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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bringing new hope and a better Sabah

Queville To

Former chief minister Yong Teck Lee has promised that Sabah will take no more loans if he is returned to power.

KOTA KINABALU: If the opposition Sabah Progressive People’s Party (SAPP) should form the next state government, it will not take any more sovereign loans that would harm the state finances.

This was the pledge made by former chief minister Yong Teck Lee, who said the RM544 million bond (loan) taken by the current state government two years ago had now become a massive financial burden.

“The bond is like spending tomorrow’s money today. SAPP promises that, upon the retirement of this bond in 2015 and the retirement of this chief minister this year, the Sabah state government shall not take any more sovereign loans,” said Yong, who is also SAPP president.

He also noted that prior to that, the Sabah government had zero private borrowing.

“Even at the height of the Asian financial crisis from 1997 to 1999, Sabah had remained resilient without having to take out any loans. All repayments to the federal government were on schedule, meaning that there were no arrears.

“Sabahans, over the years and in spite of four changes of state governments, have managed to stay clear of taking private loans or falling into arrears to the federal treasury.

“If you do not believe me, you can ask the most successful Sabah finance minister, Mohammad Noor Mansur,” he said at the launch of SAPP’s “Sabah Economic Plan”, which is part of the party’s election manifesto.

The detailed “Sabah Economic Plan” was unveiled by former state finance minister Mohd Noor Mansoor, who is a SAPP adviser.

Yong said that his own experience as chief minister from 1996 to 1998 (during the Asian financial crisis) had taught him that economic resilience is most important in sustaining a nation.

“For those who have forgotten, the Asian financial crisis from 1997 to 1999, which started as a Thai bath (currency) problem, eventually brought down the Indonesian government leading to the independence of East Timor.

“South Korea came under the International Monetary Fund. Hong Kong’s financial sector went into a free-fall.

“Malaysia was forced to impose currency controls and recapitalise and then merge the banks.

“Asian stock markets and currencies went haywire. The social, economic and political impact on ordinary people was serious.

“China, which was only just emerging as an international economic player, had to come up with US$1 billion to help Asean countries stabilise their economies,” he said.

Sabah must be self-reliant

Yong also said that as a member of the National Economic Action Council (NEAC) chaired by the then prime minster Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and as chairman of the Sabah Economic Action Council formed specifically to face the Asian financial crisis, he participated in the crisis management of the time.

“I learnt that Sabah must be economically prosperous, must have huge reserves to face any future crisis and be financially self-reliant.

“We have to depart from the culture of wealth distribution to wealth creation.

“With the support of the people of Sabah and a strong mandate for SAPP, the new government of Sabah will bring new hope and a better Sabah for all Malaysians in Sabah,” he said.

Earlier, Yong also said that based on the economics of the allocation of scare resources to maximum effect, SAPP aims to achieve economic prosperity and financial self-reliance for Sabah.

“The Economic Plan we launch serves to lay out the roadmap to a prosperous Sabah based on wealth creation for the people and empowerment of the business community.

“Wealth must be created before it can be distributed. The engine of growth is the business community.

“The business community must be empowered and enabled to generate economic growth through investments, trade and innovation and productivity.

“We save for the future and invest in economic production. SAPP has confidence that Sabah can once again become the premier state in Malaysia,” he said.


  1. go for it Big Boss... semua orang harus belajar berdikari dan berganding bahu menuju kecemerlangan negeri Sabah kita, SAPP kearah kemenangan...!!! kemenangan untuk rakyat jati SABAH.......!!!

    1. SAPP ke arah kemenangan? belum pasti lagi..

    2. The people will be the judge of SAPP victory.

    3. saya tak yakin SAPP mampu mencapai kemenangan dengan berjuang sendirian.

  2. SAPP is Sabah New Hope! Let make Sabah a better place to live.

    Let all the Sabah people stay united to kick all the party malaya out from Sabah for good.

    1. What new hope? SAPP was given a chance once, Yong is a recycled politician.

    2. sabah new hope? i don't think Anon above said, YTL is a recycled politician who seek a better chance to be sabah CM once again..

    3. New hope? Then how about the rest of the parties? Aren't they bringing sabah hope too?

    4. SAPP is sabah new hope if they able to win the election.

    5. it is good that we have a local party like SAPP. tapi ada keraguan terhadap perjuangan SAPP ni. saya belum nampak lagi kekuatan dalam parti tersebut yang boleh menjadi kelebihan berbanding parti2 lain.

  3. SAPP Economic Plan is just a rosy picture of a beautiful rainbow on the horizon when in actual fact it is a story of a failed leader who once sat on the cosy executive chair.He didn't do anything then but now is trying to revive himself with a 'cock and bull' story of how his 'freddie Kruger' dreams that could bring Sabahans on the edge of Elms street.It is a plan that are so filled with nightmares as in all substance it is a creation that will lead to a very corrupted government.It is also the figment of an imagination of a party that is trying to salvage its lost popularity but unfortunately in its haste it leaves lots of tracks unseen by many naked eyes as a plan that leads to nowhere but mere propaganda tools to outwit the bold economic plan of the BN government under the leadership of Datuk Musa Aman and which is already set in motion and benefitting the state economy and its people.

    SAPP Economic Plan has no captivation and traction apart understandably only to its own members and captive but ignorant audience.It even failed to bring fire and excitement to Sabahans because they know its all a pure imagination of a leader who is tempting them with all the carrots in front of their eyes.

    I suggest that it should be chuck to Timbuktu where perhaps the people could just find some hoodoo magic to make it a reality.

    1. Anak Petagas,kau ini betul betul tidak serik serik.Baik kau tahan brake nanti sayang, kau ini bukan banyak nyawa.Palui bah kau ini.

      Kau puji puji Musa Aman yang habis tanah orang dikebas,Kau puji Akjan Syaitan itu.Kenapalah kau tidak MAMPUS.

    2. AnakPEtagas.... ego saja tidak cukup...buktikan kepintaran mu....mungkin kau ini gila jadi calon tapi tidak berpeluang.pendapat mu ini macaam urang stengah tiang libih baik lagi orang bukit padang punya pandapat.

    3. You are the evil mind that has ever had in petagas! I think you are the devil who always spell so yahhya hussin always win in election!

      yahia usin is the pti protector as all his supporters are devils from pati and yaia usin is a great liar..

      if yaia usin compares to Yong Teck Lee, YTL is the great gentleman who brave enough to defend Sabah right from evil umno like yahia usin..

      and anak petagas could be yahia usin..

    4. Anak petagas berdarah pilak...sial ko..harap ko accident MAMPUS...

  4. Stop dreaming Yong!!!

    Chinese only 9% of the Sabah population & not all of them will vote for your party.

    The majority KDM & so called ''Muslim Malays" will not vote for your party either.

    Your chances of coming back to power is 0%

    Go & retire lah

    1. Yong better stop dreaming, if he want to come back as CM, he must get the people's support first. Not sure how many will vote him again?

    2. YTL needs to be realistic too.

    3. let him keep on dreaming...there's nothing else he can do..pity on him..

    4. Yong just wouldn't give up till he get back his power. This shows how much he miss being sabah CM.

    5. Its not easy for Yong to gain back majority of the people's trust. He needs to do more than telling the people about his plan.

    6. kalau SAPP terbukti parti yang berasaskan multi-racial party, bilangan penduduk Cina di Sabah yang hanya 9% tidak akan jadi masalah. kaum2 lain pun akan undi SAPP juga. tapi, terpulanglah bagaimana perjuangan SAPP.

  5. Seorang lagi bekas pemimpin yg telah gagal & melepasi tarikh luputnya.

    Pergi bersaralah & main jauh2.

    Sabah perlukan pemimpin baru yg bersih dgn idea baru.

    1. Sabah needs fresh new candidates rather than the recycled politicians. Yong was given his chance as CM, but he didn't use that opportunity. Will Sabahan still give him another chance.

    2. Yong harus bersara, penduduk Sabah takkan terima kau lagi.

    3. sabah do need fresh new leaders...rather than recycled politician as YTL..if we give another chance to a failure, sabah will be doomed...we no need failure leaders..

    4. Move on already Yong! I hope for someone new and competent to take over MA place as the cm.

  6. Harap rakyat Sabah tidak terpedaya dgn janji kosong & mulut manisnya...

    Jgn terus diperbodoh-bodohkan oleh bekas pemimpin yg kotor & korupt ini

    1. Sabahans were fooled once, do we want to be fooled twice? Think before you vote, If we want change, we need a fresh new government, not recycled ones.

    2. once a liar, always a liar. He is just as dirty as any other dirty politicians. Don't easily be fooled by him. Vote wisely!

  7. Harapan yang akan menjadi kenyataan kerana seribu kegagalan akan mudah menjadi kejayaan...
    SAPP teruskan usaha, kami berdiri teguh bersamamu.

    1. Kadang-kadang kalau sudah banyak kali gagal pun petanda untuk berhenti berharap.

  8. SAPP is a non racial party and here to unite all the Sabahans irregardless of race and religion.

    SAPP is well accepted by all Sabahans and racist umno position in Sabah was shaken.

    I would not surprise umno will close shop soon in this GE13.

    1. We will see how well accepted SAPP is during the next GE, better hope that SAPP will not lose deposit this time.

    2. well accepted by all sabahans? if SAPP win in the 13th GE, then you can say SAPP is well accepted..if not then, its obvious that sabahan do not believe in YTL anymore..

  9. It seems like BN has no idea on how to make Sabah prosper beside by keep on importing their illegal immigrants from neighboring countries to replace the pure Sabahans voters.

    No wonder Sabah today has became the POOREST in Malaysia due to UMNO produced a MOST CORRUPTED and INCOMPETENCE CM in Sabah history.

    Is this how you develop Sabah @ UMNO? hahahaha

    1. Why don't we let RCI to investigate the illegal immigrant matter first.

    2. "CORRUPTED and INCOMPETENCE CM in Sabah history."

      -strong words of accusations. Do you have proof to back these

    3. A word of friendly advice: do act with integrity and responsibly. Otherwise others might see this as a slander or libel.
      Apologies should my comments offended you.

    4. How sure are you that the other party's leaders are not corrupted?

    5. pasal tu lah RCI harus ditubuhkan..

  10. "The detailed “Sabah Economic Plan” was unveiled by former state finance minister Mohd Noor Mansoor, who is a SAPP adviser."
    -what detailed plan? all that was highlighted in this article only a reminiscence of a bygone era...

    1. I want to know the plan too. Where is it?

  11. Surely you can do much better than telling us old 'war time' stories, SAPP...

  12. Yong kalau bercakap mmg pandai, tapi pelaksanaannya tidak tau dia mampu atau tidak.

  13. We need new and restored hope to make Sabah better.

  14. If we truly desire change in Sabah then now is the chance to make it happen.

  15. Let’s vote wisely for a new and better government.

  16. The people of Sabah should reunite regardless of race and religion.

  17. The people of Sabah should reunite regardless of race and religion.

  18. Every party needs the support of the people.

  19. Bentang saja la plan masing2. biar rakyat yang decide mahu undi parti mana.

  20. SAPP still cannot accept that Sabahans are rejecting them and will try anything and everything under the sun to show they can do the job.They have forgotten one most important thing....TRUST IN THEIR LEADERSHIP.Once the rakyat have lost such trust no matter what you do they still reject you.

    YTL was given the chance as the CM before and he didn't do well sitting there.Only SAPP members are giving him full praise but to others its baloney.

  21. That's what you say now, how bout later???

  22. "We have to depart from the culture of wealth distribution to wealth creation."
    I love his statement:) hehhee

  23. Berabis si Yong berusaha tapi entah orang masih mahu percaya dia ka tak???

    1. we can only know when election comes.

  24. Susah juga kalau telampau banyak kisah lampau kan, dah berlalu pun masih juga ada kesannya. huhu

  25. Namun terpulanglah pada rakyat utk menilai keikhlasan perjuangan si Yong ni.

  26. Apapun, all the best pada parti yang bertanding nanti. Soal kalah mennag biarlah rakyat yang tentukan sendiri.

  27. with the election coming, all voters must judge wisely to whatever is happening in the political stream. Your vote may change the current situation in sabah. SO lets vote for a brighter future in sabah.

  28. All opposition parties must unite if they are serious in winning. we can't have the vote split.

  29. nampaknya boss si Paqui dan anak petagas sudah panic oleh kerana pelan eco ini...ha ha.

    Walau tidak faham pun hamdam sajaha, kalau tidak nanti botong kaji oh. haha hah!

  30. Permainan Janji telah dilakukan oleh SAPP. Yang cuba untuk menarik penyokong semata-mata.

  31. SAPP means business and serious to improve Sabah economy but not like UMNO who made Sabah to be the Poorest in Malaysia.

    Musang bin tidak aman is the most useless and corrupted leader in Sabah history.

  32. Aku tetap sokong SAPP kali ini. UMNO tidak bulih pakai lagi di Sabah sebab semua pemimpin bodoh dan tahu saja RASUAH! RASUAH! RASUAH! RASUAH!

    Hoi orang umno, kamu fikir ALLAHku tidak tahu kah kamurang RASUAH? Janganlah kamu memperbodohkan rakyat Sabah dan ALLAHku.

  33. senanglah kalau setakat bercakap, semua pun boleh.

  34. dulu YTL pernah jadi CM tapi tidak banyak pun yang dia mampu lakukan untuk Sabah.

  35. sapp ni selalu tidak ngam dengn dap, jadi susah juga diorang mau menang.

  36. Kalau setakat pandai cakap saja..siapa2 pun boleh buat ..

  37. Ini janji2 kosong untuk memancing undi sahaja ni.. susah mau percaya YTL ni.

  38. cakap kosong lagi.. beliau sudah di beri peluang..tapi beliau sia2kn peluang itu.

  39. Semua Parti ada hala tuju masing2..terpulang kepada rakyat untuk percaya atau tidak.

  40. Tunggu sahaja PRU13 nanti..itu saja dapat membuktikan siapa yg lebih berkuasa.

  41. Work with your promises.

  42. YTL teringin menjadi CM lagi. Adakah rakyat akan memberi peluang lagi? Susah nak dikatakan sebab angin bertiub menghala pembangkang.

  43. Adakah formula SAPP berjaya menambat hati parti lain?

  44. SAPP berasas pelbagai bangsa, ini satu ciri-ciri yang amat positif.

  45. Jika parti pembangkang bersatu padu, pasti satu saingan yang amat hebat bagi BN.

  46. mungkin juga persaingan sengit akan berlaku dlam pru akan datang kerana semua parti akan mencuba dengan sehabis baik.

  47. masa ni bnyak janji manis yang kita dengar, tapi janganlah mudah percaya, nilai dulu dengan sebaiknya.

  48. Janji harus menjadi kenyataan. jangan membuat janji semata-mata untuk menambat hati sahaja.

  49. Adakah YTL masih mendapat sokongan? Masa beliau menjadi CM, tiada perkembangan yang jelas.

  50. Selesaikan masalah yang rakyat hadapi.. Masalah NCR, PATI, kemiskinan dll.

  51. Macam semua kaki pengampu umno ini tidak mahu Sabah terus maju jaya kot?

  52. The Sabah economic plan launched by SAPP is logic and practical but not like umno who made Sabah the Poorest in Malaysia. So pathetic.

  53. Semoga masalah bangsa dan agama dipinggirkan. Perhatian harus berada di seluruh Sabah yang mengalami perkembangan yang lembap dan perlahan.

  54. Semoga rancangan SAPP menghasilkan kesan kepada perkembangan di Sabah.

  55. sorry i'm not interested in your lies and promises..

  56. I'm sure no one will believe in this ex CM. It's a past already, accept it.

  57. Bringing a new hope? Are you kidding?

  58. Kalau betul YTL nak sangat majukan Sabah, kenapa tak buat dulu?Sekarang baru nak meraih simpati.

  59. cakap memang la senang.. kalau ada apa2 masalah nanti, boleh tuding jari..

  60. bagus bagi peluang dengan pemimpin baru.. kalau terlampau banyak pengalaman pun susah juga.. senang dia cilok sana cilok sini..
