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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Intelligence failure due to politics

There was a "total and complete failure of intelligence" in detecting the incursion by the ‘Royal Sulu Army’ into Lahad Datu, Sabah, because the military has “lost its focus”.

Retired army deputy chief Lt-Gen (Rtd) Abdul Ghafir Abdul Hamid alleged this today, also saying that this has happened because the military is being used for political purposes.

"Since 2000, the Defence Staff Intelligence Division (and) its capability to gather external foreign intelligence have been used for political purposes,” he told a press conference in Petaling Jaya today.

"They have lost their expertise and assets to gain intelligence on threats."

In January, Abdul Ghafir had said that the equipment and facilities in armed forces camps are not up to standard, given the significant sums allocated in the national budget for the defence portfolio.

Hazlan Zakaria


  1. ketika kerajaan sibuk menaik taraf sistem pertahanan negara, pasti akan ada anasir yang ambil kesempatan untuk cari kesalahan kerajaan.

    1. Anggaplah itu sebagai unsur untuk lebih maju.

  2. Terbaru kes pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, pembangkang seperti diramal akan memainkan isu scorpene. Ni mau tanya ba, Scorpene di Sabah ada berapa biji ba?. Itu pun yang paling bising masa scorpene sampai di Teluk Sepanggar adalah orang-orang pembangkang..

  3. Scorpene sebiji dengan keluasan perairan dan jarak dari Sepanggar ke Lahad Datu, bagi pengarang memang ada rasionalnya cadangan penduduk setempat jika sebuah pengkalan Tentera Laut diwujudkan di antara Lahad Datu dan Semporna.

    1. Pasukan berkuasa akan memastikan keselamatan Lahat datu sentiasa selamat dan rakyat dapat kembali kehidupan seperti biasa.

  4. Scorpene sebiji yang ribut sekampung angkara perbuatan pembangkang, rasa-rasanya perlu di tambah lagi sebiji lagi mantap kalau ada 3 biji di Sabah di mana sebuah lagi di letak di Utara Sabah (Kudat). Sepatutnyanya isu berhubung pemilikan persenjataan tidak seharusnya dipolitikkan. Ini tidak!, ada pula istilah Kapal Selam Tidak Boleh menyelam.

  5. Bila tentera laut bagi pemimpin pembangkang ni naik kapal selam, keluar pula isu baru "Kapal Selam Hanya Boleh Menyelam 15 meter". Aduh... Bagi naik salah, tak bagi naik pun salah... susah-susah kasi selam saja dorang yang otak pembangkang ni kt dalam laut dan jangan naik-naik. Selesai masalah lama dan buka buku baru.

  6. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    Kwn2, allow me a moment of indulgence to clear the foul stench of stupidity amongst the malaysians. Kes kat LD is nothing new to us sabahans, in the 90s they abruptly came to the shore at Semporna and immediately bombed the police stations, and went amuck at the town.

  7. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    They are smart people, some left at the sea naik dr kwsn bakau and lived 4 6 mth b4 start to mingle with locals and married them. The tausugs in LD now didn't came all at once, instead they came in batches, with inside helping frm their family at the village.

  8. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    Trust me they have been there at least 2 3 mth b4 the group bcomes complete, then they decide its time to wage war. Klu tak paham rules of engagement, jgnlah menunjuk pandai ckp bukan2 kata kerajaan lemau, ada hati nak banding dgn Bersih.

  9. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    Polis kene masuk dulu sbb dorg trained as negotiators, tentera is the last resort as they will not spare anyone once commanded. They need time to ensure all the locals are out of the village and then cut their food and finance sources, hoping the tausugs will surrender. That is our rules of engagement. We are not barbaric stoic like the american soldiers.

  10. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    Yg pandai ckp je kt media skrg ni cuba bg arahan btukar kt sbh ke swk, meraung bwk keturunan naik turun ofis merayu xnak dok sana, tp mulut mcm haram mengutuk semua yg tlibat kt LD kata klu dorg kt sana lama dah setel. Kene suntik kt spital pun pejam mata mengucap2, tgk darah pun pitam lagi nak g perang.

  11. Penjelasan Daripada Rakyat Sabah Berhubung Kelonggaran Sistem Pertahanan Negara di Perbatasan

    Those who went in and died today knew they might not come back alive, as that was their vow when inducted to the force. So please, belajar dr sejarah, nak blajar sejarah kene bnyk membaca, sbb tu org kita ramai jd mcm ni, mulut ngan otak tak sama frekuensi, bhs biadapnya bangang abadi. Fedup with their stupidity. Thank u for ur moment.

  12. Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang salahkan Kerajaan, Perdana Menteri, Menteri Dalam Negeri, Menteri Pertahanan sebab sempadan laut kita bocor, cuba fikir kembali insiden ini. Singapura yang begitu kecil sempadan laut mereka pun Mas Selamat boleh lepas.

    Interpol has issued an "Orange Notice" for the leader of southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiyah, Mas Selamat bin Kastari, who escaped from a detention center Wednesday.

    Singapore Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng told his Parliament that a "security lapse" is what led to Mas Selamat's escape. While waiting to visit his family, Mas Selamat escaped from the Internal Security Department's Whitley Road detention facility shortly after 4 PM local time after being granted permission to use the washroom. The escape led to Mr. Wong apologizing for the incident and the beginning of an island-wide manhunt for Selamat.

    "When it comes to escapes, the first hours are crucial," said Jean-Michel Louboutin, Interpol's executive director of police services. "The state of Singapore has put into operation everything that's needed to be done. It's a small country, so it's easy to cross and leave."

    Selamat, a 47-year-old former bus mechanic and a father of 5, was once accused of plotting to hijack a plane and crash it into Singapore's international airport. He is "someone who presents a potential physical danger to others, but also a potential danger by organizing future bombings," Louboutin said.

    Mas Selamat bin Kastari, a Singaporean national of Indonesian birth and extraction, stands 158 cm (about 5 feet 2 1/4 inches) tall and walks with a limp in his left leg.

    After the "Orange Notice" was released, Mas Selamat's picture and fingerprints were released to Interpol's 186 member countries. He remains at large.


  13. The hashtag was started with Masidi tweeting: “Dear Sabahans let's tweet or post pictures in FB to show life in Sabah is now back to normal. We want to assure tourists that Sabah is safe!”


  14. He said he wanted to encourage Sabahans to post pictures of the situation in Sabah, showing life returning to normal and tourists enjoying their stay here regardless of which district or town they were in.


  15. “After the bloody incidents in Lahad Datu and Semporna, Sabahans need to tell the world that these are behind us and Sabah is moving forward to regain lost ground in tourist arrivals,” he said.


  16. “I am overwhelmed by the huge public response to the tweet campaign including from those who are not Sabahans but love Sabah,” he added.


  17. Masidi said that some local celebrities, including Daphne Iking, residing in Kuala Lumpur with huge fan bases took time off to tweet for Sabah.


  18. “Most of all I am humbled by the Sabah Spirit' of unity and sense of patriotism for our country and our state,” he said.


  19. Sabahans enthuasiastically joined the #SabahBounceBack Twitter campaign and tweeted photographs of people having dinner and businesses re-opening in Lahad Datu and Semporna.

  20. LahadDatu...konspirasi Anwar?

    PAS Kelantan menerusi mulut Pesuruhjayanya, Nik Aziz dah keluarkan kenyataan sebelum ini bahawa PAS Kelantan akan menghalau orang-orang luar dari bertanding di negeri itu. Lebih tepat lagi, PAS sendiri akan membanyakkan calon mereka sendiri dan tidak akan menyerahkan kerusi selamat kepada PKR.

    Pada 26 Februari nanti, Anwar akan turun ke tiga kawasan iaitu Pasir Puteh, Bachok dan Machang untuk menampal semula kebocoran.

    Anwar dan PKR berada dalam keadaan yang sangat terdesak. Moral mereka telah jatuh teruk. Ke mana-mana sahaja Anwar pergi, sambutan untuknya sudah tidak seperti dahulu. Bahkan lebih ramai pula yang mengeji dan melahirkan tentangan secara terbuka terhadap Anwar Ibrahim dan para penceramah PKR.

    Dek kerana itulah, Anwar datang ke Kelantan selepas berjaya mendaratkan 'Tentera-Tentera Sulu' ke bumi Sabah.


    Bekas Setiausaha Politik (Setpol) Ketua Menteri Sabah dizaman era kerajaan Parti Berjaya Datuk Douglas Lind mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya pencerobohan pengganas di Kg Tanduo Lahad Datu yang turut mengorbankan 9 nyawa Pasukan Keselamatan setakat ini kerana mempertahankan kedaulatan Negara manakala militan 56 orang.

    Beliau berkata, tindakan kerajaan untuk bertindak tegas dengan menggunakan kekuatan kententeraan memerangi pengganas adalah tepat kerana tiada pilihan untuk mempertahankan maruah dan kedaulatan Negara.
    “Kita tiada pilihan lain selepas beberapa perundingan dan juga mereka (pengganas) diberi pilihan supaya meletakkan senjata dan menyerah diri tetapi mereka masih juga memilih untuk melawan.


    “Apa boleh buat, kita terpaksa berbuat sesuatu mengikut undang undang Negara...akibatnya 56 nyawa pengganas terkorban yang mendakwa kononnya mereka adalah Tentera DiRaja Sultan Sulu; sebaliknya adalah palsu,” kata beliau ketika menjelaskan kepada para penyokong Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di Kg Magunsop, Mukim Tomani dekat sini pada minggu lepas.

    Selain itu, beliau menyeru rakyat khususnya mereka yang berada di kawasan luar bandar agar tidak mudah mempercayai khabar-khabar angin yang sengaja diuar-uarkan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang antara lain tujuanya untuk menakutkan rakyat.

    Di sebalik itu, terdapat juga khabar angin yang turut mengaitkan Ketua Pembangkang di dalam insiden pencerobohan tersebut kononnya Ketua Pembangkang itu bersekongkol dengan pihak musuh juga adalah tidak benar dan bermotifkan politik di mana salah satu taktik pihak tertentu ketika menjelangnya pilihanraya umum kali ke-13 (PRU13).


    Dalam pada itu, Douglas mengajak para penyokong PKR khususnya di Kg Magunsop agar terus memberi sokongan yang tidak berbelah bahagi kepada kepimpinan Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Dato'Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk terus memimpin PKR.

    Terdahulu, Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Tenom, Jamain Kalasang mengalu-alukan kedatangan bekas Setpol itu yang telah menyertai PKR tahun lalu di mana kedatangan beliau banyak menyuntik semangat juang kepada ahli ahli PKR di situ.

    Jamain berkata, dengan pengalaman yang diperolehinya semasa memimpin kawasan itu selaku Ketua Bahagian Parti Berjaya sekitar tahun 1980an sedikit sebanyak memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat di situ.

    Kini jasanya yang turut terlibat merancang skim LIGS Kuala Tomani yang banyak memberi faedah ekonomi lebih 3,000 masyarakat luar bandar sepertimana yang dapat dilihat sekarang sudah pun dituai dan dinikmat rakyat di situ.

  24. “Sabah is safe. There is no doubt about it,” says Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, when giving the assurance yesterday in the hope that the tourism trend in Sabah will not be affected by the armed intrusion incident.

  25. He said measures have been taken by the security forces to ensure the conflicts at the Felda Sahabat red zone area will end soon.

    1. Semoga usaha ini berhasil. Yang penting rakyat dapat kembali kehidupan seperti biasa.

  26. “We are hoping that peace will be restored as soon as the operations are completed. However, I can assure that Sabah is safe. Those who have made earlier plans to come to Sabah to enjoy its beaches and jungle need not cancel,” said Muhyiddin.

  27. He said Tourism, Culture and Environment Minister, Datuk Masidi Manjun, have also given assurance that the tourists’ safety would be protected.

  28. pembangkang seharusnya menyokong pasukan keselamatan negara, bukan merendahkannya

    1. Sokongan ahrus diberi agar pasukan ini terus memperjuangkan keamanan dan kestabilan untuk rakyat.

  29. patut semua pembangkang no dihantar ke medan perang, dari asyik buat bising saja

  30. Tuduhan yang tidak berpatutan harus dielakkan. Ini akan menjejas prestasi tentera dan polis yang sedang berusaha.

  31. The people are indebted to security forces despite manipulation by the opposition that the terrorist intrusion was orchestrated.

  32. Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the people were not influenced by opposition propaganda insulting security forces although ten members were killed in Ops Daulat.

  33. "The people are indebted and confident in our security forces. When faced with such situation, Malaysians are united in defending the country. Efforts to divide the people by a political party failed to erode support towards security forces," he said.

  34. He hopes the people, especially in Sabah give high tribute to security forces who work tirelessly to defend national sovereignty against external threats.

  35. Accordingly, the Sulu community in Sabah also dismissed the action by the terrorists although they are from the same race.

    In this regard, Dr Mahathir said Malaysia must enhance national defence without relying on other parties, unlike some countries.
