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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ambiga tells MCA, MIC to 'have self-respect, quit BN'

As a minister from Umno enjoys apparent impunity for his racist remarks, it begs the question as to why the party's allies in the BN choose to remain in the ruling coalition and tolerate such behaviour.

This appears to be the question on Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan's mind as she urged the two main component parties to muster some self-respect.

"After hearing the home minister, I really want to know what MCA and MIC are doing in BN. Have some self-respect please and walk out!" she said in a Twitter posting today.

She was referring to comments by Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi who was recorded as apparently backing an underworld group and admitting to a "shoot-first" policy against some crime suspects.

In the audio-recording revealed yesterday, he also accused Chinese and Indian Malaysians of perpetrating crimes, and noted that the victims are usually Malays.

Human rights group Suaram has called for Zahid to be sacked as the home minister but Ambiga is less than optimistic that any action will be taken.

"Our prime minister has no time to tick off errant ministers. He is too busy overseas telling people he is moderate and cares for the non-Malays," she said in another Twitter posting.

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