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Saturday, September 6, 2014

PAS submits 3 names all from own party, threatens imminent breakup of Pakatan

PETALING JAYA: The dramatic turn of events following the Selangor Mentri Besar crisis which saw PAS submitting three names and rejecting the candidature of PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has threatened to split the Islamist party.

Talk is rife over the possibility of PKR and DAP engaging a new alternative to PAS following the emergence of a new organisation called PasMa (Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia), which was set up on Aug 11.

PKR, DAP and certain PAS leaders are apparently upset that PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang had decided to nominate all three candidates from PAS for the Selangor Mentri Besar post.

And they would probably work towards transforming PasMa, that was set up as a non-governmental organisation last month, into a political party.

On Thursday, The Star front-paged a report that PAS had sent in a list to the Sultan of Selangor with three names – all from PAS for the state’s top job.

The names of new office bearers for PasMa, comprising many regarded as PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s supporters from PAS, have started circulating in social media.

PAS central committee member Dr Zuhdi Marzuki said PasMa was probably a front set up by groups involved in grand designs to influence the PAS leadership since the 1990s.

Dr Zuhdi, who is also PAS research operations centre director, said this group tried to dictate who should hold critical portfolios in the party, including who should be wing chiefs and who should hold top posts in the party.

“But this time around, we see a desperate move to challenge the PAS president.

“If they fail to force a change, I will not be surprised if PasMa is transformed into a political party,” said Dr Zuhdi, who was one of the first to attack Anwar on the latter’s infamous Kajang Move.

PasMa president Datuk Phahrol­razi Mohd Zawawi was shocked to learn that a different set of office bearers was circulating in social media.

“I do not know if anyone has hijacked our organisation. PasMa is an NGO registered with ROS (Registrar of Society).

“Perhaps there is another entity using the same name but functioning as a political body, which I am not aware of,” he said.

Phahrolrazi, a former Kedah PAS deputy chief and former state executive councillor, said he was the PasMa president and his deputy was Ustaz Ahmad Husin (Kelantan), while secretary-general was Taib Ahmad (Kedah), and the treasurer Ismail Abdul Rahman.

“We have about six committee members and representatives from each state,” he said, adding most were PAS veterans.

However, in social media, the names of office bearers being circulated differed from the one given by Phahrolrazi.

In the list, Ahmad Awang (Perak) is named the Mursyidul Am of PasMa, Muhammad Husin (Kelantan) as his deputy, president is Datuk Husam Musa, deputy president Dr Hatta Ramli, vice-presidents Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad, Khalid Samad and Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa.

The youth chief is Sheikh Omar, Ulama chief Ustaz Mohamad Nor and Muslimat chief Aiman Athirah.

PasMa committee members include PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and PAS central committee member Hanipa Maidin.

Phahrolrazi said while Dr Hatta helped them set up the NGO, Husam was not actively involved.

“Husam held a dinner party for us when we held a forum in Kelantan last week. But Husam did not attend our inaugural forum,” he said.

Phahrolrazi said they were planning another forum in the Klang Valley next week to discuss PAS plus Umno, where are we heading.

Speakers invited to the forum include Ahmad Awang, Husam and Dr Mujahid, he said.

“PasMa was formed to provide a platform for discourse,” he said.

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