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Sunday, May 26, 2013

DAP Luyang assemblyman's blunder over RM10.9 billion allegation

KOTA KINABALU: The State Economic Planning Unit refuted allegations made by DAP Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu that RM10.9 billion of federal development funds approved for Sabah under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) was not spent.

“This is totally untrue,” said its director, Datuk Ismail Abdullah.

“Hiew should check his facts and figures carefully before making such statement. Such unfounded allegation is misleading, and can be construed as being ill intentioned and meant to create a negative perception in people’s mind that the State and Federal Governments are not serious about developing Sabah,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Hiew, in a twist to Sepanggar member of parliament Datuk Jumat Idris’ public criticism of Mayor Datuk Abidin Mandingkir Mayor over his handling of development funds, said that out of RM16.9 billion of development allocations approved under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, RM10.09 billion remained unspent. He also alleged that only 2,056 out of 3,690 development projects were completed.

Wishing to set the record straight, Ismail said the total development allocation approved for Sabah by the federal government during the Ninth Malaysia Plan was in fact RM19.8 billion. This amount was for a total of 3,193 projects.

Out of the total amount approved, 89 per cent or RM17.69 billion was spent by the end of the Ninth Malaysia Plan period.

Meanwhile, out of the total projects approved, 2,511 projects (or 78.64 per cent) were successfully implemented and completed, 678 projects were still in progress by the end of the plan period and carried over to the 10th Malaysia Plan, and nearly all had already been completed by now. Only four projects had not been implemented by the end of 2010 and was still at planning stage.

The director pointed out 89 per cent is an excellent achievement, and high by any standard because project planning and implementation had a very dynamic environment, and in a lot of cases, fraught with unforeseen implementation issues.

For the first three years of the 10th Malaysia Plan, he said Sabah was allocated RM13.54 billion and 68 per cent had been spent so far.

The State Government and Chief Minister as chairman of the State Action Council monitored the implementation progress of all development projects in the State very closely to ensure timely completion of projects and programs. In fact, the Chief Minister is constantly reminding heads of state and federal departments in Sabah to be fast and diligent in implementing development projects, he said.

“Datuk Musa Haji Aman is a real task master. He simply has a very low tolerance for any inefficiency and complacency, especially when it comes to the implementation of development projects for the rakyat,” said Ismail.

At the same time, the federal government is constantly fine-tuning coordination and implementation process and procedures to ensure smoother implementation of projects.


  1. Sabah will enjoy greater development following Barisan Nasional’s return to power in the 13th general election. The acceleration of development and promises of increased allocation for rural areas in the Sabah would be the Federal Government’s main agenda. Government’s target was to eradicate poverty by 2020, even among the remotest communities in the state. Barisan’s victory in the just-concluded polls showed that the people wanted peace, stability and harmony.

    1. dulu Hiew cakap peruntukkan tidak digunakan, sekarang dia minta pula kerajaan pusat salurkan lebih banyak dana ke sabah.. apa cerita dengan si Hiew sebenarnya ni?? buat statement pun biarlah konsisten.. jangan main bedal saja..

  2. Extracted from Hiew King Cheu Statement :

    Ismail should have checked and verify his information and facts thoroughly internally and with all other associate departments before committing his statement to the mass media. It looked very unprofessional for him. He should also check with the Parliament because the information and figures were not plucked from the sky but these were from the Parliament reply in the 12th Parliament sitting by the Prime Minister.

    It really looks like the EPU is sleeping on the job and has cheated the people of Sabah on the projects which had been planned for Sabah. It is because of people like Ismail and slackness in the unit that Sabah is now twenty years behind West Malaysia in terms of development. The planning unit still insists on putting “cotton wool” in the eyes of the Sabahans by refuting true statements made by the opposition in the interests of the people and for the progress and development in Sabah. As from the Director of EPU Ismail that they had not made full use of the allocations under the 9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010), so who should be held responsible? Sabahan must be very vigilant in order to ensure that RM20.3 billion allocated for the 10th Malaysia Plans, 2011 to 2015 and now in its mid term, must be completely utilized and implemented including the arrears that were supposed to have been allocated in the pasts Malaysia Plans.

    Ismail must start cracking and get to work (turun padang), if he doesn’t want the Sabahan to face serious economy set back and further jeopardy. A very good example of slackness in the government departments is the Sabah Land and Survey Department where the Title Survey Plans were unable to be updated after so many years.

    The BN government holds the power to spend the allocated funds for the people, and the people want them to get things done accordingly. How dare they openly admit that they couldn’t spend all the funds that were allocated from the Federal fund to do good for the people? By right they should have ask for more if they were not given enough. This is definitely a serious wrong doing and a count of incompetence. If they were some company managers, they could have been sacked long time ago.

    1. Hiew juga patut check kenyataan dia dalam artikel ini dan kenyataan dia pada hari ini.. kenapa agaknya hari ini dia mendesak kerajaan persekutuan supaya menyalurkan lebih banyak peruntukkan ke sabah sedangkan beliau yakin bahawa peruntukkan untuk sabah selama ini tidak dibelanjakan..

  3. Datuk Ismail should check with his boss PM Najib!

    1. kenapa pula Ismail yang perlu check? kenapa bukan Hiew?? siapa yang bangkitkan perkara ini, dialah yang turun padang cari bahan bukti..

  4. tuduhan yang tidak berasas oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggugnjawab hanyalah untuk memberikan persepsi negatif.

    1. Buatlah siasatan. Semua tuduhan harus bersama bukti yang sah.

    2. Hiew memang sudah tidak laku.. sebab itulah dia bangkitkan apa sahaja isu yang dia sendiri kurang pasti.. sekarang DAP Sabah pun sudah tidak mau sama dia sebab kuat sangat membohong..

  5. kestabilan politik dan ekonomi Sabah yang baik membolehkan ekonomi terus berkembang dan lebih banyak pelaburan masuk.

    1. Keharmonian dan keamanan harus dipelihara agar pelabur asing juga berkeyakinan.

  6. pada masa kini semua harus fokus untuk melaksanakan tugas dengan sebaiknya demi kepentingan rakyat..

  7. WR harus menjalankan tanggung jawab untuk memperjuangkan hak & kepentingan untuk rakyat.

  8. Banyak juga prjek mencapai pencapaian yang baik.

  9. Projek yang dilaksanakan harus dipantau agar tidak berlakunya penyelewengan.

  10. Apa perkara sudah semestinya perlulah dikaji sebaiknya sebelum mempercayai semua itu.

  11. The State Economic Planning Unit refuted allegations made by DAP Luyang assemblyman Hiew King Cheu that RM10.9 billion of federal development funds approved for Sabah under the Ninth Malaysia Plan (2006-2010) was not spent. “This is totally untrue,” said its director, Datuk Ismail Abdullah.

  12. Amounting to RM17.69 billion, it was fully used by the end of the 9th Malaysia Plan period.

  13. In revealing this, state Economic Planning Unit director Datuk Ismail Abdullah said the approved amount was for 3,193 projects throughout the state.

  14. Ismail added that these projects were carried over to the 10th Malaysia Plan and have nearly all been completed.

  15. Only four projects had not been implemented by the end of 2010 and were still at the planning stage, he said.

  16. For the first three years of the 10th Malaysia Plan, Sabah was allocated RM13.54 billion, with 68 per cent of that amount having been spent so far on various development projects in the state.

  17. "In fact, the chief minister is constantly reminding state and federal department heads in Sabah to be fast and diligent in implementing development projects." He added that the Federal Government was constantly fine-tuning the coordination and implementation process and procedures to ensure smoother project implementation.
