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Monday, July 1, 2013

RCI Sabah: Pakistan man got IC during Harris' time.

A man from Pakistan who came to Sabah and got a blue identity card by improper means said he was threatened by locals when trying to vote in an election, the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah heard today.

Abdullah Mahmod, 55, who arrived in Sabah through Kuala Lumpur with his uncle when he was 10-years-old, said he obtained his blue identity card without having to obtain the other prerequisite documents.

"When Harris Salleh was chief minister, I went to Kota Kinabalu to apply for an identity card and they (National Registration Department) asked me to provide them my photograph.

"I told them I am illiterate, and so they also filled the forms for me. After that, I got the blue identity card," Abdullah said.

He said the identity card stated his race as ‘Malay'.


  1. so in Bolehland, anyone can be Malay if they really wanted to

  2. Mengenai masalah mendapat IC ini akan terjawab juga nanti siapa dalang dalam hal ini. Kita nantikan saja apa yang akan dimaklumkan oleh RCI.

    1. RCI sudah hampir tempoh siasatannya. Kami menantikan apakah yang diperolehi selama jangka masa yang diberikan.

    2. Asal usur projek ic tidak perlu dikaji lagi, tumpulah perhatian mencari cara penyelesaian dan carilah dalang kes tersebut.

  3. Kerajaan BN Sabah menyokong apa pun usaha yang dibuat oleh RCI untuk membantu menyiasat mengenai kes PATI dan Projek IC ini.

    1. Kerajaan tidak harus campur tangan, serahkan kepada RCI membuat apa yang berpatutan.

  4. RCI meneruskan usaha mereka untuk menyiasat dengan lebih terperinci. Pelbagai cerita yang telah didengar oleh pihak RCI mengenai perkara ini.

    1. Rakyat juga menantikan hasil siasatan RCI.

  5. Sebenarnya ada yang mendapat IC dengan cara mengikut undang-undang. Jadi jangan kita tersalah anggap dengan mereka ini.

    1. Banyak juga mendapat ic melalui pintu belakang. Siapakah agaknya dalang tersebut?

  6. Maka kita mengharapkan sangat yang mana rakyat juga perlulah membantu RCI untuk menangani kes ini. Ini amat diperlukan oleh RCI sokongan daripada rakyat.

  7. RCI sedikit sebanyak telah dapat mencari jawapan mengenai kes projek IC dan PATI di Sabah ini. Harap akan ada berita lain lagi yang akan diperolehi.

    1. Dalang projek ic harus dikenakan hukuman, aktiviti ini seolah mengkhianati negara.

  8. Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh said it is not necessary to serve a subpoena on him to appear before the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah when it begins hearings.

  9. "I confirm that I will attend at any time, at any place to give evidence and information on the issue of illegals. There is no need to serve a subpoena on me, it is hoped that those people will lower their blood pressure after reading this statement," he said.

  10. "First of all, it must be emphasised and stressed that the power of granting citizenship and issuing identity cards are vested with the Federal Government under the constitution and law", he said, in the statement

  11. This power, he said is now vested with the Ministry of Home Affairs and under the Constitution, the Federal Government can grant citizenship to anyone at anytime even after a few days of arrival, if it deems that person is of national interest.

    1. but the government obviously ABUSED this power, because it is CORRUPT

    2. Projek ic ini berkait rapat dengan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa.

  12. "This is very clear and written in black and white. Thus, the most any person can do is to help make an application and make recommendation for those eligible to apply for either a permanent stay or citizenship," he said.

  13. "Secondly, if my memory serves me right, it is the policy of the Federal Government since the late 1960s or early 1970s that anybody who is eligible to become citizen would be entertained and granted.

  14. "This is particularly true to the refugees from Indo-China and later Philippines. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, Malaysia's first Prime Minister announced publicly and openly, the policy that the Federal Government would accept and take Muslim refugees from Myanmar and that non-Muslims could go to Australia, Europe or USA.

  15. "Tunku Abdul Rahman said very clearly in no uncertain terms that those refugees, who are Muslim can stay in Malaysia and would be granted citizenship. This policy is still valid today as the present Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak just a year ago signed an agreement with Australia on a refugee swap with Muslim refugees in Australia coming to Malaysia and non-Muslims going to Australia," he said.

  16. Harris said thus, over the years out of the few hundred thousand Philippine refugees in Sabah, some were issued with IMM13 to allow them to stay in Malaysia, and they must have been accorded citizenship.
    Hence, the population increase is a little higher than normal.

  17. Sudah pasti ada pihak yang salah gunakan kuasa yang diberi.

  18. Golongan ini digunakan untuk tujuan politik.

  19. PATI membanjiri seluruh Malaysia. Sudah pasti, Sabah yang berganda jumlahnya. Jadi, tindakan harus diambil sementara isu lebih serius akan berlaku.
