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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kudat Umno: LDP is hiding behind Bumi skirt

Kota Kinabalu: Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) should contest in predominantly Chinese areas if it truly believes in its claim to enjoy the undivided support of the Chinese.

"They should gentlemanly request to stand (in these areas) and stop hiding behind the bumiputera skirt, especially in Merotai in Tawau and Tanjung Kapor in Kudat and later claim that they are formidable," said Umno Kudat Treasurer, Harun Bidin.

In this respect, Harun said it was only appropriate that Datuk Peter Pang remains in Karamunting to represent BN, while an Umno candidate is fielded in Merotai and either Umno or MCA in Tanjung Kapor.

Harun also said LDP times its controversial media statements to coincide with big events such as during the Barisan Nasional (BN) meetings, State Assembly sittings and the presence of the Prime Minister in Sabah, claims "The latest, they took advantage of their 22nd congress in their so-called fortress of 100-odd majority votes, that is, Sandakan to ridicule the State administration, when Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was around," he said.

"Apart from wishing that a Sabahan be a Prime Minister soon, as uttered in VK Liew's presidential speech, this 'powerful' party is so adamant to overthrow a very capable Chief Minister chosen from the principal partner of BN.

"Endorsed by our Prime Minister, vouched by the Malaysian Auditor General as an excellent administrator, the Chief Minister is also a person who dedicates all efforts to ensure BN remains in power for the rakyat beyond 2020," he said.

"Why does the whole entourage of LDP have so much despise for Datuk Seri Musa Aman's excellent track record is anybody's guess," he asked in a statement, Monday.

Harun said LDP Deputy President Senator Datuk Chin Su Phin had also erred in his assessment of the Sarawak election when he cautioned the Prime Minister that Sabah could face the same fate as Sarawak if the Sabah BN chief is not replaced.

"He failed a simple mathematical equation that the winning margin of 35 out of 35 seats is 100 per cent victory for Parti Pesaka Bumiputera (PBB) led by Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Taib Mahmud.

"The loss of a few urban seats in Sarawak is not at anytime Taib's fault but because of the manipulation of the opposition to bewilder the urban voters," he said.

"So, Senator Chin, Sarawak's scenario is similar to Sabah.

The worse that could happen is the bad omen comes true wherever LDP might stand É if any seat allocated to Umno should fall to the opposition then I will resign as Kudat Umno Treasurer. But, if otherwise, I humbly request Chin to relinquish his senatorship," he said.

"By the way, if the BN ignores Sandakan and let the LDP president try his luck there again, it will be suicidal because every single parliamentary seat is vital to form the Federal Government," he said.

Harun said Sabah Umno deputy chief, Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said, Sabah BN secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Sabah Umno assistant secretary, Datuk Masidi Manjun and Sabah Umno Youth chief, Awang Kadin Tang had issued strongly worded statements against LDP.

"I salute them for their truthfulness about who LDP really are.

But please don't just stop at that. The whole Umno machinery must walk the talk to be totally behind the Umno leadership.

"Umno must be in the forefront to initiate the changes of political landscape É LDP never was, never is and never will be a winnable party without Umno's support," he said.


  1. Biarlah LDP yang membuat keputusan untuk bertanding di kawasan yang mereka yakin.

  2. Kita tengoklah sama ada mereka akan bertanding dalam kawasan cina selepas ini.

  3. bertanding di kawasan yang benar2 sesuai.

  4. dan calon yang dipilih kenalah yang benar2 layak dan berkebolehan.

  5. Sesama parti komponen pun mahu berselisih fahamkah? Fikirkan baik2 jika tidak mahu memberi laluan mudah kepada pembangkang gara2 isu ini.

  6. Maybe it was Chin's own opinion. Not represented all LDP. Stop attacking each other.

  7. Make sure the conflict between them is fixed before GE.

  8. If the situation is getting worse, sure it will effecting others performance.

  9. LDP parti berbilang kaum atau parti kaum cina saja?

  10. sepatutnya semua parti BN perlu perkukuhkan kerjasama dan sokongan dekat2 PRU ni.

  11. begitulah parti tertua di Sabah.. memang banyak karenahnya.. tapi saya tengok LDP macam ok ja.. sejak kebelakangan ini aktif turun padang, terutamanya di sandakan..

  12. semua harus sentiasa berusaha mempertingkatkan kerjasama untuk kebaikan.

  13. semua harus bersatu dan fokus untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada rakyat.

  14. Siapa juga si Harun Bidin ini yang boleh mengeluarkan 'statement' mengenai kelayakan calun BN seperti Peter Pang?

    Kepada si Harun Bidin ini saya cadangkan pergi kamar mandi dan tengok muka depan cermin.Sedar lah diri itu.Kalau mahu berlagak pastikan sesuai dengan kedudukan dan jangan memandai-mandai seperti orang yang pandai walhal bodoh kepalang.

  15. ...and Umno is also hiding behind BN skirt.

  16. Setiap kerusi yang diberikan seharusnya dari perbincangan dari semua pihak.

  17. Tidak perlulah risau setiap kerusi pasti diberikan secara adil dan mengikut kesesuaian calon untuk kawasan tersebut.
