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Sunday, July 24, 2011

FMM: 15 per cent increase unjust!

FMM Sabah Feels 15 Per Cent Increase In Electricity Tariffs Not Justifiable

The Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) Sabah feels that the 15 per cent increase in the state's electricity tariff is not justifiable.

The FMM Sabah in a statement today said it was most concerned over the recent announcement by the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui of a 3.75 sen/kWh increase in electricity tariffs in Sabah.

The justification for the increase in tariffs for Sabah and Labuan was to prevent the Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), a Tenaga Nasional Berhad subsidiary, from incurring further losses and to be in line with the fuel price increase.

"In recent years, industries in Sabah have suffered power outages and disruption coupled with insufficient supply and have yet to receive compensation.

"There has yet to be significant improvements in the quality of supply of power but the industry is already being taxed with higher electricity tariffs.

"The SESB is obligated to provide its customers with quality and uninterrupted electricity supply," the FMM Sabah said.

It also called for a thorough cost impact study on industrial consumers arising from the tariff increase, in addition to losses suffered from the poor quality and inadequate power supply.

The FMM Sabah is strongly of the view that the state government should set up a high powered energy committee, comprising representatives from the relevant government agencies and industry, to address the problems of poor quality and inadequate power supply.

Link: SAPP Youth submits memorandum to Leo Moggie on tariff hike


  1. When is the natural gas plant going to complete?

  2. SESB better stop relying on those IPPs anymore.

  3. SESB should improve the services 1st...

  4. I am afraid i couldn't afford to have a family in the future. Seems like everything is beyond my expenses...

  5. Electricity boost for Sabah
    23rd July, 2011
    KOTA KINABALU: Sabah’s electricity generating capacity will increase by another 20MW following the signing of a renewable electricity purchase agreement (REPA) between SESB Sdn Bhd and ECO Biomass Power Sdn Bhd yesterday.

    SESB managing director Datuk Baharin Din said the RM164.9 million project by ECO Biomass was expected to start operations by end of 2012.

    It was the fourth biomass project in Sabah after TSH Power in Tawau, and Seguntor Power and Kinabio Power in Sandakan whose generating capacity was 10MW each, he said in a statement.

    Under the REPA, Eco Biomass would supply electricity generated using oil palm empty fruit bunches to SESB for 21 years.

    Baharin said SESB had signed five REPAs with independent power producers since 2002 and was in discussion with 10 more companies on the development of renewable energy-based power stations such as biomass, biogas, hydro and geothermal.

    To date, 32MW had been supplied to the Sabah Grid System by three companies that use biomass and one that operates a hydroelectric station, he said.

    It represented 2.8 per cent of the state’s generating capacity and only 0.5 per cent of the national capacity, he added. SESB was represented by Baharin while ECO Biomass by its CEO Suh Soo Bong at the signing yesterday.

  6. Perbelanjaan melebihi pendapatan. Adakah itu situasi yang melanda kebanyakan masyarakat kini?

  7. Hopefully SESB's services will get improve soon.

  8. jika mutu perkhidmatan masih sama, mmg ia merugikan rakyat.

  9. jangan naikkan tarif selagi bekalan tenaga tidak berkualiti dan gangguan sering berlaku.

  10. apapun, rakyat perlu berjimat cermat menggunakan tenaga elektrik.

  11. Mungkin perkara ini demi kebaikan negara kita juga yang menanggung subsidi terlalu tinggi. Jadi 15% itu dikira SESB telah menilai sebaiknya untuk membantu kedua belah pihak.

  12. With that kind of service SESB provide to the people, they shouldn't increase the tariff.

  13. UNless of course SESB improve their service then people wouldn't mind paying it. The service need to be value for money.

  14. harap kualiti perkhidmatan akan dipertingkatkan lagi dan gangguan bekalan akan dapat diatasi.

  15. based on the people complains, you just need to improve your quality and people will accept the increase..

  16. SESB should stop relying on those IPPs.

  17. When will natural gas power generating be used?
