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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Malaysiakini under black magic attack

Since its inception, Malaysiakini has grown accustomed to attacks in the form of harsh criticism, police raids, legal suits and even having its journalists barred from press conferences.

But the attack on our premises before daylight yesterday was the first time its detractors have resorted to the use of black magic.

Apart being splashed with red paint and presented with a live duck, the news portal also received three photographs of DAP MP Teresa Kok sealed in a transparent plastic covers, which also contained a fistful of rice grains and a needle each, wrapped with red thread.

These items have since been taken by the police for their investigation.

A check with those who have knowledge in such matters revealed that rice and needles are commonly used by practitioners of the black arts.

Declining to be named, one expert said: “The rice grains represent the ‘periuk nasi’ (livelihood) of a person or organisation. And the needle... Well what happens when there is a needle in your rice? It can kill you.”

“So this package was aimed at destroying the livelihood of the person or organisation.

“However, in this case, we cannot be certain if the person responsible had intended to destroy the politician or Malaysiakini’s livelihood. Perhaps it was both,” he added.

Kok has been the target of such protests following her political satire “Onederful Malaysia” video in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Video insulted the Malays?

Detractors had claimed that the video insulted the Malays and belittled the sacrifice of the security forces with regard to the Lahad Datu incursion.

Several Malay NGOs had staged a protest in the heart of the city, where they slaughtered several chickens and smeared the blood on the images of Kok and other DAP leaders.

There was also a cash reward offered to those who would slap Kok and film themselves doing so. Following this, a chicken carcass and red paint were thrown outside her office.

In the wake of these incidents, Malaysiakini conducted an interview with Kok, who has repeatedly denied that she had insulted the Malays or the security forces, adding that her video focused on current issues affecting the people.

The Seputeh MP even inserted Malay subtitles in her video, which was in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Meanwhile, the expert also revealed to Malaysiakini that such black magic packages must be disposed into the river after being sprinkled with salt and vinegar.

Extracted from Malaysiakini

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