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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Umno's scrambles for wealth control

Ibrahim said Umno still used political
connections to maximise its own profits

As Malaysia’s assets wane, Umno scrambles for wealth control

The fight is on for the country’s diminishing resources and assets, and leading the charge to secure rights to projects and land ownership are Umno warlords and politically-connected individuals.

As Malaysia grapples with imminent tariff hikes and a subsidy bill that could double to RM21 billion this year, individuals within the ruling Malay party appear to be wasting little time in demanding that the Najib administration award them immediate rights to government and commercial projects.

This is evident in the current tussle surrounding Umno’s attacks on UDA Holdings Bhd’s sale of prime land in downtown Kuala Lumpur, where despite the agency’s assurance that the sale to Mutiara Goodyear would benefit Bumiputeras, Umno leaders have attacked the agency, saying RM215.5 million deal would hurt Bumiputera interests.

“With the government announcement of the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and projects, these people want to take advantage of the situation, they want a share of the pie,” said Merdeka Center director Ibrahim Suffian.

“There is an expectation that for continued political support, Umno needs to be economically secure, and what we are seeing now is a scramble for diminishing assets, properties,” Ibrahim told The Malaysian Insider.

UDA has also come under fire recently from Malay hardliners in Umno and Perkasa as well as Utusan Malaysia for allegedly abandoning the Bumiputera agenda after it chose not to appoint Bumiputera joint-venture turnkey investors for the proposed Bukit Bintang City Centre, located on prime land in the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle.

Umno leaders have alleged that there are several Bumiputera companies that were more than capable to be part of the redevelopment project, but were overlooked by the agency.

Another project that has come under fire from Malay hardliners is the Klang Valley Mass Rapid Transit project where they have won a concession to allow consortiums to pre-qualify for the country’s most expensive infrastructure project.

Project owners Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad had earlier restricted the tenders to construction companies with higher capital and longer experience but acceded to demands led by Perkasa, the Malay rights group.

Merdeka Center’s Ibrahim said that the trend in Umno’s growing demands in acquiring government and commercial projects showed a continuation of an oft-clichéd practice of money politics within the party. According to Ibrahim, Umno still used political connections to maximise its own profits.

“We can see that there’s even a scramble within different factions of Umno for projects, assets... but the thing is the scramble for assets is not as lucrative as it used to be, perhaps that is why this is happening,” the polls analyst added.

Universiti Sains Malaysia lecturer Dr Sivamurugan Pandian feels the government should only award projects or business deals to those who were deserving, saying that the continuation of “patronage politics” could backfire on Umno.

Pua said ‘race’ was still the main criteria to lobby and secure lucrative contracts.
“They (Umno) need to adapt to the current environment... an individual or company should only be awarded a project or sale of land if they are fully qualified, it has to be based on those who fulfil the best criteria,” the political analyst told The Malaysian Insider.

The DAP’s Tony Pua blames the current situation as the biggest flaw of the New Economic Policy (NEP), resulting in “race” being the main criteria to lobby and secure lucrative contracts, which leaves powerful and politically-connected Bumiputeras benefiting while leaving the “Bumiputera masses” with very little gains.

The DAP national publicity secretary charged that as a result, competitive and competent firms will shift their resources overseas as they find their expertise better valued and in demand in places other than Malaysia.

“The UDA, Mass Rapid Transit system, Sungei Besi airbase, Rubber Research Institute and other projects will serve as a key marker as to whether Najib’s administration is serious about transforming Malaysia’s economy.

“Should the political will be lacking, and the government continues to slice bigger chunks of a shrinking pie to these connected entities on the basis of race, Malaysia will remain trapped in the middle-income group, and slowly but surely decline in its competitiveness relative to the rest of the world,” Pua told The Malaysian Insider.

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal


  1. umno is a corrupted and racist party.

  2. People are just sick of UMNO.Its head to toe filled with corruption and from Perlis to Sabah too.
    Normal thinking people will not support them anymore so we are just left with the abnormal thinking people who are still supporting them.

  3. Global Financial Integrity had reported that 888 billion had been illicitly taken out of Malaysia by officials and political leaders connected to the ruling government.Do you need a calculator?

  4. 888 Billion is huge. but i'm sure tat its maybe more. how do we expose this?

  5. 888 billion is just about 1 trillion.The only way to expose is having Pakatan as the new government.I think then the rakyat will know a lot of things.One warehouse is not enough to keep their files.

  6. Mungkin boleh tanya Musa Aman dan minta nasihat beliau macam mana nak dedahkan hal ini.Kan dia Ketua Menteri dan pemimpin kita yang di kasehi dan pemimpin yang bersih dari segala rasuah,cekap pula dan lagi amanah.
    Sudah dekat sepuluh tahun Musa memimpin,negeri Sabah begitu maju dan rakyat senang dan kaya raya juga bebas dari kemiskinan.Rakyat Sabah hidup begitu selesa kerana harga barang semua berpatutan dan murah berbanding Semananjung termasuk harga minyak yang begitu murah di Malaysia.Semua rakyat Sabah patut berterima kaseh kepada beliau dan UMNO/BN.

  7. Next GE, cast your votes smartly.

  8. Hope to hear good news from government.

  9. People will choose the best party.

  10. What goes around will comes around.

  11. rakyat pasti boleh menilai apa yang terbaik untuk mereka.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    888 billion is just about 1 trillion.The only way to expose is having Pakatan as the new government.I think then the rakyat will know a lot of things.One warehouse is not enough to keep their files.
    June 20, 2011 5:27 PM"

    Pakatan as the new government??nah, not good enough.
