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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

If the State government was really financially strong, why was there a need to issue Bonds?

KOTA KINABALU, June 21, 2011: SAPP CLC Api-Api Organizing Secretary Clement Lee would like to query the RM544 million worth of bonds issued by BN-led government as stated by the Chief Minister during his budgeted speech on 19 November 2010 at State Assembly.

"The estimated revenue for 2010 being over the RM3 billion level takes into account proceeds from the issuance of bonds worth RM544 million effective this year.” which in actual fact meant that the estimated State revenue was merely RM2.5 billi

Bond is a form of debt investments where state government loans a certain amount of money, for a certain period of time, with a certain rate of interest, to companies and individuals at large at a discounted price.

"How could the BN government account the RM544 million worth of bonds issued, which in essence are debts, as State Revenue in 2010?

When such bonds mature in 5 years time, the State government will need to buy back the bonds at the original price from the investors.

"If the BN-led government really had a strong financial backing in the state coffer, why would they still need to issue bonds in order to raise funds? It seems like the present BN government is not telling the truth and utterly misleading the public.

The present government should seek more sources of income like opening up more land for cultivation and increasing the productivity of the present state-owned GLCs and reducing the operational costs which would surely translate to revenue, among others.

"What about the RM1 billion special allocation promised by the federal government for the Sabah Development Corridor project?

"Another pressing issue is that, why did the state government give away 5,000 hectares of palm oil land to United Malacca Berhad whilst local based Sabahan companies were more than capable to develop them?

"We want the BN government to explain on these matters and clear public ambiguity and confusion.


  1. Kenapa masih ada orang beli?

  2. Yang beli bonds itu bukan individu, adalah dari corporate besar dengan potongan harga murah.

    Kenapa tiada orang mahu beli dengan harga murah?

    Kenapa kerajaan Sabah mahu jual bonds? Sudah habis kah duit kerajaan Sabah?

  3. Benarkah kerajaan masih jual bond atau cuma kabar angin.

  4. Kalau dah masuk sekali dlm budget kerajaan negeri dan musa pun dah bentangkan, mana mungkin itu masih dipersoalkan sebagai khabar angin. Ia sudah diumumkan secara terang dan nyata bahawa bon itu wujud. yg menjadi persoalan mudah sekarang ialah, kenapa mesti bon itu diwujudkan padahal state revenue dianggarkan mencecah myr 3 billion? kita cuma mahu tahu kenapa? apa sebabnya? apa justifikasinya?

  5. Khabar angin? Musa sudah akun jual bond di suratkhabar masih dianggap khabar angin?

    smookiekins ini masih dalam mimpi barangkali .. hahaha

  6. If you want to believe then its up to you.

  7. pasti ada sebabnya. tunggu sajalah penjelasan..

  8. harap penjelasan diberikan oleh kerajaan negeri Sabah kerana isu ni dipersoalkan.

  9. Musang bin tidak aman fikir rakyat Sabah masih mundur dan bodoh. Sukahati apa yang dilakukan olehnya dan yang penting pocket dia kena isi penuh.

    Kita tunggu dan lihat ketulahan musang bin tidak aman suatu hari nanti.

  10. Using other people’s money for funding is what every businessman desires. that's why I say it is a prudent move by the Sabah state government which refuses to draw on its hefty reserves for its expenditure.

    The Sabah bonds have received the highest triple “A” rating from the RAM. and the rating reflects that the Sabah state always has strong revenue and fiscal surpluses.

  11. Jual bonds oleh kerajaan negeri?Betulkah.. Mungkin ada rancanga yang telah dibuat oleh kerajaan negeri. Kita tengok siapa yang ketulahan nanti.

  12. All these people like to make they even know what is BOND in the first place?

    excerpt from wikipedia:

    A government bond is a bond issued by a national government denominated in the country's own currency. Bonds are debt investments whereby an investor loans a certain amount of money, for a certain amount of time, with a certain interest rate, to a company or country. Bonds issued by national governments in foreign currencies are normally referred to as sovereign bonds.

    .......Government bonds are usually referred to as risk-free bonds, because the government can raise taxes or create additional currency in order to redeem the bond at maturity.......Many governments issue inflation-indexed bonds, which protect investors against inflation risk by increasing the interest rate given to the investor as the inflation rate of the economy increases......

    Even the big country such as UK,Britain & China issued Bond. So it is not unusual lah..

  13. harap hal ini diperjelaskan dgn teliti.

  14. "Government bonds are usually referred to as risk-free bonds, because the government can raise taxes or create additional currency in order to redeem the bond at maturity"

    The above explanation only explain half truth. Raise tax to make the rakyat suffer again? Additional currency? I thought only traded in RM. This is not foreign currency bond.

    STOP misleading the people you bunch of BN's goon.

    Businessmen is for self-interest but how can the government acted like businessmen especially those cunning one? People first motto? My foot lah!

    UMNO must be kicked out from Sabah! No thanks to UMNO who made Sabah the POOREST in malaysia.

  15. A government bond is a bond issued by a national or state government denominated in the country's own currency.

    Bonds are debt investments whereby an investor loans a certain amount of money, for a certain amount of time, with a certain interest rate, to a company or country.

    Bonds issued by national or state governments in foreign currencies are normally referred to as "sovereign bonds".

    The first ever government bond was issued by the English government in 1693 to raise money to fund a war against France. It was in the form of a tontine.

    After read the definition above extracted from wikipedia. Sabah UMNO government is simply weak in managing our state finances until NO MONEY and need to issue BOND to raise fund.

    Britain issue BOND to raise fund for war. If Sabah government who claimed themselves are so rich, why issue bond?

    Sabah UMNO government to raise fund through bond to fill their own pocket?

  16. Then we should wait for further explanation from the state government.

  17. Why the musang bin tidak aman keep quiet on this? He is a cunning businessman.

  18. governing a State and managing a company are two different matter. you can't govern a State like you managing a company. company runs is only for profit. nothing more. corporate responsibility is only to reduce their taxes. its not sincerely. who dare to deny? government run for total social responsibilities. budget allocated for its people not for profit. that necessary. government can't stand without its people but peoples can survive without a government. Sabahan ancestor has survive for hundred or maybe even thousand of years without government and they live better.

    So why the need of so called BOND if our State has billion of State revenue. Bond in short word is also a loan. the difference is only from its definition and title.

  19. Tiada orang akan memaksa kamu membeli jika tidak mahu.
