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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sabah must be autonomous

Young Sabahans have no desire to join the old political school which is to kowtow to Kuala Lumpur, says opposition SAPP.

KOTA KINABALU: Local opposition, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), will not compromise on its pledge for a politically autonomous Sabah.

"We made a mistake in the past… but we are determined not to do it this time. We will not bargain away the state," SAPP deputy president Amde Sidek said, adding that this was the reason why the party had decided not to join Pakatan Rakyat despite repeated calls by its leaders.

He said that Sabah must be allowed self-determination.

"There are two political schools now in Sabah. The old school seems to be too dependent on Kuala Lumpur, while the young are thinking that we are as good as any Malaysians, and let's do it (fight for autonomy).

"Kelantan before joining Pakatan was on its own. Similarly, I see no reason why Sabah people can't do the same thing," Sidek added.

He was commenting on Sabah PKR leader Karim Ghani's statement that independent political parties should either join Barisan Nasional (BN) or Pakatan in facing the coming general election.

Karim also said that DAP's concept of a "Pakatan Plus" was unsatisfactory, adding that SAPP should have full entry into the coalition.

Said Sidek: "The tone Pakatan is taking is no different from that of Umno-BN. His (Karim's) invitation sounds like he's browbeating us, much like BN leaders.

"How will they (Pakatan) behave once they are in power? We don't want to be subservient."

He said SAPP did not want to be lumped together with the current state BN leaders who are constantly mocked for depending on Kuala Lumpur for all decisions.

Sidek, a former lecturer and magistrate, said that setting conditions and coercing others to kowtow did not augur well for state politics.

He added that whatever decision made by SAPP was based on feedback from supporters.

On Karim's argument that without being part of a team, small political groups will end up like Sarawak National Party (SNAP), Sidek said that what happened to SNAP in regard to the April 16 state election was due to a "haphazard negotiation".

"I was in Kuching at that time and was briefed by SNAP leaders that negotiations were done haphazardly…"

SNAP was seen as a member of Pakatan until weeks before the Sarawak state election when it pulled out, citing PKR's "arrogance" and disagreements over seat allocations.

All of SNAP's 26 candidates were defeated in the hat election, with 25 of them losing their deposits.

----------------New Sabah Times ---------------- By Michael Teh

SAPP Deputy President: We are determined not to repeat same mistake
22nd June, 2011

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) is determined not to repeat the same mistake made by Sabah leaders in the past.

“We made a mistake in the past, but we determine not to make mistake all the time,” said SAPP Deputy President, Hj Amdee Sidek.

He was responding to the recent statement by Datuk Karim Ghani, the newly-appointed strategist of Sabah PKR, that independent political parties should either join Barisan Nasional (BN) or Pakatan Rakyat (PR) in facing the coming general election, for them to make an impact on the election results.

And in this respect, should SAPP decide to join PR, it should be a full entry and not under a ‘Pakatan Plus’ concept.

“His (Karim) invitation sounds a bit browbeating if not dictatorial, much like BN leaders to me, wonder how would they behave once they are in power,” said Amde.

He then noted that many Sabahans are now beginning to understand SAPP’s struggle.

“Many Sabahans understand better what SAPP is doing now that we don’t want to be subservient to leaders who think only they can do especially leaders we already know too well.

“Giving condition and coercing young politician like us may not augur well in our practice of politics,” he stressed.

Amde went on to note that currently there are two political schools in Sabah, one held by the old guards and other by young Sabahans.

“The old school seems to be too dependent to KL like what they did in the past, while the young of Sabahan are thinking that we are as good as any Malaysians, and let’s do it.

“Kelantan before joining PR were on its own. They managed to govern the state. I see no reason why Sabah people couldn’t do it,” he argued.

He further stressed that whatever decision made by SAPP was based on the feedback from the rakyat.

“It isn’t something fanciful, not from party leaders in SAPP, nor our response based on from people who frequently dine or having breakfast in 5-star hotels,” he quipped.

He also took a swipe at PKR Sabah leaders that they lacked credibility, citing the case of the Batu Sapi by-election last September.

“Briefly, I was in the negotiating table with PKR leaders before nomination day for Batu Sapi. Without going through the details, I would ask, who actually broke the promise soon after we left the table? Only Dr Jeffrey Kitingan was supportive of SAPP’s idea that day. Where is Dr Jeffery now? What I meant here is, PKR leaders in Sabah couldn’t and didn’t make outright decision. Second, had the culture of not keeping to their words and I’m hopeful that Datuk Karim could introduce new gentleman’s culture,” he explained.

On Karim’s notion that without being part of a team, any other small political groups will end up like SNAP (Sarawak National Party) in the recent Sarawak state election, Amde blamed it on a ‘haphazard negotiation’ between SNAP and PKR.

“I was in Kuching at that time and was briefed by SNAP leaders that negotiations were done haphazardly, a kind of enforcing ideas over one another, in the end the winner was the group with the louder voice.

“No doubt, there are still plenty of rooms for negotiation and I begin to know what negotiation is in politics with watchful ears, eyes and heart,” he said.


  1. Karim ghani from PKR Sabah? He is involved in Project IC Mahatir. How can we trust such person and the party he representing?

    I would prefer to support our local party to gain back our political autonomy rather than become a Puppet to the malaya leader. They are no better than us. Only Puppet and traitor will kowtow to them.

  2. >Amde Sidik
    Most important for young to learn the new school is we need 'clean and fair' for any agenda to people.
    Secondly,sabahan should not feel inferior like what some leaders used to under political influence of any instead have equal sharing and participation to administer Malaysia as malaysian just like those from other states!

  3. Sabah patut dipimpin oleh kerajaan Sabah sendiri tanpa campur tangan daripada kerajaan pusat.

  4. Harap PRU13 adalah bersih dan adil.

  5. Saya juga harap majoriti generasi muda, jika tidak semua, mempunyai mentaliti yg lebih merdeka dlm memikirkan tentang masa depan negeri kita yg tercinta ini.

    Satu2nya penyesalan besar yg tidak dapat diubati bagi sesorang generasi muda seperti saya adalah, kerana saya tidak dapat berhenti berfikir dan menyesali akan nasib negeri kita yg menjadi negeri ke-13 dan bukannya rakan kongsi adil dan sama rata dlm gabungan persekutuan ini. saya kesal kerana tiada sesiapa nampaknya yg berjuang terhadap kesamarataan ini sejak merdeka. 20 perkara Sabah utk direnungi adalah amat perit dan menyedihkan.

    Umur 25 tahun sudah cukup utk saya melihat akan ketidakadilan dan ketidakcekapan kerajaan umno-bn yg memerentah. tetapi 47 tahun adalah tempoh cukup panjang utk menyesali bahawa kita tidakpun setanding dengan negara jiran Thailand. Apa lagi utk dibandingkan dengan Negara Jepun dan Korea Selatan. Kita malah sudah ketinggalan di belakang jika melihat kepada pertumbuhan Vietnam dan Myanmar.

    Sabah, seperti yg kita kenal hari ini, sudah tentunya lebih baik dan maju sekiranya ia ditadbir berdasarkan apa yg tertulis dlm perjanjian keramat 20 perkara. saya percaya yg Malaysia seharusnya adalah berdasarkan hanya kepada 3 blok wilayah utama-Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu (Malaya). Bukan berdasarkan negeri2 campur wilayah persekutuan. apalah sangat negeri perlis dan pulau pinang jika dibandingkan dgn Sabah dan sarawak. berapa besar sumbangan mereka terhadap pendapatan negara ini.? pun begitu, kemajuan mereka berpuluh tahun tahun ke hadapan dari kita yg menyumbang sebahagian besar pendapatan negara. dari perlis sampai johor, sukar bagi anda utk melihat kekurangan. tapi jika anda berada di sabah, anda memandu dari kk ke daerah pitas, saya yakin, belumpun sampai kota marudu, ada sudah boleh merasakan penyesalan saya.

    Autonomy tetap autonomy. sumbangan saya hanya pada undi.

  6. Sabah lakukan yang terbaik bila pilihanraya tiba nanti.

  7. SAPP berhak untuk menolak dan bersetuju untuk bergabung dengan PKR.

  8. terserah kepada sapp dan pkr untuk bekerjasama atau tidak. tapi adalah sukar untuk bekerjasama jika tidak sehaluan.

  9. Ingat kalau BN maseh kerajaan di Putrajaya impian SAPP ini tercapai kah? Ingat Sabah boleh bebas dari cengkeman Putrajaya?Mimpi sedih.
    SAPP ini hanya banyak retorik saja dan pandai mengapi-api kan rakyat tapi mereka tau semua nya kena ikut kompass Putrajaya.jangan ingat rakyat Sabah ini bodoh.SAPP tidak ada isu lain untuk menarik perhatian dan bergantung kepada slogan 'Sabah for Sabahan' saja dan 'political autonomy' mereka yang sudah 'dibeli' oleh segelintir rakyat yang jahil.

  10. generasi muda sekarang harus sedar akan pentingnya untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak sebagai rakyat Sabah. jangan biarkan orang luar menguasai segala hak rakyat Sabah.

  11. mengundilah secara bijaksana pada pilihanraya nanti.

  12. karim ghani, bila mahu pencen? sudah-sudah lah tu..

  13. SAPP said they made a mistake in the past..i wonder what is it..betrayal maybe?

  14. sabahan, undilah yang terbaik untuk rakyat sabah..

  15. parti politik berhak menentukan sama ada mahu bersama dengan BN atau PR atau bebas..

  16. "Ingat kalau BN maseh kerajaan di Putrajaya impian SAPP ini tercapai kah? Ingat Sabah boleh bebas dari cengkeman Putrajaya?Mimpi sedih."

    I doubt this fella understood what is the statement above. If SAPP govern Sabah cannot survive, then PAS as opposition governing Kelantan also bankrupt lah?

    Sila gunalah otak sebelum buka mulut kamu yang bau busuk. Jangan tahu aje jadi kaki pengampu parti malaya macam badut! Bikin malu!

  17. Let us be for what we believe and not what they the BN promised of development which is not for the people but for their own pockets...

    Let us look at how and what we have in Sabah...the natural resources at our disposal, eg. oil palm, oil, timber and of course our land.

    When we compare ourselves to Singapore, which does not have anything by itself, how they survive and prosper?

    Why? becoz they govern themselves!

  18. Kelantan sudah jadi negeri termiskin di Malaysia dan Sabah nombor dua.Kalau SAPP jadi kerajaan saya ingat Sabah naik jadi nombor satu.
    Pentingnya apa kekuatan SAPP untuk mengugat BN kalau sokongan di luar bandar langsung tidak ada.
    Jangan lah terlampau taksub kepada SAPP sehingga hilang akal akan realiti sebenar iaitu rakyat akan menderita jika tidak sehaluan dengan Putrajaya.Oleh itu peluang SAPP hanyalah berjuang dalam Pakatan untuk menjatuhkan BN jika tidak maka Pakatan akan berkuasa diPutrajaya tapi Sabah maseh dalam gengaman BN.Ini adalah fakta yang akan dihadapi Sabah jika terus menyokong SAPP hanya untuk memecah undi kerana tamak kuasa.
    Suka atau tidak SAPP memang berniat untuk menjadi kerajaan sendiri tanpa berkongsi kuasa dengan mana-mama parti.Rakyat sudah di perbodohkan dengan slogan karut SAPP tanpa menilai keupayaan dan kebolehan SAPP mentadbir negeri.Rakyat sudah di khayalkan dengan kritikan terhadap Pakatan yang sangat menghairankan.Jarang sekali pembangkang kritik pembangkang dan menjadikan Pakatan musuh utama dan bukan BN.
    Kalau penyokong SAPP sudah khayal dengan 'sabu' SAPP itu hal mereka tapi rakyat keseluruhan nya mesti sedar bahawa SAPP adalah 'parti nyamuk' yang hanya bising ditelinga rakyat tapi tidak berkesan dan hanya akhirnya dibenci dan dikutuk kerana terlalu inginkan 'darah'rakyat untuk kepentingan diri sendiri dan lalu membawa penyakit kronik yang mungkin membawa maut dan penderitaan.
    SAPP akan berjuang mengikut emosi yang tidak berakal untuk menipu rakyat dengan janji kemenangan.Rakyat sudah sedar dan akan menolak SAPP sehabis-habisnya dan menyokong Pakatan sebagai asas perjuangan mereka untuk membawa reformasi dan perubahan.

  19. Kelantan under Pakatan rakyat became the POOREST in Malaysia as mentioned by the idiot above and how can we trust PAKATAN RAKYAT to govern Sabah? Use your tiny little brain before you talk.

    Lim Kit Siang also lost in elections before. Important thing is we must stand up and fight for OUR PEOPLE'S rIGHTS AND the right of the State. You guys who are hoping for Peninsulars guys to take care of youR own problems will surely regret. You are simply being irresponsible, lazy and foolish to entrust the future of the State and your children to outsiders instead of trusting your fellow Sabahans. PURE SUTPIDITY!

  20. ukur kekuatan masing2 berdasarkan keputusan PRK Batu Sapi yang lepas.. boleh tahu siapa yang paling lemah..

  21. How can you take the batu sapi by election to measure the strength of the party but not 2008 general election in Sabah?

    Batu sapi is a parliamentary seat but not state seat?

  22. Kamu rasa siapalah kerajaan negeri yang mampu buat terbaik untuk Sabah? BERJAYA kah??Tengok apa yang BEJAYA lakukan dulu. Inikah kerajaan negeri tempatan sendiri. Kerana orang tempatan inilah royalti dari minyak kita dapat sedikit saja. Labuan sudah jadi apa?

  23. apa yang rakyat Sabah inginkan adalah kuasa autonomi mereka, dng autonomi inilah Sabah akan dpt membangun dgn lebih pesat.

  24. SAPP tells Sabahan that if they win the election the party will help to give Sabah an 180 degree turn, DAP/PKR told Sabahan that they will double SAPP effort which is 360 degree turn....Who do you believe??

  25. karim will try his best to help PR, as he may be aiming to become TYT..

  26. The same mistakes has been made by PBS when they decided to rule Sabah on their own. When PBS decided to leave the BN coalition back in 1990's & win the state election, The Federal Government neglected Sabah & Sabahan suffer..

  27. During SABAH ruled by local party Berjaya, Sabah is one of the richest and progressive state in malaysia. Where is Party malaya UMNO and DAP and why during that time malaya are so backward if compared to Sabah?

    Haris already admitted his mistake to sign the oil royalty agreement to give away our oil to malaya.

    What about party malaya umno who gave away our RM320 billion worth of oil to Brunei without the consent of Sabahan?

  28. Agreed, Sabah should be autonomous.

  29. y this individual can juz sign a country rights away to 3rd party ?

    wat theory is tat ??? democracy theory ?

    he is not king??? this land /country is not belong to this individual.....

    is belong to the people...!!!!

    i really dont understand man ............

  30. Ya betul tu, Anonymous, bagaimana dia boleh melakukan itu?
