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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

21 million people enslaved worldwide

Across the globe, an estimated 20.9 million people are currently living in modern slavery. Stripped of their dignity and humanity; forced to work effectively without pay; trapped behind bars and worse. The world’s most vulnerable sentenced to a lifetime of rape, abuse and extreme labor.

Those who perpetuate modern slavery count on our silence to drive their profits. They survive on secrecy and stigma. Without the attention of world leaders, they have been able to enslave more people today than at any point in history.

If we take a stand now, we can make ending slavery a global priority, ensuring those trapped in the silent web of slavery are not ignored.

Slavery is illegal in every country, yet millions are enslaved by vicious criminals, archaic traditions and brutal greed. As news media uncover shocking stories of modern day slavery, more and more people are waking up to the need to take action.

The reasons why slavery still exists are complex. In many countries the fight against slavery is not a priority. In some countries, existing laws are not being enforced. In some countries, certain forms of slavery are so common that they are almost considered normal.

We are determined to change this. Walk Free's goal is to be the generation that ends modern slavery.

There are many groups around the world working on the front line against slavery. Walk Free aims to amplify and extend their efforts. By gathering a global membership, using social networks and new technologies, and organising campaigns and communities online and on the ground, we can make the fight against slavery a real priority across the world.

Slavery has no place in the modern world. Together, we can build a world without it. A world where it is unthinkable to be treated like someone else's property. A world where those who steal other people's freedoms are brought to justice. A world where everyone can walk free.

Walk Free

1 comment:

  1. let's not forget some people seem to CHOOSE to be slaves
