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Thursday, April 25, 2013

GE13: ‘Najib, Anwar ignorant of Sabah’s history’

Local opposition STAR has lumped both caretaker Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as two peas in a pod.

KOTA KINABALU: Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s ignorance of Sabah’s participation in Malaysia has shocked local opposition parties.

In yet another show of ignorance on Sabah’s history, Najib yesterday said the “Sabah autonomy was still intact in the 20-Point Malaysia Agreement”.

Pointing out the “lie”, State Reform Party (STAR) deputy chairman, Awang Ahmad Sah, said: “I am shocked that Najib as the prime minister is again proven to be ignorant about our history.

“The day before that he said that we joined Malaysia and then became independent on Sept 16, 1963.

“Now he is saying our autonomy is still intact in the 20-Point-Malaysia Agreement.”

Correcting Najib, Awang said the 20 points were not “part of” the Malaysia Agreement.

“The 20 points are agreements that contributed to the drafting of the Malaysia Agreement.

“The prime minister of all people should know that many of the rights promised in the 20-point agreement have been hacked away because of Kuala Lumpur ‘s interference in Sabah ‘s governance over the decades,” he said.

Awang added that many of the promises in the 20 points were never implemented.

“They have not implemented Borneonisation and the rights of the state to collect its own revenues.

“Malayans still head 85% of federal departments and agencies in Sabah and this excludes other junior positions which are all filled by Malayans.

“Also the 20 points had promised that we can collect and spend our own revenues, but in 2012 alone, the federal government collected RM24 billion from Sabah excluding other collections by other federal departments such as the Immigration Department, Road Transport Department, and so on.

“In addition, under Tenth Schedule, Part IV, Section 2(1) of the Federal Constitution, the federal government is supposed to give back two-fifth [40%] of the nett revenue collected from Sabah, but this has been denied to us.

“Isn’t this a case of daylight robbery and denial of our autonomy? he asked.

Anwar also ignorant

Awang also trained his guns on Pakatan Rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim, saying he was as bad as Najib.

He said that Anwar’s view that the state autonomy is up to the federal government “to give” was shocking.

“What the prime minister and Anwar need to be reminded of is that the autonomy for Sabah is not something for the federal government to decide.

“It was something that was given as special conditions for Sabah’s participation in the creation of the Malaysian federation.

“All that now needs to be done with this autonomy is compliance and implementation.

“So stop beating around the bush with lies and deliberate ignorance to hoodwink Sabahans,” said Awang, who is contesting the Putatan parliamentary seat.

Raymond Tombung

1 comment:


    These agreements were to protect both Sabah and Sarawak people's right and prevent Malayan domination when they gave up their independence to become part of the Malaysia equal partnership federation justified by British Malayan "security and prosperity" promises.

    They were supposed to guarantee Sabah Sarawak "autonomy".

    [But why give up your independence for nothing?]

    The Points reflected the real fears of the Borneo people that Malaya would dominate and colonise them. This fear was so strong that on December 8 1962 the Brunei People's party led an uprising to oppose the British Malayan imposition of Malaysia.
    That was one reason why Brunei is not in Malaysia.

    To allay these fears, PM Tunku Abdul Rahman the co-founder of the Malaysia concept in collaboration with his British colonial masters said in print that Malaya will never colonise the 2 countries and will treat them as equal partners.

    After 50 years what have we got?

    ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! No Borneonisation and even no land to till. All stolen by the BN-UMNO regime. Our environment destroyed.

    What we got was Malayanisation as the politicians are saying.


    Last year they stole some RM45 Billion in oil money and RM25 Billion in taxation (such as under the cabotage system). That is $70 Billion. This figure probably more or less applies to Sarawak. So a guesstimate of RM140 Billion was sucked out to Malaya.

    And what did they give back which we have to grovel and beg like dogs- the crumbs of a few billion.

    From the 2012 Federal budget of RM232.8 billion we can say Sabah Sarawak funded over half of that!

    So Sabah Sarawak have been impoverished by funding the development of Malaya for over 45 years which was actually to line the pockets of the BN-UMNO cronies and patronage system.

    The Suhakam Report confirms that BN rule has created massive abuse of our people's rights.

    The Sulu Invasion confirmed that BN-UMNO did not defend Sabah but was linked to the invasion by its deliberate failure to guard Sabah borders.

    Raising the autonomy issue puts BN-UMNO in the dock,

    Najib says it is a non-issue!

    Actually he is correct to say so as they (Malaya) do not recognised or accept the Points Agreement.

    Since in reality they have broken all the agreements for formation of Malaysia- WHY SHOULD WE BE BOUND TO REMAIN IN MALAYSIA?

    If Malaya does not recognise the agreements than "Malaysia" cease to exist!

    The only thing to do is for us to take back our country!
