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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Signboard placed at wrong place

City Hall urged to take action against advertisement signboard causing inconvenience to the public

KOTA KINABALU: The people in Kepayan Low Cost Housing area are complaining the way the advertisement board is placed at a bus stop here, which is causing inconvenience to the users.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief, Chong Pit Fah said he received a lot of complaints especially from senior citizens who were forced to sit uncomfortably at the bus stop due to the signboard placed behind the seat.

“I invite the Mayor, Director General and City Hall licensing officers to come and experience the inconvenience for themselves by sitting at the bus stop, which the people here are forced to endure,” he said.

Chong said the City Hall was so swift and efficient when it came to SAPP headquarters in Bornion Centre to take down a signboard just because it was yellow in colour and had the word “Bersih”.

“If the City Hall can act so fast on this why can’t they act efficiently and attend to the people’s grouses in Kepayan?” he asked.

According to him, one of the Kepayan folks who complained to him was an elderly who was recovering from surgery.

“He depends on public transportation but he had to endure pain while waiting at the bus stop as he had to sit upright stretching his surgery wound due to the advertisement signboard behind him,” he said.

“We want City Hall to prioritise the people’s interest and not just quick profit,” he said, adding that the designer of the advertisement signboard should also come to look at the effect of the design on the people.


CAPTION: Chong (first right) showing the advertisement signboard which is causing inconvenience to the public


  1. Aku tahu itu signboard dari BERNAS bukan ada permit dari DBKK. DBKK tidur ke?

  2. ni lah yang pandai kata karajaan negeri atau negara "SOP" bha!

  3. Wait and see if the city hall will take action regarding this.

  4. Yong Teck Lee is now giving a tit for a tat.

  5. Next time please be more concern to the people needs....

  6. signboard tu pasti bukan termasuk dalam projek pembinaan bustop tersebut. pihak yang berkenaan perlu menanggalkannya memandangkan ia membuatkan pengguna tidak selesa.

  7. I thought the signboard can be leaned on.

  8. Doubt in mind is do we have competent designer to do a good and useful bus stand for community?Even a simple sitting dimension still be a problem.What if westerner standard to use the sitting for friendly tourism aspect?
    Sabah may lack many type of professional but not just doctors!
    Susah betul snagat susah ni bha!

  9. ambil tindakan, jgn biarkan signboard diletakkan sesuka hati.

  10. “If the City Hall can act so fast on this why can’t they act efficiently and attend to the people’s grouses in Kepayan?” he asked.

    let's see what will be their action this time.

  11. The people has spoken, its best to give attention to this matter.

  12. No wonder many 'contractors' said with their past experience is easy to deal with jobs by government or DBKK in Sabah.
    Many structures had been put up without proper design and left it to contractor's 'suka-suka' tambah saja.Bikin suka-suka lagi.
    Then after short period we can see defects and maintainance or domolishing works.
    Haven't we have enough to learn from beautification works in KK city and Gaya street.Now we see why Sabah people become poorer seeing no progress to the state.
    What about the Taman Ria next to the state library include the library project?Who's daily duty to oversee these?
    Gaji buta sudah lah!

  13. tindakan yang sewajarnya perlu diambil berhubung dengan pekara ini.

  14. patut SAPP datang terus ke DBKK, suruh dia buka masa tu juga..

  15. SAPP also didn't take down the signboard, this one also don't need to take down.
