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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Adenan on Sarawak’s English policy, non-Muslim use of ‘Allah’

KUALA LUMPUR - Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem has insisted on standing by the state’s policy on adopting English as its second official language as well as the use of the Arabic word “Allah” by non-Muslims when referring to their God.

According to The Star, Adenan said that Bahasa Malaysia will stay the main language in Sarawak but added that he did not see why this should stop the administration from improving English proficiency.

“Whether they agree with me in Semenanjung (peninsula) or not, I don’t care,” the English daily quoted him saying yesterday during a ceremony to hand over native land titles to residents in the township of Serian.

“I made English the second language in Sarawak. Of course, Bahasa Malaysia is still the main language. We agree and have no issue with that.”

“But what is wrong with us also being proficient in English? It’s the language of science, learning, literature, technology, business, research, communication and international relations,” he added.

At the state civil service day gathering on November 18, Adenan announced the adoption of English as one of the official languages in the state government administration.

The decision was followed by criticism from Malay leaders in peninsular Malaysia, who said it would worsen the urban-rural divide and alienate those in the state’s interior.

On the state policy to allow non-Muslims to use the word “Allah”, Adenan noted yesterday that there were more non-Muslim Bumiputera in Sarawak than Muslims, and that he would not interfere with how they choose to practise their religion.

“You can use ‘Allah’ any time you want. No problem. Just use it with respect,” the daily quoted him saying.

“I will not tell you how to practise your religion. I am a Muslim and I try to be a good one.”

“But I will not tell my fellow Christian friends how to worship. It is their business,” he added.


  1. Having a second or third language is better, all the better if it is English

  2. English being the most globally used in various fields will set you and the country on a course for a brighter future. Would be dumb to think otherwise. Or would be selfish when leaders discourage the populous from English while not their own kids

  3. Some selfish thought: better that bumis not to learn English just so we Chinese can continue to have a edge over them in private sectors
