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Monday, June 20, 2011

Would I Still Believe in Protocol?

Amde Sidek

I started my little journey to the Land Office in Kota Kinabalu. Upon arrival at the new building I approached the receptionists (three of them) at the counter, ground floor of the building.

‘I would like to make an appointment to see the Pengarah’ I asked. They pointed to the direction which I saw a big room partially glass wall and glass door (picture above). Inside there are many counters divided according to sections or units of the department. I picked a queue slip from the machine provided and sit down waiting for my number to be called.

Number called. I was asked why I wanted to see pengarah, a guy handed me a white form. ‘Please fill up you’ve to see Jane (not the real name), only if she allows you to see Pengarah’ then you can go, he said.

Form filled up, back to the earlier counter to find out where would I go next. They said go up by the lift at eight floors.

Eight floor where the Pengarah’s room is, huge lobby area, I saw a few people but no one wanted to say hi, they probably were waiting for Pengarah as well. I went to a room, which looks like a waiting room, no one around, another room on the right, I saw two ladies, one was standing up, and one was sitting down.

‘Good morning, may I ask, where can I find Jane?’ I asked. ‘ I’m Jane, what is it?’ she replied.

I’ve met lot of strangers in my life. I visited almost all continents in the world. I had come cross all sorts of characters; some people are prejudice over another, some discriminating and racist in nature. With that experience it made me thick somehow but if it happens in my own country I may not be that patient.

Was asked by Jane why did I want to see Pengarah. I told her there is a little thing that I wanted to know if I could get a chance to meet the Pengarah. It’s about the news report appeared in the newspapers Kadayan’s land sold to another Kadayan but acting as proxy for foreigners according to newspapers, I said.

She looked at me from head to toe. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to describe more. I decided to show the press cutting, which is in my iPad.

‘Today, Pengarah is having full day meeting, tomorrow also full day meeting, next is also full day’

I told her I fully understood that Pengarah is a busy man. In that case I said, fix me any day of the week, any week of the month and any month of the year. Another strange look at me, ‘Give me your number will call’ she said.

‘Who calls?’ I asked, she repeated with -will call.

I do this for Kadayan folks in Sipitang who are anxious to know who actually owns the land, which is now undergoing clearance in Ulu Naparan. According newspaper report about 40 foreigners are preparing to settle here which makes many Sipitang people unhappy.

By the way until today, 8 days have passed, I still don’t receive any call as promised. Would I still believe in protocol? Will answer later.


  1. Wah!!! mahu jumpa pengarah macam mahu jumpa PM.....sampai 8 hari belum bolih jumpa. Mana sudah itu slogan rakyat didahulukan....bohong punya delivery system.

  2. Amde,I think you are just a dumb person.Matters like this should be brought to MACC if you have evidence of any hanky panky in the land dealings.What do you expect to get from this pengarah anywhere? You are a SAPP leader so stop being so naive.Can't you see that all heads of department are UMNO puppets and cow dungs of BN.

  3. Amde, don't be too polite at these people..they are just not doing their jobs becoz they are so used to getting goodies for simple jobs done aka corruption. That is why our govt civil service don't function efficiently for as long we know these 'civil servants attitude and syndrome' and it is what Umno is!

  4. Sabah civil servants are the worst in the whole country.You try JKR,Ministry of Finance,Jabatan Air only those with money can make things move.

  5. MACC mana pergi? Saya dengar kakitangan Kem.Kewangan sudah jadi agen kontrektor dan dapat 10%.Pergi tingkat 2 lah kalau mahu tau.

  6. I can understand how that feels.

  7. protokol sering membuatkan seseorang merasa leceh dan ini juga menguji kesabaran.

  8. Huh...this should not happen. Immediate action must be taken....

  9. Why should you need to be rude with others? I don't think the pengarah is too busy and no time to seeing anyone.

  10. Amde, your SAPP supporter ask you "not to be too polite" to the people in Jabatan wonder la SAPP & PR will never going to have a mutual understanding because its grass root is fighting with each other~!

  11. harap dia akan dapat berjumpa dengan pengarah untuk melakasanakan urusannya.

  12. orang ni ak berjumpa pengarah kena dia nak perjuangkan hak2 tanah penduduk tempatan. Pengarah harus memberi peluang kepada dia.

  13. Mungkin pengarah tersebut perlulah memberikan peluang kepada orang lain untuk bertemu dengan dia. Jangan asyik tiada, tidak dapat, sibuk, pergi outstation, macam-macam lagi alasan. Sebaiknya pengarah juga harus faham dengan orang lain.

  14. pergi ke jabatan itu dan bawa sekali artikel ini.. confirm lepas ni tu pengarah pula buat full day meeting dengan sdr..

  15. Bukan senang mahu jumpa mereka.
