memperkenalkan idealisme kesamarataan ini sudah tentu ini satu perkara mustahil untuk kita laksanakan,” ujarnya.
ReplyDeleteMenurut Rosnah, apa yang boleh disimpulkan adalah mereka sebenarnya mempunyai perancangan halus daripada awal lagi untuk memporak-perandakan bangsa melayu.
ReplyDelete“Amatlah mengecewakan apabila PAS dan PKR masih tidak sedar bahawa mereka diperkuda-kudakan untuk mencapai cita-cita DAP. Inilah yang kita sesalkan. Apa yang kita ingin lihat adalah rakyat jangan terpedaya dengan idea baru daripada DAP ini.
ReplyDelete“Cara mereka ini bukan menunjukkan mereka ini mengamalkan sikap terbuka ataupun terdiri daripada parti yang mempunyai kepelbagaian kaum kerana samada mereka memilih melayu atau tidak, kita amat jelas bahawa DAP adalah parti yang dikuasai oleh satu dinasti dan satu bangsa sahaja.
ReplyDelete“Masyarakat India dalam DAP juga tidak terbela dan tidak menjawat jawatan teratas walaupun Karpal Singh menjawat jawatan tertinggi kerana yang lebih berkuasa adalah dinasti Lim,” ujarnya.
ReplyDeleteOrang melayu harus sedar, sekiranya mereka menjadi sebahagian daripada DAP, mereka ini hanyalah alat untuk memenuhi kuota-kuota tertentu yang mempunyai agenda tersembunyi demi kepentingan politik kotor DAP.