Aidila Razak
The 13th general election has elements fitting the hypothesis that Pakatan Rakyat, or PKR in particular, is a foreign stooge working to change the regime for the benefit of the United States of America.
However, whether PKR is indeed on the US payroll to do its bidding can only be confirmed by the party itself.
This is the argument put forth by blogger Ruhanie Ahmad (left) at a forum in Universiti Malaya today that discussed the way forward for the BN and Pakatan after GE13.
According to Ruhanie, who authors the socio-political blog Kuda Kepang, geo-political readings would make US interference not entirely surprising.
He told a packed lecture hall at the main campus in Petaling Jaya that this was because the US has been sore with Malaysia for blocking its control of the Malacca Straits.
"If they can control (the Malacca Straits), they can transport energy from the Middle East to East Asia.
"Control of sources of energy and transportation routes will make the US the ultimate superpower," said Ruhanie, who is a doctorate candidate in geo-politics and security studies.
Malaysia's prime ministers from Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Najib Abdul Razak have been clear that no global superpower will have a stake in the maintenance of the straits.
This makes Malaysia the last elusive jigsaw piece in the US bid to control the Southeast Asia maritime channels, after successfully forging agreements with the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.
"I see the 13th general election as the climax to an attempt by a superpower to put its proxy against the ruling government. That is my initial assumption. Is it true?" asked the former BN backbencher.
Ruhanie said question marks over foreign influence also extended to NGOs such as electoral reform group Bersih, which has admitted to receiving funding from US sources.
He said that this argument was also put forward by "authentic" sources like socio-political portal Global Research writer Tony Cartalucci, who said that Wall Street was disappointed that its "proxy" lost in the Malaysian election.
"For the BN, this exection exposes two security problems - national security and societal security - and this must be corrected by the BN as a government's role is to safeguard security."
Hypothesis failed peer review?
However, Ruhanie's views were challenged by members of the audience, made up largely of post-graduate students and doctorate candidates.
One doctorate candidate from Akademi Tentera Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (ATMA-UTM) - who stood up during the question-and-answer session - even went as far as saying that if he were Ruhanie's supervisor, he would not give the former MP a passing mark.
"As a doctorate candidate, what framework did you use to come to that conclusion?
"The Global Research writer Cartalucci had also written that the Lahad Datu intruders were part of the Free Syria army, which is absolutely absurd," the UTM student said.
To this, Ruhanie replied that he did not make a conclusion, but merely raised a hypothesis for further study.
"My hypothesis is based on the new classical realm... that everything that happens in a country is a causal effect of something else that happens outside the country," he said.
Another postgraduate student also asked how was it that supporters of Bersih and Pakatan have to often fork out their own expenses to attend events if the two groups were so flushed with cash.
However, the former Parit Sulong MP did not respond to this.
To another question, Ruhanie admitted that he had been very supportive of Bersih in 2007, but "the objectives and perceptions were different then".
"The first Bersih is not the same as the second and third Bersih (rallies)," he said, admitting that he was also very critical of the Abdullah administration, but that he was okay with the Najib administration.
Also on the panel were Merdeka Centre director Ibrahim Suffian and Keevan Sivarajah (left), who coordinated the Institute of Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) election observation mission.
In response to Ruhanie, both started their presentations by admitting that they are foreign funded.
Ibrahim said he received US$60,000 in foreign grants, while Keevan said the entire election observation mission was funded by foreign missions and most controversially, by the George Soros-funded Open Society Institute.
"We wrote to the Pakatan and BN governments, as well as the Prime Minister's Department for funding, but no one wrote back," Ibrahim said.
Although not taking Ruhanie head on, Ibrahim said one needed to truly question if funding of US$60,000 for Merdeka Centre and US$20,000 for Bersih was as big a security threat as the thousands of foreigners flooding Sabah, as was revealed to the royal commission of inquiry on illegal immigrants.
ReplyDeleteNorth Borneo Historical Society
April 9
Sheikh Azahari bin Sheikh Mahmud (1928/29–2002), better known as A.M. Azahari, was a Brunei politician turned rebel.
Azahari strongly objected to the Sultan's idea for Brunei's membership in the Federation of Malaysia, along with British North Borneo (which was later renamed to Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore.
" …., there was also doubt about the motives of the possible rebels. What did they want? Much of this has to do with the enigmatic performance of Azahari. In September 1962, The Borneo Bulletin had two statements on the front page from Azahari. In one he talked about a meeting with leaders in Sarawak and North Borneo to press for the creation of “an independent federation of Borneo.”
In the other, in an interview with the Sultan, he pledged the support of his party to the ruler’s acceptance in principle of the proposed plan for Malaysia.
Early in December, Azahari announced that three motions would be proposed at the first meeting of the new Legislative Council:
(i) Rejecting Malaysia.
(ii) Requesting the restoration of Brunei sovereignty over Sarawak
and North Borneo.
(iii) Calling for a British grant of independence to a Borneo
federation not later than 1963.
The Party Rakyat appear to have been genuine in their belief that the findings of the Cobbold Commission were fraudulent and had hopes of popular support in Sarawak and North Borneo.
The Sultan of Brunei saw the uprising as a rebellion against joining the Federation. In this sense the popular mood contrasted sharply with the views of the Sultan’s closest advisors. Many of the appointed members of the Legislative Council were happy in principle to be part of the new Malaysia; though some voiced doubts and concerns over the concessions demanded by Kuala Lumpur.
The Sultan had no intention of surrendering his sovereignty to the PRB by fleeing the country. The Sultan and the people shared one thing in common. They were fed up with the protracted negotiations over the new Federation. The people feared their country would be coerced into joining; the Sultan believed that while Brunei was a Protectorate with very considerable control over its affairs, Malaya was a former colony. "
- by: Dato’ Haji Harun Bin Haji Abdul Majid
MPhil. (King’s College, London)
— with Dumaring Talajou.
Former Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) deputy president Dr. Chandra Muzaffar urged the Chinese not to allow themselves to be tricked by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who is not honest in fighting for the community.
ReplyDeletePilihanraya dah berlalu dan kita dah tahu siapa pilihan rakyat. Jadi yang kalah tu terimalah hakikat dan tak perlu lagi buat bising sebab Najib sudah sah jadi PM.
ReplyDeleteKita ni kan rakyat Malaysia jangan kerana perbezaan politik kit abermasam muka. Tak baik untuk kesihatan.
ReplyDeleteTak macam kat Malaysia kan... yang mana ada sekumpulan manusia... dengan beria-ria dan penuh semangat memberbuktikan yang "Diaorang" tu sangat "bersih", sangat "telus" dan sangat "tak racist" di depan pintu pagar pusat-pusat mengundi terpilih. Habis semua orang yang muka dan kaler tak sama macam "Diaorang" tu dipekik, ditolak, dimaki, dihina dan dihalau dengan cara yang sangat biadap...
ReplyDeleteMalah ada yang ditahan dan dikepung sehingga langsung tidak dapat masuk mengundi. Akhirnya terbukti mereka yang ditahan itu adalah rakyat Malaysia.... (dipetik dari sebuah bolg yang best juga kalau baca) hihi
Dipendekkan cerita, janganlah terlalu taksub dengan diri sendiri hingga ingat diri sendiri saja yang betul. hihi
ReplyDeleteAkhirnya terbukti BN parti pilihan ramai. Semoga penggal ini BN dapat menjalankan amanah rakyat sebaik mungkin.