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Sunday, April 28, 2013

GE13: Name the three leaders in 48 hours, Yong tells Zahid

KOTA KINABALU: Datuk Yong Teck Lee has given Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi a 48-hour ultimatum to reveal the names of the three opposition leaders he claimed to be behind the Lahad Datu intrusion, two months ago.

He said the Defence Minister must be bold by revealing the identities of all three he accused of involvement in the intrusion.

“He must reveal the names of all of them in 48 hours. Otherwise I will regard his statement as another way to mislead the people of Sabah,” said the SAPP president when commenting on the statement by the minister yesterday.

“I challenge Zahid to immediately name the so-called three opposition leaders involved with the Lahad Datu incident within 48 hours. Failure to reveal the names and evidence will be proof of irresponsible slander and BN’s way to lie to the voters again,” he said.

Yong claimed that the statement by the minister was another way by BN to mislead the people of Sabah and another dirty political trick generated by BN to defame the opposition as Zahid failed to provide any evidence to support his allegation.

He accused BN of using the safety and security of the people of Sabah as a pawn to fight off PR’s march to Putrajaya

Yong again reiterated that Sabah’s autonomy and safety of the people were not negotiable.

Yesterday, Zahid said his ministry had identified three opposition leaders behind the intrusion by a group of militants from the southern Philippines, in Lahad Datu.

All information and details on these masterminds would be forwarded to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further action, he added.

“What I can say is that two of the opposition leaders involved are from the peninsula and the other from Sabah,” he said at a news conference after his visit to the Royal Malaysian Air Force College, Kepala Batas, on Friday.

Zahid, however, did not reveal the names of the opposition leaders involved and said legal action could only be taken after all evidence had been gathered.

He said the government wanted to avoid certain parties from claiming it to be a political ploy by BN or political “sandiwara” (drama) by Umno, therefore, all action pertaining to the intrusion incident would be taken after the 13th general election.



  2. What can one expect from malayan politicians;first & foremost these devilish politicians totally disrespect the 20-point agreement and that they have thrown that into the dustbin. They think that they can do as they like,because they have the guns pointing at us & umno is holding/pinching the tip of the noses of all the other bn component parties & leading them like trained dogs.Now they are scaring the voters with all these ambiguous political statements.Let us all hope that the pkrpasdap would win a landslide victory in malaya so that they can carry out a lawful action on those politicians.It's way past noon that these politicians feel the long-arm of the law.Peoples of Sabah vote out umnobn & vote in STAR & SAPP. Don't allow yourself to be continuously misled by malayan parties again&again..........till the end of time!


    It fine for us educated people with internet access and are able to read and understand the political issues and criticise. But it is a pity the ordinary folks continue to be fooled by BNUMNO.

    It demands years of grass roots work to change their slavish mindset and with our politicians being so divided it is just too late (this time) to do turn mindsets into a "game changer". It may be another 50 years of hardships and sufferings in a land of plentiful resources.

    Radio Free Sarawak has gone some way to change the rules of the game in Sarawak. But whether it will succeed to swing the vote against UMNO PBB BN remains to be seen.

    However, Sabahans should feel lucky that they have strong opposition leaders and parties with agendas for the people based on asserting Sabah rights.

    This is why Pakatan finds it hard to swallow as like UMNO it does not like us "wild colonial boys" who dare to demand their rights as agreed in the 20 Points Agreement and Malaysia Agreement. So they have fielded candidates in Sabah just to spoil the vote because they too fear Sabahans taking back their country!

    It could have worked in Pakatan's favour if local independent parties win sufficient seats and can form an united front government with the Malayan parties on our terms.

    Obviously Pakatan has not been able to accept the local demands for "autonomy" which was a FUNDAMENTAL condition for Sabah Sarawak agreeing to form Malaysia.

    The Malayan parties have chosen to ignore all the terms and conditions for forming Malaysia. Agreements are made for the signatories to observe and honour. Malaya has clearly repudiated these fundamental conditions and in doing so repudiated the Malaysia concept.

    What is in place is a de facto "Malaysia" which is not the original concept of 5 countries as equal partners. Brunei and Singapore are not in Malaysia for the reason that Malaya did not accept and recognise that they were to be equal partners. They are free and independent in contrast to our situation.

    Malaysia is not legally for a long list of reasons from the way it was pushed on the people, no referendum on the Malaysia question, breaches of the pre-Malaysia Agreements, Philippines' claim, plunder and pillage reducing the 2 countries to mere colonies.. This was what our predecessors feared and has happened as confirmed by the Suhakam Report.

    If Malaya has chosen not to even recognise the Points Agreement and Malaysia Agreement, it is suffice to say Malaysia does not exist legally.

    Malaysia exist because Sabah and Sarawak are occupied by the Malayan army.

    We can however change this reality. No empire can last forever- neither the Roman,British nor USSR.

    So we all can make one small first step towards freeing ourselves at the elections. Vote for a strong local party to take control of both the Federal and State seats. This is the best option in view of the fact that local parties cannot unite.

    If we can win the seats we win a voice to demand our rights. This was sadly not done when PBS gained power in 1985.

    Sabahans have a choice to elect real local representation. Sarawakians have no choice at all as their local parties are Malayan Party branches only and they must follow the Malayan parties' directions. They become more subjugated to Malaya's will.

    So dear Sabahans- do not waste you opportunity this time. Make a firm decision to change your destiny and vote in your local party as a step to take back our country.

    The Brunei and Singapore people were wise to insist on controlling and ruling their own countries. No foreign masters.

