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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

M'sians abroad urged to register as voters at missions

The Foreign Affairs Ministry is urging all Malaysians abroad who are eligible to register as voters at the respective Malaysian missions overseas to ensure their right to vote is guaranteed.

Deputy Foreign Minister Senator A Kohillan Pillay said his ministry, which was acting on behalf of the Election Commission (EC), always cooperated in ensuring that adequate Voter Registration Forms (Form A) were supplied to all the embassies, high commissions, consulates general and Malaysian consulates overseas.

He disclosed this at the Dewan Rakyat sitting today in reply to Nurul Izzah Anwar (PKR-Lembah Pantai) who wanted to know the level of readiness and preparations taken by all the Malaysian embassies, high commissions and consulates worldwide to ensure that Malaysian nationals abroad were given their right to vote.

Kohillan said the Malaysian missions also ensured that all the personal particulars of Malaysian nationals, including those who had registered as absentee voters residing abroad, were updated to include complete information such as their name, address and contact number in the foreign countries they were residing.

Meanwhile, responding to a question from Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan), Kohillan said the campaigning process overseas was allowed after the nomination process had been implemented.

However, the campaigning must comply with the election regulations stipulated by the EC, he said.

- Bernama


  1. Semua rakyat Malaysia berhak mengundi, pastikan hak anda dipertahankan.

  2. Harap rakyat Malaysia di luar negara juga dibenarkan mengundi bila PRU-13.

  3. mengundi adalah hak rakyat Malaysia. gunakanlah hak anda sebaiknya.

  4. Jalankan tanggungjawab anda sebagai warganegara.

  5. We only hope that the election will be more transparent.

  6. Who is eligible to vote, please register as to fulfill your responsibility as a Malaysian.

  7. You like it or not you must register and vote!

  8. rasanya adakah undian secara pos akan dilaksanakan lagi pada PRU?

  9. kalau tidak mahu mendaftar, jangan banyak komplen pasal kerajaan Malaysia di luar negara..

  10. kalau di negara ini masih ramai yang tidak jalankan tanggungjawab sebagai pengundi apa lagilah di luar negara. apapun, diharap rakyat yang sudah layak mengundi dapat tunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai pengundi pada PRU nanti.

  11. setiap rakyat yang layak mengundi, perlulah mendaftar.

  12. mengundi adalah tanggungjawab..tunaikanlah tanggungjawab apabila layak dengan sebaiknya.

  13. Mendaftarlah sebagai seorang pengundi walaupun berada diluar negara.

  14. Ini adalah tanggungjawab anda. Undian anda sangat bermakna.

  15. Ya, setuju dgn pandangan anda semua.

  16. marilah kita pergi mengundi, tunaikan tanggungjawb pada negara.
