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Thursday, January 19, 2012

“UBF: Petroleum Fund Better than Nothing But Not the Right Solution?

“The proposed Petroleum Fund for Sabah suggested by Pakatan Rakyat is not the right solution” says Edward Linggu, Campaign Director of UBF.

Obviously, the Petroleum Fund is better than nothing under the BN Government, there are better ways to ensure the Government and people of Sabah benefit from its oil resources.

Although there have been reports of new oil and gas finds off the coast of Sabah including its inner waters and the inking of the RM37 billion joint venture by Petronas a few days ago, it has to be remembered that Sabah’s oil and gas resources are a depleting resource.

The things being done by the Federal Government and Petronas on Sabah’s oil and gas resources are not acceptable.

There is no justification whatsoever for Kimans gas to be piped via a new RM3.5 billion pipeline to Bintulu!  In the end, Bintulu and Sarawak enjoys the spin-offs of the processing of Sabah’s gas and Sabah enjoys nothing at all except the view of the unsightly pipeline running from Kimanis to Sipitang and the blockage and trouble created by the pipeline to the locals.

In the Sabah 2012 State Budget, the Chief Minister has projected that in 2012 Petronas will receive some RM14.734 billion while Sabah’s 5% portion only amount to RM0.775 billion.   Even then, the RM775 million will be completely spent in the 2012 Budget leaving nothing for the future generations in Sabah.

Under the Federal Government and Petronas, Sabah will be destined to continue as the poorest in Malaysia where now for every 10 poor Malaysians, 4 are in Sabah.  The 6 poor are spread over the other 12 States.

What happens then when Sabah’s oil and gas resources are depleted?

Let’s compare to the situation in other countries.   In Indonesia, it is a republic, a unitary state.   Yet, Acheh Province is administered autonomously and gets 70%  of the oil revenue from Acheh’s oil and gas resources.

In Malaysia, Sabah gets 5%.   Is is fair?  Is it equitable?
In the Russian republic, the Muslim republics like Khazakstan and Turkmenistan manage their own oil and gas resources.   They even choose who to explore and exploit their oil and gas resources and sign agreements on their own, it is not decided and not signed by Russia.

In Malaysia, Sabah’s oil and gas resources is owned and managed by Petronas which is answerable to the Prime Miinister, not even reportable to Parliament.   Decisions are made by Petronas and agreements signed by Petronas and as seen few days ago, witnessed by the Prime Minister.   Except for some VIPs, ordinary Sabahans are kept in the dark and remain at best on-lookers from afar.

In Norway, its petroleum resources in the North Sea are tapped and the revenue generated are utilized for Norwegians, those living and those yet unborn.   From a zero starting point in 1990, the “The Petroleum Fund Norway” is now the richest sovereign wealth fund in the world, even larger than Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and now stands at some USD600 billion (Norwegian Kroner NOK 3,200 billion) in assets.  The Petroleum Fund Norway is managed by Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), and subject to ethical guidelines laid down by the Petroleum Fund’s Advisory Council on Ethics.

In Sabah, the oil royalties received each year are fully spent leaving nothing in investments for the future generations.

On the proposed Petroleum Fund, while only sketchy details are provided, it appears that the Petroleum Fund will be from Sabah’s oil and gas resources but it will remain to be decided and managed by Federal Pakatan leaders.

In 1963, Sabahans may not be ready.  Now, in 2012, Sabahans are more than ready and capable of managing Sabah and its own resources.

We cannot rely on and cannot depend on outsiders to decide on the interests of Sabah.

The time has come for the people and leaders in Sabah and Sarawak to stand united and “TAKE CHARGE” and not rely on others to safeguard Sabah and Sarawak’s rights and to protect Sabah for the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and their future generations!


Edward Linggu is Campaign Director


  1. Interesting eh? Now UBF is shooting at Pakatan and in total disagreement with the opposition party.It seems that UBF is slowly trying to take away the spotlights from Pakatan and ensure that it is being directed at UBF.Spot the difference in UBF stance now towards its fellow opposition friends? Haha!This is what UBF and STAR are all about.In fact you have seen nothing yet.This is just a first step to make the opposition supporters lose trust in Pakatan and consequently swamp STAR will their support.Strategy: Discredit Pakatan and win their supporters.See now?

    I have always been right about the leaders in UBF or STAR that these people just do not deserve the peoples support.They can sit and drink with you the whole night condemning UMNO/BN but the next day when they wake-up its a totally different story,You have to watch your back.Back-stabbing is the niche and the specialty of UBF and STAR leaders.They can run down the government but it doesn't mean the other opposition are safe from them.Do we have to wait for GE to see their infighting and mudding of each other?

    Pakatan should be wary of UBF now.Get far away from STAR.Do not trust SAPP but stand on its own.Its better to lose than being humiliated by your fellow opposition friends who only turn humans on daylight but become poisonous snakes on nightfalls.

  2. Rakyat perlulah mendapat lebih banyak manfaat daripada penjualan minyak dari Sabah.

    1. sabah berhak mendapat lebih...royalti minyak harus disemak semula..

  3. Harap Petronas akan lebih adil kepada rakyat Sabah, hasil daripada penjualan minyak dan gas asli perlulah dipulangkan kepada Sabah.

    1. ya.. sabah pasti akan mendapat banyak manfaat dari Petronas.

    2. Lebih banyak projek daripada Petronas adalah diperlukan.

    3. selain daripada projek2 petronas. royalti minyak juga harus dinaikkan..sabah harus diberi kuasa untuk mengurus hasil buminya sendiri daripada bergantung kepada persekutuan atau pun petronas.

  4. byk projek2 yang dijalankan oleh Petronas di Sabah seprtti projek Samur di sipitang. ia pasti memberi byk manfaat kepada penduduk Sabah.

    1. projek2 tersebut diharap akan memberikan manfaat kepada sabah...namun isu royalti minyak tidak harus dilupakan begitu sahaja...akta petroleum harus disemak semula.

    2. harap2 bukan setakat projek SAMUR saja malah lepas ni lebih banyak projek Petronas akan dilaksanakan pada masa akan datang.

  5. People need to get more reimbursements from the sale of oil from Sabah.

  6. Sabah should be benefits from Petronas.

  7. Proceeds from the sale of oil and natural gas must be returned to the state for elevation.

  8. Hopefully, Petronas would be fairer to the people of Sabah by improving the state.

  9. I suppose “Unity is Duty” indeed...please safe guard the interest of the people.

  10. Sabahan memang dah ready dan mampu manage sumber2 yang ada. Cuma Sabahan perlukan peluang utk menonjolkan kelebihan yang ada.

    1. memang sabah sudah ready...ruang dan peluang harus diberikan kepada sabah untuk mengurus hasil buminya sendiri.

  11. Justeru peluang itu harus diperbanhyakkan lagi oleh petronas dan Sabahan pula harus berusaha mendapatkan peluang itu.

  12. Tapi tak dinafikan banyak juga projek yang diwujudkan oleh Petonas, jadi terpulang pada Sabahan utk menggunakan peluang yang ada.

  13. Tapi isu ni macam makin rancak pula, mentang2 lah dekat PRU. hehehhe

  14. Apapun tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti. sementara itu, sama-samalah kita mengharapkan yang terbaik buat Sabah:)

  15. Petronas perlulah melayan Sabah dengan adil kerana kita saling bergantung. Petronas memerlukan Sabah untuk minyak kita, kita memerlukan Petronas untuk memproses dan menjual minyak bagi pihak kita.

    1. mungkin sabah harus wujudkan syarikat minyaknya sendiri daripada bergantung kepada petronas..

    2. I agree with paul's comment. If the people is not getting much reimbursements from the sale of oil from Sabah, then its about time for sabah to have their own company.

    3. How can Sabah to have her own oil company?

  16. Jadi, apa UBF dapat buat

    1. just debate i guess. that's all they are good for.

  17. Harap Sabah akan dapat lebih manfaat dari Petronas.

  18. Banyak projek yang di buat oleh petronas..harap rakyat Sabah dapat di beri peluang untuk melibatkan diri.

    1. Rakyat Sabah juga harus lengkapkan diri mereka dengan ilmu dan kemahiran yang tinggi tentang bidang O&G ini kerana persaingan amat kuat.

  19. Well, we can't depend on Petronas over time.

    1. how can we not depend on petronas when it is our oil they are digging.

  20. We can't depend on Petronas over time.

    1. Sabah should have more power in controlling her oil. Sabahans should be prepared to manage their own oil. But how?

  21. Cara penyelesaian yang baik harus dibincang.

  22. I think the state government will have more solutions.

  23. This is truly a bad solution, we can get more in different ways.

  24. PETRONAS is taking a lot more of advantages from us than ever. We can't let them continue to rob us.

    1. sudah ada perjanjian yang dibuat, hanya 5% royalti minyak yang diperolehi oleh Sabah.

  25. Kesian Sabah tak ada berapa banyak hak boleh mendapat daripada semua ni.

  26. Hope the best solution that will benefit Sabahans can be used, we have been cheated since forever.

  27. Sabahans must learn to have self confidence and have confidence in our own leaders who are there fighting for our rights. Who else can we trust? People from other States? Their priority will surely be difference from ours.

    1. Regardless from where the leaders are, if they are driven by greediness, they will do anything just to fulfill their desires.

  28. So much hu ha hu ha about Sabah's oil. In the end, who will gain most of the profits??

  29. Pembangunan telah banyak dibantu oleh sumbangan dari petronas. Maka seharusnya kita bersyukur dengan apa yang pihak petronas lakukan. Daripada tidak ada pembangunan.

  30. Kalau dilihat pun sememangnya banyak petronas telah berikan kepada Sabah. Dari pencarian cari gali sehinggalah projek mega untuk Sabah.

  31. Berfikir terlebih dahulu sebelum mengatakan yang bukan-bukan dengan petronas yang kununnya merampas hasil Sabah. Cuba fikir siapa yang membuat kerja dari kajian sehingga mendapat hasil kalau bukan petronas sendiri. Untuk melakukan semua itu memerlukan kos yang tinggi.

    1. Sabah tidak perlukan petronas yg hanya mengambil hasil bumi Sabah!

      Sabah mempunyai org yg cukup mahir dlm kerja mencari dan menggali minyak!

      Sabah sendiri cukup wang utk biaya kerja kajian hinggs mendapat hasil>

      Sementara IBLIS petronas ini bertindak seolah olah minyak dan gas Sabah ini nenek moyang mereka punya!

      pengarah Petronas ini adalah puntianak yg menghisap minyak Sabah dgn

      Umno adalah tuannya yg semuanya penipu dan Iblis!

  32. Yang penting Petronas tidak lupa akan Sabah dari segi bantuan dan juga pembangunan Sabah. Petronas sendiri telah cuba untuk memberikan pelbagai projek mega untuk Sabah terutama sekali apa yang dibangunankan di Kimanis Papar sekarang ini. Terminal Minyak untuk Sabah.

    1. saya juga menyokong cadangan supaya Petronas menubuhkan dana untuk Yayasan pendidikan Sabah.

    2. tiada hasil bumi (Minyak) tdk wujud petronas di Malaya..Apa dorang mau korek..Akta Petronas yg dibuat bukan persetujuan rakyat sabah.. Ini adalah penipuan org malaya..Org2 UMNO DAHULU.... oRG SABAH HARUS SEDAR DAN PERLU BUAT PERUBAHAN UNTUK MENUNTUT HAK..bUKANNYA BERSOAL JAWAB..mACAM budak darjah 3.. Hasil SABAH Untuk Rakyat Sabah..

  33. If Sabah people don't fight for it you will never get a fair share. Petronas built 500km pipeline from here to Bintulu to refine oil n gas. KL gave away block L n M to Brunei . In Sabah, I heard only the voice of SAPP fighting all out.
    SAPP leaders gave up their own government positions to fight BN. 1st party in Malaysia to do so.
    Sanahans should be proud of our own local party.

  34. tuntutan 20 Perkara turut menyentuh tentang royalti minyak. tapi adakah 20 Perkara ni masih relevan untuk digunakan pada masa ini?

    1. 20 Perkara releven sampai bila-bila..sampai kiamat pun buli.. Pepatah Sultan Sulu dahulu.. "SELAGI ADA MATAHARI DAN BULAN PERJANJIAN INI TIDAK AKAN LUPUT". bUDAK Hingusan apa ko tau mau tanya releven ka tdk releven..yg pastinya ory malaya tipu org Sabah.. 20 PERKARA adalah suara hati rakyat sabah yg mempertahankan haknya..

  35. yang penting, kepentingan rakyat Sabah terjaga dengan sebaiknya.

  36. petronas harus sentiasa memberikan keutamaan kepada rakyat Sabah dalam perlaksanaan projek di Sabah.

  37. harap projek-projek yang dilaksanakan di Sabah memberikan manfaat yang banyak kepada negeri ini.

  38. Petronas will do their part to bring more benefit to the local people.

  39. Pertambahan loyalty harus diteruskan perjuangannya.

  40. Petronas harus memberi yang berpatutan kepada orang di Sabah. Loyalti tibalah masa untuk membuat pertambahan.

  41. What actually UBF can do for the people in Sabah via Petronas? How much could benefit the people?

  42. Lets wait and see what Petronas can contribute to Sabah in term of development and economy growth.

  43. Petronas will do more the local economy expansion.

  44. Projek-projek Petronas harus memberi keutamaan kepada kontraktor tempatan.

  45. Bandingkan pembangunan oleh Petronas dan hasil pendapatan Petronas dari sumber Sabah memang jauh bezanya, harus juga Petronas membuktikan keikhlasan terhadap rakyat di Sabah.

  46. Adakah Sabah mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengendalikan sumber semulajadi yang banyak di Sabah dengan lebih berkesan?

    1. Ada duit semua buli jadi..kenapa pula mau tanya Sabah mempunyai keupayaan atau tidak.. Dulu Malaya juga Miskin dan Mundur..Kerana hasil Sabah (Minyak)kini sudah MAJU dan Kaya.. Kalo berani.. Kita cuba tukar Malaya 5% Sabah 95% ...Apa akan jadi..????????

  47. Pembangunan Sabah tidak boleh bergantung hanya Petronas. petronas harus memberi apa yang patut kepada Sabah dan biarkan kerajaan negeri menguruskan pendapatan negeri untuk membangunkan ekonomi negeri Sabah.

  48. Petroleum fund is better than nothing, and 5% also is better than nothing..
