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Friday, January 20, 2012

Mercenary writer paid to write Hatred

By Amdee Sidik

When we talk about SAPP it isn’t all about Yong Teck Lee alone; but it involves the entire organisation, Joe Fernandez should learn how to write like an adult instead of spraying it like bullets all over the place.

Let me just briefly respond to him, I'm referring to his article  ‘Party dogged by  irrelevance’ appeared in FMT18/01/2012.

What gradgrind has he with Yong Teck Lee I wouldn’t know, I’m just confining to something I knew.

This material isn't organised to answer item by item of Fernandez’ allegations, and readers are cautioned Fernandez isn’t new writing like he did, Malaysiakini paid a hefty amount due to his malicious writing which led to his sacking not so long ago. Therefore, it doesn’t require rebuttal but suffice to say he does have problem in understanding others.

SAPP has been consistently bringing up issues of unfair treatment by the federal government to Sabah, among the highlights, we asked for Royal Commission of Inquiry of Illegal Immigrants in Sabah, we asked for the increase of Petroleum royalty, we asked for change of cabotage policy and many more. Its SAPP which brought these issues up, later picked up by others, even by BN component parties-no other political parties as energetic as SAPP in Sabah, but what is seen today very many of our leaders from other political parties, out of jealousy are dwarfing SAPP leaders’ ability.

Unfair treatment by the federal government to the States of Sabah continues to exist in many shapes and forms, for example, a new Mykad holders originally not Sabahans are treated by the government of the day far better than the natives of Sabah. Compare those live in urban areas with those live in the interior, new Sabahans get accessed to facilities, like medical services by virtue they’re living in city or towns but less or not at all in some parts of rural areas.

Batu Sapi by-election was the yardstick to measure of the failure of SAPP according to Joe Fernandez, if he can be analytical enough in looking for faults I would think he could also capable to strike the balance of fair reporting

Population of Sabah voters in Batu Sapi is very much different compare with other areas in Sabah namely in the West Coast and Interior.

Illegal immigrants and those obtained Mykad under project UMNO are the fixed deposit of UMNO and the MyKad is the key. The UMNO politicians would just say opposition we’ll take back the MyKad; and that would be enough to torture them with sleepless nights.

I found a 58-year lady Sabahan hasn’t yet got a Mykad to date in Sipitang,whilst the new arrivals got as easy as buying pisang goreng. No Sabahans would want to be robbed their statehood arbitrarily yet it happened.

As one of the leaders in SAPP, though rather new both in the party and in politics I wouldn’t like to hear cheap accusation by a disparate writer whose writing is but malicious in nature-I can only think he is also seen willing to being prostitute used by someone to defame others.

SAPP’s friendly approach towards its fellow local opposition political parties including PR, is well intended, the very idea is to topple BN-UMNO, if only all oppositions can solidify among themselves there would be a greater chance of getting rid of UMNO, any disagreements should be best kept aside and sort out later.

SAPP has many new leaders who now play important roles in shaping the party. Many new ideas have been injected to the party to make it very relevant today in contrary to what Fernandez said.

One such idea, which is lauded by SAPP, is Malaysia should have gone away with communal or racial politics mentality led by UMNO. Sabahans by far is more tolerance when come to deal with race and religion; we don’t need to exhume the dead just because some are confused about his religious belief.

Decision for the party isn't entirely from the President, in my experience with the party ever since I joined three years ago, no single person dominates party decision-making. Thus Fernandez shouldn’t shut his mind if he were to understand better about Sabahans’ culture.

Looking at the current mood all over the world, the Federal government can’t afford not to heed to people’s want; they (the government of the day) can be as stubborn as can be, but if the price doesn’t come soon it will be later.

Fernandez thought highly of DAP, let me say this DAP is born in urban areas with urban make up, they have zero agenda for kampongs, their struggle isn’t designed for rural people, little do they know what Sabah rural’s dreams, therefore no need to be rhetoric about it.

Its ability in Sabah has a ceiling and is still a long way to form Sabah State government by its entirety, unlike SAPP a local and non-communal political party.

Let others be the judge.

Amdee Sidik is Deputy President of SAPP, Chairman of Citizen Journalist Malaysia.


  1. I think JF would not care to respond on this critical write-ups about him for he had fulfilled his duties and responsibilities in writing the truth,nothing but the truth.In his stead I wish to respond.

    Criticisms are a two-way traffic meaning I can critise you but you can respond by criticising me.Its simple.But the problem is there are people out there who are overly-sensitive and act as if they can do no wrong.If you point out something negative they reacted strongly like jumping from their chair and kicking the table and throwing all kinds of curses they can think of.To them the rights to criticise and condemn others are solely theirs and no one should intrude into their space.

    SAPP and YTL if one may recall had been so vocal in criticising the government and throwing muds at the faces of government leaders.These leaders have been keeping their silence and even the CM is quiet as not to induge in any argument with SAPP.To the CM its all work for the people for he knows the lies SAPP and YTL had been spreading about him and the government.The moment CM refute any false allegations YTL was irritated and erratic so much so he even challenged the CM for a debate.This is someone who had forgotten the good deeds of BN towards him.

    Mind you SAPP had never proven to Sabahans that it can stand on its own but won their seats with the support of UMNO/BN.On its own Batu Sapi is testimony where YTL himself was trounced by a housewife and a first-timer in politics even finishing bottom of the list.Is SAPP or YTL angry at me for writing the truth?

    The truth sometimes hurt no doubt and worst still if some ignorant lieutenant finds it fit to go unfront and be the punching bag.Amdee should know where the truth lies and is a fool to come forward in order to twist the facts.

    I do not know JF much less being a friend but I find it hard to believe that his story is made-up and filled with falsity.The people have the rights to know the kind of leader who is spreading the good gospels about themselves and at the same time spreading bullets of lies against their opponents.The more you paint yourself as the perfection of God the more curious people are of your past.They want to know how many skeletons are being kept in your cupboard and JF did the honour of enlightening Sabahans of the kind of leader Sabahans are facing.Thank You JF.

    1. Anak Petagas or Yahya whatever for thanking JF is the worst mistake in accepting non-truths as the basis for your argument. It is just useless to support a writer like JF who have gone on record to be paid gunslingers for the sake of RM and nothing more.

      To my knowledge, readers are more knowledgeable and analytic nowadays and they don't fall prey to a single writer who is equipped with his own skills as writer gone overboard and underboard to sell his very sick soul to the devil at the expense of our people of Sabah.

  2. aNAK pETAGASU ,

  3. Anak Petagas sama juga Joe fernandez adalah dari satu specie. Iaitu dari parti Pilak @ UMNO.

  4. Joe fernandez kena GORENG SOTONG oleh Malaysiakini sebab kuat Fitnah! Sama juga dengan ini Anak petagas akan menimpal ketulahan kamu dari Allah.

  5. Secara ringkas, hampir kesemua masalah yg rakyat tulin Sabah hadapi sekarang ini berpunca dari Mahathir!

    Bagi saya yg tdk begitu berminat brcakap ttg politik tapi inginkan sesuatu kejahatan itu dinyatakan utk tatapan umum, Mahathir sepatutnya di dakwa di mahkamah sivil dan setelah disabit kesalahan, dia harus dikenakan hukuman!

    Sebagai pengkhianat terbesar negara, Mahathir akan diingat selamanya dan selagi dia tidak menjalani hukuman terhadap dosa besarnya ini, dia tetap tidak akan terlepas dari hukuman yg dia sepatutnya terima!

    1. Who dares to sue Mahathir and bring him to justice?

    2. tapi dia sudah cakap yang dia tidak tahu apa2...ada orang guna nama dia untuk buat jahat..

  6. Setuju sangat yg Mahathir itulah IBU/Bapa kepada segala masalah yg menghantui dan telah menghancurkan segala2nya kepada rakyat Sabah.

    Mahathir sepatutnya dikhukum sama seperti para pemimpin di negara2 lain seperti Indon, Philipin, Mesir dan lain2.

    Masalahnya, Ini penyangak masih kekal bebas bercakap maam tiada apa2 yg telah dilakukannya ke atas Sabah.

    Mahathir patut ditembak mati sebanyak sepuluh kali atas kesalahan yg dilakukannya. Tapi kita tidak sejahat dia, jadi biarlah Tuhan lanjutkan usianya untuk melihat sendiri bagaimana hasil kerja2 terkutuknya di Sabah khususnya.

    Legasi Mahathir kini diteruskan oleh konco2nya dlm BNUMNO.

    Muka Fernandez macam syaitan! Macam Mahathir juga!

  7. Sampai bila orang orang macam Mahathir,Najib,Fernandez,Akjan dan Anak Petagas bersama boss dia Musang Aman menipu rakyat sabah tanpa disedari? Paling lama dia boleh terlepas 3 penggal,lepas itu ada sudah BALA yang datang.

    Mahathir sekarang macam rindu sudah mahu mati tapi Allah bagi lagi LANJUT umor supaya dosa dia bertambah.

    Kalau betullah UMNO BN tidak gelapkan wang untuk bantu kaum Melayu sebanyak RM 53 billion kenapa senyap saya bila Guan Eng cabar?

    Ingat lagi Mokhzani hampir muflis sehingga kerajaan terpaksa bail out,begitu juga Marina tapi orang Melayu mudah lupa.

    Saya bukan taksub SAPP tapi kami fikirlah sendiri - siapa KM yang paling banyak harta? Keluarga Aman dan kuncu kuncunya.


    1. Wang yang UMNO gelapkan itu utk diberikan kpd org2 melayu adalah wang minyak dan gsa asli Sabah.

      Mahathir penasihatnya semua ini dan najib pelaksananya..

      Tapi TUHAN akan mengetahui semua kerja kotor Mahathir BIN Mohamad

    2. buat laporan rasmi kepada SPRM...

    3. Jika ada bukti, buat la laporan rasmi..jangan hanya cakap sahaja.

  8. Biarlah rakyat sendiri yang menilai penulisan Fernandez ini, ini cuma pandangan Fernandez dan tidak mewakili mana-mana pihak.

    1. ya.. kita sebagai pembaca kena tau menilai setiap hasil penulisan seseorang. kerana tidak semua yng ditulis adalah benar sepenuhnya.

    2. jdi jangan percaya apa yang ditulis secara bulat2..

  9. Sama ada setuju ataupun tidak, rakyat perlulah fikirkan dahulu berasaskan logik dan fakta.

    1. ianya terpulang kepada seseorang individu untuk menilainya..

  10. Anak Sabah, how do you know all of this joe writing was not instructed by someone but his own illusion?

    For me, there is nothing logic and no substance from the writer but purely defamation.

    1. lets find out who is Joe Fernandez and bring him to court.

  11. Kalau semua rakyat Sabah masih seperti anal Sabah tunggu Dan fikir fikir lama lama tidak sedar, habislah Sabah ni.

  12. We shouldn’t draw a conclusion out of this; firstly let the fact be proved with evidence.

  13. Shouldn’t this situation be evaluated with details and absolute facts?

  14. People should think base on logics and facts.

  15. Please the people of Sabah should take caution; wrong information feed to the public can be fatal.

    1. indeed you are right. Information are one of the ways for the people to decide who to vote. having to get the wrong informations may lead the people to think wrongly about that particular party.

    2. I guess its better to not believe 100% on what is written in the articles.

    3. True. What have been written or shown in the media can't be trusted 100%.

    4. that's why people shouldn't believe 100% on what has been written...

  16. I suggest we should ascertain the truth based on reality by examining this write up.

  17. Readers should be more knowledgeable about things happening in is not based on one man's word which we cannot depend on to be true and in the case of Joe Fernandez, we have read records of his reporting as suspect. Why he was sacked from Malaysiakini is just proof enough of his 'integrity'.

    I am not that stupid to believe as I have been in touch with politics for 20 over years.

    There are plenty of mercenary writers just out for an extra buck..whether they have financial problems or what...well, they go to the extent selling their souls and their professionalism.

    They have somehow become prostitutes.

  18. Joe Fernandez is having an ego problem and that is why he wrote what he wrote. His ego problem is money and he has got it 'cash on delivery' then he will write wonderful stories about you.

  19. This Joe Fernandez is a disgrace. He should have have his facts double checked.

    1. He's blinded by the money given to him...

  20. If he consider his so called work as a form of journalism, he should have practice the cannons of journalism

    1. Nowadays, money first. Cannons, law, rules etc later.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. irrelevant or not, only the people know.

    1. We may only know which party is relevant still in this coming election.

  23. Masing2 mempunyai pendapat tersendiri. YTL dan lain2 dalam SAPP juga pernah mengeluarkn pendapat.

    1. YTL dan SAPP pun pernah juga keluarkan pendapat yang bukan2.. kita hnya perlu bijak membuat penilaian.

  24. terserahlah pada rakyat mahu menilai semua tu

  25. Pedulilah ba si JF... Dia nak tulis apa pun, itu hak dia. Buat apa kita mo larang???

  26. Bagi saya pembaca yang perlu bijak menilai... Kalau mereka percaya dengan penulisan si JF, itu terpulanglah kan... hehe

    1. Orang yang lama dalam politik bolehlah membezakannya. Yang masih baru dalam politik, mudah untuk dipengaruhi.

  27. Lagipun lain orang lain pandangannya ba.. Jadi susah juga mahu cakap. hehhee

  28. Kalau betul lah seperti yang didakwa, tak bgs jugalah rasanya... Wartawan patut bersifat neutral dalam penulisan dan bukannya sebaliknya.

    1. If the article is a defamation, karma will hit the writer back.

  29. Tapi takpa lah. Saya percaya rakyat cukup matang dan tahu apa yang patut dilakukan. So kita tunggu ja keputusan next PRU nanti.

  30. There will be the bad side and the good side, there is no justice.

  31. SAPP knows how to bluff like a frog.

  32. Hope this matter can be settle with peace and with a better answer.

  33. Such a stupid to release your hatred!!

  34. Tell us who is the vacuum cleaner? tell the people who is grabbing lands from the local natives? Tell the Sabahan who is bringing in PTI and issue them ICs. Tell us who is controlling all the inflated projects prices to fatten their own pockets when the people remains poor?

  35. PRU 13 semakin terasa...

  36. setiap pihak saling menyalahkan..itulah yang berlaku sekarang ini.

  37. persaingan sudah mula kelihatan. mungkin pru akan datang menjadi amat sengit.

  38. apa pun, kita pandai-pandailah menilai, semua parti sedang berusaha menarik perhatian rakyat.

  39. Saya hairan juga kenapa tiba-tiba SAPP YTL cuba menafikan perkara tersebut? Pasti ada yang tersirat dalam kes YTL ini.

  40. YTL pasti takut akan dibenci oleh penduduk Sabah. Maka sebab itu dia terus memberikan respon mengenai kes ini.

  41. Joe Fernandez sememangnya hebat. Kenapa?? Sebab boleh menarik YTL untuk menafikan semua apa yang dikatakannya itu. Apa sebab YTLberbuat demikian kita sendiri tidak pasti. Namun Joe merupakan orang yang berani.

  42. YTL tidak layak untuk memegang kerajaan Negeri Sabah. Harap penduduk Sabah menilai sendiri kebolehan SAPP yang hanya mampu bersuara namun tidak mampu melaksanakannya.

  43. Mari kita teruskan menyokong kerajaan yang ada sekarang ini. Kita telah nampak pelbagai usaha telah dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan untuk membangunkan Sabah.

  44. To my honest personal analysis of this person named Joe Fernandez.

    He is no doubt a writer good at English and he even held tutoring lessons in English for the rich.

    The only problem with him is he got the super ego that brings out the satanic side of his self. He wants what he demands and when he don't get it, he will bring his frustrations with his infamous character assassination, his concocted stories all through his calculated word by word self-invented stories and imaginations to bring maximum impact to those who he deemed are not paying him good enough or never.

    He was a West Malaysian Indian who actually doesn't have many friends in Sabah becoz not many like to be with him and I can call him a loner...and he stalks politicians by calling them to get their views about certain issues to be included into his agenda of half truths and lies which he is very good at...that is why he was sacked from Malaysiakini.

    A sulky and vengeful writer who uses his most venomous sting to the one who do not entertain him but a very obliging one to those who are willing to pay him handsomely...aka, nothing more than a mercenary writer and to everyone who knows him is just vomiting to his face.

  45. Who is this fucking idiot J Fernandez who thinks he can dictate politics of our Sabah people.

  46. Masalah ini harus ditanggani dengan "SMART".

  47. What type of people will see what type of outcome. Value yourself.

  48. How truth thre Fernandez, may be needed your own brilliant judgement. This only his opinion but not represent any others.

  49. Wartawan harus bersikap optimistic terhadap penulisannya. Jika bersikap passimistic, akan membawa kesan negatif kepada pembaca juga.

  50. There must be some reason why fernandez wrote this. Hope the truth will be reveal.

  51. He is freely to wrote anything as long as it is not a personal attack.

  52. YTL kurang diterima oleh masyarakat Sabah. harus juga YTL kenal pasti kedudukan beliau juga.

  53. Masing-masing ada pandangan dan hujah sendiri, terpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilaikannya.

  54. Must be some hidden agenda why Fernandez has wrote this. Its will lead to positive and negative feedback too.

  55. Siapakah sebenarnya Joe Fernandez? Adakah Joe berdasarkan faktar yang benar untuk menulis karya nya?

  56. nampaknya pemimpin2 pembangkang tidak boleh kena kritik.. kalau kena kritik habis dimaki hamunnya si penulis.. tapi beriya2 pula bercakap soal kebebasan bersuara.. entah apa la nasib si penulis jika negara ini diperintah oleh sapp..

    1. Biasa lah pembangkang, mana boleh terima kritikan, mereka ingat mereka yang terbaik dan tau semua hal.

    2. Mereka hanya pandai mengkritik sahaja, tapi tidak boleh di kritik..sensitif..hehe

  57. Terpulang kepada orang ramai untuk menilai.

  58. YTL tidak di percayai lagi di Sabah.

  59. wilma, be careful, when you judge someone, you will also be judged. What is your reputation when you want to discredit someone.? Is yourself trustworthy or are you a crook trying to suck Sabah dry?
