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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11 new state seats for coming Sarawak polls

KUCHING - Eleven new Sarawak state seats are expected to be finalised when the Parliamentary sitting concludes next month.

Out of the 11 seats, three are Malay/Melanau majority areas (Gedong, Kabong and Telian), three Iban majority (Stakan, Selirik and Samalaju), two Orang Ulu majority (Murum and Long Lama), two majority Bidayuh (Serembu and Triboh), and one Chinese majority (Batu Kitang).

Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem has earlier announced five out of the new seats would be contested by the state Barisan National (BN) component party led by Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu, including the three seats which are predominantly Melayu/Melanau who never failed to give their full support to PBB and BN at every past state elections.

Batu Kitang will be a testing ground to see if the "Adenan charismatic factor" can draw the support of the Chinese, an area created out of Kota Sentosa and Batu Kawah, which are currently under DAP.

The opposition pact, PKR has already stake a claim in Batu Kitang and has even submitted several names who are likely to fielded as a candidate there.

Sarawak PKR chairman Baru Bian when contacted said Gerakan Harapan Baru would hold talks to reach a consensus on the distribution of seats when the time comes.

He said it was still too early to say which seats would be contested by PKR but it would be in areas that they had worked hard to consolidate support.

In the last state election in 2011, PKR contested in 49 seats but only won three, namely Ba'Kelalan, Batu Lintang and Krian. Previously PKR only has one

In the state legislative assembly at present, PBB has 35 seats, SUPP six, Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party (SPDP) six and Sarawak Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) eight. The opposition – DAP has 12 seats and PKR three. There is one Independent.

Among the state BN leaders, PRS President, Tan Sri James Jemut Masing, has voiced his hope to get the Bukit Goram (Selirik) and Murum seats from the 11 new seats.

SPDP senior vice president Datuk Paul Igai, when contacted, said the party was eyeing the two Iban majority seats but hastened to add that it was still up to the state BN top leadership to decide.

If a consensus is reached, it means that PRS is almost certainly to get Bukit Goram (Selirik), while two other Iban majority seats, Stakan and Samalaju, can be 'booked' by SPDP.

That leaves the Orang Ulu majority seat of Long Lama (Mulu), and Bidayuh majority seats of Serembu and Triboh.

After PBB is expected to get the three Melayu/Melanau majority seats, it is also eyeing another two seats with Triboh and Serembu being their best bets.

PBB is also highly likely to get Triboh, which is carved from the two existing state seats of Tebedu and Kedup, which are represented by PBB.

Serembu, on the other hand, is created from a portion of Bengoh seat, which is represented by SUPP, as well as the Tarat seat, being represented by PBB.

The 11th new seat, Long Lama (Mulu) is created from the Marudi, which is represented by SPDP (now with the new Parti Tenaga Rakyat Sarawak (Teras) and Telang Usan, which is under PBB.

With PBB claiming five out of the 11 new seats, SPDP or PRS can now eye Long Lama (Mulu). — Bernama

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