Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today said that the decision to discontinue the teaching of mathematics and science in English (PPSMI) policy is final.
So calls for the programme to be retained is two years too late, said Muhyiddin, who is also deputy prime minister.
"In 2009, (when the abolition of PPSMI was announced) there was no negative reaction. The majority accepted it well.
"I presented it in the cabinet, everyone agreed, I brought it to Parliament, everyone including the opposition at that time, agreed.
“But now because there are some groups opposed to it, they (the opposition) want to jump on the bandwagon."
Muhyiddin was responding to calls by non-governmental organisation Parent Action Group for Education (Page) to allow certain schools the option to continue with PPSMI.
"Maybe it’s like what (former prime minister) Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) said, that Malaysians forget easily. It was not raised then and a new policy has been implemented two years ago.
"Page doesn't know what is going on, maybe they are ketinggalan zaman (behind the times)," he said after attending an English language training project ceremony for teachers in Kuala Lumpur this morning.
To UMNO, rakyat didahulukan? Phui .. lick my foot lah
ReplyDeleteMuhidin is not a smart guy in fact he is stupid fool. He can't even speak proper english but deputy prime minister of malaysia? What a laughing stock to the world.
ReplyDeleteMuhyddin perlulah mempertimbangkan perkara ini dengan baik dan pastikan keputusan yang dibuat adalah untuk kebaikan semua pelajar.
ReplyDeleteSekurang-kurangnya Sabah dibenarkan menggunakan sistem pendidikan yang dianggap sesuai untuk pelajar kita.
ReplyDeletelepas dilaksanakan, beberapa tahun kemudian kasi mansuh balik..
ReplyDeleteyang penting kualiti pendidikan negara akan menunjukkan prestasi yang baik..
ReplyDeleteI prefer Science & Maths in English.
ReplyDeletekalau mahu sangat PPSMI baik tunggu saja pembangkang ambil alih negara..
ReplyDeleteharap keputusan yang dibuat akan memberikan hasil yang positif untuk pelajar-pelajar..
ReplyDeleteHopefully the changes will not effecting the student performance.
ReplyDeletelepas ni, usah diubah lagi policy tersebut.
ReplyDeletebetulkah tiada reaksi negatif sewaktu pemansuhan PPSMI pada tahun 2009 lalu?
ReplyDeleteLearn from the best. Learn from other countries that have better and advance education system.
ReplyDeletelaksanakan sistem yang benar2 berkesan dan sesuai untuk pelajar.
ReplyDeleteStudents themselves must struggle to excel in their studies. Be creative.
ReplyDeletekita kena pastikan ia dpt melahirkan pelajar yang cemerlang dalam pendidikan.
ReplyDeleteMenteri2 umno ini semua macam KATAK DIBAWAH TEMPURUNG dan kepala otak udang.
ReplyDeleteThe most racist minister, let us bring them down.
ReplyDeleteIt up to minister of education. But better do the review for this issue. But we must look at the ability of student to master this two subject in English..
ReplyDeleteIf our student do not learn English in Math and science when young then when? How can our student to compete in the globalisation world if our university graduates can't even speak proper english?
ReplyDeleteif u want to study in English... i suggest u migrate to australia, UK or USA..
ReplyDeleteMalaysia have their own language bahasa melayu... let us not forget our mother tongue and be like snob westerners
all the subjects should stick to bahasa melayu and have another class specific english literature... if all the subjects in english then might as well change the country into a western mini America or Little Britain
ReplyDeletewhat is point of preserving our tradition and culture if everything is gonna be in English... might as well we introduce more night clubs and discos
My Indonesian friends told me Bahasa Melayu is a ROJAK language.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder most of the umno puppets are Jaguh kampung.
Lee Chong Wei and Nicol David all are World Champion with English education.
Where are those Bahasa Melayu puppets become World Champion? Jaguh kampung adalah!
Dr Mahathir is simply smarter than this idiot muhidin with a pig brain and pig face @ RASUAH!
ReplyDeletelook at other countries France, Korea most of their education system are in their own languages!!! we must be proud and respect our national langauge otherwise our tradition and cultures will perish....
ReplyDeletepublic schools should stick to bahasa melayu system whereas private school can follow either the British system
To say that Japan, France etc use only their language for all subjects and they're doing will in Sci and Tech. is utterly wrong. Those are developed countries, are we a developed country? In fact we'll be lucky to be a developed nation both politically and economically by 2020. Those countries already have a long history and knowledge of Sci and Tech and they have the world class scientists and researchers. Do we have them? If not, then before we can become like them, we need to use English to import all those knowledge and to be able to compete.
ReplyDeleteWhy would just using 2 subjects in B.I. and the rest all in B.M. plus passing the national language at SPM is compulsory be a threat the status of B.I. as the national language? It just doesn't make sense.
Correction, I meant B.M. as the national language.